EN | MT  

Learning Area: I can adapt to my learning environment and engage to learn effectively in a number of contexts in a variety of settings.

Music and Drama & Physical Education

Subject Focus: Becoming an Independent Learner within a Student-Centred Learning Environment.

1. I am able to follow common rules and routines during a physical education session.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                                          
2. I am able to identify at least five (5) different PE equipment from athletics and sports game stations during a physical education activity.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                              
3. I am able to set up and put away equipment such as cones, markers and balls in a teacher-instructed activity.                                                                                
4. I can use my own preferred gym equipment for at least fifteen (15) minutes.  
e.g. use either treadmill, air walker, cross trainer or indoor cycle.                                                                      
5. I can ask questions if I don't understand in a physical education learning setting.
6. I am able to accept constructive feedback from people around me (teachers, assistants and peers) during physical education sessions.
 PERSONAL LEARNING                                                                                      
7. I can indicate a personal strength and a weakness after finishing a task or performance with minimal verbal prompting.
 LEARNING TO BE                                                                                    
8. I am able to utilise knowledge from one learning area to another in order to facilitate new information in a new area during a physical activity or game with minimal prompting.

Subject Focus: Harnessing Physical Literacy.

1. I can listen to constructive feedback and act on it in my next performance.
 PERSONAL LEARNING                                                                                                          
2. I can follow verbal commands during races, games and group sports such as "take your mark", "get set" and "go".
 LISTENING AND SPEAKING                                                                                          
3. I am able to jump over hurdles during a race.                                      
4. I can run eight (8) metres with a plastic can full of water with minimal spillage it on the floor during a water game.                                              
5. I can balance by walking the length of a one (1) metre high bench with minimal physical support.                                                                                        
6. I can maintain balance when standing on one (1) leg on an unstable surface such as a mat.                                                                                
7. I can balance while hopping through four (4) hoops placed near each other during an obstacle race.                                                                    
8. I can dramatise different rhythm in a dance by using strong or light movement.                                                                                                    
9. I can react by dancing with movement or gestures to stimuli such as music or stories.                                                                                        
10. I can perform at least two (2) gymnastical movement actions.
e.g. rolling over a mat, rocking on a gym ball, stretching, twisting and turning.                                                                          
11. I am able to walk around a set of plotted cones that form different shapes.                                                                                                        
12. I am able to move forward, backwards and sideways during a physical activity.                                                                                        
13. I am able to catch a size four (4) football thrown from a distance of three (3) metres during a catching and throwing drill.                              
14. I am able to perform a bounce pass with a basketball to one of my peers stationed five (5) metres away from me in a ball handling drill. 
15. I am able to perform a chest pass with a large ball to one of my peers stationed five (5) metres away from me in a ball handling drill.                                                                                            
16. I can throw at least two (2) bean bags from a set of five (5) over a one (1) metre net inside a hoop during a target game.                                                                              
17. I can throw at least two (2) quoits from a set of six (6) into a cone from a distance of 1.5 metres.                                                                                                    
18. I can bowl twelve (12) empty plastic bottles after a maximum of two (2) shots, using a size five (5) football in a competitive setting.                                                        
19. I can kick a stationary size five (5) football between two (2) posts during an individual shooting drill.                                                                                  
20. I can strike a softball which has been thrown in my direction, with a bat at least twice (2) from a set of six (6).                                                                                                  
21. I can run with a baton in my hand during a relay-race.                                                
22. I can pass a baton to a team-mate during a relay-race.                                            
23. I can cycle with training wheels while following a bicycle route in a designated area with minimal prompting.                                                                                                
24. I am able to follow basic rules and safety procedures in a two (2) metres deep swimming pool facility.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                            
25. I am able to perform a one arm throw with a light ball while in one (1) metre height swimming pool.                                                                                          
26. I am able to catch a light ball while in one (1) metre height swimming pool.

Subject Focus: Addressing Challenges and Developing Problem-Solving Skills through Physical Education.

1. I am able to take decisions for my own personal interests with minimal prompting in a physical education context.
2. I can understand a three-step instruction during a physical activity or game. e.g. jump the hurdle, pass through the tunnel and throw the ball between the cones.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                          
3. I am able to demonstrate problem-solving skills in a physical education context with minimal prompting.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                            
4. I can show resilience to overcome a given challenge with minimal support.
5. I can display feelings with regards to my performance during a physical activity or game.
e.g. feel happy after a good performance, feel sad after a not so good performance.                                                                                                                              
6. I can indicate which physical activity is more challenging to me from a choice of two or more.

Subject Focus: Working Towards Students' Holistic Development.

1. I can identify myself through specific characteristics, abilities and preferences in a physical education context.
e.g. age, gender, games I prefer.
2. I can choose a self-directed physical activity.
3. I can conduct to completion a self-directed physical activity.              
4. I can demonstrate the ability to work with a group of four (4) peers.  
 SOCIAL LEARNING                                                                                                    
5. I can assist other peers independently or in a group during various physical activities and games.                                                                    
6. I can demonstrate imagination by discussing creative ways to combine equipment or other material in unconventional ways.
e.g. use water bottles and balls to play bowling.    
 CREATIVE LEARNING                                                                                                    
7. I can develop my organizational skills while planning a minor school activity/event with minimal help.
e.g. plan a mid-day break activity.
8. I can practice a health related fitness exercise on a weekly basis with some prompting for three (3) months. e.g. using the treadmil.  
9. I can demonstrate the benefits towards my overall wellbeing and health, of practising sports and other physical activities with minimal support.                                                                                                      
10. I can identify a person who is following a healthy lifestyle from one who is following an unhealthy lifestyle in a social story.

Subject Focus: Becoming Health-Literate and Knowing our Bodies.

1. I can classify healthy and unhealthy foods with minimal prompting.                                                                                                    
2. I can classify at least three (3) food products in at least three (3) of the food categories independently.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                            
3. I can summarise the link between fitness, body weight and nutrition by completing a matching activity.
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                                                                                              
4. I can move my arms and hands independently when instructed to.                                                                                                
5. I can move my legs and feet independently when instructed to.                                      
6. I can perform at least two (2) different non-locomotor skills by expressing my mood during a themed game.
e.g. I can show I'm happy by swinging, I can show I'm excited by twisting and turning, I can show I'm sleepy by stretching feet and arms, I can show I'm tired by bending, I can show I'm angry by swaying.
7. I am able to indicate how my body feels during a physical activity or game.
e.g. out of breath, hot.                                                                                                                              
8. I can repeat the routine of washing my hands and face after exercise without any prompting.

Subject Focus: Collaborating in a Team, Small Group or Pairs.

1. I can establish relationships with new unfamiliar individuals in a physical education context.                                                                                                    
2. I can focus on a small group/pairs twenty (20) minute physical activity task to completion, in a small group of up to three (3) students.                                                                                    
3. I can follow three-step instructions given with minimum or no support while working in pairs or groups of three (3).
 COGNITIVE LEARNING                                          
4. I am able to show respect to others by showing ability to take turns.
e.g. while participating in a relay race with three other team-mates.
 SOCIAL LEARNING                                                                                                                                
5. I can demonstrate a positive attitude by encouraging my team-mates during a game.                                                                                                                      
6. I can show my leadership skills by motivating my team-mates during a game.
7. I can show my leadership skills by explaining the rules of a game to my team mates after being instructed by the teacher.
8. I am able to show care in a physical education context by helping and encouraging others who need help
 LEARNING TO LIVE TOGETHER                                                                                            
9. I can demonstrate sensitivity towards what my peer's are feeling.
e.g. recognize when someone is crying or is hurt and ask what's wrong.
 LEARNING TO LIVE TOGETHER                                                                                                          
10. I can complete an individual flash-card activity highlighting the importance of being part of a team during sports and games.

Subject Focus: Music In Context.

1. I can identify the kind of music (from a choice of 3) that would be appropriate for at least three (3) different scenarios.
e.g. wedding ceremony, birthday party, funeral, etc.
2. I can recognise two (2) different occasions in which different music styles are used.
3. I can describe two (2) aspects of music that indicate the occasion for which it was written.
4. I can differentiate between contemporary, classical and period music.

Subject Focus: Responding to Music.

1. I can respond to music by using free movement.
e.g. tapping, clapping, nodding etc.
2. I can clap to a tempo independently for at least one (1) continuous minute.
3. I can recognise a loud and a soft aspect of a musical piece.
e.g. dynamic.
4. I can recognise how different moods are created in music by giving up to three (3) examples through informed choices.
5. I can illustrate emotions/feelings brought about by music that I heard through drawing and/or painting, with minimal prompting.
6. I can recreate the general mood of a tune/musical piece through at least two (2) of the following: expression, clapping, tapping, humming and/or vocalising.

Subject Focus: Evaluating Music.

1. I can reflect on my own performance during rehearsal for a performance, with minimal prompting.
2. I can attentively listen to and appreciate other peoples' musical performances lasting at least one (1) hour.
3. I can classify the way two (2) different kinds of music make me feel.
4. I can choose from a diagram depicting different instruments at least three (3) instruments that are used to create the general mood/feel of the piece with minimal prompting.
5. I can identify the period (e.g. Baroque/Classical/Romantic/20th Century) a musical composition was written, according to striking features in musical style (e.g. homophony/polyphony, range of dynamics, use of instruments) with leading prompting and instruction.

Subject Focus: Performing.

1. I can perform at least 70% of a sample of at least 20 simple musical phrases/bars on my own with continuous assistance.
2. I can perform at least 80% of a sample of at least 20 simple musical phrases/bars within a group setting with minimal assistance.
3. I am able to perform simple rhythmic accompaniments with others lasting at least one (1) minute with minimal prompting.
4. I can show commitment and understand the importance of rehearsal.
5. I can present myself appropriately on a stage when performing in front of un/familiar people, with minimal prompting.
6. I can recognise at least four (4) different types of performances with minimal prompting.
7. I can recognise at least two (2) different types of audiences with minimal prompting.

Subject Focus: Improvising.

1. I can engage in music improvisation through modelling.
2. I can improvise by making use of an instrument freely creating rhythmic sounds and patterns.
3. I can improvise by making use of a percussion instrument in a group not more than four (4) individuals.
e.g. triangle, side drum.
4. I can improvise at least three (3) different sound effects by making use of upcycled items.
e.g. create meaningful rhythms and tempos.
5. I can create at least three (3) different sound effects using technology.
e.g. keyboard app, Sibelius notation software.

Subject Focus: Using my Voice.

1. I can learn to sing a new song on at least 70% of occasions following rehearsal for at least twenty (20) times, with intermittent prompting.
2. I can maintain a proper posture in order to sing effectively. 
3. I know that warming-up my voice is important before singing.

Subject Focus: Playing Instruments.

1. I can play simple pieces of music on my own and as part of a group, using small percussion instruments.
2. I can play at least three (3) different homophonic percussion instruments following prompting and instruction.
e.g. drums, maracas, triangle.
3. I can play a percussion instrument in synchronised rhythm when playing with others, with modelling and guidance.
4. I can keep a steady rhythm for at least two (2) minutes, with modelling and guidance.
5. I can identify at least two (2) orchestral instruments and display the different ways they can be played with minimal prompting.

Subject Focus: Using Technology - Promoting Digital Literacy.

1. I can use digital technology (e.g.: smart phone, recording applications & software) to record my performances (formal or informal presentations of work in progress), with guidance.
2. I can recognise my work, listening back to recordings of my own musical work and using adequate selection functions, with minimal prompting.

Subject Focus: Notation.

1. I can notate simple musical symbols such as clefs and symbols representing notes and their value, dynamics and rhythmic features with prompting and instruction.
2. I can read basic and adapted graphic notation, by finding the 'Middle C' on a keyboard following leading prompts and instruction.
3. I can understand at least four (4) different terms and/or symbols that describe different notations, with minimal prompting.
e.g. articulation, clef, dynamics, pitch, note value, tempo.
4. I can match at least four (4) symbols to their representative meaning, in a sheet of simple written music with minimal prompting.
e.g. dynamics, note value, pitch, tonality.

Subject Focus: Communication, Participation and Interaction in Performances and Presentations.

1. I can explore particular sounds and match them to features found in the local area/environment with minimal prompting.
e.g. whistling of birds, hooting of horns, clapping of thunder, aeroplane engine etc.
2. I can begin to compare and contrast between musical compositions and classify at least four (4) of them to the different continents.
e.g. Western music, Oriental, African/tribe etc.
3. I am able to identify at least four (4) musical works composed for special occasions such as the local festa, a social event or Christmas.
4. I can identify and state at least three (3) pieces of recorded or live music that is performed by musicians from the local community.
5. I can perform as part of a group a short song lasting not more than two (2) minutes and having not more than twenty (20) musical bars, in front of an audience of at least five (5) un/familiar people, following rehearsal and intermittent prompting.
6. I can perform as a solo a short song/dance lasting not more than one (1) minute and having not more than ten (10) musical bars in front of an audience of at least five (5) un/familiar people, following rehearsal and intermittent prompting.
7. I can sing as a solo a simple song lasting not more than one (1) minute in front of an audience of at least five (5) un/familiar people, following rehearsal and leading prompting.
8. I can behave appropriately and be part of a sizeable audience for other people's performances/presentations lasting not more than one (1) hour.
9. I can express a personal opinion about a short performance, with minimal prompting.

Subject Focus: Developing, Widening and Harnessing of Knowledge in Music.

1. I can listen attentively to not more than four (4) songs, including popular instrumental music and music from various cultures, whilst identifying their musical features with minimal prompting.
2. I can classify at least three (3) instruments according to their sound and group them in the families to which they belong, with minimal prompting.
3. I am able to search for at least four (4) specific composers' musical compositions and listen to their representative works online.
4. I am able to identify at least two (2) differences between two (2) different composers and their styles with minimal promting and instruction.

Subject Focus: Exploring and Making Drama; Creative Movement.

1. I can perform at least five (5) choreographed movements in a sequence in solo dance. 
2. I can spontaneously improvise a short sequence of at least four (4) movements while dancing alone.
3. I can perform at least five (5) choreographed movements in a sequence during partner and/or group dance.
4. I can improvise a short sequence of at least four (4) movements during partner and/or group dance-work.
5. I can autonomously express ideas imaginatively through dance within a small group of at least three (3) familiar members.
6. I can communicate feelings through dance and group movement.
7. I can associate music to at least three (3) different movements.
8. I can communicate and practice rhythm whilst performing within a small group of at least four (4) with minimal prompting.
9. I can keep up with a small group of four (4), in movement pace with minimal prompting.
e.g. fast, slow.
10. I can practise in a small group of four (4), group synchronization of at least 4 flowing movements.

Subject Focus: Exploring and Making Drama.

1. I can respect allocated performing space.
2. I can execute simple, practiced acting sequences of rehearsed phrases or gestures with minimal prompts.
3. I can incorporate gestures with simple, practiced acting sequences .
4. I can suggest an enclosed performing space and an open-air performing space. 
5. I can set a scenery using props with constant supervision and intermitted prompting.
6. I can identify at least three (3) different objects to represent aspects of a possible scenery.
7. I can spontaneously explore the limitations and possibilities of movement inside a given space or stage with minimal verbal prompts. 
8. I can create props using different materials (including recycling and reusing) and equipment with intermittent asisstance.
9. I can respect floor spacing while acting within a small group of four (4) familiar members.

Subject Focus: Being Part of an Audience.

1. I can behave appropriately when I am part of an audience for at least one act of forty-five (45) miniutes with limited supervision.
2. I can suggest anticipation imaginatively before and/or during a dramatic performance.
3. I can recall at least two (2) main characters and two (2) supporting character and explain briefly the main characteristics of their role with minimal prompting.
4. I can recall with detail a specific scene and/or event within the performance.
5. I can recall the order of at least three (3) events in the performance with minimal prompting.  
6. I can differentiate between four (4) dramatic genres.
e.g. between comic and tragic. 

7. I can identify with at least one (1) character in the performance. 

Subject Focus: Experimenting with and Performing Scenes.

1. I can explore [through discussion] at least two (2) fictional situations from a story or from the real life relevant to a short drama with intermittent support.
2. I can discuss and/or suggest a short storyline of at least two (2) scenes within a group with intermittent support and prompting.
3. I can plot a simple short drama in a small group of three (3) students with non-leading assistance.
4. I can identify possible scenery to my scenes with minimal prompting.
5. I can differentiate between different scenes of my drama.
6. I can describe the story-line to three (3) flowing scenes with minimal prompting.
7. I can act my given role in a short drama with minimal prompting.
8. I can manage props or required costumes during performance with intermittent assistance.
9. I can differentiate the given role from my real self. 
10. I can follow the directions and/or instruction as given by the director/Drama teacher. 
11. I can keep my on-stage timing with minimal prompting.
12. I can express and follow my role as described in the script with minimal prompting and supervision.
13. I can use body movements during performance with minimal prompting. 
14. I can collaborate with others.
15. I can actively communicate with others involved in the performance: including actors, directors, backstage personnel. 
16. I can study my scheduled lines and/or performance actions with supervision and minimal prompting.
17. I can recognize other roles in the performance with minimal prompting.
18. I can convey my role/character effectively with minimal assistance.
19. I can change my tone of voice as requested by specific scenes with continuous rehearsal and prompting.

Subject Focus: Experimenting with and Performing Scenes.

1. I can suggest at least one (1) scenery context within a group through the use of objects, costumes, activities and props with non-leading supervision and prompting.
2. I can create at least one (1) scenery context within a group through the use of objects, costumes, activities and props with non-leading supervision.
3. I can assist in backstage duties with a supervisor in handling at least one (1) set of scenery props with intermittent prompting and/or assistance.
4. I can assist in backstage duties with a supervisor in coordinating musical control for at least two (2) flowing scenes with intermittent prompting. 
5. I can assist in backstage duties with a supervisor in coordinating light projection control for at least two (2) flowing scenes with intermittent prompting.
6. I can assist in backstage duties with a supervisor in coordinating background pictorial projections for at least two (2) flowing scenes with intermittent prompting.
7. I can act as a wardrobe assistance in assisting actors for at least two (2) scenes with intermittent supervision.

Subject Focus: Responding and Reflecting on Drama.

1. I can identify most visual and auditory effects used on stage with minimal prompting and/or assistance.
2. I can try-out at least four (4) different costumes with non-constant supervision.
3. I can experiment with at least four (4) different props with non-constant supervision.
4. I can express at least three (3) personal preferences for costume material/texture/colour with minimal prompting.
5. I can associate at least two (2) particular sounds or music to specific scenes in the performance with minimal prompting.
6. I can associate at least two (2) particular colour variation of stage light projection to a specific scene in the performance with minimal prompting.
7. I can use my body to convey an action.

Subject Focus: Responding and Reflecting on Drama.

1. I can relate to simple and/or apparent emotions to specific characters during specific scenes.
e.g. happy, sad, angry.
2. I can use body language to convey emotions and actions with intermittent prompting.
3. I can notice changes in tone and register when character is facing a dilemma or situation with intermittent prompting.
4. I can relate/correspond elements of light to help evoke a general atmosphere.
5. I can relate/correspond elements of sound to help evoke a general atmosphere.  
6. I can relate/correspond elements of movement to help evoke a general atmosphere.  
7. I can anticipate a change in the mood with minimal prompting.

Subject Focus: Responding and Reflecting on Drama.

1. I can imitate appropriate behaviour as fit to specific characters/roles with intermittent prompting.
2. I can discern/infer what might happen next in the storyline and discuss possible outcomes with intermittent prompting.
3. I can suggest a different end or path in the development of the storyline with minimal prompting.

Subject Focus: Working Collaboratively in Drama.

1. I can participate in a group drama performance with minimal support.
2. I can contribute at least five (5) ideas on the choice of props and/or costumes in a group.
3. I can contribute at least five (5) ideas on the choice of scene background music in a group.
4. I can give constructive feedback on the performance of others with intermittent guidance.
5. I can accept feedback.
6. I can evaluate the whole group performance through the use of a simple-scale questionnaire with constant assistance (including a prompter or a reader).

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