Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Science and Technology
Physical Science > LEVEL 10
Learning Area Outcome: I can use the inquiry process, skills of science and creative processes of technology to address the needs of society and design appropriate solutions to issues which are relevant to me as a citizen.
Subject Focus: Energy, Forces and motion
1] I can discover how modern construction techniques allow for innovative ways to increase the energy efficiency of buildings.
2] I can investigate and discuss how air conditioning units operate, to keep rooms and buildings cool, by transferring heat from hot to cool areas.
3] I can use the manufacturer's information and specifications from the internet and the equations for electrical energy, power and the cost of electricity to evaluate the cost effectiveness of AC units.
4] I can identify and explain the greenhouse effect and use it to explain global warming.
5] I can research about best overseas practices in energy efficiency
6] I can research how different people from different cultures, use different construction techniques
7] I can describe how modern construction techniques allow for innovative ways to increase energy efficiency in buildings.
8] I can design an investigation into how different materials extend, when an external force is applied to one end and when the force is removed.
9] I can plot a force vs extension graph, find where the elastic limit of different materials is and use this to decide what materials would be good for use in various circumstances e.g. the construction of a suspension bridge.
10] I can research and apply ways of incorporating stability in the design of modern vehicles.
11] I can investigate what materials could be used in the construction of submarines to allow for further exploration in deep seas and oceans.
12] I can discover how divers safely return to the surface by monitoring the size of gas bubbles as they rise up whilst underwater.
13] I can research Galileo's use of pendulums to successfully argue against the Aristotlean view that heavier objects fall to the earth faster than less heavy objects.
14] I can qualitatively relate distance, time and velocity time graphs.
15] I can investigate the factors that affect circular motion including mass, velocity and the radius of the circle traced by the motion.
16] I can discuss the rotational energy of windmills in relation to the energy transfer from the kinetic energy of the air, how modern turbines use this to generate energy and comment on how wind turbines could be made to work more efficiently.
17] I can investigate methods of reducing damage to passengers in terms of force, momentum and time.
18] I can form a reasoned argument about the sustainable growth of developing nations and their right to sustain their own development.
19] I can evaluate local and global methods of transport, their relative impact on the environment and recommend the most sustaniable methods.

2] I can investigate and discuss how air conditioning units operate, to keep rooms and buildings cool, by transferring heat from hot to cool areas.

3] I can use the manufacturer's information and specifications from the internet and the equations for electrical energy, power and the cost of electricity to evaluate the cost effectiveness of AC units.

4] I can identify and explain the greenhouse effect and use it to explain global warming.

5] I can research about best overseas practices in energy efficiency

6] I can research how different people from different cultures, use different construction techniques

7] I can describe how modern construction techniques allow for innovative ways to increase energy efficiency in buildings.

8] I can design an investigation into how different materials extend, when an external force is applied to one end and when the force is removed.

9] I can plot a force vs extension graph, find where the elastic limit of different materials is and use this to decide what materials would be good for use in various circumstances e.g. the construction of a suspension bridge.
10] I can research and apply ways of incorporating stability in the design of modern vehicles.

11] I can investigate what materials could be used in the construction of submarines to allow for further exploration in deep seas and oceans.
12] I can discover how divers safely return to the surface by monitoring the size of gas bubbles as they rise up whilst underwater.
13] I can research Galileo's use of pendulums to successfully argue against the Aristotlean view that heavier objects fall to the earth faster than less heavy objects.
14] I can qualitatively relate distance, time and velocity time graphs.

15] I can investigate the factors that affect circular motion including mass, velocity and the radius of the circle traced by the motion.
16] I can discuss the rotational energy of windmills in relation to the energy transfer from the kinetic energy of the air, how modern turbines use this to generate energy and comment on how wind turbines could be made to work more efficiently.
17] I can investigate methods of reducing damage to passengers in terms of force, momentum and time.

18] I can form a reasoned argument about the sustainable growth of developing nations and their right to sustain their own development.

19] I can evaluate local and global methods of transport, their relative impact on the environment and recommend the most sustaniable methods.

Learning Area Outcome: I am able to use evidence in formulating investigations to arrive at solutions for relevent scientific or technological issues and use my knowledge to understand issues within society and make evidence-based decisions.
Subject Focus: Electricity and electromagnetism
1] I can investigate electric fields and their effects on positive and negative charges.
2] I can research and present the history of electricity from its discovery, to modern day usage.
3] I can evaluate the use of LEDs, using equations for electrical energy and power, as a replacement for other forms of lighting in vehicles, streetlights, etc. in terms of cost and sustainability.
4] I can compare methods of analog and digital electrical measurements and determine their accuracy.
5] I can discuss and evaluate the advantages, disadvantages, use of electric vehicles and develop arguments, for or against their use, compared to conventional petrol/diesel vehicles.
6] I can discuss the similarities and differences between voltage and emf.
7] I can design and build my own AC generator.
8] I can research how magnets are used in science from their use in the Large Hadron Collider and compare my conclusions on their use to their use in bullet trains and other hover vehicles.
9] I can use a small neodymium magnet and copper pipe to demonstrate Lenz's Law.
10] I can investigate the effects of Lenz's Law in cars and other machines with DC Motors.
11] I can discuss the reasons why a constant, reliable electricity supply is necessary for our modern lifestyle, even in remote locations in the world.
12] I can describe how semiconductors differ from ordinary conductors and where and why they are used.
13] I can critically evaluate the benefits of using energy efficient appliances in the home in relation to cost, payback time and the impact on the environment.
2] I can research and present the history of electricity from its discovery, to modern day usage.

3] I can evaluate the use of LEDs, using equations for electrical energy and power, as a replacement for other forms of lighting in vehicles, streetlights, etc. in terms of cost and sustainability.

4] I can compare methods of analog and digital electrical measurements and determine their accuracy.

5] I can discuss and evaluate the advantages, disadvantages, use of electric vehicles and develop arguments, for or against their use, compared to conventional petrol/diesel vehicles.

6] I can discuss the similarities and differences between voltage and emf.
7] I can design and build my own AC generator.

8] I can research how magnets are used in science from their use in the Large Hadron Collider and compare my conclusions on their use to their use in bullet trains and other hover vehicles.

9] I can use a small neodymium magnet and copper pipe to demonstrate Lenz's Law.
10] I can investigate the effects of Lenz's Law in cars and other machines with DC Motors.
11] I can discuss the reasons why a constant, reliable electricity supply is necessary for our modern lifestyle, even in remote locations in the world.

12] I can describe how semiconductors differ from ordinary conductors and where and why they are used.

13] I can critically evaluate the benefits of using energy efficient appliances in the home in relation to cost, payback time and the impact on the environment.

Learning Area Outcome: I can use my knowledge and understanding of science and technology in considering issues, including ethical ones relevant to myself as a citizen, such as environmental sustainability and health.
Subject Focus: Radiation for communication and health
1] I can critically analyse data about lifestyle, skin cancer and its prevention in Malta and around the world.
2] I can compare and contrast the benefits and concerns of nuclear fusion and fission for the production of energy.
3] I can critically evaluate information from the internet to formulate arguments on the use of nuclear energy.
4] I can discuss the effectiveness and potential use of nuclear fusion in the production of energy for the future.

2] I can compare and contrast the benefits and concerns of nuclear fusion and fission for the production of energy.

3] I can critically evaluate information from the internet to formulate arguments on the use of nuclear energy.

4] I can discuss the effectiveness and potential use of nuclear fusion in the production of energy for the future.

Learning Area Outcome: I know how to learn, update my knowledge and apply my understanding so I will be a lifelong learner, building my knowledge of issues in science and technology to make evidence-based decisions.
Subject Focus: Earth and the Universe
1] I can discuss the possibilities of life on other planets and the conditions needed to sustain it.
2] I can model the concept of red shift to explain how the universe is expanding.
3] I can research and present the possibilites of humans living on other planets.
4] I can discuss the Big Bang Theory.
5] I can research evidence for the existence of black holes and describe them as a singularity in space with a large gravitational pull, enough to prevent light escaping.
6] I can research how telescopes are constructed and why they are constructed with mirrors and not objective lenses.
7] I can research using the internet and textbooks, how Edwin Hubble observed the red shift of galaxies to estimate the age of the universe.
8] I can investigate how scientists use data from seismic events to try to predict the occurence of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the future.
9] I can research current debates about the start of the universe e.g. what came before the universe, multiverse theories.
10] I can research about astronauts living on the International Space station and how they sustain themselves living in orbit around the earth.
11] I can investigate how interference of waves is used in technology e.g. by using noise reduction headphones.
12] I can discuss various scientific views regarding the fate of the universe.
13] I can research information about the red shift and use the information to explain the theory of the expansion of the universe.
14] I can critically evaluate the social, ethical and economic reasons, for and against, space exploration.
15] I can research how scientists measure the speed of light.

2] I can model the concept of red shift to explain how the universe is expanding.

3] I can research and present the possibilites of humans living on other planets.

4] I can discuss the Big Bang Theory.
5] I can research evidence for the existence of black holes and describe them as a singularity in space with a large gravitational pull, enough to prevent light escaping.

6] I can research how telescopes are constructed and why they are constructed with mirrors and not objective lenses.
7] I can research using the internet and textbooks, how Edwin Hubble observed the red shift of galaxies to estimate the age of the universe.
8] I can investigate how scientists use data from seismic events to try to predict the occurence of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the future.
9] I can research current debates about the start of the universe e.g. what came before the universe, multiverse theories.
10] I can research about astronauts living on the International Space station and how they sustain themselves living in orbit around the earth.

11] I can investigate how interference of waves is used in technology e.g. by using noise reduction headphones.

12] I can discuss various scientific views regarding the fate of the universe.

13] I can research information about the red shift and use the information to explain the theory of the expansion of the universe.
14] I can critically evaluate the social, ethical and economic reasons, for and against, space exploration.

15] I can research how scientists measure the speed of light.