EN | MT  

Unit: 1. Basic aspects of retail, sales and customer care


Learning Outcome: 1. I can understand the basic aspects related to the handling of stock and sock levels in a retail business

1. I can list points to define the term 'stock'
2. I can list examples of reasons why a retial business implements measures to control stock
Reasons for stock control :Eg, theft control, customer service,product tracking,financial management,warehouse space requirements,identifying current stock levels,preventing wastage,improving stock rotation.
3. I can list typical paperwork used for stock control
Paperwork : eg, delivery and supplier notes, purchase orders, receipts, credit notes, goods returned notes, requisitions and issue notes.
4. I can list the benefits of effective stock control
Benefits : Better cash flow;to prevent over-ordering stock; to ensure stock does not run out; to ensure unsaleable stock is not sold

Learning Outcome: 2. I can understand the basic elements related to the receipt of goods

1. I can describe the importance of  proper preparation for receiving stock
Importance of proper preparation : Ensuring the correct quality and quantity of goods;identifying that enough storage space is availablable;adequate preparation to ensure safety
5. I can label the key tasks for the receipt and processing of goods
Key tasks : cleanining and maintaining the receiving areas; checking off goods;unpacking and inspection of goods; removal and appropriate disposal of any extra packaging material
2. I can illustrate through simple diagrams how stock should be handled to avoid problems and losses
 Stock handling to avoid problems : Effective methods for storing stock; use of proper personal protective equipment;preventing stock deterioration;temperature control;ventilation;storing goods in order of receipt.
3. I can illustrate through simple diagrams typical personal protective equipment used when handling stock
Typical PPE : Eg, Gloves.Safety Headwear and foot wear,High Visibility Clothing,Safety glasses

Learning Outcome: 3. I can describe the basic concepts of consumer behaviour

6. I can list how the packaging of a product influences consumer behaviour
Influences on consumer : urge to buy; compulsive buying;excitment;perception of product quality
4. I can describe how retailers use the human senses to promote buying behaviour
Human Sesnses: sight; smell;touch;hearing
7. I can list factors that affect the consumer's purchase decision
Factors: social factors; personal factors;cultural factors;psychological factors
1. I can select an appropriate music background for a hypothetical retail store
2. I can produce an attractive packaging  for a hypothetical product

Learning Outcome: 4. I can identify the basic concepts of visual merchandising

8. I can define the concept of visual merchandising
9. I can list examples seasons and local events that are important for the retail sector
Seasons and Events : Eg. the four seasons, Valentine Day, Carnival, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Easter, Back to School, Halloween, Christmas
10. I can list methods used by Maltese retailers to enhance retail outlets for specific seasons and local events
Methods : use of models ;special decorations; backdrops; actors or animtors
5. I can describe how products are placed in a sales area to maximise sales
Product placement : groupong of products; shelf zones; combination placing; eye-level product placement
3.  I can demonstrate how to place products in a supervised manner in a retail sotre in a specific order to maximise sales

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