EN | MT  

Unit: Setting up and using a computer responsibly


Learning Outcome: Recognize computer systems

1: I can list commonly used computer systems found around us.
2: I can identify the characteristics of commonly used computer systems.
3: I can outline what a computer is used for.
1: I can discuss why a computer is used to perform certain tasks.

Learning Outcome: Identify different computer peripheral devices

4: I can label the different peripheral devices in a computer system.
5: I can select the best peripheral device to do a particular task.
2: I can classify different computer peripheral devices as input and output.
1: I can install a peripheral device.
Device: e.g. printer, scanner, webcam.
Preparation: prepare the necessary equipment; follow the instructions;
Installation: connect cables; install the necessary software;
Test: test that connected device works.

Learning Outcome: Practice computer use

6: I can identify different parts of an operating system interface.
7: I can label common icons used by an operating system.
8: I can relate different icons with the software they represent.
3: I can explain the use of commonly used software.
Software: word processor; calculator; internet browser; presentation software; video/audio player; painting software.
2: I can use a word processor to create a simple document.
Operations: type text in a word processor; save document in a given location; format text; enter an image.
Formatting of text: font size; font type; font colour; bold; italic; underline; text alignments

3: I can send an email.
Operations: Switch on computer; log into an operating system (login/password); use an Internet browser to open an email account; log into the email account; type email address of receiver/s; type an email subject; type the body of the email; attach a file; send the email; log out of the email account .

Learning Outcome: Surf the Internet responsibly

9: I can present the risks associated with irresponsible use of the Internet.
10: I can list the effects of using the Internet irresponsibly.
4: I can discuss the best way to use the Internet safely.
Ways: e.g. never divulge passwords, ensure that passwords used are hard to guess, be aware that once posted comments and images can end up anywhere-, never divulge personal information, be aware of whom you are chatting to, be careful what you post on social media, be aware from where you download material, always allow anti-malware software to run in the background to protect the computer from malware.
5: I can discuss measures you would take if exposed to an online risk.
Measures: tell an adult such as your parents or teacher; change password; backup information; remove personal information; contact company providing service to block the persons/s bothering you; close the social media account.

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