This website illustrates the Design of a Learning Outcomes Framework and the associated Learning and Assessment Programmes for Attainment Levels 5 to 10. It also includes VET subjects at MQF Level 1, Early years and Entry Level subjects
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The aim of the Learning Outcomes Framework (LOF)
The aim of the Learning Outcomes Framework is to support the National Curriculum Framework (NCF). The NCF which was translated into law in 2012 proposes universal education entitlement built around eight Learning Areas, inspired by the EU eight Key Competences Framework. It also proposes a Learning Outcomes Framework as the keystone for learning and assessment throughout the years of compulsory schooling. Both the NCF and the LOF will form the backbone of our education programmes and will serve as national benchmarks of excellence for all schools, providing parents, teachers and other stakeholders with an understanding of what children and young people should know and should be able to do during each of the three cycles – the early, primary and secondary years - and at the end of compulsory education.The aim of the Learning Outcomes Framework is to free schools and learners from centrally-imposed knowledge- centric syllabi, and to give them the freedom to develop programmes that fulfil the framework of knowledge, attitudes and skills-based outcomes that are considered national education entitlement of all learners in Malta. The LOF is thus intended to eventually lead to more curricular autonomy of colleges and schools, so as to better address the learning needs of their students.
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