Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Languages
German > LEVEL 10
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Introductions
1] I can respond appropriately and accurately within a variety of situations when meeting others using polite forms of address, such as the appropriate use of 'Sie', with the correct verb ending and synthesise more complex requests and commands.
2] I can fluently introduce persons to others.
3] I can talk about part-time jobs confidently.
4] I can talk about my student-job experience with others and I can use vocabulary and structures related to jobs/professions showing consolidation of numbers, opinions, adjectives, consolidation of regular and irregular verbs and modal verbs with a measure of confidence and fluency e.g. Ich habe letztes Jahr als Kassierer-in in einem Supermarkt gearbeitet. Dieses Jahr möchte ich bei einer Firma arbeiten.
5] I can discuss pocket money and spending habits with others confidently, using 'kaufen, verdienen, ausgeben, gehen in/zu, einkaufen'.
6] I can show confident use of language of likes, dislikes and preferences and use pronouns in the accusative and dative cases confidently e.g. Es gefällt mir (nicht).
7] I can write a text about my pocket money/my part-time job, describing what I do to earn money and what I spend it on.
8] I can confidently use language and vocabulary which has to do with household tasks.
9] I can use prepositions and expressions of purpose e.g. Um mein Taschengeld zu verdienen, muss ich ...
10] I can say what I would like to do when I leave school and ask others about their career intentions using particular vocabulary e.g. Ich möchte…werden, Ich will bei einer Firma arbeiten.
11] I can confidently say what subjects I need to study for my chosen career and ask others what subjects they need to study e.g. Ich möchte als Arzt /Ärztin arbeiten.
12] I can talk about different personal characteristics to describe myself and ask others about their own characteristics, describe working hours and provide some information about my job e.g. Ich arbeite täglich von 9 bis 12. Ich würde gern am Nachmittag arbeiten.
13] I can use work related vocabulary, expressions and adjectives e.g. arbeiten als... Ich mag die Arbeit im Team sehr gern, fleißig, höflich, Das war ein anstrengender Tag.
14] I can understand texts about issues related to different types of careers.
15] I can use adjectives related to skills e.g. organisiert, logisch, zuverlässig, fleißig.
16] I can write about my own skills and interests in view of a future career/job and I can write a letter of application for work and a C.V and use phrases such as 'Ich interessiere mich für' + accusative.
17] I can research, prepare and present a presentation about a particular career, show increasing sophistication in language use e.g. complex sentences, wider use of connectors: was/dass, and conjunctions: weil, obwohl with increasing accuracy and use indirect object pronouns e.g. Ich will mit Ihnen sprechen, Es scheint mir als ob.

2] I can fluently introduce persons to others.

3] I can talk about part-time jobs confidently.
4] I can talk about my student-job experience with others and I can use vocabulary and structures related to jobs/professions showing consolidation of numbers, opinions, adjectives, consolidation of regular and irregular verbs and modal verbs with a measure of confidence and fluency e.g. Ich habe letztes Jahr als Kassierer-in in einem Supermarkt gearbeitet. Dieses Jahr möchte ich bei einer Firma arbeiten.

5] I can discuss pocket money and spending habits with others confidently, using 'kaufen, verdienen, ausgeben, gehen in/zu, einkaufen'.

6] I can show confident use of language of likes, dislikes and preferences and use pronouns in the accusative and dative cases confidently e.g. Es gefällt mir (nicht).
7] I can write a text about my pocket money/my part-time job, describing what I do to earn money and what I spend it on.
8] I can confidently use language and vocabulary which has to do with household tasks.
9] I can use prepositions and expressions of purpose e.g. Um mein Taschengeld zu verdienen, muss ich ...

10] I can say what I would like to do when I leave school and ask others about their career intentions using particular vocabulary e.g. Ich möchte…werden, Ich will bei einer Firma arbeiten.

11] I can confidently say what subjects I need to study for my chosen career and ask others what subjects they need to study e.g. Ich möchte als Arzt /Ärztin arbeiten.

12] I can talk about different personal characteristics to describe myself and ask others about their own characteristics, describe working hours and provide some information about my job e.g. Ich arbeite täglich von 9 bis 12. Ich würde gern am Nachmittag arbeiten.
13] I can use work related vocabulary, expressions and adjectives e.g. arbeiten als... Ich mag die Arbeit im Team sehr gern, fleißig, höflich, Das war ein anstrengender Tag.

14] I can understand texts about issues related to different types of careers.
15] I can use adjectives related to skills e.g. organisiert, logisch, zuverlässig, fleißig.

16] I can write about my own skills and interests in view of a future career/job and I can write a letter of application for work and a C.V and use phrases such as 'Ich interessiere mich für' + accusative.

17] I can research, prepare and present a presentation about a particular career, show increasing sophistication in language use e.g. complex sentences, wider use of connectors: was/dass, and conjunctions: weil, obwohl with increasing accuracy and use indirect object pronouns e.g. Ich will mit Ihnen sprechen, Es scheint mir als ob.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: The Calendar
1] I can converse confidently about the weather and any special occasion that I can relate to, by using expressions and prepositions of time, as well as the right tense.
2] I can talk and write about the different cultural and traditional aspects regarding feasts and other special occasions using basic vocabulary e.g. Weihnachten in Malta/ Deutschland; Ostertraditionen.
3] I can listen to a detailed weather forecast in German and understand it with ease.

2] I can talk and write about the different cultural and traditional aspects regarding feasts and other special occasions using basic vocabulary e.g. Weihnachten in Malta/ Deutschland; Ostertraditionen.

3] I can listen to a detailed weather forecast in German and understand it with ease.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Describing others
1] I can use language very confidently when describing myself and when describing others with respect.
2] I can use language creatively and appropriately to produce verbal and written descriptions about others, without being disrespectful e.g. I can describe a person to the police.
3] I can listen to a description of a person or persons in German and understand it with ease.

2] I can use language creatively and appropriately to produce verbal and written descriptions about others, without being disrespectful e.g. I can describe a person to the police.

3] I can listen to a description of a person or persons in German and understand it with ease.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: School
1] I can make myself understood when talking/writing about the Maltese school system and I understand the German school system. I can make a digital presentation about the two different school systems, talk about and compare them.
2] I can listen to native speakers of German and understand them very well when they talk about school in Germany.
3] I can ask more complex questions about the German school system.
4] On my own or in collaboration with others, I can write a formal letter to the head of school giving him/her suggestions on how to improve the school environment, making some use of the conditional tense e.g. Es wäre nicht schlecht, einige Biotonnen auf den Hof zu stellen.

2] I can listen to native speakers of German and understand them very well when they talk about school in Germany.

3] I can ask more complex questions about the German school system.

4] On my own or in collaboration with others, I can write a formal letter to the head of school giving him/her suggestions on how to improve the school environment, making some use of the conditional tense e.g. Es wäre nicht schlecht, einige Biotonnen auf den Hof zu stellen.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Opinions
1] I can talk fluently about what I like and dislike.
2] I can fluently converse with others about their likes and dislikes and ask related questions, while appreciating and respecting different ideas and/or perspectives.
3] I can write formal letters, such as recommendations and complaints, to express my likes and dislikes while giving reasons.
2] I can fluently converse with others about their likes and dislikes and ask related questions, while appreciating and respecting different ideas and/or perspectives.

3] I can write formal letters, such as recommendations and complaints, to express my likes and dislikes while giving reasons.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Home and Home Area
1] I can say what I do to protect the environment and ask others what they do.
2] I can use more extensive vocabulary related to geographical features, such as 'der Teich, der Gletscher, der Ozean.'
3] I can use more extensive environment vocabulary and expressions such as 'genverändert, Genpflanzen, erneubare Energie, die Sonnenenergie,die Klimaänderung'.
4] I can understand texts in familiar language which also contain some more challenging vocabulary about environmental issues in my country and in other countries.

2] I can use more extensive vocabulary related to geographical features, such as 'der Teich, der Gletscher, der Ozean.'
3] I can use more extensive environment vocabulary and expressions such as 'genverändert, Genpflanzen, erneubare Energie, die Sonnenenergie,die Klimaänderung'.
4] I can understand texts in familiar language which also contain some more challenging vocabulary about environmental issues in my country and in other countries.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Holidays
1] I can understand a text on different holiday destinations.
2] I can understand more challenging texts in mostly familiar language about holidays abroad.
3] I can talk about a past holiday(s) and understand others when they talk about past holidays showing a clear understanding and demonstration of when to use the perfect and imperfect tense e.g. with haben, sein and modals.
4] I can discuss, both verbally and in writing, the advantages/disadvantages of different types of travel showing a consolidation of language using conjunctions, adjectives and comparisons, including superlatives.
5] I can use the conditional tense (wäre, hätte, möchte, würde/Infinitiv) to talk about places where I would like to go on holiday e.g. Ich würde gern nach Deutschland fahren, Ich hätte gern viel Geld, um eine Weltreise zu machen.
6] I can describe my ideal journey showing confident use of adjectives related to time and quality e.g. bequem, schnell, von guter/schlechter Qualität, die Atmosphäre and use of the conditional e.g. Ich würde… or Ich hätte es gerne.
7] I can understand more challenging texts with familiar and less familiar language related to events on holiday.
8] I can write a text about a recent holiday, making good use of the required past tense verbs.

2] I can understand more challenging texts in mostly familiar language about holidays abroad.
3] I can talk about a past holiday(s) and understand others when they talk about past holidays showing a clear understanding and demonstration of when to use the perfect and imperfect tense e.g. with haben, sein and modals.
4] I can discuss, both verbally and in writing, the advantages/disadvantages of different types of travel showing a consolidation of language using conjunctions, adjectives and comparisons, including superlatives.

5] I can use the conditional tense (wäre, hätte, möchte, würde/Infinitiv) to talk about places where I would like to go on holiday e.g. Ich würde gern nach Deutschland fahren, Ich hätte gern viel Geld, um eine Weltreise zu machen.
6] I can describe my ideal journey showing confident use of adjectives related to time and quality e.g. bequem, schnell, von guter/schlechter Qualität, die Atmosphäre and use of the conditional e.g. Ich würde… or Ich hätte es gerne.

7] I can understand more challenging texts with familiar and less familiar language related to events on holiday.
8] I can write a text about a recent holiday, making good use of the required past tense verbs.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Out and About
1] I can confidently discuss what there is to do on a particular day/time and am able to draw on vocabulary related to a range of leisure interests.
2] I can arrange a meeting with other people showing use of more complex language of negotiation e.g. Wenn wir nach Dresden + subjunctive. Wie wäre es mit… ? , Wie wär’s, wenn wir… ?
3] I can discuss with others how to get to social venues and what I and they intend to wear, showing an extension of expressions related to transport and clothes, with consolidation of the conditional tense and of relative pronouns e.g. Ich hätte lieber,
Mir gefällt das Hemd, das bunt ist. Ich weiß nicht, was ich tragen muss.
4] I can describe a recent social occasion and ask others about social occasions they have attended using language in the perfect and imperfect tense e.g. Was ist dir passiert? Was geschah am…? in diesem Moment, Wer ist angekommen? während des Tages, am Abend.
5] I can understand less straightforward texts in mostly familiar language about social events and social media.
6] I can write a more involved and detailed short text about a recent social event that I attended.
2] I can arrange a meeting with other people showing use of more complex language of negotiation e.g. Wenn wir nach Dresden + subjunctive. Wie wäre es mit… ? , Wie wär’s, wenn wir… ?

3] I can discuss with others how to get to social venues and what I and they intend to wear, showing an extension of expressions related to transport and clothes, with consolidation of the conditional tense and of relative pronouns e.g. Ich hätte lieber,
Mir gefällt das Hemd, das bunt ist. Ich weiß nicht, was ich tragen muss.

4] I can describe a recent social occasion and ask others about social occasions they have attended using language in the perfect and imperfect tense e.g. Was ist dir passiert? Was geschah am…? in diesem Moment, Wer ist angekommen? während des Tages, am Abend.

5] I can understand less straightforward texts in mostly familiar language about social events and social media.
6] I can write a more involved and detailed short text about a recent social event that I attended.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Healthy Living
1] I can fluently say if I am unwell and what is wrong with me, using descriptive language.
2] I can fluently converse with others about my lifestyle and any allergies/illnesses and I can fluently ask others questions related to the topic.
3] On my own, or in collaboration with others, I can carry out research about healthy foods and present my findings in German.
2] I can fluently converse with others about my lifestyle and any allergies/illnesses and I can fluently ask others questions related to the topic.
3] On my own, or in collaboration with others, I can carry out research about healthy foods and present my findings in German.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Technology
1] I can talk about technology that I use in my daily life and ask others about the technology they use.
2] I can talk about internet sites I use for leisure and school work and ask others about sites they find useful/entertaining using more advanced language structures and vocabulary.
3] I can write about how I use technology in my life and write a text about technology and its use in daily life, both from a personal and professional point of view using complex sentences and showing flexible use of language, mostly accurate language.
4] I am able to use technology very easily to connect and communicate quite fluently, in German, with other learners of German or native German speakers, and appreciate their different cultures, perspectives and opinions.
2] I can talk about internet sites I use for leisure and school work and ask others about sites they find useful/entertaining using more advanced language structures and vocabulary.
3] I can write about how I use technology in my life and write a text about technology and its use in daily life, both from a personal and professional point of view using complex sentences and showing flexible use of language, mostly accurate language.
4] I am able to use technology very easily to connect and communicate quite fluently, in German, with other learners of German or native German speakers, and appreciate their different cultures, perspectives and opinions.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Social Issues and Young People
1] I can discuss social issues and young people such as problems amongst family members, problems at school and unemployment,
e.g. Ich verstehe mich nicht gut mit meiner Mutter, weil sie mir kein Taschengeld gibt. Ich habe keine richtige Freundin in der Schule, da alle Mitschülerinnen sich nur für Kleidung und Make-up interessieren. Ich habe Angst vor Arbeitslosigkeit, denn ich möchte selbstständig sein.
e.g. Ich verstehe mich nicht gut mit meiner Mutter, weil sie mir kein Taschengeld gibt. Ich habe keine richtige Freundin in der Schule, da alle Mitschülerinnen sich nur für Kleidung und Make-up interessieren. Ich habe Angst vor Arbeitslosigkeit, denn ich möchte selbstständig sein.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Food and Drink
1] I can understand texts related to healthy food and food in German-speaking countries.
2] I can write complaints about topics related to catering services in hotels and/or restaurants.

2] I can write complaints about topics related to catering services in hotels and/or restaurants.