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Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment

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Learning Area: Languages

English Literature > LEVEL 10

Subject Focus: English Literature in time and place

1] I can engage with and respond orally to a wide range of literary texts such as poetry, prose and drama written for adults and young people in English e.gmore complex narratives which deal with complex issues.
2] I can build my critical thinking abilities using the knowledge gathered from the different literary texts I read.

3] I can reflect on life and ideas as depicted in literary texts. My reflection is informed by my reading of and thinking about both past and contemporary texts.
4] I can use my reflections on the reading of literature to inform my ideas and thinking. I can represent these analyses in writing.
5] I can think critically about how literary texts engage with aesthetic, personal, emotional, social, moral and political issues. I can reflect critically on different points of view presented in literature.
6] I can explain how circumstance and experience influence life-choices, opinions and attitudes of the poetic personae and characters I meet in my reading. I can read and understand any text deemed appropriate for Level 9 and am able to show an even deeper understanding of the story, characters, literary devices and issues being depicted.
7] I am aware of and can reflect critically on how literature can portray the world as a place full of diverse identities. 
8] I can consider the text I am reading in the social, political and intellectual context of its writing.

9] I can appreciate the way literature describes different ways of doing and thinking in the past. I can compare and contrast these to ways which are more prominent nowadays.

10] I am knowledgeable about the background of the poet/author/playwright and can comment on how this affected the writing of the text I am dealing with when this is specifically relevant to the text.
11] I can respond to a literary text I have read or a drama performance/poetry presentation I have observed by speaking critically and in depth about its various aesthetic implications

Subject Focus: Awareness of literary genres and devices ​

1] I am aware that different authors use different literary styles and I can describe these styles. I can formulate an opinion about these styles.
2] I can identify a very wide range of literary devices e.g. asydenton, chiasmus and caesura and literary forms e.g epic, tragedy and comedy. I can explain the literary effects and functions of these devices.  
3] I can apply knowledge learnt in new and creative ways e.g. by writing my own poems, play scripts or short stories
4] I can interpret different types of imagery and comment on their effectiveness. I can give examples of these types of imagery from my own knowledge.
5] I can produce a critical appreciation of a piece of literature both orally and in writing, evaluating the effectiveness of the storyline, characterisation and other elements, to convey whether it would be classified as an effective piece of literature for its intended audience.
6] I can use various sources to help me find out more information about the different aspects of the literary texts I am studying.
7] I am aware of the sounds of poetry e.g. rhyme, rhythm, alliteration and assonance. I can find examples of these devices and critically reflect and comment on their effectiveness. 

Subject Focus: Writing about English Literature

1] I can write long essays about different aspects of the literary texts I have studied e.g. poetic form and structure, characterisation, theme and plot. 
2] I can tackle unseen texts independently and answer all types of questions, such as lower-order and higher-order, including those which ask for a critical interpretation of the text.
3] I can show my understanding of characters by creating original pieces using their point of view e.g. writing a diary entry for Lady Macbeth.
4] I can use evidence from the text, such as quotations, to support my writing about literary texts and present these quotes using proper conventions. I can use these quotes effectively and as an integral part of my writing.
5] I can compare and contrast literary texts which are similar in structure and theme. I can indicate which text I prefer and find most effective.
6] I am able to apply literary styles I have studied to pieces of my original writing with confidence and for pleasure e.g. writing short stories, longer poems.
7] I can use creative digital technologies to present my creative pieces of writing e.g. using blogs or video diaries.

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