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Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment

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Unit: 3. Electronic Circuits Designs

Engineering Technology

Learning Outcome: 1. I can interpret the different representations of circuits.

1 I can identify different electronic components from their schematic, pictorial and real life representation.
Different electronic components:

  • Passive components: e.g. resistor, capacitor, inductor;

  • Semiconductors: e.g. diodes and LEDs, operational amplifiers, transistors and MOSFETS;

  • Sensors: e.g. light dependent resistor LDR, thermistor, microphone;

  • Actuators: e.g. D.C. motors, relays, buzzer;

  • Integrated circuits: e.g. logic gates (AND, OR, NOT), NE555, voltage regulators;

  • Sources: e.g. batteries, power supplies, solar cells;

  • Switches: e.g. SPST, SPDT, DPDT;

  • Connectors: e.g. BNC, IC base, screw-type and spring-type PCB connectors.

2 I can identify sub-circuits from their schematic, pictorial and real life representation.
Sub-circuits: Potential divider; bridge network; timing circuits; gain/attenuation block.
3 I can classify components into categories.
4 I can predict the value of components in a circuit by using basic laws of electricity.
Basic laws of electricity: V=IR; P=IV; Resistors and capacitors in parallel and series; T=RC.
1 I can describe the behaviour of individual components
Individual Components: resistor; LDR; capacitor; diode; operational amplifier; transistor; relay; motor; logic gates; battery; solar cell; SPDT.
2 I can interpret characteristic curves of individual components.
Individual components: resistors; diodes; transistors.
3 I can discuss the function of a sub-circuit in relation to the characteristics of its individual components.
Sub-circuits: e.g. potential divider, bridge network, timing circuits, gain/attenuation block.
1 I can translate a schematic diagram of a circuit to its prototype equivalent both pictorially and physically.
One of the following circuits: Amplifiers, Timers or Oscillators, Filters, Sensing circuits, Actuating circuits, Audio or Visual indicator circuits.

Learning Outcome: 2. I can test and find faults in circuits.

5 I can identify tools and equipment used to construct circuits.
Tools and equipment: soldering iron; wire stripper; side cutter; long nose pliers; third hand; de-soldering pump; solder wick; track cutter.
6 I can label test bench equipment and settings.
Test Bench Equipment: multi-meter; oscilloscope; signal generator.
7 I can describe basic voltage, current and resistance tests.
4 I can justify the use of test bench equipment in relation to differrent scenarios.
2 I can fault-find a circuit using a multi-meter.
Faults: e.g. missing or misplaced or incorrect components, missing jumpers or footprint pads, miscalculated components or misoriented components.

Learning Outcome: 3. I can construct electronic circuits.

8 I can identify different electronic boards and their parts.
Electronic boards: breadboard; strip board; PCB.
Parts: bus lines; terminal strips; copper tracks; insulation layer; photo resist layer.

9 I can describe the process of constructing a printed circuit board.
Process: drawing of the artwork (with or without software); chemical development of PCB; etching of a PCB; populating the PCB.
10 I can describe the soldering processes for prototypes and mass produced circuits.
Soldering processes for prototypes: cleaning of soldering iron tip and board; preparation of surfaces to be soldered by tinning; applying solder; finishing.
Soldering processes for mass produced circuits: silk screening; surface mount components; soldering baths; robotic assembly.

5 I can identify the advantages and disadvantages of electronic boards.
Electronic boards: breadboard; strip board; PCB.
3 I can manufacture a printed circuit board using the chemical process.
Manufacturing: drawing of the artwork (with or without software); safe handling of chemicals using the appropriate PPEs and procedures; chemical development; etching of a PCB; populating the PCB.

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