Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Languages
Spanish > LEVEL 8
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Introductions
1] I can ask if a person knows someone and present him/her to others, e.g. '¿Conoces a Miguel? Ven te lo presento.'
2] I can make a request to another person to introduce me to others, e.g. '¿Me presentas a tu prima?'
3] I can welcome someone when they visit a particular place/location using expressions such as 'Bienvenido/a, es bueno tenerte aquí, estás en tu casa.'
4] I can apologise, giving a reason using expressions such as 'Perdón / Disculpa/e / Lo siento + es que'.
5] I can reply to an apology using expressions such as 'No importa, No te preocupes, No pasa nada'.
6] I can give thanks using structures such as 'Gracias por todo, Gracias por el regalo / tu ayuda, Te lo agradezco muchísimo.'
7] I can congratulate others using expressions such as 'bien hecho, buen trabajo, enhorabuena', and express wishes to others using fixed structures such as 'Que te vaya bien, Que tengas suerte, Que te mejores pronto, Que tengas un buen viaje.'
2] I can make a request to another person to introduce me to others, e.g. '¿Me presentas a tu prima?'
3] I can welcome someone when they visit a particular place/location using expressions such as 'Bienvenido/a, es bueno tenerte aquí, estás en tu casa.'
4] I can apologise, giving a reason using expressions such as 'Perdón / Disculpa/e / Lo siento + es que'.
5] I can reply to an apology using expressions such as 'No importa, No te preocupes, No pasa nada'.
6] I can give thanks using structures such as 'Gracias por todo, Gracias por el regalo / tu ayuda, Te lo agradezco muchísimo.'
7] I can congratulate others using expressions such as 'bien hecho, buen trabajo, enhorabuena', and express wishes to others using fixed structures such as 'Que te vaya bien, Que tengas suerte, Que te mejores pronto, Que tengas un buen viaje.'
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: The calendar
1] I can recognise and use numbers confidently up to 1,000,000.
2] I can discuss the weather in Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries including geographical characteristics which affect the climate in these countries, e.g. 'Meseta, España verde, Amazonas, clima tropical'.
3] I can use weather expressions, negatives and qualifiers, e.g. 'nunca hace mucho frío, ha dejado de nevar/ya no nieva más.'
4] I can recognise and compare special dates and anniversaries in the Maltese calendar with special dates and anniversaries in Spanish-speaking countries’ calendars, showing that I am willing to learn about other cultures using vocabulary such as 'tradicionalmente, es famoso, un día especial, la tradición es que'.
5] I can demonstrate an understanding of texts about special dates/occasions in Spanish-speaking countries, showing my ability to read in order to gain knowledge, and that I am willing to learn about different cultures and countries.
6] I can use and demonstrate an understanding of vocabulary such as 'la fiesta, celebrar, la procesión, el desfile, mirar, participar, reunirse'.
7] In collaboration with others, I can prepare a short presentation about special days in a Spanish-speaking country, providing diverse contexts and knowledge about different places.
2] I can discuss the weather in Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries including geographical characteristics which affect the climate in these countries, e.g. 'Meseta, España verde, Amazonas, clima tropical'.

3] I can use weather expressions, negatives and qualifiers, e.g. 'nunca hace mucho frío, ha dejado de nevar/ya no nieva más.'
4] I can recognise and compare special dates and anniversaries in the Maltese calendar with special dates and anniversaries in Spanish-speaking countries’ calendars, showing that I am willing to learn about other cultures using vocabulary such as 'tradicionalmente, es famoso, un día especial, la tradición es que'.

5] I can demonstrate an understanding of texts about special dates/occasions in Spanish-speaking countries, showing my ability to read in order to gain knowledge, and that I am willing to learn about different cultures and countries.

6] I can use and demonstrate an understanding of vocabulary such as 'la fiesta, celebrar, la procesión, el desfile, mirar, participar, reunirse'.
7] In collaboration with others, I can prepare a short presentation about special days in a Spanish-speaking country, providing diverse contexts and knowledge about different places.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Family and pets
1] I can talk about my relationship with members of my family and ask others how they get on with members of their family using expressions such as 'Llevarse bien/mal con, caerse bien/mal', possesive adjectives, connectors including ‘porque' and 'pero', and adjectives of personality.
2] I can discuss with others and give my opinion with regard to issues related to owning pets using expressions such as 'en mi opinión, opino que, no soporto...huele mal, me da(n) miedo', and vocabulary including 'alérgico/a, sucio/limpio' etc.
3] I can read texts and determine others’ views on family life and the tasks they have to perform at home.
4] I can talk about household tasks I perform and ask others about what they do in the house to help using expressions such as ''pasear el perro, poner/quitar la mesa, sacar la basura, compartir, tener que/hay que/deber'.
5] I can write a text about my own views on family life and the tasks I perform at home, accepting my roles and responsibilities within the community (from a social learning aspect) using affirmative expressions such as 'pienso que, creo que, en mi opinión, tengo que, deber'.
6] I can talk about the care of my pets, e.g. 'Saco el perro a pasear todos los días. Doy de comer a las tortugas.'
7] I can write an advertisement offering to look after animals, e.g.'Me ofrezco para cuidar a tu mascota o darle su paseo mientras estás de vacaciones o trabajando. Soy atento con los animales y me encanta jugar con ellos. Horario a convenir por el cliente: mañana, tarde o noche. Precio negociable.'
2] I can discuss with others and give my opinion with regard to issues related to owning pets using expressions such as 'en mi opinión, opino que, no soporto...huele mal, me da(n) miedo', and vocabulary including 'alérgico/a, sucio/limpio' etc.

3] I can read texts and determine others’ views on family life and the tasks they have to perform at home.
4] I can talk about household tasks I perform and ask others about what they do in the house to help using expressions such as ''pasear el perro, poner/quitar la mesa, sacar la basura, compartir, tener que/hay que/deber'.
5] I can write a text about my own views on family life and the tasks I perform at home, accepting my roles and responsibilities within the community (from a social learning aspect) using affirmative expressions such as 'pienso que, creo que, en mi opinión, tengo que, deber'.

6] I can talk about the care of my pets, e.g. 'Saco el perro a pasear todos los días. Doy de comer a las tortugas.'

7] I can write an advertisement offering to look after animals, e.g.'Me ofrezco para cuidar a tu mascota o darle su paseo mientras estás de vacaciones o trabajando. Soy atento con los animales y me encanta jugar con ellos. Horario a convenir por el cliente: mañana, tarde o noche. Precio negociable.'

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Describing others
1] I can describe my best friends/favourite singers/actors using a variety of adjectives of personality and character.
2] I can ask others about their best friends/favourite singers/actors using structures such as '¿Quién es tu mejor amigo/a? ¿Quién es tu cantante/actor preferido/a?'
3] I can write a text comparing and contrasting two singers/actors/footballers etc., focusing on their biographical details to determine similarities and differences in their life and their career, using the present and past tenses accordingly and structures of comparison such as 'más/menos que, tan como'.
4] I can collaborate with others to research information and to prepare and deliver a presentation (Powerpoint, Prezi, photostory) about a famous person in the Spanish-speaking world.
2] I can ask others about their best friends/favourite singers/actors using structures such as '¿Quién es tu mejor amigo/a? ¿Quién es tu cantante/actor preferido/a?'
3] I can write a text comparing and contrasting two singers/actors/footballers etc., focusing on their biographical details to determine similarities and differences in their life and their career, using the present and past tenses accordingly and structures of comparison such as 'más/menos que, tan como'.
4] I can collaborate with others to research information and to prepare and deliver a presentation (Powerpoint, Prezi, photostory) about a famous person in the Spanish-speaking world.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: School
1] I can talk about school rules and ask others about the rules in their school and classrooms using language such as 'porque, pero, por otra parte, en realidad, actualmente, es justo, en mi opinión'.
2] I can read texts about the education system and determine differences between schooling in the local context, in Spain and in one Spanish-speaking country.
3] I can describe my school uniform and ask others for their views on the school uniform using the structure '¿Qué opinas?'
4] I can express my opinion in writing with regard to school rules and the uniform, including suggestions and showing the ability to take initiative and generate ideas, using expressions such as 'Pienso que, Opino que, Sería mejor, Prefiero, Me gustaría'.

2] I can read texts about the education system and determine differences between schooling in the local context, in Spain and in one Spanish-speaking country.
3] I can describe my school uniform and ask others for their views on the school uniform using the structure '¿Qué opinas?'

4] I can express my opinion in writing with regard to school rules and the uniform, including suggestions and showing the ability to take initiative and generate ideas, using expressions such as 'Pienso que, Opino que, Sería mejor, Prefiero, Me gustaría'.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Opinions
1] I can say that I like, dislike or prefer certain types of music, musical instruments, films, famous popstars using comparisons such as 'es mejor/bonito que' and superlatives such as 'es la mejor/el peor'; using also direct object pronouns in phrases e.g. 'yo lo/la prefiero porque' and expressions of opinion such as 'yo creo que, en mi opinión'.
2] I can ask others about their likes and dislikes using structures such as ''¿Por qué prefieres?, ¿Qué piensas sobre?, ¿Cuál prefieres?, ¿Cuál te gusta más?'
3] I can write a text about a film I saw or a concert I attended, informing others about what I liked and disliked using the Pretérito Perfecto and expressions of time related to this tense such as ´esta semana, este fin de semana, hoy.'
2] I can ask others about their likes and dislikes using structures such as ''¿Por qué prefieres?, ¿Qué piensas sobre?, ¿Cuál prefieres?, ¿Cuál te gusta más?'
3] I can write a text about a film I saw or a concert I attended, informing others about what I liked and disliked using the Pretérito Perfecto and expressions of time related to this tense such as ´esta semana, este fin de semana, hoy.'
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Home and home area
1] I can describe and ask others to describe where a place is situated in terms of distances from another place using structures such as 'Mi escuela está a 5km de mi casa. ¿A qué distancia está tu escuela de tu casa?'
2] I can ask for directions, follow the instructions given and provide directions, when requested, to specific places in a town or elsewhere using structures such as ‘¿Para ir al/a la…?, ¿Por dónde se va a…?, ¿Dónde está…?. Quiero ir a …'; expressions such as ‘a la derecha, a la izquierda, todo recto'; ordinal numbers in structures such as ''la segunda calle a la derecha’; and verbs such as ‘tomar, subir, cruzar, seguir’ in the Imperativo Afirmativo.
3] I can talk and ask others about places of interest and activities in which I/we can participate in our respective home area, using the verb ‘poder’ in impersonal phrases with 'se', e.g. ‘¿Qué se puede hacer/ver/visitar aquí/allí? Se puede…’; and using a variety of prepositions, adjectives and phrases, e.g. ‘data de la edad media, el casco viejo, antiguo’ etc., 'el/la más importante''.
4] I can collaborate with others to produce a brochure about things to see and do in my home area.
2] I can ask for directions, follow the instructions given and provide directions, when requested, to specific places in a town or elsewhere using structures such as ‘¿Para ir al/a la…?, ¿Por dónde se va a…?, ¿Dónde está…?. Quiero ir a …'; expressions such as ‘a la derecha, a la izquierda, todo recto'; ordinal numbers in structures such as ''la segunda calle a la derecha’; and verbs such as ‘tomar, subir, cruzar, seguir’ in the Imperativo Afirmativo.
3] I can talk and ask others about places of interest and activities in which I/we can participate in our respective home area, using the verb ‘poder’ in impersonal phrases with 'se', e.g. ‘¿Qué se puede hacer/ver/visitar aquí/allí? Se puede…’; and using a variety of prepositions, adjectives and phrases, e.g. ‘data de la edad media, el casco viejo, antiguo’ etc., 'el/la más importante''.
4] I can collaborate with others to produce a brochure about things to see and do in my home area.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Leisure time
1] I can provide information about leisure activities, comparing them and giving my opinion in this regard e.g. 'Es mejor practicar un deporte que jugar a la videoconsola; Yo opino que las películas románticas son más aburridas que las de cienciaficción.'
2] I can describe in the written and oral mode the kind of films/video games/music/TV programmes/Apps/social media that I enjoy and that I do not like using the relative pronouns 'que, quien, donde' to talk about preferences, e.g. 'El programa que los jóvenes prefieren es...; La música que más me gusta es...'
3] I can ask others and provide information about habitual outings and excursions, recognising sustainable choices such as outdoor excursions and visits to cultural sites and nature reserves, using expressions such as '¿Haces excursiones los fines de semana?, ¿Con quién?, ¿Adónde?, Normalmente voy...'
4] I can ask others and provide information about what I did recently during my free time using the Pretérito Perfecto and the Pretérito Indefinido accordingly, and using expressions of time such as 'este fin de semana, esta semana, hoy' and 'la semana pasada, ayer, hace tres días'.
5] I can read and demonstrate an understanding of texts that determine different types of free time activities and people’s preferences related to music, books, e-books, Apps, TV programmes, video games and social media.

2] I can describe in the written and oral mode the kind of films/video games/music/TV programmes/Apps/social media that I enjoy and that I do not like using the relative pronouns 'que, quien, donde' to talk about preferences, e.g. 'El programa que los jóvenes prefieren es...; La música que más me gusta es...'
3] I can ask others and provide information about habitual outings and excursions, recognising sustainable choices such as outdoor excursions and visits to cultural sites and nature reserves, using expressions such as '¿Haces excursiones los fines de semana?, ¿Con quién?, ¿Adónde?, Normalmente voy...'

4] I can ask others and provide information about what I did recently during my free time using the Pretérito Perfecto and the Pretérito Indefinido accordingly, and using expressions of time such as 'este fin de semana, esta semana, hoy' and 'la semana pasada, ayer, hace tres días'.
5] I can read and demonstrate an understanding of texts that determine different types of free time activities and people’s preferences related to music, books, e-books, Apps, TV programmes, video games and social media.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Holidays
1] I can ask others and provide information about which countries/regions I/they would like/not like to visit and state why using structures such as '¿Qué país te gustaría visitar?, ¿Adónde quieres ir de vacaciones? Me gustaría/quiero visitar...'
2] I can read or listen to texts about a particular Spanish-speaking country and determine its main characteristics vis-à-vis culture and traditions.
3] I can ask and provide information about flights, dates and times of departure and arrival such as '¿Cuándo es el vuelo?, ¿A qué hora llega el vuelo?'
4] I can ask for information, brochures, maps, city plans etc. at a Tourist Information Office using structures such as '¿Dónde está la estación de autobuses?; ¿Tiene un plan de la ciudad, por favor?; ¿Qué me recomienda visitar?'
5] I can research with others a Spanish-speaking country as a travel destination to plan an itinerary and present it in any format, determining flights, lodging, means of transport, excursions and other possible activities using the Futuro Simple.
6] I can describe in the oral or written mode a trip/visit to a hotel/country, specifying how I travelled and what I saw and did using the Pretérito Indefinido and the Pretérito Imperfecto as necessary; using time adverbs and expressions such 'recientemente', 'hace' + a time phrase, e.g. 'durante las vacaciones, en enero, en el pasado'.
7] I can ask others about trips they have made, how they travelled, what they saw and did by using structures such as '¿Adónde fuiste?, ¿Qué hiciste?, ¿Cómo era el hotel?'
8] I can read/listen to texts about anecdotal events that took place while on holiday and determine what happened by means of a variety of activities (summarising, paraphrasing, answering questions).

2] I can read or listen to texts about a particular Spanish-speaking country and determine its main characteristics vis-à-vis culture and traditions.
3] I can ask and provide information about flights, dates and times of departure and arrival such as '¿Cuándo es el vuelo?, ¿A qué hora llega el vuelo?'
4] I can ask for information, brochures, maps, city plans etc. at a Tourist Information Office using structures such as '¿Dónde está la estación de autobuses?; ¿Tiene un plan de la ciudad, por favor?; ¿Qué me recomienda visitar?'
5] I can research with others a Spanish-speaking country as a travel destination to plan an itinerary and present it in any format, determining flights, lodging, means of transport, excursions and other possible activities using the Futuro Simple.

6] I can describe in the oral or written mode a trip/visit to a hotel/country, specifying how I travelled and what I saw and did using the Pretérito Indefinido and the Pretérito Imperfecto as necessary; using time adverbs and expressions such 'recientemente', 'hace' + a time phrase, e.g. 'durante las vacaciones, en enero, en el pasado'.
7] I can ask others about trips they have made, how they travelled, what they saw and did by using structures such as '¿Adónde fuiste?, ¿Qué hiciste?, ¿Cómo era el hotel?'
8] I can read/listen to texts about anecdotal events that took place while on holiday and determine what happened by means of a variety of activities (summarising, paraphrasing, answering questions).
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Out and about
1] I can ask for garment/s needed for a particular occasion and state whether it/they is/are suitable or not, using 'querer' + infinitivo; 'probar, ver, quedar, poner, buscar'; immediate future tense 'ir a' + infinitivo; and adjectives such as 'ajustado, holgado, elegante'.
2] I can discuss leisure activities that take place on a particular day or at a particular time using vocabulary such as '¿Qué hay … / podemos / se puede hacer…? Hay una película de .../un concurso de baloncesto/un partido de fútbol.'
3] I can read and rephrase what others have been up to on a particular day using the Pretérito Perfecto / Pretérito Indefinido and the Pretérito Imperfecto as necessary, e.g. 'este fin de semana/ayer/sábado pasado...fueron de compras, organizaron un picnic, hacía buen tiempo.'

2] I can discuss leisure activities that take place on a particular day or at a particular time using vocabulary such as '¿Qué hay … / podemos / se puede hacer…? Hay una película de .../un concurso de baloncesto/un partido de fútbol.'

3] I can read and rephrase what others have been up to on a particular day using the Pretérito Perfecto / Pretérito Indefinido and the Pretérito Imperfecto as necessary, e.g. 'este fin de semana/ayer/sábado pasado...fueron de compras, organizaron un picnic, hacía buen tiempo.'
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Healthy living
1] I can name more specific body parts such as 'pestañas, cejas, uñas, tobillo' and interior parts of the body such as 'estómago, riñones, corazón'.
2] I can describe why I am feeling unwell using expressions like ''Estoy constipado/a, tengo fiebre/gripe'.
3] I can make an appointment with a doctor or dentist, negotiating the day and time, e.g.''Necesito una cita para mañana a las tres', using expressions such as 'Quiero pedir una cita con el médico/dentista, necesito ver a un médico/dentista hoy, urgentemente.''
4] I can discuss with others what I/we do to keep fit using vocabulary related to sports and free time activities; expressions such as ''estar/mantenerse sano/bien/en forma/equilibrado/saludable; and adverbs of time such as ''normalmente, cada día/tarde, fin de semana, una vez/dos veces por semana'.
5] I can discuss and compare sports and physical exercise highlighting the benefits, disadvantages and/or difficulties using structures such as ''No puedo practicar el golf porque es caro igual que la equitación; Me encanta hacer yoga porque es tan relajante como dar un paseo.'
6] I can read texts to identify the benefits of a healthy lifestyle that help avoid teenage health issues.
7] I can collaborate with others to create and present a poster or deliver a presentation about good health practices.
2] I can describe why I am feeling unwell using expressions like ''Estoy constipado/a, tengo fiebre/gripe'.
3] I can make an appointment with a doctor or dentist, negotiating the day and time, e.g.''Necesito una cita para mañana a las tres', using expressions such as 'Quiero pedir una cita con el médico/dentista, necesito ver a un médico/dentista hoy, urgentemente.''

4] I can discuss with others what I/we do to keep fit using vocabulary related to sports and free time activities; expressions such as ''estar/mantenerse sano/bien/en forma/equilibrado/saludable; and adverbs of time such as ''normalmente, cada día/tarde, fin de semana, una vez/dos veces por semana'.

5] I can discuss and compare sports and physical exercise highlighting the benefits, disadvantages and/or difficulties using structures such as ''No puedo practicar el golf porque es caro igual que la equitación; Me encanta hacer yoga porque es tan relajante como dar un paseo.'
6] I can read texts to identify the benefits of a healthy lifestyle that help avoid teenage health issues.

7] I can collaborate with others to create and present a poster or deliver a presentation about good health practices.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Technology
1] I can read/listen to texts to determine the advantages and disadvantages of using technology.
2] I can talk about the technology that I use in my daily life and ask others about the technology they use, making reference to vocabulary related to technology such as ‘una tableta, un móvil, un (ordenador) portátil, iPod'; and structures such as ''¿Para qué usas la tableta? Para conectar con mis amigos / Para trabajar / Para jugar.'
3] I can write a short text about how I use technology in my life, e.g. 'Yo uso la tecnología a diario, en clase y en casa. En clase usamos Youtube para ver videos. En casa uso Internet para chatear con mis amigos y subir y bajar fotos y videos.'
2] I can talk about the technology that I use in my daily life and ask others about the technology they use, making reference to vocabulary related to technology such as ‘una tableta, un móvil, un (ordenador) portátil, iPod'; and structures such as ''¿Para qué usas la tableta? Para conectar con mis amigos / Para trabajar / Para jugar.'
3] I can write a short text about how I use technology in my life, e.g. 'Yo uso la tecnología a diario, en clase y en casa. En clase usamos Youtube para ver videos. En casa uso Internet para chatear con mis amigos y subir y bajar fotos y videos.'
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Citizenship
1] I can identify and name vulnerable people that may need assistance and help in my community such as, 'los ancianos, personas con necesidades especiales, los inmigrantes, personal en el umbral de la pobreza.'
2] I can discuss what I do/can do to help vulnerable people using verbal phrases such as ‘poder, querer, deber, tener que, necesitar' + infinitivo, for example ''hacer trabajo voluntario, hacer una manifestación, visitar a los niños enfermos en el hospital, regalar ropa y comida, visitar a los ancianos en sus casas'.
3] I can read/listen to texts about internationally recognised charitable organisations and define the work carried out by the mentioned institutions.
4] I can research and present my findings about the work being carried out by a local charitable organisation.
2] I can discuss what I do/can do to help vulnerable people using verbal phrases such as ‘poder, querer, deber, tener que, necesitar' + infinitivo, for example ''hacer trabajo voluntario, hacer una manifestación, visitar a los niños enfermos en el hospital, regalar ropa y comida, visitar a los ancianos en sus casas'.

3] I can read/listen to texts about internationally recognised charitable organisations and define the work carried out by the mentioned institutions.

4] I can research and present my findings about the work being carried out by a local charitable organisation.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Food and drink
1] I can discuss with others likes and dislikes with regard to food and drink. and express my opinions about particular cuisines using expressions such as ‘es rico/riquísimo/picante, es demasiado salado/dulce, no me gusta la comida italiana' etc.
2] I can express in writing likes and dislikes with regard to food and drink, giving reasons to sustain my preferences, e.g. 'No como carne porque soy vegetariana.'
3] I can identify and give a brief description of gastronomic specialities of Spanish-speaking countries related to particular occasions such as Día de los muertos, Navidad, Nocehvieja, Día de Reyes.
4] I can talk about food and drinks that are particular to my region or country, and ask others about speciality foods in their countries/regions, making reference to what is consumed on special occasions and festivities, recognising the value of social and cultural diversity using structures such as '¿Cuál es el plato típico de tu región?, ¿Qué se come/bebe en...?, Solemos comer/beber...'
5] I can read brochures, adverts and information presented on restaurant websites and determine the services offered such as booking procedures, take-away services and different types of cuisines.
6] I can demonstrate an understanding of and explain a recipe in Spanish using the Imperativo Afirmativo in phrases such as ‘Añade azúcar, echa la harina, prepara la masa, corta.'
7] In collaboration with others, I can research the cuisine of a Spanish-speaking country and prepare a presentation, highlighting products that are representative of the researched country.

2] I can express in writing likes and dislikes with regard to food and drink, giving reasons to sustain my preferences, e.g. 'No como carne porque soy vegetariana.'
3] I can identify and give a brief description of gastronomic specialities of Spanish-speaking countries related to particular occasions such as Día de los muertos, Navidad, Nocehvieja, Día de Reyes.

4] I can talk about food and drinks that are particular to my region or country, and ask others about speciality foods in their countries/regions, making reference to what is consumed on special occasions and festivities, recognising the value of social and cultural diversity using structures such as '¿Cuál es el plato típico de tu región?, ¿Qué se come/bebe en...?, Solemos comer/beber...'

5] I can read brochures, adverts and information presented on restaurant websites and determine the services offered such as booking procedures, take-away services and different types of cuisines.
6] I can demonstrate an understanding of and explain a recipe in Spanish using the Imperativo Afirmativo in phrases such as ‘Añade azúcar, echa la harina, prepara la masa, corta.'
7] In collaboration with others, I can research the cuisine of a Spanish-speaking country and prepare a presentation, highlighting products that are representative of the researched country.