Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Unit: 1. Working Effectively and Safely in Engineering
Engineering Technology
Learning Outcome: 1. I can prepare the necessary PPEs according to statutory regulations for a given engineering task.

Personal and Protective Equipment: e.g. overalls, protective footwear, eye protection, mask/respirators, harnesses, hard hats, hand protection.

Groups of hazardous signs: gas under pressure; explosives; oxidizing; flammable; corrosive; health hazard; acute toxicity; serious health hazards; hazardous to the environment.
Typical hazardous substances:
- Gas under pressure: e.g. aerosols, oxy/acetylene, compressed air;
- Explosives: e.g. fuels, gas cylinder, fireworks;
- Oxidizing: e.g. bleach, sulphuric acid, nitric oxide, caustic soda;
- Flammable: e.g. fuels, organic materials, gases;
- Corrosive: e.g. acetic acids, hydrochloric acid, ferric chloride, sodium hydroxide;
- Health hazard: e.g. detergents, coolant fluids, cleaning agents;
- Acute toxicity: e.g. lead, biocide, methanol;
- Serious health hazards: e.g. petrol, lamp oil, turpentine;
Hazardous to the environment: e.g. mercury, diesel, turpentine.

Local legislations: e.g.
- Act 27 of 2000 Occupational Health and Safety Authority Act,
- Legal notice 44 of 2002 Work Place (Minimum Health and Safety Requirements) Regulations,
- Legal notice 45 of 2002 Work Places (Provision of Health and/or Safety Signs) Regulations,
- Legal notice 36 of 2003 General Provisions for Health and Safety at Work Places Regulations,
- Legal notice 227 of 2003 Protection of the Health and Safety of Workers from the Risks related to chemical Agents at Work Regulations,
- Legal notice 121 of 2003 Minimum Requirements for the use of Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations,
- Legal notice 35 of 2003 Protection against Risks of Back Injury at Work Placement Regulations.

Materials, places and conditions used to store dangerous substances: e.g. plastic, metal, secured cabinets, temperature conditions.

Learning Outcome: 2. I can carry out risk assessment within an engineering environment.

Hazards: e.g. mechanical, electrical and electronic, physical, chemical, ergonomic, environmental.

- Identify the hazards: identifying hazards that could cause risk in everyday activity;
- Decide who might be harmed and how;
- Estimate the risk: scale of risk; concept of likelihood of risk; degree of possible harm for different people;
- Controlling risks: possible actions to remove risks completely or to control them so the risk of injury is limited;
- Monitoring effectiveness of controls: instructions for controlling risks; implementing controls; regular review of risks and controls;
- Record Keeping;
- Review risk assessment;
Persons: Health and Safety Officer; Employer.

Personal Incidents: e.g.: Cuts/wounds, electric shock, unconsciousness, physical/chemical burns, sprains and strains, fractures, foreign object in the eye.
- Classes of fires;
- Different types of extinguishing fire devices: e.g. fire blanket, different types of fire extinguishers.

Risks: Damage to equipment; harm to self; harm to others.

Preventative Measures:
- Mechanical: e.g. wear the appropriate PPE, use the suitable tool for the proper job, visual inspection of the tool, work to laid-down procedures, do not remove or disable guards, do not remove safety devices on machinery;
- Electrical and electronic: e.g. wear the appropriate PPE, check for wear on electrical cords, check appropriate fuse rating;
- Physical: e.g. wear the appropriate PPE, do not wear jewellery, tie loose hair, remove loose clothing, proper ventilation, use sunblock in direct sunlight;
- Chemical: e.g. wear the appropriate PPE, protect from direct sunlight, obtain special instructions before use, do not spray on an open flame, wash thoroughly after handling, store chemicals in a safe place, report and do not use unlabelled containers;
- Ergonomic: e.g. adjust workstations, proper lifting techniques, adopt good posture, avoid repetitive work movements, take frequent breaks, use appropriate tools to enable neutral posture;
- Environment: e.g. permit to work, inspection of site dangers, hand rails, make sure that scaffolds are certified, do not touch bare conductors, good housekeeping, follow signs, adhere to symbols and colour codes, good ventilation, follow lock out-tag out procedures.

Learning Outcome: 3. I can interpret and use engineering documentation.

Engineering Information:
- Block diagrams; flow charts;
- Exploded views;
- Schematic diagrams: component drawing; circuit drawing;
- Assembly diagrams: general assembly; sub-assembly; fabrication assembly; repair and maintenance diagram.

Symbols, Abbreviations and colour codes:
Mechanical Colour Codes
- Colour Codes:
- Industrial Cylinder Colours: e.g. oxygen, acetylene, nitrogen, helium, argon, carbon dioxide;
- Pipe Marking: e.g. drinking, chill, cold, hot, fire extinguishing, sea untreated, hydraulic, diesel fuel, compressed air, drainage, steam; - Mechanical symbols and abbreviations:
- Metals: e.g. cast iron, mild steel, stainless steel, aluminium, lead, copper;
- Welding: e.g. spot weld, square butt weld, fillet weld;
- linear and geometric: e.g. radius, diameter, projection, straight line, dashed lines, centre line, hidden lines, construction lines.

Symbols, Abbreviations and colour codes:
- Electrical and electronic colour codes: flexible cords used for direct current; resistors.
- Electrical and electronic symbols and SI units:
- Electrical terms: e.g. voltage, current, power, resistance, capacitance, inductance.
- Passive components: e.g. resistor, capacitor, inductor.
- Semiconductors: e.g. diodes and LEDs, operational amplifiers, transistors and MOSFETS.
- Sensors: e.g. light dependent resistor LDR, thermistor, microphone.
- Actuators: e.g. D.C. motors, relays, buzzer.
- Integrated circuits: e.g. logic gates (AND, OR, NOT), NE555, voltage regulators.
- Sources: e.g. batteries, power supplies, solar cells.
- Switches: e.g. SPST, SPDT, DPDT.

Need for reading and interpreting engineering information: Work to laid-down procedures; produce accurately the required task; health and safety reasons; to safeguard the equipment being used; communicate ideas to others; priority setting.

Types of documentation: e.g. manuals, data sheets, job cards, test schedules, quality control documentation, work permits, injury reports, risk assessments.
Document care and control:
- Location and security: e.g. appropriate storage conditions, access point procedures, return procedures, reporting discrepancies in data and documents;
- Physical handling: e.g. damage and effects from graffiti, damage and effects from normal usage, cleanliness, folding methods;
- Document control: e.g. issue dates, amendment dates, reporting of loss/damage.
Legislation: Data protection.