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Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment

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Learning Area: Languages

English Literature > LEVEL 9

Subject Focus: English Literature in time and place

1] I can engage with and respond orally to a wide range of literary texts such as poetry, prose and drama written for adults and young people in English e.gmore complex narratives which deal with complex issues. 
2] I can understand and appreciate how literary texts reflect on life and ideas and on how people respond to these.
3] I am aware that literature shows how different people react differently to life and what it presents. I can understand the varying points of view.
4] I can engage with literary texts that explore aesthetic, personal, emotional, social, moral and political issues. I can reflect critically on and write essays about how the literary texts studied treat these issues.

5] I can understand how literature presents different points of view on aesthetic, personal, emotional, social, moral and political issues. I can write essays about these issues as presented in the literary texts I read.
6] I am aware that literature can help me develop my critical thinking and keep an open mind.
7] I can show how differences in voice and viewpoint are achieved by explaining the literary and narrative choices of the authors I read. 
8] I can explain how circumstance and experience influence life-choices, opinions and attitudes of characters and poetic personae I meet in my reading. I am able to read texts from different cultures which are more demanding and deal with more complex issues.
9] I am aware of how literature can portray the world as a place full of diverse identities.
10] I can, t
hrough my reading of texts from different contexts, show that while ideas, motives and emotions remain constant across centuries, the expression, management and acceptance of those ideas, motives and emotions might change.
11] I can explain why literature is a product of the era it was written in and I can analyse differences between literary texts from the past and those which are more contemporary.

12] I can reflect on the ideas and contexts that influenced the writing of the literary texts I study.
13] I can, with guidance, read texts by Shakespeare and from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries with confidence and appropriate understanding.
14] I can use online resources or other interactive media to further learn about English literature.

15] I can respond to a literary text I have read or a drama performance/poetry presentation I have observed by expressing my thoughts aloud and showing a sound level of critical awareness.
16] I can discuss questions about the subtle and the symbolic levels of meaning of a literary text, drama, or poetry presentation in an in-depth, critical manner.

Subject Focus: Awareness of literary genres and devices ​

1] I can, by reflecting on the narrative and literary techniques chosen by the author, explain how differences of voice and viewpoint are achieved.
2] I am aware that different authors use different literary styles and I can describe aspects of these styles.
3] I can identify a wide range of literary devices e.g. antithesis, extended metaphor, analogy and some poetic forms e.g ballad and elegy and can explain the literary effects and functions of these devices.  
4] I can, with guidance, apply knowledge learnt in new and creative ways e.g. by writing my own poems, play scripts or short stories
5] I can comment on characterisation in poetry, prose and drama. I can comment on setting, plot, persona and themes as they apply in the context of the different types of texts.
6] I can interpret poems and other pieces of literary texts without support or help.
I am aware of the different literary devices and how many of them are organised into aural and visual imagery. I can find examples of such devices in a text and am able to comment on the effectiveness of such examples. 
8] I can tell others how and why a literary text is successful in engaging its intended audience and I can comment on my own reactions to the text.
9] I am aware of the sounds of poetry e.g. rhyme, rhythm, alliteration and assonance. I can find examples of these devices and comment on their effectiveness. 

Subject Focus: Writing about English Literature

1] I can write essays about different aspects of the literary texts I have studied e.g. poetic form and structure, characterisation, theme and plot.
2] I can present my knowledge about literature by writing well organised essays, using the appropriate conventions e.g. quoting in an effective way and using the correct literary terminology.
3] I am able to answer questions with confidence, especially higher-order ones which ask for my critical analysis of unseen prose, drama and poetry texts e.g. those which ask about intended audience and personal interpretation.
4] I can show my understanding and appreciation of the aesthetic aspects of literary language in both set and unseen literary texts by closely referring to the literary language used and responding to its effectiveness.
5] I am able to write using the point of view of a character or poetic persona featured in a set literary text.
6] I can use evidence from the text, such as close reference, paraphrase and commentary, to support my writing about literary texts and can present these quotes using proper conventions.
7] I can draw up comparisons between pieces of text which deal with a similar topic or theme. I can write about similarities and differences between these texts.
8] I am able to refine my writing about set texts to include more advanced vocabulary and better linking of ideas and claims. I am now able to organise my ideas and claims in a way which is easier to understand.

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