Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Languages
Arabic > LEVEL 8
Subject Focus: Listening
1] I can follow sentences of increasing complexity in a classroom setting with some support and repetition on specific topics.
2] I can try to identify and tell the difference between all phonemes in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA).
3] I can use an increasingly complex range of phrases and expressions in group learning sessions and in simulated vocational settings, including the use of multimedia.
4] I can understand questions and multiple instructions in group learning activities and through digital media.
5] I can use an increasingly complex range of phrases and expressions in group learning sessions and in simulated vocational settings, including the use of multimedia.
7] I can find correct answers to straightforward questions with little repetition or clarification and can request and understand clarification.
8] I can use clues such as keywords to identify the general gist.
9] I can make sound guesses using my knowledge of MSA to identify the topic the speaker is discussing.
10] I can identify the names of some people and some places.
11] I can identify the names of some people and some places.
12] I can try to use an increasingly complex range of phrases and expressions in simulated vocational settings with the use of multimedia.
13] I can try to use a given situation as a conversation, advert, etc.
14] I can try to comprehend complex questions and multiple instructions in collaborative and cooperative learning activities and through the use of digital media.
2] I can try to identify and tell the difference between all phonemes in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA).
3] I can use an increasingly complex range of phrases and expressions in group learning sessions and in simulated vocational settings, including the use of multimedia.

4] I can understand questions and multiple instructions in group learning activities and through digital media.
5] I can use an increasingly complex range of phrases and expressions in group learning sessions and in simulated vocational settings, including the use of multimedia.
7] I can find correct answers to straightforward questions with little repetition or clarification and can request and understand clarification.
8] I can use clues such as keywords to identify the general gist.

9] I can make sound guesses using my knowledge of MSA to identify the topic the speaker is discussing.
10] I can identify the names of some people and some places.
11] I can identify the names of some people and some places.

12] I can try to use an increasingly complex range of phrases and expressions in simulated vocational settings with the use of multimedia.

13] I can try to use a given situation as a conversation, advert, etc.
14] I can try to comprehend complex questions and multiple instructions in collaborative and cooperative learning activities and through the use of digital media.

Subject Focus: Speaking
1] I can produce short oral presentations using modelled language.
2] I can ask for clarification in information-sharing and question and answer situations, express feelings in a simple way.
3] I can talk about myself, my studies, my interests and about others in naturalistic conversation in the classroom and in online activities.
4] I can try to communicate ideas of increasing sophistication.
5] I can try to pronounce MSA sounds with accuracy in classroom environments.
6] I can use greetings and an increasingly complex range of standard expressions to facilitate conversation in a classroom setting.
7] I can try to produce the phonetic intonation and stress patterns of MSA with accuracy.
8] I can exchange courtesies and use stock phrases in an appropriate manner in supported classroom simulations.
9] I can understand words and expressions, that I hear the teacher say and use them myself.
2] I can ask for clarification in information-sharing and question and answer situations, express feelings in a simple way.
3] I can talk about myself, my studies, my interests and about others in naturalistic conversation in the classroom and in online activities.

4] I can try to communicate ideas of increasing sophistication.
5] I can try to pronounce MSA sounds with accuracy in classroom environments.
6] I can use greetings and an increasingly complex range of standard expressions to facilitate conversation in a classroom setting.

7] I can try to produce the phonetic intonation and stress patterns of MSA with accuracy.
8] I can exchange courtesies and use stock phrases in an appropriate manner in supported classroom simulations.
9] I can understand words and expressions, that I hear the teacher say and use them myself.
Subject Focus: Reading
1] I can read and follow contextualised MSA texts written in a straightforward style.
2] I can follow and understand MSA texts of increasing complexity in a classroom environment.
3] I can understand straightforward written messages of increasing complexity in a classroom environment.
4] I can registrar and interpret some everyday simple texts, putting together known words and phrases from jumbled texts.
5] I can read and iunderstand connected texts, some everyday signs and public notices on buildings, shops and streets.
6] I can read and understand level appropriate connected texts of increasing complexity in a classroom environment
8] I can use Arabic effectively and appropriately on a range of web-based forums in a supported learning environment.
9] I can spot words that I understand and which were covered in class.
10] I can get the main ideas of the text and then read it again to understand detail.
11] I can follow and identify some names of people or places and punctuation clues related to specific topics.
13] I can use my understanding of MSA to guess the meaning from the context of the sentence, when I am unsure of the meanings of each words.
2] I can follow and understand MSA texts of increasing complexity in a classroom environment.
3] I can understand straightforward written messages of increasing complexity in a classroom environment.
4] I can registrar and interpret some everyday simple texts, putting together known words and phrases from jumbled texts.
5] I can read and iunderstand connected texts, some everyday signs and public notices on buildings, shops and streets.
6] I can read and understand level appropriate connected texts of increasing complexity in a classroom environment
8] I can use Arabic effectively and appropriately on a range of web-based forums in a supported learning environment.

9] I can spot words that I understand and which were covered in class.
10] I can get the main ideas of the text and then read it again to understand detail.
11] I can follow and identify some names of people or places and punctuation clues related to specific topics.
13] I can use my understanding of MSA to guess the meaning from the context of the sentence, when I am unsure of the meanings of each words.
Subject Focus: Writing
1] I can write connected sentences and short paragraphs in composition and through dictation.
2] I can try to plan and write in narrative style, to develop a sequence of ideas in correct grammatical forms.
3] I can translate simple sentences from Arabic into English or Maltese using correct grammatical forms.
4] I can quote and paraphrase from other Arabic sources and include these in my own Arabic writing.
5] I can demonstrate a range of information and ideas in writing related to specific topics.
6] I can accurately complete more complex forms, such as passport or visa applications, with some support.
7] I can try to write answers of increasing complexity to context-specific verbal and written questions and use accurate, connected MSA prose when doing this.
8] I can add ideas as I write.
9] I can attempt to include as much detail as possible e.g. using lots of adjectives when I am describing something or someone.
10] I can try to use clear ‘markers’ e.g. first... then or on the one hand.
2] I can try to plan and write in narrative style, to develop a sequence of ideas in correct grammatical forms.
3] I can translate simple sentences from Arabic into English or Maltese using correct grammatical forms.
4] I can quote and paraphrase from other Arabic sources and include these in my own Arabic writing.
5] I can demonstrate a range of information and ideas in writing related to specific topics.
6] I can accurately complete more complex forms, such as passport or visa applications, with some support.
7] I can try to write answers of increasing complexity to context-specific verbal and written questions and use accurate, connected MSA prose when doing this.
8] I can add ideas as I write.
9] I can attempt to include as much detail as possible e.g. using lots of adjectives when I am describing something or someone.
10] I can try to use clear ‘markers’ e.g. first... then or on the one hand.
Subject Focus: Heritage and culture
3] I can read graded stories in MSA with understanding.

Subject Focus: Grammar
1] I can try to read texts without vowel markings and apply my knowledge by learning new words.
2] I can develop and consolidate knowledge of the essential grammar of MSA and apply this knowledge in listening, speaking, reading and writing classroom activities.
3] I can distinguish the linguistic kinship that exists between Arabic and Maltese and cite examples of lexis and grammatical features (in case of Maltese students).
4] I can try to 'mark', 'unmarked' Arabic text with vowel markings.
5] ] I can identify the following foundational rules of MSA grammar: the noun forms; some broken plural; the grammatical cases; the article; masculine and feminine; non-verbal sentences; the verbal noun; introduction to verb forms; 'wa' and basic conjunctions; sound masculine and feminine plurals; pronouns; demonstrative pronouns; pronominal suffixes; adjectives and noun-adjective agreement; some basic Form I verbs in the past tense; basic prepositions and basic numbers.
6] I can use a range of formulaic phrases and expressions in MSA.
7] I can read and understand level appropriate written 'realia' on paper and online formats
8] I can recognise parts of speech in texts of increasing grammatical complexity and can demonstrate a good knowledge of essential MSA grammar and grammatical terms.
2] I can develop and consolidate knowledge of the essential grammar of MSA and apply this knowledge in listening, speaking, reading and writing classroom activities.
3] I can distinguish the linguistic kinship that exists between Arabic and Maltese and cite examples of lexis and grammatical features (in case of Maltese students).

4] I can try to 'mark', 'unmarked' Arabic text with vowel markings.
5] ] I can identify the following foundational rules of MSA grammar: the noun forms; some broken plural; the grammatical cases; the article; masculine and feminine; non-verbal sentences; the verbal noun; introduction to verb forms; 'wa' and basic conjunctions; sound masculine and feminine plurals; pronouns; demonstrative pronouns; pronominal suffixes; adjectives and noun-adjective agreement; some basic Form I verbs in the past tense; basic prepositions and basic numbers.
6] I can use a range of formulaic phrases and expressions in MSA.
7] I can read and understand level appropriate written 'realia' on paper and online formats

8] I can recognise parts of speech in texts of increasing grammatical complexity and can demonstrate a good knowledge of essential MSA grammar and grammatical terms.