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Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment

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Learning Area: Science and Technology

Life Science > LEVEL 10

Learning Area Outcome: I understand the science and technology of the everyday world and my place within it.  I am able to use evidence in formulating investigations and arriving at solutions to relevant scientific or technological issues and to use my knowledge to understand issues of our society and make evidence-based decisions. I can use my knowledge and understanding of science and technology in considering issues, including ethical ones relevant to myself as a citizen, such as environmental sustainability and health.

Subject Focus: Functions of Life Part 1: Processing Food and Metabolites

1] I can design simple experiments to investigate which brand of NPK fertilizers, from a choice of three, most enhances plant growth. 

Learning Area Outcome: I know how to learn, update my knowledge and apply my understanding so I will be a lifelong learner, building a knowledge of issues in science and technology and thus making evidence-based decisions.

Subject Focus: Functions of Life Part 2: Maintaining Balance and Responding to the Environment

1] I can relate the fact that tobacco and coffee contain addictive compounds that can affect the nervous system.

Learning Area Outcome: I can use my knowledge and understanding of science and technology in considering issues, including ethical ones relevant to myself as a citizen, such as environmental sustainability and health. I can use the inquiry process and skills of science and creative processes of technology, to address the needs of society and design appropriate solutions to relevant issues to me as a citizen. I have an understanding of the sustainable use of resources, including wildlife and how these are relevant to Malta. ​

Subject Focus: Functions of Life Part 3: Promoting Future Generations

1] I can calculate the size of the population given the length of a life cycle of an organism and the number of offspring produced in a given amount of time, e.g. the number of bacterial cells after 24hrs from a single cell dividing every 30 minutes.
2] I can identify the nucleotide as the building block of genetic material.
3]I can describe how genetic variation in offspring is introduced in the exchange of genetic material between maternal and paternal chromosomes during meiosis.
4] I can arrive at a well-informed opinion on IVF and the use or destruction of human embryos/foetuses, as in induced abortion, while being aware of the philosophical and ethical principles informing my opinion.
5] I can explain that cancerous cells never specialise and keep on dividing indefinitely and that cells can become cancerous under the influence of a number of mutagens e.g. X-rays and solvents or pesticides.

Subject Focus: Life Relationships

1] I can link eutrophication with excess nutrients, such as from fertilisers or sewage, in water bodies and subsequent deprivation of dissolved oxygen.

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