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Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment

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Learning Area: Languages

Spanish > LEVEL 10

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section 

Subject Focus: Introductions

1] I can research, prepare and present a presentation about a particular career including information about the nature of the job, its importance and relevance in today´s society, as well as requirements and personal characteristics which are needed.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section 

Subject Focus: ​The calendar 

1] I can research information about a Spanish-speaking country and write an article about the weather conditions.

2] In collaboration with others, I can prepare a TV weather forecast which compares the weather in different cities/countries for a particular week.
3] I can read and summarise texts presenting the weather forecast and conditions in different cities/ countries.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section 

Subject Focus: Family and pets

1] I can write an article or essay about animals in danger of extinction.
2] I can create a brochure with others about the needs and care of pets.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section 

Subject Focus: Describing others

1] I can listen to an interview with a distinguished person from a Spanish-speaking country and summarise the content in writing and/or verbally show the ability to understand and appreciate the diversity of cultural demonstrations and perspectives in society.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section 

Subject Focus: School

1] I can participate with others to write articles about our school in Spanish for the school magazine. 
2] I can prepare a presentation about how schools can improve and become more sustainable and ecologically friendly.
3] I can research articles and write an essay about different types of schools in three/four Spanish-speaking countries, comparing and contrasting the schools and educational systems.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section 

Subject Focus: Opinions

1] I can research texts and paintings related to bullfighting and prepare a presentation about this topic highlighting the importance of bulls in Spanish 'fiestas', providing an interpretation of the researched paintings using expressions such as ´En mi parecer el pintor quería destacar el aspecto ocioso de la corrida de toros frente a este otro que la señala como un acto cruel e inhumano.'
2] I can critically and analytically read texts and articles related to bullfighting which show different ideas and perspectives.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section 

Subject Focus: Home and home area

1] I can write an article where I highlight environmental issues such as' el cambio climático, la capa de ozono, la falta de recursos', and include
sustainable measures that help counteract the problems exposed using structures
such as ´Hay que evitar usar sprays para proteger la capa de ozono.´
2] I can research texts about environmental issues in my country and in other countries (preferably Spanish-speaking countries) and use this information to create and present a report comparing other countries' environmental protection to that of my own country, individually or in collaboration with others.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section 

Subject Focus: Leisure time

1] I can write a report comparing reviews about a particular video game, book or film.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section 

Subject Focus: Holidays

1] I can follow a discussion about the advantages/ disadvantages of different holiday destinations, take note of the main arguments placed and summarise the latter in a report. 

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section 

Subject Focus: Out and about

1] I can compare and contrast social events in the local context with others in Spanish-speaking countries and write a report for a magazine/newspaper/
social media to outline the main theme, characteristics and differences.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section 

Subject Focus: Healthy living

1] I can discuss matters related to healthy eating, sports and physical activity and highlight their benefits, comparing and contrasting ideas using expressions such as 'Es importante que / Es imprescindible que / Es recomendable que / Es necesario que' + Presente de Subjuntivo, 'Se recomienda que / Se aconseja que / Se sugiere que' + Presente de Subjuntivo.
2] I can discuss unhealthy practices using  structures such as ´No se debe fumar / No es aconsejable que fumes' followed by the infinitive or the Presente de Subjuntivo as necessary.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section 

Subject Focus: Technology

1] I can research and write an article or report for the school magazine about how young people should use technology responsibly, safely and securely.
2] I can research and create a presentation entitled Presente y futuro de la tecnología about the role of technology in the future.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section 

Subject Focus: Citizenship

1] I can reproduce the information I collected from an interview carried out with a person actively involved in a local charitable organisation or NGO, highlighting the work done by such an organisation and how the community benefits from it.
2] I can collaborate with others to research and produce a report about one of the following issues related to social problems in the local context: poverty and homelessness, unemployment, drug and alcohol abuse, and illegal migration.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section

Subject Focus: Food and drink

 1] I can write a review to descibe my own experience when visiting a local restaurant, e.g. ´Este restaurante superó todas las expectativas. Combina comida española con abundantes platos europeos. Ideal para un noche con amigos.'

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