Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Languages
German > LEVEL 7
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Introductions
1] I can greet people appropriately, ask how they are, tell them how I am and ask how others are.
2] I can use different forms of address to speak to friends, teachers and people I do not know, using formal and informal modes of address.
3] I can understand when the teacher is speaking to one person or more than one person in class and am able to respond to simple commands.
4] I can recognise 'du' and 'Sie' forms, when people are excusing themselves; 'Entschuldigung, Entschuldigen Sie, bitte'.
5] I can react appropriately when the teacher asks me to do something in German and ask for help if I do not understand.
6] I can introduce myself, say my age, birthday, nationality and where I live, and ask about other people's names, ages and nationalities.
7] I can introduce people to others by name; e.g. Das ist Markus.
8] I can say what I can do and what I would like to do e.g. Ich kan Tennis spielen; isch möchte Tennis spielen.
9] I can spell in German, showing knowledge of the German alphabet.
10] I can understand simple texts which provide personal details of others; I can retrieve basic personal information from a text e.g. to fill in a Profil or Anmeldungsformular.
11] I can write a short introduction about myself and others, providing personal details and using simple connectors e.g. und, aber, auch.
2] I can use different forms of address to speak to friends, teachers and people I do not know, using formal and informal modes of address.
3] I can understand when the teacher is speaking to one person or more than one person in class and am able to respond to simple commands.
4] I can recognise 'du' and 'Sie' forms, when people are excusing themselves; 'Entschuldigung, Entschuldigen Sie, bitte'.

5] I can react appropriately when the teacher asks me to do something in German and ask for help if I do not understand.

6] I can introduce myself, say my age, birthday, nationality and where I live, and ask about other people's names, ages and nationalities.
7] I can introduce people to others by name; e.g. Das ist Markus.
8] I can say what I can do and what I would like to do e.g. Ich kan Tennis spielen; isch möchte Tennis spielen.
9] I can spell in German, showing knowledge of the German alphabet.
10] I can understand simple texts which provide personal details of others; I can retrieve basic personal information from a text e.g. to fill in a Profil or Anmeldungsformular.

11] I can write a short introduction about myself and others, providing personal details and using simple connectors e.g. und, aber, auch.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: The Calendar
1] I can read and understand the cardinal numbers up to 1,000,000.
2] I can understand and produce the ordinal numbers, up to 31 combined with dates and months e.g. der erste Januar
3] I can talk about how many of my friends have a sibling or a pet.
4] I can talk about the weather in Malta and other places and ask others about the weather in German-speaking countries, regions and other places, e.g. Mir ist warm, Hier ist es kalt.
5] I can say the time e.g. Es ist zehn Minuten nach vier/Es ist Vier Uhr zehn Minuten.
6] I can understand and mention when things take place in relation to seasons, e.g. im sommer, im Herbst, im Wintr, im Frühling.
7] I can ask questions related to time e.g. Wann stehst du am Morgen auf?, Wann beginnt die erste Stunde?
8] I can understand people talking about special occasions (e.g. saying when their birthday is) or feast dates in German-speaking countries and in Malta e.g. Der Nikolaustag ist am 6. Dezember, to learn about customs in German-speaking countries; and in countries where we come from.
9] I can write a few sentences about to describe my daily routine to others, e.g. Ich stehe um 7 Uhr auf. Dann frühstücke ich.
10] I can collaborate with others to describe the weather or feasts in German speaking countries.
2] I can understand and produce the ordinal numbers, up to 31 combined with dates and months e.g. der erste Januar

3] I can talk about how many of my friends have a sibling or a pet.
4] I can talk about the weather in Malta and other places and ask others about the weather in German-speaking countries, regions and other places, e.g. Mir ist warm, Hier ist es kalt.
5] I can say the time e.g. Es ist zehn Minuten nach vier/Es ist Vier Uhr zehn Minuten.

6] I can understand and mention when things take place in relation to seasons, e.g. im sommer, im Herbst, im Wintr, im Frühling.
7] I can ask questions related to time e.g. Wann stehst du am Morgen auf?, Wann beginnt die erste Stunde?

8] I can understand people talking about special occasions (e.g. saying when their birthday is) or feast dates in German-speaking countries and in Malta e.g. Der Nikolaustag ist am 6. Dezember, to learn about customs in German-speaking countries; and in countries where we come from.

9] I can write a few sentences about to describe my daily routine to others, e.g. Ich stehe um 7 Uhr auf. Dann frühstücke ich.

10] I can collaborate with others to describe the weather or feasts in German speaking countries.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Family, Pets and Friends
1] I can say how many people are in my family and who they are and describe family members (using connectors e.g. und, aber, auch).
2] I can ask other people about their family.
3] I can ask others about pets and say what pets I have or do no have, e.g. Hast du ein Haustier? Ich habe keine Haustiere.
4] I can understand when people are describing their own or someone else's family,
5] I can produce a short text, such as an e-mail, about my family, including pets.
2] I can ask other people about their family.
3] I can ask others about pets and say what pets I have or do no have, e.g. Hast du ein Haustier? Ich habe keine Haustiere.

4] I can understand when people are describing their own or someone else's family,

5] I can produce a short text, such as an e-mail, about my family, including pets.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Describing others
1] I can describe my family, friends and pets describing height, size, hair and eye colour and character, e.g. Seine Augen sind blau
2] I can ask others to describe themselves and members of their family, friends and pets.
3] I can read and listen to simple texts, using mostly familiar language to find information about people, their families, friends and pets.
4] I can write a short description of my family, friends and pets and I can collaborate with others to write e.g. In meiner Klasse sind wir... Personen.

2] I can ask others to describe themselves and members of their family, friends and pets.

3] I can read and listen to simple texts, using mostly familiar language to find information about people, their families, friends and pets.

4] I can write a short description of my family, friends and pets and I can collaborate with others to write e.g. In meiner Klasse sind wir... Personen.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: School
1] I can describe my classroom e.g. In meiner Klasse gibt es ...
2] I can describe my school and school subjects an ask others what they think of their school and other subjects e.g. Wie findest du Deutsch?
3] I can ask othrs about times of their classes and their school.
4] I can ask in German, e.g. Darf ich ...?, Entschuldigung, habenSie..., Ich habe ein Problem, Wiederholen Sie bitte
5] I can understand short texts about school and school subjects in German-speaking countries.
6] I can talk and write about my daily routine at school consoliating vocabulary related to time. e.g. dreimal pro Tag, viermal pro/der Woche.
7] I can collaborate with others, using ICT and bi-lingual dictionaries, to understand a text about the school day in a German-speaking country.

2] I can describe my school and school subjects an ask others what they think of their school and other subjects e.g. Wie findest du Deutsch?
3] I can ask othrs about times of their classes and their school.

4] I can ask in German, e.g. Darf ich ...?, Entschuldigung, habenSie..., Ich habe ein Problem, Wiederholen Sie bitte

5] I can understand short texts about school and school subjects in German-speaking countries.

6] I can talk and write about my daily routine at school consoliating vocabulary related to time. e.g. dreimal pro Tag, viermal pro/der Woche.

7] I can collaborate with others, using ICT and bi-lingual dictionaries, to understand a text about the school day in a German-speaking country.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Opinions
1] I can say that I like, dislike or prefer certain animals, people in my family, school subjects and use adjectives to say why.
2] I can ask others about their likes and dislikes, using vocabulary such as 'Gefällt es dir…?', 'Ich habe …lieber', 'Ich habe… am liebsten'.
3] I can understand short texts, in mostly familiar language about other people’s likes and dislikes.
4] I can write a short text to inform others about my likes and dislikes.
2] I can ask others about their likes and dislikes, using vocabulary such as 'Gefällt es dir…?', 'Ich habe …lieber', 'Ich habe… am liebsten'.

3] I can understand short texts, in mostly familiar language about other people’s likes and dislikes.

4] I can write a short text to inform others about my likes and dislikes.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Home and Home Area
1] I can talk about where I live and the surrounding area, saying what there is to see and do; e.g. Es gibt hier einen Fußballplatz.
2] I can ask for and give directions e.g. Wo ist das Rathaus, bitte? Hier links, die erste Straße links.
3] I can describe my house, room and immediate surroundings using basic vocabulary e.g. Wir haben ein Wohnsimmer und..., Mein Simmer ist groß. ' es gibt, er ist, sie haben'.
4] I can ask where certain things are in a house or its surroundings using 'Wo gibt es...? Gibt es...?
5] I can understand short texts about other people's houses and surrounding areas.
6] I can say where I live and ask others e.g. 'Wo wohnst du? im Norden.
7] I can name places of interest in my home area and ask others about where, e.g. Was gibt es in deiner Stadt?
8] I can write about my home area.
9] I can collaborate with others on a project on places of interests in German speaking cities.
2] I can ask for and give directions e.g. Wo ist das Rathaus, bitte? Hier links, die erste Straße links.
3] I can describe my house, room and immediate surroundings using basic vocabulary e.g. Wir haben ein Wohnsimmer und..., Mein Simmer ist groß. ' es gibt, er ist, sie haben'.
4] I can ask where certain things are in a house or its surroundings using 'Wo gibt es...? Gibt es...?

5] I can understand short texts about other people's houses and surrounding areas.

6] I can say where I live and ask others e.g. 'Wo wohnst du? im Norden.
7] I can name places of interest in my home area and ask others about where, e.g. Was gibt es in deiner Stadt?

8] I can write about my home area.

9] I can collaborate with others on a project on places of interests in German speaking cities.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Leisure Time
1] I can say what one can do in my home area and ask others what one can do where they live, e.g. Man kann schwimmen gehen.
2] I can talk about different sports and leisure activities and ask others what they like to do.
3] I can say where, when and with whom I do different leisure activities.
4] I can understand others talking about leisure activities and what they prefer to do.
5] I can write about what I do in my free time.
6] I can collaborate with others to find out about leisure activities in a German-speaking country, or to find information about a German-speaking personality and presenting findings in simple German with others.
2] I can talk about different sports and leisure activities and ask others what they like to do.
3] I can say where, when and with whom I do different leisure activities.

4] I can understand others talking about leisure activities and what they prefer to do.

5] I can write about what I do in my free time.

6] I can collaborate with others to find out about leisure activities in a German-speaking country, or to find information about a German-speaking personality and presenting findings in simple German with others.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Holidays
1] I can name, my home country, the German-speaking countries and some other large countries in Europe.
2] I can say which countries I would like and would not like to visit.
3] I can listen to people of different nationalities introducing themselves and understand where they come fom and where they live.
4] I can read and understand a simple text by people introducing themselves, saying where they come from, where they live, languages they speak and saying what they do for a living.
5] In collaboration with others I can prepare a short presentation about places I would like to visit in German speaking countries.
2] I can say which countries I would like and would not like to visit.

3] I can listen to people of different nationalities introducing themselves and understand where they come fom and where they live.

4] I can read and understand a simple text by people introducing themselves, saying where they come from, where they live, languages they speak and saying what they do for a living.

5] In collaboration with others I can prepare a short presentation about places I would like to visit in German speaking countries.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Out and About
1] I can identify different shops and say what they sell e.g. Das ist eine Bäckerei. Hier kann man Brötchen kaufen.
2] I can ask how much something costs, understand when someone asks me how much something costs e.g. Wie viel kostet ein Brötchen?, Die Brötchen kosten je 30 Cent.
3] I can say what I am wearing, and ask what someone else is going to wear and use language related to clothing e.g. Die Bluse ist rot.
4] I can talk about presents that I am buying or things that I prepare when invited to a party, e.g. Ich mache Brötchen und kaufe Mineralwasser; Ich bringe Getränke mit.
5] I can read and understand a party invitation or an invitation to a social event and I can reply to it.
6] I can create and write a party invitation in German with others, making use of words and phrases related to parties.
7] I can write an e-mail about my last birthday party using basic verbs in the perfect tense.
2] I can ask how much something costs, understand when someone asks me how much something costs e.g. Wie viel kostet ein Brötchen?, Die Brötchen kosten je 30 Cent.
3] I can say what I am wearing, and ask what someone else is going to wear and use language related to clothing e.g. Die Bluse ist rot.
4] I can talk about presents that I am buying or things that I prepare when invited to a party, e.g. Ich mache Brötchen und kaufe Mineralwasser; Ich bringe Getränke mit.

5] I can read and understand a party invitation or an invitation to a social event and I can reply to it.

6] I can create and write a party invitation in German with others, making use of words and phrases related to parties.

7] I can write an e-mail about my last birthday party using basic verbs in the perfect tense.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Healthy Living
1] I can name different body parts and say what is wrong with me, e.g. Mein Kopf, ich haben Kofpschmerzen, 'Ich bin krank' 'Ich habe .......schmerzen'.
2] I can ask others how they feel, using expressions e.g. Was ist mit dir los?, Wo tut es weh?
4] I can understand when others tell me what is wrong with them e.g. Was ist denn los? Ich bin erkältet, Ich habe einen Schnupfen. I can say if I am allergic to something and I can ask others if they have any allergies e.g. Ich bin allergisch gegen Milchprodukte.
5] I can understand when others say what allergies they have and speak about what foods they eat that are healthy or unhealthy e.g. Ich trinke gern Wasser. Das ist gesund
2] I can ask others how they feel, using expressions e.g. Was ist mit dir los?, Wo tut es weh?
4] I can understand when others tell me what is wrong with them e.g. Was ist denn los? Ich bin erkältet, Ich habe einen Schnupfen. I can say if I am allergic to something and I can ask others if they have any allergies e.g. Ich bin allergisch gegen Milchprodukte.

5] I can understand when others say what allergies they have and speak about what foods they eat that are healthy or unhealthy e.g. Ich trinke gern Wasser. Das ist gesund

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Technology
1] I understand some common vocabulary related to technology that is often used in everyday life, such as 'der Computer, der Laptop, das Handy, das Internet, die SMS, das Smartphone, das Tablet, die Webseite, uploaden, downloaden' and 'speichern'.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Food and Drink
1] I can speak about food and drink, including what I eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, e.g. Zum Frühstück esse ich... and I can understand others talking about what they eat.
2] I can say what food and drink I would like or need, e.g. 'Ich möchte, Ich brauche, Ich nehme' and use language related to quantities e.g. Ein Kilo Äpfel; Ein Liter Milch; Eine Dose Tomaten, and can take note of what others need.
3] I can say what I eat during the day e.g. Morgens esse ich; In der Pause esse ich; Nachmittages nehme ish; Abends esse ich.
4] I can say what food I like and what food I do not like e.g.Ich esse gern; Ich esse kein; Mein Lieblingsessen ist... und mein Lieblingsgetränk ist...
5] I can ask questions at the table during a meal, e.g. Kannst du mir die Butter reichen, bitte?, Kann ich noch eine Scheibe Brot haben, bitte?
6] I can understand a text about food and drink including a simple recipe and a menu
7] I can understand adverts about what one can eat in a cafe' or restaurant, e.g. Das ist ein Cafe'. Hier kann ich einen Tee trinken und ein Stück Kuchen essen.
8] I can write a short text describing what I like and do not like to eat and drink.
2] I can say what food and drink I would like or need, e.g. 'Ich möchte, Ich brauche, Ich nehme' and use language related to quantities e.g. Ein Kilo Äpfel; Ein Liter Milch; Eine Dose Tomaten, and can take note of what others need.

3] I can say what I eat during the day e.g. Morgens esse ich; In der Pause esse ich; Nachmittages nehme ish; Abends esse ich.
4] I can say what food I like and what food I do not like e.g.Ich esse gern; Ich esse kein; Mein Lieblingsessen ist... und mein Lieblingsgetränk ist...
5] I can ask questions at the table during a meal, e.g. Kannst du mir die Butter reichen, bitte?, Kann ich noch eine Scheibe Brot haben, bitte?

6] I can understand a text about food and drink including a simple recipe and a menu
7] I can understand adverts about what one can eat in a cafe' or restaurant, e.g. Das ist ein Cafe'. Hier kann ich einen Tee trinken und ein Stück Kuchen essen.

8] I can write a short text describing what I like and do not like to eat and drink.