Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Languages
German > LEVEL 9
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Introductions
1] I can respond appropriately within a variety of social situations when meeting others, using formal and informal modes of address and language, including more complex requests, commands and polite language.
2] I can confidently introduce myself and others and say something about myself or them.
3] I can talk about pocket-money and explain how I earn money through a part-time job.
4] I can use vocabulary and structures related to jobs/professions showing consolidation of numbers, opinions, adjectives, a range of regular and irregular verbs and modal verbs and use pronouns in the accusative and dative cases well e.g. Mir geht es gut! Ich möchte nicht als Lehrerin arbeiten. Ich finde den Job anstrengend.
5] I can discuss pocket money and spending habits with others using 'kaufen, verdienen, ausgeben' and showing consolidation of language for likes, dislikes and preferences.
6] I can understand texts in mostly familiar language about other people’s pocket money and/or part-time jobs.
7] I can write a simple text about my pocket money/my part-time job, describing what I do to earn money thus showing consolidation of language and vocabulary related to household tasks and family members and use prepositions and expressions of purpose e.g. Um mein Taschengeld zu verdienen, muss ich…
8] I can talk about what I would like to do when I leave school and ask others about their career intentions e.g. Ich möchte als Architekt arbeiten.
9] I can say what subjects I need to study for my chosen career and ask others what subjects they need to study.
10] I can use phrases such as 'einen Kurs machen, auf die Uni gehen, im Ausland arbeiten' and words such as 'nach, später, dann, eines Tages, danach, anschließend'.
11] I can understand texts about different types of career choices.

2] I can confidently introduce myself and others and say something about myself or them.

3] I can talk about pocket-money and explain how I earn money through a part-time job.

4] I can use vocabulary and structures related to jobs/professions showing consolidation of numbers, opinions, adjectives, a range of regular and irregular verbs and modal verbs and use pronouns in the accusative and dative cases well e.g. Mir geht es gut! Ich möchte nicht als Lehrerin arbeiten. Ich finde den Job anstrengend.
5] I can discuss pocket money and spending habits with others using 'kaufen, verdienen, ausgeben' and showing consolidation of language for likes, dislikes and preferences.

6] I can understand texts in mostly familiar language about other people’s pocket money and/or part-time jobs.
7] I can write a simple text about my pocket money/my part-time job, describing what I do to earn money thus showing consolidation of language and vocabulary related to household tasks and family members and use prepositions and expressions of purpose e.g. Um mein Taschengeld zu verdienen, muss ich…
8] I can talk about what I would like to do when I leave school and ask others about their career intentions e.g. Ich möchte als Architekt arbeiten.

9] I can say what subjects I need to study for my chosen career and ask others what subjects they need to study.
10] I can use phrases such as 'einen Kurs machen, auf die Uni gehen, im Ausland arbeiten' and words such as 'nach, später, dann, eines Tages, danach, anschließend'.
11] I can understand texts about different types of career choices.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: The Calendar
1] I can communicate quite easily about the weather and any special occasion/event by relating to my personal experiences, using expressions and prepositions of time, as well as the right tense.
2] I can use prepositions related to places and dates, using the accusative or dative cases and the correct noun endings e.g.'vor zwei Jahren, fünf Jahre lang. I can show consolidation of routine/time expressions e.g. gewöhnlich,normalerweise, selten.
3] I can listen to a detailed weather forecast in German and understand most of it.

2] I can use prepositions related to places and dates, using the accusative or dative cases and the correct noun endings e.g.'vor zwei Jahren, fünf Jahre lang. I can show consolidation of routine/time expressions e.g. gewöhnlich,normalerweise, selten.
3] I can listen to a detailed weather forecast in German and understand most of it.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Family, Pets and Friends
1] I can understand texts related to family and pets including basic language in the genitive.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Describing others
1] I can use language quite well to describe myself and others with respect.
2] I can use language creatively and appropriately to write descriptions about myself and others, without being disrespectful e.g. I can create an online profile and reply to Annoncen.
3] I can listen to a description of a person or persons in German and understand most of it.

2] I can use language creatively and appropriately to write descriptions about myself and others, without being disrespectful e.g. I can create an online profile and reply to Annoncen.

3] I can listen to a description of a person or persons in German and understand most of it.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: School
1] I can talk and write about things I like and dislike about my school.
2] I can listen to native speakers of German and understand them quite well when they talk about school in Germany.
3] I can understand texts about the German school system.

2] I can listen to native speakers of German and understand them quite well when they talk about school in Germany.

3] I can understand texts about the German school system.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Opinions
1] I can talk with ease about what I like and dislike.
2] I can easily converse with others about their likes and dislikes and ask related questions, while appreciating and respecting different ideas and/or perspectives.
3] I can write formal/informal letters to express likes and dislikes, providing reasons for my opinion, using conjunctions e.g. denn, weil, dass
2] I can easily converse with others about their likes and dislikes and ask related questions, while appreciating and respecting different ideas and/or perspectives.

3] I can write formal/informal letters to express likes and dislikes, providing reasons for my opinion, using conjunctions e.g. denn, weil, dass

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Home and Home Area
1] I can say what I do to protect the environment and ask others what they do.
2] I can show consolidation of geographical features expressions such as 'der Berg, das Meer, der See, der Wald'.
3] I can use vocabulary related to the environment e.g. die Umwelt, die Umweltverschmutzung, die Wiederverwertung, das Recycling, das Naturschutzgebiet.
4] I can understand straightforward texts in mostly familiar language about environmental issues in my country and in other countries.
5] I can collaborate with others to research, produce and present a poster/presentation in German about protecting the environment.

2] I can show consolidation of geographical features expressions such as 'der Berg, das Meer, der See, der Wald'.
3] I can use vocabulary related to the environment e.g. die Umwelt, die Umweltverschmutzung, die Wiederverwertung, das Recycling, das Naturschutzgebiet.

4] I can understand straightforward texts in mostly familiar language about environmental issues in my country and in other countries.

5] I can collaborate with others to research, produce and present a poster/presentation in German about protecting the environment.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Holidays
1] I can understand texts in mostly familiar language about holiday destinations.
2] I can talk about a past holiday(s) and understand others when they talk about past holidays and know when to use the perfect and the imperfect tense e.g. with haben, sein and modal verbs.
3] I am familiar with language related to different types of holidays and holiday accommodation, such as 'Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof', 'Campingurlaub', 'Kreuzfahrt'.
4] I can describe my ideal journey using 'Ich will nach Österreich fahren, um mein Deutsch zu verbessern. Ich möchte nach Holland fliegen, weil…'
5] I can use a German website to make a holiday booking and a reservation for accommodation.
6] I can understand texts in mostly familiar language related to events on holiday.
7] I can write a short text about a recent holiday, making good use of the perfect and the imperfect tense.
8] I can research and produce, in collaboration with others, an advert/presentation promoting a holiday destination, real or imaginary, in German.
2] I can talk about a past holiday(s) and understand others when they talk about past holidays and know when to use the perfect and the imperfect tense e.g. with haben, sein and modal verbs.
3] I am familiar with language related to different types of holidays and holiday accommodation, such as 'Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof', 'Campingurlaub', 'Kreuzfahrt'.

4] I can describe my ideal journey using 'Ich will nach Österreich fahren, um mein Deutsch zu verbessern. Ich möchte nach Holland fliegen, weil…'

5] I can use a German website to make a holiday booking and a reservation for accommodation.

6] I can understand texts in mostly familiar language related to events on holiday.
7] I can write a short text about a recent holiday, making good use of the perfect and the imperfect tense.

8] I can research and produce, in collaboration with others, an advert/presentation promoting a holiday destination, real or imaginary, in German.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Out and About
1] I can talk about what I have bought for myself or others and ask others what they have bought, making good use of the personal pronouns in the accusative and the dative case, as well as the perfect tense e.g. Ich habe ihr einen Schal gekauft.
2] I can discuss what there is to do on a particular day/time using vocabulary such as 'Was gibt es zu tun? Es läuft ein guter Film im Kino. Es gibt ein interessantes Judoturnier, ein wichtiges Fußballspiel'.
3] I can arrange a meeting with other people showing consolidation of time phrases, places, occasions, prepositions, transport e.g. wollen. Treffen wir uns um… am/an der… and of simple language of negotiation e.g. willst du, möchtest du…?
4] I can discuss with others how to get to social venues and what I and they intend to wear e.g. Was trägst du?
5] I can consolidate my use of expressions of transport, clothes, colours, adjectives etc.
6] I can describe a recent social occasion and ask others about social occasions they have attended using language in the perfect and imperfect tense.
7] I can understand straightforward texts in mostly familiar language about social events and social media.
8] I can write a short text about a recent social event that I attended.
2] I can discuss what there is to do on a particular day/time using vocabulary such as 'Was gibt es zu tun? Es läuft ein guter Film im Kino. Es gibt ein interessantes Judoturnier, ein wichtiges Fußballspiel'.
3] I can arrange a meeting with other people showing consolidation of time phrases, places, occasions, prepositions, transport e.g. wollen. Treffen wir uns um… am/an der… and of simple language of negotiation e.g. willst du, möchtest du…?

4] I can discuss with others how to get to social venues and what I and they intend to wear e.g. Was trägst du?
5] I can consolidate my use of expressions of transport, clothes, colours, adjectives etc.

6] I can describe a recent social occasion and ask others about social occasions they have attended using language in the perfect and imperfect tense.

7] I can understand straightforward texts in mostly familiar language about social events and social media.
8] I can write a short text about a recent social event that I attended.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Healthy Living
1] I can say if I am unwell and what is wrong with me, using more complex language.
2] I can fluently talk about how I feel and I can fluently ask others how they feel, making good use of vocabulary related to the topic.
3] I can make an appointment with a doctor or dentist.
2] I can fluently talk about how I feel and I can fluently ask others how they feel, making good use of vocabulary related to the topic.
3] I can make an appointment with a doctor or dentist.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Technology
1] I can discuss different types of social media with others using the language of social media e.g. posten, kommentieren, der Beitrag, über Facebook kontaktieren, auf Twitter sein, jdm auf Twitter folgen, Soziale Medien sind nützlich.
2] I can recognise basic German ‘text speak’, such as 'LG'.
3] I can use an online German-English dictionary effectively.
4] I can understand basic texts related to the use of the internet and media.
5] I can write about how I use technology in my life showing consolidation of modals, 'wollen, sollen, müssen, dürfen, mögen, können'.
6] I know how to subscribe/register on a German website and/or newsletter.
7] On my own, or in collaboration with others, I can upload my language class profile in German, in order to make contact with other learners of German worldwide.
8] I am able to use technology easily to connect and communicate, in German, with other learners of German or native German speakers and appreciate their different cultures.
2] I can recognise basic German ‘text speak’, such as 'LG'.

3] I can use an online German-English dictionary effectively.

4] I can understand basic texts related to the use of the internet and media.
5] I can write about how I use technology in my life showing consolidation of modals, 'wollen, sollen, müssen, dürfen, mögen, können'.
6] I know how to subscribe/register on a German website and/or newsletter.

7] On my own, or in collaboration with others, I can upload my language class profile in German, in order to make contact with other learners of German worldwide.

8] I am able to use technology easily to connect and communicate, in German, with other learners of German or native German speakers and appreciate their different cultures.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Social Issues and Young People
1] I can understand texts in mostly familiar language about social issues and young people such as problems amongst family
members, problems at school and unemployment e.g. Probleme in der Familie, Probleme in der Schule, Arbeitslosigkeit.
2] I can use language to respond appropriately to such issues and situations e.g. Ich verstehe mich nicht gut mit meinem Bruder,
Ich finde meine Mitschüler/innen unfreundlich, Ich habe Angst, dass ich keine Arbeit finde.
members, problems at school and unemployment e.g. Probleme in der Familie, Probleme in der Schule, Arbeitslosigkeit.
2] I can use language to respond appropriately to such issues and situations e.g. Ich verstehe mich nicht gut mit meinem Bruder,
Ich finde meine Mitschüler/innen unfreundlich, Ich habe Angst, dass ich keine Arbeit finde.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Food and Drink
1] I can ask for a table and a menu and can order food and drink at a restaurant or at a cafeteria and can converse easily about food.
2] I can describe/talk about tastes e.g. Diese Suppe ist salzig; Dieser Kaffee ist zu stark.
3] I can comment about food, to give praise or to make a complaint e.g. Der Kaffee ist lauwarm; Diese Nudeln sind zu weich consolidating the use of adjectives.
4] I can write brief responses in German to situations/ simple dialogues/ short passages/ brochures/ advertisements on topics related to restaurant services using the present and past tense correctly.
5] I can speak in a manner that can be understood by a native speaker accustomed to dealing with foreigners on topics related to hotel and restaurant catering services.

2] I can describe/talk about tastes e.g. Diese Suppe ist salzig; Dieser Kaffee ist zu stark.
3] I can comment about food, to give praise or to make a complaint e.g. Der Kaffee ist lauwarm; Diese Nudeln sind zu weich consolidating the use of adjectives.

4] I can write brief responses in German to situations/ simple dialogues/ short passages/ brochures/ advertisements on topics related to restaurant services using the present and past tense correctly.

5] I can speak in a manner that can be understood by a native speaker accustomed to dealing with foreigners on topics related to hotel and restaurant catering services.