Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Languages
Spanish > LEVEL 9
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Introductions
1] I can discuss jobs and professions determining relevance, advantages and disadvantages using vocabulary and structures related to jobs/professions, and expressions such as 'lo bueno / lo malo de'.
2] I can talk about the career I would like to pursue in future and ask others about their career intentions using the verbal phrase 'querer + infinitivo', and expressions such as '¿Qué quieres hacer en el futuro?, Me gustaría, Me interesa, Quisiera ser'.
3] I can say what subjects I need to study for my chosen career and state the different qualities and qualifications needed as well as ask others what studies they would like to pursue, using ‘deber/tener que, hay que + infinitivo' and adjectives such as 'paciente, honesto, leal, responsable, cooperativo'.
4] I can read and understand texts about different types of career choices which outline characteristics of particular jobs/professions including expressions such as ‘trabajar en equipo, comunicar, cooperar, prepararse para, la formación'.
5] I can draw up a Curriculum Vitae in Spanish using the Europass template, providing personal details, personal skills and abilities, education and training carried out and work experience (if any).
6] I can talk about what I am going to do when I leave school, and ask others what they would like to do, focusing on the possibility of having a summer part-time job, and discussing its advantages and disadvantages.

2] I can talk about the career I would like to pursue in future and ask others about their career intentions using the verbal phrase 'querer + infinitivo', and expressions such as '¿Qué quieres hacer en el futuro?, Me gustaría, Me interesa, Quisiera ser'.

3] I can say what subjects I need to study for my chosen career and state the different qualities and qualifications needed as well as ask others what studies they would like to pursue, using ‘deber/tener que, hay que + infinitivo' and adjectives such as 'paciente, honesto, leal, responsable, cooperativo'.

4] I can read and understand texts about different types of career choices which outline characteristics of particular jobs/professions including expressions such as ‘trabajar en equipo, comunicar, cooperar, prepararse para, la formación'.

5] I can draw up a Curriculum Vitae in Spanish using the Europass template, providing personal details, personal skills and abilities, education and training carried out and work experience (if any).
6] I can talk about what I am going to do when I leave school, and ask others what they would like to do, focusing on the possibility of having a summer part-time job, and discussing its advantages and disadvantages.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: The calendar
1] I can demonstrate an understanding of the weather forecast from a radio or TV show.
2] In collaboration with others, I can prepare a TV weather forecast to describe the weather for the coming days.
3] I can read and summarise the important information from texts related to the weather forecast and weather conditions.
2] In collaboration with others, I can prepare a TV weather forecast to describe the weather for the coming days.

3] I can read and summarise the important information from texts related to the weather forecast and weather conditions.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Family and pets
1] I can read and summarise the information in texts in which different types of families are presented (different from the 'dominant' group; including single parents and gay couples/parents, parent/s with disabilities).
2] I can deliver, in collaboration with others, a presentation about animals which are in danger of extinction, including the reasons as to why and how we could preserve them.

2] I can deliver, in collaboration with others, a presentation about animals which are in danger of extinction, including the reasons as to why and how we could preserve them.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Describing others
1] I can research biographical information about a distinguished writer/painter/historical character from a Spanish-speaking country, write an article and present my findings to others, demonstrating an understanding of and appreciating the different cultures and histories around the world.
2] I can read and listen to a biography about a well-known person from a Spanish-speaking country and summarise the important information in the text.

2] I can read and listen to a biography about a well-known person from a Spanish-speaking country and summarise the important information in the text.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: School
1] I can mention all the personnel working in the school environment such as 'el director, la recepcionista, el bedel, la secretaria'.
2] I can read and analyse information and write an essay about different types of schools in three/four Spanish-speaking countries and the routines and subjects they study.
3] I can talk about how I imagine the school of the future to be, giving suggestions and ideas; and listen to the points of view of others regarding the same topic using the Futuro Simple and the Condicional Simple as necessary.

2] I can read and analyse information and write an essay about different types of schools in three/four Spanish-speaking countries and the routines and subjects they study.

3] I can talk about how I imagine the school of the future to be, giving suggestions and ideas; and listen to the points of view of others regarding the same topic using the Futuro Simple and the Condicional Simple as necessary.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Opinions
1] I can research texts about 'Los Sanfermines' and bullfighting and prepare a presentation about this topic highlighting the importance of bulls in this particular 'fiesta'.
2] I can discuss bullfighting with others, expressing my own opinion and respecting and appreciating different ideas and perspectives, using expressions such as 'Estoy/No estoy a favor/en contra de' + sintagma nominal o infinitivo, e.g. '(No) Estoy a favor de las corridas de toro porque..., Estoy en contra de asistir a una corrida de toros porque...'

2] I can discuss bullfighting with others, expressing my own opinion and respecting and appreciating different ideas and perspectives, using expressions such as 'Estoy/No estoy a favor/en contra de' + sintagma nominal o infinitivo, e.g. '(No) Estoy a favor de las corridas de toro porque..., Estoy en contra de asistir a una corrida de toros porque...'

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Home and home area
1] I can explain what I do to protect the environment and ask others what they do, recognising sustainable measures in the house, school and home area, e.g. ´reciclar, separar la basura, no dejar el agua correr, apagar la luz´.
2] I can list geographical features and natural phenomena such as ‘el lago, el mar, las rocas, la montaña, el bosque, terremoto, huracán'.
3] I can list sustainable measures that help protect the environment around us using vocabulary related to the environment such as ‘el medio ambiente, la contaminación, la energía, la basura, gastar, reciclar, contaminar, proteger, preservar'; 'por/para' in phrases such as ´para cuidar el medio ambiente hay que'; and the Condicional Simple in phrases such as ´Se debería/Podríamos'.
4] I can research texts about environmental issues in my country and in other countries (preferibly Spanish-speaking countries), and use this information to
create and present a poster or deliver a presentation in collaboration with others about the researched topic.

2] I can list geographical features and natural phenomena such as ‘el lago, el mar, las rocas, la montaña, el bosque, terremoto, huracán'.
3] I can list sustainable measures that help protect the environment around us using vocabulary related to the environment such as ‘el medio ambiente, la contaminación, la energía, la basura, gastar, reciclar, contaminar, proteger, preservar'; 'por/para' in phrases such as ´para cuidar el medio ambiente hay que'; and the Condicional Simple in phrases such as ´Se debería/Podríamos'.
4] I can research texts about environmental issues in my country and in other countries (preferibly Spanish-speaking countries), and use this information to
create and present a poster or deliver a presentation in collaboration with others about the researched topic.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Leisure time
1] I can write a review about a video game, book or film, summarising the content and expressing my own opinion.
2] I can talk about a specific video game, book or film, and ask others about their opinions, using structures such as '¿Qué te parece / opinas de...?, Me encantó la historia, sin embargo...'
3] I can read reviews and articles about a video game, book or film, and determine the content and highlight the author's opinion and criticism.

2] I can talk about a specific video game, book or film, and ask others about their opinions, using structures such as '¿Qué te parece / opinas de...?, Me encantó la historia, sin embargo...'

3] I can read reviews and articles about a video game, book or film, and determine the content and highlight the author's opinion and criticism.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Holidays
1] I can discuss the advantages/ disadvantages of different holiday destinations ('en la playa, en la montaña, un crucero, viajes culturales') using discursive expressions such ‘Por un lado..., por otro lado…; Por una parte…' por otra parte…; Con relación a …, a mi parecer'.
2] I can describe my ideal journey using the Condicional Simple in structures such as 'Me gustaría ir a Perú. Visitaría Machu Picchu y comería platos típicos.'
2] I can describe my ideal journey using the Condicional Simple in structures such as 'Me gustaría ir a Perú. Visitaría Machu Picchu y comería platos típicos.'
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Out and about
1] I can arrange to meet up with someone using vocabulary related to time phrases, places, occasions, prepositions, transport and verbs such as ‘querer, poder, deber/tener que…’ to negotiate the meeting; provide alternatives using structures such as ‘¿Cuándo/ dónde/a qué hora nos vemos/vamos a vernos?, ¿Quieres...?, ¿Tienes ganas de...?'; and answer in the affirmative and/or in the negative using expressions such as 'Sí/No, No me apetece, No tengo ganas, Buena idea, Lo siento, no puedo'.
2] I can discuss with others how to get to social venues and what we intend to wear using expressions such as ‘¿Cómo se va/vamos a…?,¿Qué llevas/llevarás/vas a llevar?, and verbs such as 'vestirse, ponerse'.
3] I can describe in spoken and written mode a recent social occasion and ask others about social occasions they have attended using the Pretérito Perfecto, Pretérito Indefinido and Pretérito Imperfecto as necessary e.g. '¿Cómo era?, ¿Qué pasó?, Había mucha gente pero nos divertimos mucho'; and expressions of time such as 'antes, luego, entonces, más tarde'.
4] I can read texts reporting social events in Spanish-speaking countries in magazines/newspapers/social media to outline the main theme and general characteristics.
2] I can discuss with others how to get to social venues and what we intend to wear using expressions such as ‘¿Cómo se va/vamos a…?,¿Qué llevas/llevarás/vas a llevar?, and verbs such as 'vestirse, ponerse'.

3] I can describe in spoken and written mode a recent social occasion and ask others about social occasions they have attended using the Pretérito Perfecto, Pretérito Indefinido and Pretérito Imperfecto as necessary e.g. '¿Cómo era?, ¿Qué pasó?, Había mucha gente pero nos divertimos mucho'; and expressions of time such as 'antes, luego, entonces, más tarde'.

4] I can read texts reporting social events in Spanish-speaking countries in magazines/newspapers/social media to outline the main theme and general characteristics.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Healthy living
1] I can discuss healthy eating using ‘Creo que'; 'Es importante' + infinitivo; and expressions related to health such as ‘Es (muy) sano/mejor para la salud, hay que comer sano, demasiado azúcar engorda.'
2] I can discuss unhealthy practices using phrases such as 'Es bueno/es malo para la salud; tiene efectos malos para la salud.'
3] I can listen to information about nutrition focusing on a balanced diet, and determine the recommendations made by the speaker in this regard.
4] I can read texts and summarise the information about healthy habits and unhealthy practices including matters such as healthy eating, physical activity, smoking, alcohol and drug abuse, stress and lack of sleep.
5] I can write a text about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

2] I can discuss unhealthy practices using phrases such as 'Es bueno/es malo para la salud; tiene efectos malos para la salud.'
3] I can listen to information about nutrition focusing on a balanced diet, and determine the recommendations made by the speaker in this regard.

4] I can read texts and summarise the information about healthy habits and unhealthy practices including matters such as healthy eating, physical activity, smoking, alcohol and drug abuse, stress and lack of sleep.
5] I can write a text about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Technology
1] I can discuss different types of social media with others using language related to technology and social media, e.g. ‘aplicaciones, la página personal, los medios sociales/de comunicación social, comentar, descargar, chatear, conectarse, los enlaces, cambiar, anunciar’ and ´Es útil, esencial’, considering the social and ethical implications of digital technology.
2] I can talk about Internet sites I use for leisure and school work, and ask others about sites they find useful/entertaining, using expressions such as
‘Opino que esta página web es..., Considero que la red...' and adjectives such as ‘educativo, divertido, entretenido'.
3] I can research and write a report about technology and the way it developed in recent years, making comparisons with the situation at present.
4] I can recognise and use some of the most commonly used text acronyms such as ‘dfcl, b7s, cdo, pf, pq, salu2, aki, xdon’ etc.

2] I can talk about Internet sites I use for leisure and school work, and ask others about sites they find useful/entertaining, using expressions such as
‘Opino que esta página web es..., Considero que la red...' and adjectives such as ‘educativo, divertido, entretenido'.

3] I can research and write a report about technology and the way it developed in recent years, making comparisons with the situation at present.

4] I can recognise and use some of the most commonly used text acronyms such as ‘dfcl, b7s, cdo, pf, pq, salu2, aki, xdon’ etc.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Citizenship
1] I can discuss issues related to social justice and fundamental human rights using structures such as 'Es una pena / Es una lástima / Es injusto / Es cruel que' + Presente de Subjuntivo; ´Qué pena / qué lástima / vergüenza...'
2] I can read/listen to texts about social justice and fundamental human rights to be able to identify the problems, the causes and/or the consequences of issues such as racism and xenophobia, poverty, domestic violence and abuse, and unemployment.
2] I can read/listen to texts about social justice and fundamental human rights to be able to identify the problems, the causes and/or the consequences of issues such as racism and xenophobia, poverty, domestic violence and abuse, and unemployment.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Food and drink
1] I can express approval/disapprovaI of a meal/service in a restaurant and state the reasons why using structures such as '¡Qué servicio tan bueno/malo/excelente!, Hay un problema con la comida porque es demasiado salada, El pescado está crudo.'
2] I can fill in a comment form to provide my opinion regarding the service offered in a restaurant.
3] I can describe a visit made to a restaurant using the Pretértito Indefinido and the Pretérito Imperfecto as necessary, e.g. 'El sábado pasado fuimos a un restaurante chino, había mucha gente y el servicio era excelente.'
2] I can fill in a comment form to provide my opinion regarding the service offered in a restaurant.
3] I can describe a visit made to a restaurant using the Pretértito Indefinido and the Pretérito Imperfecto as necessary, e.g. 'El sábado pasado fuimos a un restaurante chino, había mucha gente y el servicio era excelente.'