EN | MT  

Learning Area: Gardening Fundamentals

Gardening & Science

Subject Focus: Gardening Fundamentals 

1. I can distinguish garden produce (e.g. plants, herbs, flowers, trees, and fruits) from non-garden produce.
2. I can recognise and label at least five (5) sounds in a garden environment.
3. I can distinguish between different textures of at least two (2) different items found in a garden environment (e.g. pebbles, dry leaves, soil).                   
4. I can distinguish between different scents of at least two (2) different items found in the garden.                                                                      
CREATIVE LEARNING                            
5. I can list five (5) particular things such as tools, crops, seeds, insects and trees found in the garden. 
6. I can recognise that different plants require different environmental conditions (e.g. sunlight, watering requirements).
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                
7. I can list at least two (2) examples of basic needs of a plant/tree with minimal prompting.        
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                  
8. I can identify dry soil that needs watering from damp soil that does not with intermittent prompting.                  
9. I can describe why soil is important to plants/trees with minimal prompting.                            
10. I can compare the differences between seeds, saplings and full grown plants with minimal prompting.
11. I can assess at which level of growth different plants are at with minimal prompting.               

12.  I can put the plant's life cycle stages in sequence with intermittent prompting.                      
13. I can prepare and organise gardening tools/workbench for work in collaboration with others with minimal assistance.                                                                                                                              
14. I can store gardening tools and other items properly  with minimal prompting.                                                      
15. I can show initiative while carrying out a gardening task with minimal prompting.                    
16. I can work confidently and cooperatively within a group interaction with minimal prompting.                  
17. I can prioritise gardening tasks and meet deadlines with continuous prompting and cues.      
PERSONAL LEARNING                                                                    
18. I can show resilience even when faced with more demanding/tiring gardening tasks with continuous prompting.  
19. I can engage in appropriate basic hygiene practices with intermittent cues (e.g. washing my hands) before and after carrying out a gardening task.                                                                                    
20. I can keep work space clear and clean with intermittent prompting.          
21. I can use at least five (5) gardening tools safely  with minimal prompting.                                                          
22. I can clean up gardening tools after use with minimal prompting.                                                      
23. I can discuss the need for protective clothing in gardening activities with minimal prompting.    
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                
24. I can mention at least one (1) type of protective clothing (e.g. gloves, apron and boots, etc.) needed in at least one (1) gardening scenario/task with intermittent prompting.                  
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                
25. I can demonstrate how to wear at least one (1) type of protective clothing with minimal cues. 

26. I can mention at least one (1) way of how I can reduce/reuse water used during gardening tasks.                         
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                               
27. I can apply at least two (2) waste-reducing practices when needed.
 LEARNING TO DO            

28. I can apply waste-reusing practices on at least one (1) occasion (when opportunities arise) per lesson during at least two (2) gardening lessons.
 LEARNING TO DO                                                                                
29. I can describe what compost is with minimal prompting.
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                          
30. I can choose at least three (3) items from a list of six (6) that can be composted.
31. I can choose at least three (3) items from a list of six (6) that can be recycled.
32. I can separate common gardening waste items appropriately in respective bins with minimal prompting.                

Subject Focus: Garden Produce

1. I can list at least three (3) different kinds of plant groups (e.g. herbs, fruits, plants, flowering plants and vegetable plants) with minimal prompting.                  
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                                            
2. I can list at least five (5) different vegetables.                                                                              
3. I can list at least five (5) different fruits.                                                                                
4. I can list at least two (2) different types of flowers.                                                                                          
5. I can list at least two (2) different herbs.      
6.  I can list at least two (2) types of non-indigenous  trees (e.g. apple trees, orange trees, olive trees) with minimal prompting.
 COGNITIVE  LEARNING                                                                                            
7. I can list at least two (2) indigenous trees (.e.g. carob trees, holm oak trees, araar trees and aleppo pine trees) with minimal prompting.
8. I can state at least one (1) effect that each season have on the garden with intermittent prompting.              
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                                                                                    
9. I can match at least one (1)  type of garden produce that needs to be planted in each season with minimal prompting.

Subject Focus: Soil

1. I can list at least two (2) components of soil (e.g soil, organic matter, nutrients, water, worms).
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                                                  
2. I can  label at least one (1) common worm found in soil with minimal prompting.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                                                  
3. I can explain the importance of worms in soil with minimal prompting.
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                                                          
4. I can select from a list of five (5) at least one (1) nutrient found in soil with continuous prompting.            
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                                
5. I can give at least two (2) examples of the ways nutrients in soil can be enhanced (e.g. use of fertilizers, crop rotation, giving soil plant food, adding vitamins to water) with continuous prompting.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                                                                      
6. I can carry out at least one (1)  task to increase nutrients in soil with continuous prompting and minimal assistance.

Subject Focus: Gardening Tasks

1. I can recognise soil ready to work in from soil that is not ready with minimal prompting.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                                                                      
2. I can describe what ploughing is with minimal prompting.
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                                                                        
3.  I can mention at least one (1) gardening tool suitable for ploughing.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                          
4.  I can plough using a hoe with continuous cues and moderate assistance.                                                                                                        
5. I can mention at least one (1) tool (e.g. garden rake, garden fork or garden sieve) to remove stones, weeds and unwanted debris from soil with minimal prompting.      
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                                            
6. I can differentiate between planted crops and weeds/unwanted plants with continuous prompting.        
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                                              
7. I can work in a team to prepare soil for use such as removing stones, pulling weeds and removing unwanted debris with minimal prompting and assistance.             
8. I can use a digging spade/garden shovel or trowel to dig a hole with minimal cues.                                                                                                                            
9. I can select the appropriate digging tool/s from a choice of three (3) digging tools to dig holes for at least two (2) plants at different life stages (seeds, seedlings, saplings, adult) with minimal cues and moderate assistance.
 CREATIVE LEARNING                                                                                                              
10. I can select a pot out of a choice of three (3) pots that is best-suited for a specific-sized plant/sapling/seed with intermittent prompting.                                                                                                                                
11. I can fill and compress soil in a pot for seeds/saplings to be planted in it with minimal cues.                                                                                          
12. I can top-up soil level in plants that need it with minimal prompting.                                                                                                                                          
13. I can distinguish between a sunny area and a shady area for different plants to be planted in with minimal prompting.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                          
14. I can plant a seed/sapling/plant/tree into soil/a seed tray/a pot with verbal cues and moderate assistance.                                                                                          
15. I can transplant a seedling/sapling/plant/tree from a seed tray to a pot/pot to a patch of soil with verbal cues and moderate assistance.                                                                                                                                    
16. I can put  the steps involved in growing plants from cuttings in sequence, with intermittent prompting.         
17. I can describe the importance of using water responsibly during gardening tasks with intermittent prompting.
 LEARNING TO BE         
18. I can water seeds/saplings/plants/trees using the right amount of water with minimal prompting.                                                                                                    
19.  I can water seeds/saplings/plants/trees by selecting and using the appropriate tool/s (e.g. spray bottle, watering can, garden hose) with minimal cues.
20. I can describe pruning with minimal prompting.            
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                                                                                        
21. I can discuss why pruning is beneficial with intermittent prompting.
22. I can mention at least one (1) pruning technique with continuous prompting.                                                                                                                                      
23. I can carry out at least one (1) pruning technique with continuous prompting and moderate assistance.           
24.  I can harvest at least three (3) types of garden produce using the appropriate tools when needed with minimal assistance.                                                                                                                                      
25. I can collect seeds/pods e.g. basil, holm oak and carob with minimal assistance

Subject Focus: Laboratory Health and Safety

1. I can choose at least three (3) items of protective clothing used, from a list of six (6) items present in the lab, with minimal prompting.                                                                                                                            
2. I can relate at least three (3) protective clothing with respective body parts with minimal prompting. 
3. I can wear the everyday laboratory protective clothing with minimal assistance.                          
4. I can explain the importance of protecting at least two (2) body parts with minimal prompting and minimal assistance.
5. I can indicate when protective clothing is required for at least two (2) experiments with minimal prompting.
6. I can list at least three (3) rules which apply when using the laboratory with minimal prompting.  
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                           
7. I can apply at least two (2) rules depending on at least two (2) experimental procedures with minimal prompting.

Subject Focus: Living Things 

1. I can list two (2) types of living things such as  plants and animals.
2. I can give at least seven (7) examples of living things including both plants and animals with minimal prompting.
3. I can give at least seven  (7) examples of non-living things with minimal prompting.    
COGNITIVE LEARNING                              
4. I can describe at least three (3) differences between living and non-living things with continuous prompting.
5. I can choose from a list of six (6) items at least four (4) vital functions of living things with minimal prompting.  
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                            
6. I can explain in simple terms at least three (3) vital functions with continuous prompting.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                            
7. I can relate at least four (4) vital functions of plants and/or animals on pictures with real vital functions with minimal prompting.

Subject Focus: Plants

1. I can match at least three (3) parts of a plant shown in pictures with real parts of a plant with minimal prompting.  
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                            
2. I can label at least three (3) parts of a plant on a diagram with minimal prompting.  
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                  
3. I can explain at least one (1) function of at least two (2) plant's parts with moderate assistance.  
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                              
4. I can put the model parts of a plant together forming a full plant model, with minimal prompting.
5. I can list at least two (2) needs of a real plant to grow, with minimal prompting.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                              
6. I can put the plant's life cycle stages in sequence with intermittent prompting.
7. I can work in a team to perform at least one (1) simple experiment to prove that air, water and light are required for a plant to grow with moderate assistance and minimal prompting.    
8. I can choose at least two (2) necessary items of basic scientific equipment for the experiment/s that will be carried out with intermittent prompting. 
9. I can use at least two (2) necessary items of basic scientific equipment for the experiment/s appropriately with intermittent prompting.            
10. I can identify at least two (2) safety precautions which need to be followed while performing such experiments, with intermittent prompting.  

Subject Focus: Animals

1. I can match at least three (3) features of at least two animals on pictures with features of real animals with minimal prompting.  
2. I can identify the skeletal backbone.
3. I can distinguish between vertebrates and invertebrates with minimal prompting.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                  
4. I can label at least two (2) of the five vertebrate groups: fish, birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles with minimal prompting.
5. I can distinguish between at least two (2) features of at least one animal from two vertebrate groups such as fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals or birds with minimal prompting.
6. I can explain at least one (1) function of at least two (2) features of two (2) different animals with moderate assistance.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                
7. I can group at least three (3) animals together according to their similar features with minimal prompting.

Subject Focus: The Human Body 

1. I can label on a diagram at least ten (10) parts of the body with minimal prompting.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                      
2. I can listen to my own heartbeat, for example by placing a stethoscope in the right place on my chest with minimal prompting.
3. I can recognise and demonstrate that I breathe with minimal prompting.                    
4. I can see, indicate and feel the surface of the veins and arteries found in my body with minimal prompting.                                                                 
5. I can indicate what an organ is with minimal assistance.  
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                         
6.I can distinguish between models of at least three (3) organs with minimal prompting.
7. I can put the human life cycle in order, starting from being a newborn, moving on to becoming an adult male or female and giving birth to a newborn, with minimal prompting.
8. I can indicate at least three (3) organs in their appropriate position by referring to a diagram with intermittent prompting.
9.I can briefly explain a function of at least two (2) organs of the human body with intermittent prompting.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                    
10.I can join diagrams showing different parts of the body and at least three (3) organs together, forming the human body with intermittent prompting.

Subject Focus: Solids, Liquids & Gases

1. I can indicate at least two (2) properties of solids with moderate assistance.  
2. I can indicate at least two (2) properties of liquids with moderate assistance.  
3.I can indicate at least one (1) property of gas with moderate assistance.
4. I can group at least six (6) things according to their state of matter (solids, liquids or gases) with minimal prompting.

Subject Focus: Different Forms of Energy

1. I can indicate at least one (1) effect of energy increase or decrease of at least two (2) forms of energy with minimal prompting.
2. I can describe what heat energy is with moderate assistance.  
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                
3. I can describe what light energy is with minimal prompting.        
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                      
4. I can describe what kinetic (movement) energy is with minimal prompting.  
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                          
5. I can  describe what sound energy is with minimal prompting.  
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                      
6. I can describe what chemical energy is with moderate assistance.
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                
7. I can give real examples of at least one (1) object that produces one of each type of energy from the following: heat, light, kinetic, sound and chemical energy with minimal prompting.

Subject Focus: Light

1. I can identify at least five (5) objects that give out light with minimal prompting.                              
2. I can identify that the light is made up of seven colours with moderate assistance.                            
3. I can recognise that the rainbow is produced by sunlight with moderate assistance.  
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                         
4. I can choose the seven (7) colours that make up the rainbow with minimal prompting.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                              
5. I can perform an experiment in a group as we learn together to show that the seven (7) colours come from white light with moderate assistance.
 SOCIAL LEARNING                     
6. I can choose at least two (2) necessary items of basic scientific equipment for the experiment/s that will be carried out with intermittent prompting.
7. I can use at least two (2) necessary items of basic scientific equipment for the experiment/s appropriately with intermittent prompting.
8. I can identify at least two (2) safety precautions which need to be followed while performing such experiments, with intermittent prompting.  

Subject Focus: Weather Conditions

1. I can list and describe the four (4) seasons with minimal prompting.
2. I can list at least four (4) weather conditions with minimal prompting.
3. I can distinguish between all four (4) seasons by giving at least two (2) examples of their respective weather conditions with minimal prompting.
4. I can describe the current weather conditions and the current season with minimal prompting.
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                              
5. I can indicate at least two (2) different weather instruments which can be used to indicate different weather conditions such as wind speed, wind direction, temperature and amount of rainfall with minimal prompting.
6. I can relate different clothing with the respective season with minimal prompting.

Subject Focus: Waste & 3Rs

1. I can explain the term waste with minimal prompting.
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                                
2. I can describe what 'reduce' in the 3Rs means with minimal prompting.
3. I can describe what 'reuse' in the 3Rs means with minimal prompting.
4. I can describe what 'recycling' in the 3Rs means with minimal prompting.
5. I can distinguish between at least five (5) objects that can be recycled and at least five (5) objects that cannot be recycled, linking each group to the appropriate garbage bags with minimal prompting.  
 LEARNING TO BE                                         
6. I can separate at least four (4) waste products in respective recycling bins with minimal prompting.

Subject Focus: Earth & Its Features

1. I can explain what a planet is with minimal prompting.    
COGNITIVE LEARNING                                              
2. I can recognise that the Earth is a planet and we live on Earth.  
COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                          
3. I can label pictures or models of a mountain, a river, a lake and the sea with minimal prompting.
4. I can label a volcano and an earthquake on given pictures with minimal prompting.     
5. I can indicate the country I live in on the world map.    

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