Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Science and Technology
Materials Science > LEVEL 10
Learning Area Outcome: I can translate the reactions into balanced chemical equations.
Subject Focus: Materials from the Earth - The Atmosphere Learn about the natural constituents of the atmosphere as well as polluting chemicals. Use the properties of these substances to construct groupings and understand patterns of physical and chemical behaviour.
1] I can research and compare theories about the origins of the atmosphere on earth and other planets and use this to determine the feasibility of life on other planets.
2] I can plan and carry out an investigation into the difference between inhaled and exhaled air e.g. use of limewater test to show presence of carbon dioxide.
3] I can explain using intermolecular forces why water has special properties and the significance of this to life on earth e.g. water is a liquid at room temperature.
2] I can plan and carry out an investigation into the difference between inhaled and exhaled air e.g. use of limewater test to show presence of carbon dioxide.
3] I can explain using intermolecular forces why water has special properties and the significance of this to life on earth e.g. water is a liquid at room temperature.
Learning Area Outcome: I can translate the reactions into balanced chemical equations.
Subject Focus: Materials from the Earth - The Sea Learn about the importance of the sea which occupies more than 70% of the earth’s surface. Water is a universal solvent and the sea is a rich source of minerals and many other useful chemicals. Water is an important medium for many chemical reactions.
1] I can explain how electrolysis is used in industry to obtain chemicals from brine e.g. membrane cell.
2] I can calculate the volume of chlorine gas produced from the electrolysis of brine.
3] I can debate the environmental issues surrounding the use of bleach and evaluate the use of alternative cleaning agents.
Learning Area Outcome: I can translate the reactions into balanced chemical equations.
Subject Focus: Materials from the Earth - The Land Learn how many products and materials essential to our lives or important for our economy are obtained from finite resources present on Earth. If these resources are used up they may no longer be available whereas if we recycle these materials we can continue to benefit from them.
1] I can complete calculations based on the extraction of metal experiments independently e.g. from the starting rock to the mass of metal produced with no steps given.
Learning Area Outcome: I can translate the reactions into balanced chemical equations.
Subject Focus: Making New Materials - How fast? How far? How much? Learn that making new materials requires scientists to use chemical knowledge and explanations combined with practical skills such as taking careful and precise measurements and working safely. It is important to know how to control reactions; improve the efficiency of a chemical process and work out the amount of material to be produced. Above all scientists need to take social and ethical responsibility whilst making new materials to decrease the impact on living organisms and the environment.
1] I can complete multi stage calculations unprompted.
2] I can conduct an internet based inquiry into how our understanding of chemistry has developed over time and how we are now able to design and make new materials according to properties required eg Kevlar, conducting plastics etc.
3] I can draw and interpret graphs given the data on reactants and products at equilibrium.
Learning Area Outcome: I can translate the reactions into balanced chemical equations.
Subject Focus: Carbon compounds from the Earth - Meeting our energy needs Evaluate the use of carbon-containing energy sources; production and use of new materials and their environmental impact. Investigate the energy changes accompanying chemical or physical processes.
1] I can conduct an internet based enquiry into possible alternate solutions to the energy crisis and continued importation of oil e.g. hydrogen fuel, fuel cells etc.
2] I can compare and evaluate the disposal of non-biodegradable plastic waste using combustion, recycling or landfill.