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Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment

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Learning Area: Mathematics

Core Mathematics > LEVEL 9

Learning Area Outcome: I can identify, interpret and analyse mathematical information, simplify and solve problems, assess risk and make informed decisions.

Subject Focus: Mathematical Application

1] I can interpret mathematical information used for different purposes.
2] I can independently select and compare relevant information from a variety of graphical numerical and written material.
3] I can describe a practical activity, problem or task using mathematical information and language.
4] I can breakdown activities into smaller mathematical problems or tasks that are more manageable.
5] I can apply mathematical operations in a structured way to find solutions to straightforward, practical problems.
6] I can identify and specify suitable mathematical projects working individually or in a group.
7] I can work on complex project-based mathematics as an individual and as a group participant. 
8] I can evaluate the development and outcome of a project using appropriate criteria. 
9] I can interpret and communicate solutions to practical problems drawing simple conclusions and providing explanations.
10] I can demonstrate the importance of a mathematical law, proof or contribution made by particular mathematical thinker to human development and understanding, e.g. Euclid, Napier, or Fibonacci.
11] I can represent a verbal problem as a mathematical problem.
12] I can use a calculator to perform and to check mathematical operations, including use of the memory and fractions functions.

Learning Area Outcome: I understand the structure of the number system and the relationship between numbers.

Subject Focus: Number - The Number System

1] I can use ideas of direct and inverse proportion in calculations inspired by real-life examples.

Learning Area Outcome: ​I can calculate mentally, using pencil and paper and assistive technology. I can calculate to the most appropriate level of accuracy. I can check the reasonableness of the answers obtained in calculations by rounding numbers and making rough approximations.

Subject Focus: Number - Numerical Calculations

1] I can use ideas of direct and inverse proportion in calculations inspired by real-life examples.

Learning Area Outcome: I can recognise and describe patterns and relationships in various mathematical ways and can use algebraic manipulations.

Subject Focus: Algebra - Fundamentals of Algebra

1] I can understand and use function and inverse function notation.
2] I can link a graphical representation with a sequence and/or function.
3] I can interpret and understand rates of change presented in a variety of linear and non-linear graphs including travel graphs.
4] I can solve simple linear inequalities in one variable and represent the solution on the number line, e.g. 7x + 5 < 33.
5] I can change the subject of a formula to meet my specific needs, e.g. from y=2x+5 to x=y-5 /2. 

Learning Area Outcome: I understand and use various forms of measurement and can make reasonable estimations. 

Subject Focus: Shape, Space and Measures - Measures

1] I can use Pythagoras' Theorem in 3D.
2] I can use trigonometric ratios to work through simple situations involving angles and bearings in 3D.
3] I understand and can use the relationship between length, area and volume of similar shapes.

Learning Area Outcome: I can describe the position and movement of shapes in 2D.  

Subject Focus: Shape, Space and Measures - Transformation Geometry

1] I can identify planes of symmetry.

Learning Area Outcome: I can collect, analyse, interpret and communicate statistical information.

Subject Focus: ​Data Handling and Chance - Statistics

1] I can construct and interpret histograms with equal intervals from an ungrouped frequency table.
2] I can draw and interpret cumulative frequency diagrams.
3] I can identify an appropriate statistics-based project and interpret and communicate conclusions drawn.  
4] I can self-select the methods for collecting, manipulating and representing data.  PERSONAL LEARNING
5] I can create a mathematical artefact to show how a statistical project has reached an outcome, for example a presentation, statistical chart or spreadsheet with conclusions drawn. 
6] I can construct a cumulative frequency table and use it to draw a cumulative frequency graph. 
7] I can use cumulative frequency graphs to estimate the median.

Learning Area Outcome:  I understand the ideas of chance and uncertainty and can work out probability calculations.

Subject Focus: Data Handling and Chance - Probability

1] I can work out the probability of an event from a frequency table.
2] I can use experimental and theoretical probability to estimate and calculate the likelihood of events.
3] I can work out the outcomes of independent events.
4] I can work out the outcomes of dependent events using probability trees.

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