EN | MT  

Learning Area: I can adapt to my learning environment and engage to learn effectively in a number of contexts in a variety of settings.

Music and Drama & Physical Education

Subject Focus: Becoming an Independent Learner within a Student-Centred Learning Environment.

1. I can imitate a simple physical routine.                    
2. I am able to identify at least three (3) different PE equipment from athletics and sports game stations during a physical education activity with minimal prompting.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                
3. I can use my own preferred gym equipment for at least ten (10) minutes.
e.g. use either treadmill, air walker, cross trainer or indoor cycle.                                                                                                            
4. I am able to listen to my teacher's directions without interrupting during individual drills.
 LISTENING AND SPEAKING                                                                                              
5. I can follow a simple one (1) step instruction given to me individually during a physical activity with minimal guidance.
e.g. "You must run to the white line".                                                                                    
6. I can change from one task to another on teacher's request.
e.g. "Leave the ball there and start hopping from one hoop to another".                                                        
7. I am willing to improve by attempting more challenging physical activities according to my ability with continuous support.

Subject Focus: Harnessing Physical Literacy.

1. I am able to engage in at least two (2) physical activities or games during a lesson with minimal prompting.                                                                                        
2. I am able to complete at least one (1) physical activity or game during a lesson with minimal support.                                                                                                
3. I am able to adapt to different spatial proximity/space where physical activities are set with minimal verbal prompting.                                                                                
4. I am able to start running when a signal is given at the starting point during a race.                                                                                                
5. I am able to step over a low-lying obstacle in an obstacle race.
e.g. jump a skipping-rope on the floor.                                                                                                              
6. I can walk a distance of five (5) metres with a plastic can full of water with minimal spillage on the floor during a water game.                                                                                                              
7. I am able to shuffle forward and backwards along a bench in a sitting position.                                                                                                            
8. I can balance by standing still on an unstable surface such as a soft mat.                                                                                                                
9. I can balance by moving from one (1) hoop to another in an obstacle race on both feet.                                                                                            
10. I can simulate basic gymnastic skills involving stretching and turning.                                                                                                        
11. I can simulate combined simple movement patterns to dance steps to perform in a dance with minimal support.                                                                                                                                      
12. I can adapt to change in music tempo and/or style by changing pattern of movement/dancing with minimal verbal prompting.                                                                            
13. I can hold and release a bean-bag.
14. I can throw a bean-bag using the under-arm throwing technique.                                                                  
15. I can catch a bean-bag while standing.
16. I can roll a large ball for a distance of five (5) metres.
17. I can walk around with a bean-bag on the palm of my hand.                                                        
18. I can make contact with a size five (5) football with my feet.                                                
19. I can strike a stationary softball placed on a cone with a bat.                                                
20. I can produce the cycling action on an indoor cycle.                                                                          
21. I can side-step across a one (1) metre height swimming pool.                                                      
22. I can swim at least five (5) metres independently in a one (1) metre height swimming pool. 

Subject Focus: Addressing Challenges and Developing Problem-Solving Skills through Physical Education.

1. I can demonstrate the ability to work with peers with minimal verbal prompting.
 SOCIAL LEARNING                                                                                  
2. I can follow a simple instruction during a physical activity or game with minimal prompting. e.g. pass through tunnel.
 LISTENING AND SPEAKING                                                                        
3. I can indicate that I need support in carrying out a  task.
 PERSONAL LEARNING                                                                        
4. I am able to express myself when I am anxious, in pain or uncomfortable within the learning environment.
PERSONAL LEARNING                                                                                                                          
5. I can control my frustration with minimal verbal prompting when I fail to perform a physical activity task.                                                                                  
6. I can work with different types of stimuli in various environments during a physical education learning process with guidance.   

Subject Focus: Working Towards Students' Holistic Development.

1. I can ask to take part in activities or games that I enjoy practising with minimal verbal prompting.
e.g. pointing to a particular PE equipment or pointing at flashcards.                                                                          
2. I can work in both open and closed areas in a physical education context.                                                                                                          
3. I can perform in a learning environment or setting outside of the school learning environment.                                                                                                    
4. I can differentiate between at least four (4) good and bad habits that affect my overall wellbeing and health.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                                          
5. I can list at least five (5) physical activities which are of benefit to my own health and wellbeing.

Subject Focus: Becoming Health-Literate and Knowing our Bodies.

1. I can complete a simple diagram (involving chart and flash-cards) to show that food provides energy for physical activity, with  minimal assistance.                                                                                                    
2. I can point out at least two (2) types of healthy food from a choice of six (6) with continous prompting.                                                                                            
3. I can label at least ten (10) parts of the body with minimal prompting.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                            
4. I can imitate the teacher's movements of the upper-body.                                                                                  
5. I can imitate the teacher's movements of the lower body.                                                                    
6. I can imitate at least two different non-locomotor skills.
e.g. swinging, bending, stretching, swaying, twisting and turning.                                                                                        
7. I can repeat the routine of washing hands and face after exercise with some verbal prompting.

Subject Focus: Collaborating in a Team, Small Group or Pairs.

1. I can focus on a ten (10) minute physical activity task to completion, in a small group of up to four (4) students.                                                                                
2. I can follow a simple instruction given while working in pairs/groups of three (3) during a physical education activity.
e.g. pass the ball to your team-mate.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                              
3. I can listen to my peers in a group of three for at least five (5) minutes without interrupting.
 LISTENING AND SPEAKING                                                                                              
4. I can co-operate with my peers by taking at least two (2) turns in a set of relay races with three (3) other team-mates with minimal verbal prompting.
 SOCIAL LEARNING                                                                                                        
5. I am able to share gym equipment with my peers while using the gym facilities.                                                                                                        
6. I am able to accept a role with three (3) duties in a group/team such as being an active member, keeping the time and acting as a supporter during a physical activity with continous guidance.
7. I can choose four (4) pictures which highlight good practices in collaborating in a team/group from a set of six (6) with minimum prompting.
e.g. help team-mate when injured, pass ball to team-mate, supporting team-mate and discussing with a team-mate.

Subject Focus: Music In Context.

1. I am able to identify that there are different musical features with intermittent support and guidance.
2. I am aware that different musical instruments produce different sounds. 
3. I can name at least two (2) places where music is used, with minimal prompting.
4. I can identify at least two (2) occasions in which music is used or applied in context, with minimal prompting.

Subject Focus: Responding to Music.

1. I show awarness to music by responding through gestures and/or movement.
e.g. smiling, tapping, dancing.
2. I can clap to a tempo up to at least four (4) beats, with intermittent prompting and guidance.
3. I can show awareness by responding to evident changes in dynamics with minimal prompting.
4. I can relate the music that I heard by matching at least two (2) musical extracts to three (3) pictures in a simple matching exercises, with intermittent prompting.

Subject Focus: Evaluating Music.

1. I can participate in a rehearsal for a performance in a small group of at least four (4) students, with shared assistance.
2. I can indicate how music is being created by other people around me with intermittent prompting.
e.g. using voice, hand, feet, instrument, object etc.
3. I can identify at least two (2) types of music genres and the different emotions they create, with prompting.
4. I can recognise at least two (2) different instruments from the different sounds they create when played with minimal prompting.
5. I can name at least three (3) instruments, with minimal prompting.

Subject Focus: Performing.

1. I can make simple use of a percussion instrument appropriately and independently, with minimal support.
2. I am able to play a percussion instrument in a group of at least four (4) students with ongoing guidance and assistance.
3. I can perform an instument or sing in a small group of at least 4 students, with shared assistance.
4. I can outline or describe at least one (1) type of performance involving music in two (2) sentences with intermittent prompting.

Subject Focus: Improvising.

1. I can identify different musical sounds created through improvisation.
2. I can distinguish between improvised and composed music in a particular context, with prompting.
3. I am aware that music can be created using a range of different materials including upcycled items.

Subject Focus: Using my Voice.

1. I can hum and/or sing at least two (2) songs, with ongoing support and guidance.
2. I can create music without the need of musical instruments, with minimal prompting and assistance.

Subject Focus: Playing Instruments.

1. I can make improvised and rhythmic music as part of a group, using simple percussion instruments with shared assistance and guidance.
2. I can play at least two (2) simple upcycled percussion instruments as a solo, with intermittent prompting.
3. I can play at least one (1) 'real' percussion instrument as a solo, with intermittent prompting.
e.g. maracas or side drum.
4. I can play a handmade percussion instrument when performing/playing instruments with others, with prompting.
5. I can name or identify different instruments other than percussion with leading prompting and instruction.
e.g. keyboard, guitar, violin, flute, clarinet.

Subject Focus: Using Technology - Promoting Digital Literacy.

1. I am able to indicate and identify the use of technology that is required to record my performance.
2. I can search and identify recordings of my own musical work. 
3. I can associate performed music featuring on the net to a familiar scenario with minimal prompting.
e.g. names, composer, style, event.

Subject Focus: Notation.

1. I can recognise a sheet with music notation, with minimal prompting.
e.g. clef, notes, dynamics.
2. I can identify basic graphic notation, by finding a 'Middle C' on a diagram of the central part of a keyboard with leading prompting and assistance.
3. I can match at least two (2) symbols to their representative meaning, in a sheet of simple written music with intermittent prompting.
e.g. dynamics, note value, pitch, tonality.

Subject Focus: Communication, Participation and Interaction in Performances and Presentations.

1. I am able to recognise and identify at least two (2) specific musical works composed for special occasions such as the local festa, or Christmas.
2. I am able to identify at least two (2) familiar pieces of recorded or live music that is performed by local musicians, with minimal prompting.
3. I am able to identify at least one (1) familiar piece of recorded or live music that is performed by foreign musicians in contemporary music or film score, with minimal prompting.
4. I can sing or perform an instrument in a group in front of an audience of un/familiar people, following adequate rehearsal and intermittent prompting.
5. I can act appropriately when forming part of an audience during a performance that lasts not more than one (1) hour.

Subject Focus: Developing, Widening and Harnessing of Knowledge in Music.

1. I can differentiate between local and foreign popular songs, with minimal prompting.
2. I can identify the difference between at least two (2) genres of music, with intermittent prompting.
e.g. church, country, classical, oriental, pop, rock.
3. I can classify at least one (1) instrument per category from at least two (2) categories, with leading prompting.
e.g. string or woodwind or brass or percussion. 
4. I am able to search for at least one (1) composer and listen to any of his works, with one to one assistance in IT.
5. I can identify at least one (1) difference between two (2) different composers and their styles, following music appreciation instruction and intermittent prompting.

Subject Focus: Exploring and Making Drama; Creative Movement.

1. I can perform at least one (1) sequence with three (3) movements sequences within a dance routine with leading assistance and/or direction.
2. I can improvise a short sequence of at least three (3) movements during individual dance work with intermittent prompting and guidance.
3. I can improvise a short sequence of  one (1) movement during partner and/or thriad dance-work with minimal supervision.
4. I can express imagination through dance in a small group with continual prompting.
5. I can communicate feelings through movement with intermittent prompting.
6. I can associate music to at least two (2) different movements with minimal prompting.
7. I can communicate and practice rhythm in a small group of at least three (3) members performance with intermittent prompting.
8. I can distinguish basic group movement pace with intermittent  prompting.
e.g. fast, slow.
9. I can keep rhythm while dancing with a partner of at least three (3) flowing movements with intermittent prompting.

Subject Focus: Exploring and Making Drama.

1. I can demonstrate awareness of performing space and/or location in group performance with non-constant supervision. 
2. I can execute a simple acting sequence of ten (10) minutes through rehearsed phrases/gestures with intermittent support and  prompting.
3. I can be involved in blocking and performing at least one (1) scene with leading but non-constant prompting.
4. I can handle props during a scene with non-constant supervision.
5. I can clear props with non-constant supervision.
6. I can explore the limitations and possibilities of movement in a given space with intermittent prompting and supervision.
7. I can explore how sceneray items are used to create a given scene together with a fellow student with supervision.
e.g. gablo flakes instead of real snowflakes.
8. I can respect spacing in a group with intermittent prompting.
e.g. work in groups in a designated space.

Subject Focus: Being Part of an Audience.

1. I can behave appropriately when I am part of an audience for at least a one-act play of forty-five (45) minutes with constant supervision.
2. I can show curiosity before and/or doing a dramatic performance with intermittent prompting.
e.g. show anticipation and curiosity, ask about what is happening.
3. I can  recall the main characters in the drama with intermittent prompting.
4. I can recall a specific scene and/or event within the drama with minimall prompting.
5. I can recall/recite the order of events in the drama with intermittent verbal prompting.
6. I can differentiate between three (3) dramatic genres with intermittent prompting.
e.g. between comic and tragic.

Subject Focus: Experimenting with and Performing Scripted Scenes.

1. I can differentiate between different scenes of a scripted drama with intermittent prompting.
2. I can describe the story-line of three (3) flowing scripted scenes with non-leading continous prompting
3. I can rehearse at least four (4) on-stage actions for a secondary role within a scripted scene with intermittent prompting.
4. I can act at least four (4) on-stage actions for a secondary role with a short-scripted scene with intermittent prompting.
5. I can respect the space of others in the scripted performance with non-constant supervision. 
6. I can put on my role costume with assistance before performing.
7. I can keep pace for at least a scene to my on-stage timing with intermittent prompting.
8. I can act out my role within at least a scripted scene with continuous prompting.
9. I can incorporate at least two (2) body movements to convey meaning during performance with minimal prompting.
10. I can use props provided with minimal prompting and/or assistance.
11. I can collaborate with at least three (3) other participants on stage with minimal guidance. 
12. I can actively communicate with others involved in the performance with intermittent verbal cues; including: in and out of role participants, directors, make-up artists, backstage personnel.
13. I can rehearse and act at least four (4) scheduled lines with intermittent prompting.
14. I can recognize at least another four (4) participants' roles within the scripted performance with intermittent prompting.
15. I can convey my role’s/character’s mood effectively as emphasized in at least one (1) scene with continual prompting. 
16. I can alter my tone of voice as required for at least one (1) scene with continuous support.

Subject Focus: Responding and Reflecting on Drama.

1. I can recognise at least three (3) changes brought about with the use of props and scenery with constant prompting.  
2. I can experiment with at least three (3) different props related to at least one scene with intermittent supervision.
3. I can try-out at least three (3) different costumes related to at least one scene with intermittent supervision.
4. I can express at least one (1) personal preference to one material/texture/colour over another with intermittent prompting.  
5. I can identify at least one (1) particular sound from a scene with minimal prompting.
6. I can identify at least one (1) particular colour variation of stage light projection to a scene with intermittent prompting.

Subject Focus: Responding and Reflecting on Drama.

1. I can relate/correspond simple and/or apparent emotional states to specific characters with minimal prompting.
e.g. happy, sad, angry.
2. I can relate/correspond light changes to changes in the scene with intermittent prompting.
3. I can relate/correspond sound changes to the general ambience with intermittent prompting.
4. I can relate/correspond movement with the general atpsophere with intermittent prompting.

Subject Focus: Responding and Reflecting on Drama.

1. I can express a change in mood of at least one (1) scene with immediate, yet intermittent prompting. 
2. I can associate, at least two (2) characteristics of a role with non-leading intermittent prompting.
3. I can speculate how the storyline is going to develop with intermittent cues.

Subject Focus: Working Collaboratively in Drama.

1. I can participate in a group drama performance with intermittent support and prompting.
2. I can contribute at least two (2) ideas on the choice of props and/or costumes within a group with minimal assistance.
3. I can contribute at least two (2) ideas on the choice of scenery and background music in a group with non-leading prompting.
4. I can accept feedback from others with constant support and/or guidance.

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