Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Science and Technology
Subject Focus: Multimedia and Computer Systems
1] I can distinguish between various Operating Systems e.g. WindowsTM, LinuxTM and AndroidTM.
2] I can identify the basic layers of an Operating System e.g. Kernel, application software and system software.
3] I can identify the main differences in un/installing applications on different Operating System environments e.g. App StoreTM, Play StoreTM, Linux Open RepositoryTM and Microsoft StoreTM.
4] Abiding to data protection and copyright laws I can use an open source sound editing application e.g. Audacity to perform the following tasks:
• Read a sound wave
• Apply an effect on a sound wave to reduce noise
• Cut pieces of a sound wave to create a new sound wave
• Export my sound as mp3 and other formats
• Upload my sound to open source song service e.g. SoundCloudTM.
5] Abiding to data protection and copyright laws I can use free video editing software to perform the following tasks:
• Edit a video clip e.g. of a school activity
• Add text to the video clip
• Apply different effects on different parts of the video clip
• Sync video with audio
• Export my video by using a compression method
• Upload my video as a private video on a video sharing site e.g. YouTubeTM.
6] I can use a WYSIWYG HTML editor to create a simple website of at least two linked pages with a navigation menu containing resized images.
7] I am able to create a 3D-model using open source software, e.g. Google SketchupTM which will include:
• The modification of primitives
• The combination and subtraction of two primitives
• The application of materials.
2] I can identify the basic layers of an Operating System e.g. Kernel, application software and system software.
3] I can identify the main differences in un/installing applications on different Operating System environments e.g. App StoreTM, Play StoreTM, Linux Open RepositoryTM and Microsoft StoreTM.
4] Abiding to data protection and copyright laws I can use an open source sound editing application e.g. Audacity to perform the following tasks:
• Read a sound wave
• Apply an effect on a sound wave to reduce noise
• Cut pieces of a sound wave to create a new sound wave
• Export my sound as mp3 and other formats
• Upload my sound to open source song service e.g. SoundCloudTM.
5] Abiding to data protection and copyright laws I can use free video editing software to perform the following tasks:
• Edit a video clip e.g. of a school activity
• Add text to the video clip
• Apply different effects on different parts of the video clip
• Sync video with audio
• Export my video by using a compression method
• Upload my video as a private video on a video sharing site e.g. YouTubeTM.

6] I can use a WYSIWYG HTML editor to create a simple website of at least two linked pages with a navigation menu containing resized images.

7] I am able to create a 3D-model using open source software, e.g. Google SketchupTM which will include:
• The modification of primitives
• The combination and subtraction of two primitives
• The application of materials.

Subject Focus: Research, Digital Ethics and Coding
1] I can propose ways how to reduce the digital divide e.g. reducing information poverty, create awareness about information censorship and provide global access to resources.
2] I can demonstrate in any chosen medium the shifting characteristics of Robotics and AI (Artificial Intelligence) in the film industry throughout time.
3] I can discuss the implications on humanity and the future career landscape with the advancement of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Advanced Intelligent Systems.
4] I can discuss the impact of Anonymous Social Media Tools on digital crimes e.g. Cyberbullying, Digital Blackmail, Sextortion etc.
5] I can differentiate between quantitative and qualitative research.
6] I can describe the process of an interview to gather qualitative data e.g. interviewing and recording, transcribing, coding and extrapolation/ hypothesis.
7] I can plan, design and create a questionnaire for a specific scenario using a questionnaire software e.g. Google DocsTM and present the empirical findings on a spreadsheet.
8] I can code using HTML and a simple text editor and create a simple website on an environmental school project.
9] I can externally embed a video I have created in one of the pages related to the topic.
10] I can ethically evaluate the pros and cons of the following:
• Biomechanical Enhancement/ Body Modification
• Extending Mortality
• Role of Robotics in Society.
2] I can demonstrate in any chosen medium the shifting characteristics of Robotics and AI (Artificial Intelligence) in the film industry throughout time.
3] I can discuss the implications on humanity and the future career landscape with the advancement of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Advanced Intelligent Systems.
4] I can discuss the impact of Anonymous Social Media Tools on digital crimes e.g. Cyberbullying, Digital Blackmail, Sextortion etc.
5] I can differentiate between quantitative and qualitative research.
6] I can describe the process of an interview to gather qualitative data e.g. interviewing and recording, transcribing, coding and extrapolation/ hypothesis.
7] I can plan, design and create a questionnaire for a specific scenario using a questionnaire software e.g. Google DocsTM and present the empirical findings on a spreadsheet.
8] I can code using HTML and a simple text editor and create a simple website on an environmental school project.
9] I can externally embed a video I have created in one of the pages related to the topic.
10] I can ethically evaluate the pros and cons of the following:
• Biomechanical Enhancement/ Body Modification
• Extending Mortality
• Role of Robotics in Society.