EN | MT  

Learning Area: Gardening Fundamentals

Gardening & Science

Subject Focus: Gardening Fundamentals 

1. I can list ten (10) particular things environment such as tools, crops, seeds, insects and trees found in the garden.
2. I can list at least four (4) basic needs of a plant/tree.  
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                              
3. I can identify dry soil that needs watering from damp soil that does not.                                                        
4. I can describe why soil is important to plants/trees.  
5. I can label seeds, saplings and fully grown plants.        
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                          
6. I can compare the differences between seeds, saplings and full grown plants.  
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                                  
7. I can put the plant's life cycle stages in sequence.    
8. I can prepare and organise gardening tools/workbench for work in collaboration with others.                                                                                                                  
9. I can store gardening tools and other items properly.                                                                                      
10. I can show initiative while carrying out a gardening task.
11. I can work cooperatively within a group interaction.      
12. I can manage time effectively with verbal prompting.  
 PERSONAL LEARNING                                  
13. I can show resilience even when faced with more demanding/tiring gardening tasks with minimal prompting.
14. I can plan out my work to reach targets set with verbal cues.
15. I can engage in appropriate hygiene practices (e.g. washing my hands) before and after carrying out a gardening task.                                                                                              
16.  I can keep work space clear and clean.                                                                                                        
17. I can use at least eight (8) gardening tools safely.                                                                                          
18. I can clean up gardening tools after use.                                                                                                      
19. I can discuss the need for protective clothing in gardening activities.
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                                                            
20. I can list at least three (3) types of protective clothing (e.g. gloves, apron and boots, etc.) needed in at least three (3) gardening scenarios/tasks.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                   
21. I can demonstrate how to wear at least three (3) types of protective clothing.
22. I can list at least two (2) ways of how I can reduce/reuse water used during gardening tasks.            
23. I can apply at least five (5) waste-reducing practices when needed.
 LEARNING TO DO                                                                                                                  
24. I can apply waste-reusing practices on at least two (2) occasions (when opportunities arise) per lesson during at least four (4) gardening lessons.
 LEARNING TO DO                                                                                                                                  
25. I can explain what compost is.
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                                
26. I can list at least three (3) items that can be composted.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                                
27. I can list at least five (5) items that can be recycled.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                                  
28. I can separate common gardening waste items appropriately in respective bins.  
 LEARNING TO DO                                                                                          
29. I can explain what organic gardening is with minimal prompting.

Subject Focus: Garden Produce

1. I can list at least four (4) different kinds of plant groups (e.g. herbs, fruits plants, flowering plants and vegetable plants). 
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                          
2. I can list at least ten (10)different vegetables.                                                                                                
3. I can list at least ten (10) different fruits.                                                                                                          
4. I can list at least five (5) different types of flowers.                                                                                        
5. I can list at least four (4) different herbs.            
6. I can list  at least four (4)  types of non-indigenous trees (e.g. apple trees, orange trees, fig trees peach trees, and olive trees).
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                              
7. I can list at least three (3) indigenous trees (e.g. carob trees, holm oak trees, araar trees and aleppo pine trees).
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                                  
8. I can state at least one (1) effect that each season have on the garden.
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                                                        
9. I can list at least one (1) type of garden produce that needs to be planted in each season.

Subject Focus: Soil

1. I can list at least four (4) components of soil (e.g. stones, organic matter, nutrients, water, worms).          
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                    
2. I can label  at least two (2) common worms found in soil.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                                      
3. I can explain why worms are beneficial to soil.         
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                                                                                        
4. I can list at least two (2) nutrients found in soil with minimal prompting.
5. I can give at least three (3) examples of the ways nutrients in soil can be enhanced (e.g. use of fertilizers, crop rotation, giving soil plant food and adding vitamins to water).
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                              
6. I can carry out at least three (3)  tasks to increase nutrients in soil with minimal cues.

Subject Focus: Gardening Tasks

1. I can recognise soil ready to work in from soil that is not ready.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                            
2. I can describe what ploughing is.
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                                                                                                                      
3. I can list at least two (2) gardening tools suitable for ploughing.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                              
4. I can plough using a hoe with minimal assistance.                                                                                          
5. I can choose at least three (3) tools (e.g. garden rake, digging spade  or garden sieve)  to remove stones, weeds and unwanted debris from soil.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING    .                                                                                                           
6. I can differentiate between planted crops and weeds/unwanted plants with minimal prompting.           
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                                              
7. I can work in a team to prepare soil for use such as removing stones, removing weeds and removing unwanted debris.        
8. I can use a digging spade/garden shovel or trowel to dig a hole.                                                                                                                                                        
9. I can select the appropriate digging tools from a choice of three (3) digging tools to dig holes for at least three (3) plants at different life stages (seeds, seedlings, saplings, adult) with minimal assistance.
 CREATIVE LEARNING                                                                                                                                                  
10. I can calculate how big a hole needs to be dug depending on the seed/sapling.                                                                                                                            
11. I can select a pot from a choice of three (3) pots that is best-suited for a specific-sized plant/sapling/seed.
12. I can fill and compress soil in a pot for seeds/saplings to be planted in it.                                                                                                                      
13.  I can top-up soil level in plants that need it.                                                                                                    
14. I can distinguish between a sunny area and a shady area for different plants to be planted in.                          
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                                            
15. I can calculate how big the roots of the plant/seed will grow in order to plant it in an appropriate place leaving enough space with minimal prompting. 
16. I can explain that different-sized seeds/saplings are planted in either pots, seeding-trays or in a patch of soil.    
17. I can recognise that small seeds are planted in larger quantities than larger seeds.                                                                                                                                
18.  I can plant a seed/sapling/plant/tree into soil/seed tray/a pot with minimal assistance.   
19. I can transplant a seedling/sapling/plant/tree from a seed tray to a pot/pot to a patch of soil with minimal assistance.                                                                                                                                                        
20. I can put in sequence the steps involved in growing plants from cuttings.
21. I can describe the importance of using water responsibly during gardening tasks.
 LEARNING TO BE                                                                                                                                                              
22. I can select the appropriate watering tool from a choice of four (4) tools to water plants that are of at least three (3) different life stages (seeds, seedlings, saplings, adult).
 CREATIVE LEARNING                                                                                                                          
23. I can demonstrate  tending to seeds/seedlings/saplings/plants when watering them (e.g. use a tool lightly or staying at the right distance).    
24. I can water seeds/plants/trees using the right amount of water.                                    
25. I can add the right amount of fertiliser to water and mix it well in order to give them to seeds/plants/trees with minimal  prompting.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                
26. I can water seeds/saplings/plants/trees by selecting and using the appropriate tool/s (e.g. spray bottle, watering can, garden hose) with minimal cues.              
27. I can describe mulching.                                                                                                                            
28. I can explain why mulching is beneficial.                
29. I can describe what organic mulching is with minimal prompting.
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                                                                        
30. I can give one example of organic mulching with minimal prompting.                                                                                                              
31. I can describe what inorganic mulching is with minimal prompting..                                                                                  
32. I can give at least one (1) example of inorganic mulching with minimal prompting. 
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                                                                                                                    
33. I can use a garden fork to shift mulch.                                                                                                          
34. I can apply an appropriate amount of mulch to at least three (3)  trees with minimal prompting.                
35. I can explain the meaning of the term pruning.        
36. I can discuss why pruning is beneficial.                    
37. I can  list at least two (2) pruning techniques with minimal prompting.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                        
38. I can summarise the steps needed to carry out at least one (1) pruning technique with minimal cues.         
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                                    
39. I can carry out at least one (1) pruning technique with minimal cues and minimal assistance.        
40. I can recognise when at least two (2) types of garden produce are ready to be harvested with minimal assistance.                                                                                                                                    
41. I can appropriately harvest at least six (6) types of garden produce using the appropriate gardening tools when applicable.                                                                                                
42. I can recognise and collect seeds/pods from mature plants.

Subject Focus: Laboratory Health and Safety

1. I can wear the everyday laboratory protective clothing.    
2. I can explain the importance of protecting all body parts with minimal prompting.  
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                                              
3. I can indicate when protective clothing is required for at least four (4) experiments.
4. I can list at least five (5) rules when using the laboratory.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                              
5. I can apply at least three (3) rules depending on at least three (3) experimental procedures.

Subject Focus: Living Things 

1. I can list the seven (7) vital functions of plants with minimal prompting.
2. I can list the seven (7) vital functions of animals with minimal prompting.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                        
3. I can describe how fossils are the remains of organisms from the remote past with minimal prompting.
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                  
4. I can differentiate between fossils and bones with minimal prompting.  
5. I can select specific bones that make up the human skeleton, distinguishing them from a number of items that are non-bones.
6. I can put all bones in the right location to form a human skeleton on a model or image, with intermittent prompting.
7. I can list at least two (2) food products that strengthen my bones.
COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                            
8. I can explain the importance of bones in the body with minimal prompting.

Subject Focus: Plants

1. I can explain at least four (4) needs of a real plant to grow.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                
2. I can briefly explain what germination is with minimal prompting.  
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                                          
3. I can indicate the specific stages of the plant's life cycle.
4. I can put all stages of a plant's life cycle in order including seed, plant and tree.  
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                  
5. I can show the process of germination through experiments with minimal cues and assistance.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                   
6. I can assess at which level of growth different plants are at.  
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                           
7. I can work in a team to perform three (3) simple experiments to prove that air, water and light are required for a plant to grow with minimal assistance.
 SOCIAL LEARNING                                                                  
8. I can choose all necessary items of basic scientific equipment for the experiment/s that will be carried out.
9. I can use all necessary items of basic scientific equipment for the experiment/s appropriately.  
10. I can apply at least three (3) safety precautions which need to be followed while performing such experiments, with minimal prompting.

Subject Focus: Animals

1. I can describe at least four (4) physical characteristics that makes an animal different from a plant with minimal assistance.
2. I can put in sequence the life cycle of one animal which involves the mother hatching eggs. 
3. I can put in sequence the life cycle of one animal which involves the mother giving birth to live young.                                                                                          
4. I can label the five (5) vertebrate groups: fish, birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles that have a backbone and are known as vertebrates with minimal prompting.  
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                
 5. I can list at least four (4) animals which are vertebrates and at least four (4) animals which are invertebrates.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                      
6. I can give two (2) examples of animals from each vertebrate group.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                            
7. I can distinguish between at least three (3) features of all five vertebrate groups - fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals or birds - with minimal prompting.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                            
8. I can put in sequence the life cycle of one animal which involves the mother laying eggs. 
9. I can put in sequence the life cycle of one animal which involves the mother giving birth to live young.          
10. I can explain at least one (1) function of at least four (4) features from all five vertebrate groups with minimal assistance.

Subject Focus: Cells

1. I can recognise that cells are the building blocks of all living things.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                            
2. I can follow instructions to use the microscope appropriately with minimal assistance.
3. I can look at different cells such as onion cells and plant cells using the microscope with minimal cues.
 SOCIAL LEARNING                                     
4. I can apply at least three (3) safety precautions which need to be followed while performing such experiments, with minimal prompting.  

Subject Focus: The Human Body 

1. I can match the respiratory, circulatory and the digestive system with the appropriate organs.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                      
2. I can describe the respiratory system with minimal cues.
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                                         
3. I can describe the circulatory system with minimal cues. 
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                                        
4. I can describe the digestive system with minimal cues.
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                                        
5. I can explain one (1) function of at least three (3) organs.
6. I can explain the importance of at least one (1) organ related to the respiratory system with minimal prompting.
7. I can explain the importance of at least one (1) organ related to the circulatory system with minimal prompting.
8. I can explain the importance of at least one (1) organ related to the digestive system with minimal prompting.
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                                                                                                            

Subject Focus: Solids, Liquids & Gases

1. I can recall how to classify different states of matter (solids, liquids and gases).
COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                            
2. I can recognise what solids are from the properties they exhibit.    
3. I can recognise what liquids are from the properties they exhibit with minimal prompting.                                                                        
4. I can recognise what gases are from the properties they exhibit with moderate assistance.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                
5. I can sort at least nine (9) things into three (3) different states of matter: solids, liquids and gases.
 CREATIVE LEARNING                        
6. I can distinguish between the properties of solids, liquids and gases with minimal prompting.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                        
7. I can work in a team to perform at least two (2) experiments using at least two (2) solids in order to change their state of matter from either solid to liquid and/or liquid to gas and vice versa with minimal assistance.   
 SOCIAL LEARNING                                                            
8. I can work in a team to perform at least two (2) experiments using at least two (2) liquids in order to change their state of matter from either liquid to gas and/or liquid to solid and vice versa with minimal assistance.  
 SOCIAL LEARNING                                  
9. I can apply at least three (3) safety precautions which need to be followed while performing such experiments, with minimal prompting.                                                                                            
10. I can choose all necessary items of basic scientific equipment for the experiment/s that will be carried out with minimal prompting.
11. I can use all the necessary items of basic scientific equipment for the experiment/s appropriately with minimal prompting.

Subject Focus: Acids & Alkalis

1. I can state a property of an acid.
2. I can state a property of an alkali.  
3. I can describe the use of at least three (3) acids with minimal prompting and assistance.
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                  
4. I can describe the use of at least three (3) alkalis with minimal prompting and assistance.
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                            
5. I can identify at least three (3) liquids as acids by using universal indicator or litmus paper.  
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                  
6. I can identify at least three (3) liquids as alkalis by using universal indicator/litmus paper.  
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                  
7. I can use the pH scale to determine the strength of at least two acids, two alkalis and one neutral substance.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                 
8. I can use acids and alkalis during at least three (3) given tasks, while taking safety precautions, with minimal assistance.

Subject Focus: Mixtures & Chemical Reactions

1. I can describe what a mixture is with minimal prompting. 
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                                                                                            
2. I can explain what a chemical reaction is with minimal prompting.
3. I can distinguish between mixtures and chemicals by trying to separate them by using at least two separation techniques with minimal prompting.
COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                          
4. I can differentiate between at least two separation techniques with minimal prompting.
5. I can follow instructions to separate mixtures using at least two separation techniques with minimal cues.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                           
6. I can follow instructions of a procedure involving the addition of chemicals together to make a new product with minimal cues.  
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                
7. I can show how to neutralise an acid and/or an alkali in a group with minimal cues.  
8. I can choose all necessary items of basic scientific equipment for the experiment/s that will be carried out.    
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                 
9. I can use all necessary items of basic scientific equipment for the experiment/s appropriately.  
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                            
10. I can apply at least three (3) safety precautions which need to be followed while performing such experiments, with minimal prompting.

Subject Focus: Different Forms of Energy

1. I can explain what a renewable energy source is with minimal prompting.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                          
2. I can explain what a non-renewable energy source is with minimal prompting.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                          
3. I can give at least two (2) examples of renewable energy sources.  
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                         
4. I can give at least two (2) examples of non-renewable energy sources.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                            
5. I can distinguish between renewable and non-renewable sources with minimal prompting.  
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                  
6. I can describe the use of one (1) renewable and one (1) non-renewable energy source with minimal assistance.
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                                                             
7. I can explain why renewable energy sources are better for the environment than non-renewable energy sources with moderate assistance.

Subject Focus: Waste & 3Rs

1. I can produce a list of four (4) recycling bins including the respective colour code.
2. I can indicate at least two (2) items that can be recycled in every recycling bin, such as paper, plastic, metal and glass.
 LEARNING TO DO                                                                                                            
  3. I can give at least two (2) examples of how to reduce waste with minimal cues.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                  
4. I can choose at least three (3) materials that can be reused from a list of six (6) items with minimal cues.
 LEARNING TO BE                                                
5. I can demonstrate at least three (3) examples of how to reuse waste with minimal cues.  
6. I can sort at least eight (8) waste products in their respective recycling bins.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                    
7. I can list at least five (5) items that can be recycled.    
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                   
8. I can sequence the process of what happens to waste (recyclable/non-recyclable) once this is collected from homes.
 9. I can explain at least two (2) effects of waste on the environment with minimal assistance.

Subject Focus: Earth & Its Features

1. I can describe what a mountain is with minimal prompting.
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                                        
2. I can describe what a river, a lake and the sea  are with minimal prompting.
 EXPRESSIVE LEARNING                                                          
3. I can describe what an earthquake is with minimal prompting.
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                                        
4. I can describe what a volcano is with minimal prompting.
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                                          
5. I can differentiate between an earthquake and a volcano eruption with minimal prompting.  
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                  
6. I can identify at least one (1) cause of an earthquake with minimal assistance.      
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                      
7. I can identify at least one (1) cause of a volcano with minimal assistance.      
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                  
8. I can describe at least two (2) effects of an earthquake with minimal assistance.
9. I can describe at least two (2) effects of a volcano with minimal assistance.

Subject Focus: Forces

1. I can give examples of at least two (2) moving and two (2) static objects.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                               
2. I can distinguish between a push and a pull.    
3. I can differentiate between at least three (3) different types of forces such as upthrust, friction and electrostatic with minimal assistance.  
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                        
4. I can describe at least two (2) effects of a force with minimal assistance.
EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                     
5. I can distinguish between floating and sinking.                               
6. I can describe at least three (3) everyday examples of forces applied on several objects with minimal prompting.  
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                   
7. I can separate at least three (3) things that float from three things that sink by conducting a simple experiment.  
8. I can demonstrate at least two (2) examples of forces that I apply in everyday life with minimal assistance.

Subject Focus: Electricity

1.  I can describe at least two (2) effects of electricity with minimal prompting.
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                                                      
2. I can name at least three (3) main components of a basic circuit.    
3. I can name at least three (3) conductors of electricity.                    
4. I can name at least three (3) insulators of electricity.                      
5. I can give three (3) examples of home
appliances that work using electricity.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                        
6. I can give three (3) examples of electric equipment used outside home.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                
7. I can join the components needed to build a circuit and conduct electricity.
8. I can describe the use of at least three (3) of the main components of an electric circuit with minimal assistance.
 EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE                  
9. I can describe that a current flows in a circuit and how this is formed with moderate assistance.
10. I can explain at least three (3) ways of how to reduce the use of electricity with minimal cues.  
 LEARNING TO BE                                                          
11. I can describe at least three (3) safety precautions related to the use of electricity with minimal cues.

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