Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Languages
German > LEVEL 8
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Introductions
1] I can use formal and informal language when I meet people in a variety of social situations e.g. bis morgen, bis später, bis nächste Woche.
2] I understand different forms of address within the classroom and in different social contexts, with a clear understanding of when 'Sie' and 'du' are used.
3] I can react appropriately when the teacher asks me to do something in German and ask for help if I do not understand.
4] I can follow classroom commands (receptive and increasingly active language) and instructions and I can understand and respond appropriately to phrases such as 'Wiederholen Sie, bitte; Entschuldigung, aber ich habe nicht verstanden/ich habe es nicht gehört; Das war zu schnell; Langsam(er), bitte; Danke schön'.
5] I can introduce myself, providing biographical details and can ask others about themselves regarding biographical details.
6] I can introduce others, providing short biographical details about them while showing good use of verbs, personal and possessive pronouns and prepositions e.g. Er wohnt in..., Sein Name ist..., Ihr Haus liegt am..., Sie kommt aus...
7] I can understand texts which provide biographical details of others.
8] I can write a short introduction about biographical details of myself and of others and use common regular and irregular verbs in the present tense well.
9] I can use adjectives of nationality and can talk about ages and birthdays.
10] I can research the life of a famous German-speaking person(s) in history/ the media/ sports and create a short presentation about him/her/them.
11] I can use vocabulary such as 'berühmt, beliebt' and vocabulary related to high profile careers e.g. Sänger(in), Schauspieler(in), Komiker(in),Fußballer (in) and use fixed phrases e.g. Er ist… geboren and use 'seit' + time phrase and the present tense.
12] I know how to use all six modal verbs in the present tense, in order to write/speak basic sentences e.g. Ich möchte mich vorstellen.

2] I understand different forms of address within the classroom and in different social contexts, with a clear understanding of when 'Sie' and 'du' are used.
3] I can react appropriately when the teacher asks me to do something in German and ask for help if I do not understand.
4] I can follow classroom commands (receptive and increasingly active language) and instructions and I can understand and respond appropriately to phrases such as 'Wiederholen Sie, bitte; Entschuldigung, aber ich habe nicht verstanden/ich habe es nicht gehört; Das war zu schnell; Langsam(er), bitte; Danke schön'.

5] I can introduce myself, providing biographical details and can ask others about themselves regarding biographical details.

6] I can introduce others, providing short biographical details about them while showing good use of verbs, personal and possessive pronouns and prepositions e.g. Er wohnt in..., Sein Name ist..., Ihr Haus liegt am..., Sie kommt aus...

7] I can understand texts which provide biographical details of others.
8] I can write a short introduction about biographical details of myself and of others and use common regular and irregular verbs in the present tense well.
9] I can use adjectives of nationality and can talk about ages and birthdays.

10] I can research the life of a famous German-speaking person(s) in history/ the media/ sports and create a short presentation about him/her/them.

11] I can use vocabulary such as 'berühmt, beliebt' and vocabulary related to high profile careers e.g. Sänger(in), Schauspieler(in), Komiker(in),Fußballer (in) and use fixed phrases e.g. Er ist… geboren and use 'seit' + time phrase and the present tense.
12] I know how to use all six modal verbs in the present tense, in order to write/speak basic sentences e.g. Ich möchte mich vorstellen.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: The Calendar
1] I can recognise and use the cardinal numbers confidently up to 1,000,000.
2] I can recognise and confidently use ordinal numbers combined with dates and months.
3] I can research weather updates for different countries, understand and talk about the information presented, show an extension of weather expressions and negatives and qualifiers e.g. Es ist nie sehr kalt, Es schneit fast nie.
4] I can broaden my use of prepositions to include places and different locations and use prepositions related to places, using the accusative or dative cases e.g. Ich fahre nach Valletta und gehe ins Kleidergeschäft.
5] I can follow and understand the weather forecast in German.
6] I can use my literacy and digital literacy skills to retrieve information about a particular important event in a German-speaking country, such as Christmas, Carnival, Easter and the 'Oktoberfest' .
7] I am able to show that I acknowledge and respect different traditions and cultures of celebrations, use and understand vocabulary such as 'das Fest, der Feierabend, feiern.'
8] I can use my writing and creative skills to produce material related to special feasts and occasions e.g. digital Christmas cards, birthday cards and invitations made of recycled material.
9] I can talk and write about my daily routine, consolidating vocabulary related to time, dates and routines and use phrases such as
'dienstags, 'samstags', 'abends' to indicate regularity.

2] I can recognise and confidently use ordinal numbers combined with dates and months.

3] I can research weather updates for different countries, understand and talk about the information presented, show an extension of weather expressions and negatives and qualifiers e.g. Es ist nie sehr kalt, Es schneit fast nie.
4] I can broaden my use of prepositions to include places and different locations and use prepositions related to places, using the accusative or dative cases e.g. Ich fahre nach Valletta und gehe ins Kleidergeschäft.

5] I can follow and understand the weather forecast in German.

6] I can use my literacy and digital literacy skills to retrieve information about a particular important event in a German-speaking country, such as Christmas, Carnival, Easter and the 'Oktoberfest' .

7] I am able to show that I acknowledge and respect different traditions and cultures of celebrations, use and understand vocabulary such as 'das Fest, der Feierabend, feiern.'

8] I can use my writing and creative skills to produce material related to special feasts and occasions e.g. digital Christmas cards, birthday cards and invitations made of recycled material.

9] I can talk and write about my daily routine, consolidating vocabulary related to time, dates and routines and use phrases such as
'dienstags, 'samstags', 'abends' to indicate regularity.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Family, Pets and Friends
1] I can say how well I get on with members of my family and why, and ask others how they get on with members of their family.
2] I can use language related to the family to show I understand possessive pronouns e.g. mein, unser, euer; the present tense of verbs and conjunctions e.g. weil, da, denn and have an understanding of word order and verbs such as 'sich gut verstehen' and make use of language to describe personal characteristics, adjectives and comparisons e.g. Er ist größer als ich und ist auch sehr sportlich.
3] I can talk about household tasks I perform and ask others about what they do in the house to help. I am aware of my role in the family and can demonstrate respect and care for others, including issues regarding animals and pets.
4] I can use my knowledge of time and adverbs of time/regularity e.g. normalerweise, einmal in der Woche, dienstags.
5] I can discuss issues related to owning pets.
6] I can express my opinions and feelings e.g. Meiner Meinung nach, vor etw. Angst haben, Ich bin allergisch gegen.
7] I can understand short texts in mostly familiar language about the views of others on family life and the tasks they have to perform at home. I understand that different people might have different views than mine and that there are different types of families e.g. Patchworkfamilie.
8] I can produce a short text and I can talk about my own views on family life and the tasks I perform at home, using vocabulary such as 'Ich bin der Meinung, dass; Es gefällt mir; Ich finde, dass, Ich helfe nicht gern im Haushalt.'
9] I can discuss and give opinions about my family e.g. Ich verstehe mich gut mit meiner Mutter.

2] I can use language related to the family to show I understand possessive pronouns e.g. mein, unser, euer; the present tense of verbs and conjunctions e.g. weil, da, denn and have an understanding of word order and verbs such as 'sich gut verstehen' and make use of language to describe personal characteristics, adjectives and comparisons e.g. Er ist größer als ich und ist auch sehr sportlich.
3] I can talk about household tasks I perform and ask others about what they do in the house to help. I am aware of my role in the family and can demonstrate respect and care for others, including issues regarding animals and pets.

4] I can use my knowledge of time and adverbs of time/regularity e.g. normalerweise, einmal in der Woche, dienstags.
5] I can discuss issues related to owning pets.
6] I can express my opinions and feelings e.g. Meiner Meinung nach, vor etw. Angst haben, Ich bin allergisch gegen.
7] I can understand short texts in mostly familiar language about the views of others on family life and the tasks they have to perform at home. I understand that different people might have different views than mine and that there are different types of families e.g. Patchworkfamilie.

8] I can produce a short text and I can talk about my own views on family life and the tasks I perform at home, using vocabulary such as 'Ich bin der Meinung, dass; Es gefällt mir; Ich finde, dass, Ich helfe nicht gern im Haushalt.'

9] I can discuss and give opinions about my family e.g. Ich verstehe mich gut mit meiner Mutter.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Describing others
1] I can verbally describe myself and others by making use of comparisons, including 'groß, größer, klein, kleiner', and superlatives e.g. der größte, am größten, die kleinste, am kleinsten, so... wie.
2] I can understand comparisons when someone talks in German and/or when I read a text in German.
3] I can write a short paragraph in German drawing comparisons e.g. between myself and my siblings or peers.

2] I can understand comparisons when someone talks in German and/or when I read a text in German.

3] I can write a short paragraph in German drawing comparisons e.g. between myself and my siblings or peers.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: School
1] I can talk about school rules and ask others about theirs e.g. Man darf in der Schule nicht telefonieren.
2] I can understand short texts in mostly familiar language about school routines and expectations in a German-speaking country and other countries and their schools.
3] I can describe my school uniform and ask others about their views on school uniforms.
4] I can write a short opinion piece on school rules and uniform.

2] I can understand short texts in mostly familiar language about school routines and expectations in a German-speaking country and other countries and their schools.

3] I can describe my school uniform and ask others about their views on school uniforms.
4] I can write a short opinion piece on school rules and uniform.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Opinions
1] I can say that I like, dislike or prefer certain types of sports, music, films and books using comparisons e.g. Ich finde Popmusik besser als Rockmusik.
2] I can ask others what they like and dislike and discuss why, while respecting different opinions, using adjectives e.g. Wie findest du Popstars?, Ich finde sie arrogant.
3] I can write a short text mentioning my likes and dislikes.
4] I can understand long texts, in mostly familiar language about other people's likes and dislikes.
2] I can ask others what they like and dislike and discuss why, while respecting different opinions, using adjectives e.g. Wie findest du Popstars?, Ich finde sie arrogant.

3] I can write a short text mentioning my likes and dislikes.

4] I can understand long texts, in mostly familiar language about other people's likes and dislikes.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Home and Home Area
1] I can talk about what there is to see and to do in my home area and ask others what there is to see and to do where they live.
2] I can use various prepositions, with the accusative and dative case, to describe e.g. where something is, such as Die Post ist hinter der Kirche or to say how to reach to a place e.g. Gehen Sie hinter die Kirche!
3] I can talk freely about how to get to places in my country and ask others about different means of transport in their country/region.
4] I can talk about a day-trip I made, how I travelled, what I saw and did using the perfect tense e.g. Wir sind mit dem Flugzeug geflogen; Ich habe den Reichstag besucht.
5] I can ask others about day-trips they have made, how they travelled and what they saw and did, by forming questions in the perfect tense.
6] I can understand short texts in mostly familiar language about travelling and things to see and do in different places.
7] I can write a short descriptive text about a day-trip I made, what I did and what I saw.
8] I can work with others to produce a simple travel brochure in German about my country or a particular town/area in a German-speaking country.

2] I can use various prepositions, with the accusative and dative case, to describe e.g. where something is, such as Die Post ist hinter der Kirche or to say how to reach to a place e.g. Gehen Sie hinter die Kirche!
3] I can talk freely about how to get to places in my country and ask others about different means of transport in their country/region.

4] I can talk about a day-trip I made, how I travelled, what I saw and did using the perfect tense e.g. Wir sind mit dem Flugzeug geflogen; Ich habe den Reichstag besucht.

5] I can ask others about day-trips they have made, how they travelled and what they saw and did, by forming questions in the perfect tense.
6] I can understand short texts in mostly familiar language about travelling and things to see and do in different places.
7] I can write a short descriptive text about a day-trip I made, what I did and what I saw.
8] I can work with others to produce a simple travel brochure in German about my country or a particular town/area in a German-speaking country.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Leisure Time
1] I can discuss with others what I like to do in my free time.
2] I can describe the kind of films/video games/music/TV programmes that I enjoy and the ones I do not like.
3] I can describe what I did recently and what I did in the past during my free time, using the perfect tense.
4] I can ask others what they have done in their free time recently and what they have done in the past.
5] I can understand short texts in mainly familiar language describing different types of free time activities and people’s preferences related to music, books, TV programmes, video games and films.
6] In collaboration with others, I can carry out a survey in class, present my findings and talk about how my classmates spend their spare time and what leisure activities they do.
7] I can write a short report for a magazine related to leisure and sports using the 'Präteritum' of basic verbs.
2] I can describe the kind of films/video games/music/TV programmes that I enjoy and the ones I do not like.
3] I can describe what I did recently and what I did in the past during my free time, using the perfect tense.
4] I can ask others what they have done in their free time recently and what they have done in the past.
5] I can understand short texts in mainly familiar language describing different types of free time activities and people’s preferences related to music, books, TV programmes, video games and films.

6] In collaboration with others, I can carry out a survey in class, present my findings and talk about how my classmates spend their spare time and what leisure activities they do.

7] I can write a short report for a magazine related to leisure and sports using the 'Präteritum' of basic verbs.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Holidays
1] I can name, in German, countries both in and outside Europe and some regions in German-speaking countries.
2] I can talk with others about countries I have visited, or that I have not visited.
3] I can ask others which countries they would like and would not like to visit and why, showing formation of questions e.g. Warum willst du/möchtest du…?
4] I can understand simple texts in mostly familiar language about where others would like to travel to.
5] I can write a short account of where I would like to travel to and what I would like to do on holiday, giving reasons e.g. Ich will in die Schweiz fahren.
6] With others, I can research a travel destination and present the findings in German.
7] I can understand vocabulary related to accommodation and can apply this vocabulary to make a booking for a room at a hotel or a guesthouse.
2] I can talk with others about countries I have visited, or that I have not visited.
3] I can ask others which countries they would like and would not like to visit and why, showing formation of questions e.g. Warum willst du/möchtest du…?
4] I can understand simple texts in mostly familiar language about where others would like to travel to.
5] I can write a short account of where I would like to travel to and what I would like to do on holiday, giving reasons e.g. Ich will in die Schweiz fahren.

6] With others, I can research a travel destination and present the findings in German.

7] I can understand vocabulary related to accommodation and can apply this vocabulary to make a booking for a room at a hotel or a guesthouse.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Out and About
1] I know how to use the preposition 'in' correctly e.g. Ich kaufe Brötchen in der Bäckerei.
2] I can talk about souvenirs/presents I have bought for myself and others and ask others about presents/souvenirs that they have bought, making correct use of the indirect object, the direct object and the perfect tense e.g. Ich habe meiner Freundin einen Schal gekauft.
3] I can differentiate between the accusative and dative cases e.g. Ich hole meinem Vater die Zeitung.
4] I can discuss prices and sizes using the language of negotiation e.g. Haben Sie…? Ich möchte... and consolidating the use of qualifiers e.g. zu, sehr, ein bisschen, viel and use adjectives related to shopping e.g. teuer, billig, im (Sonder)angebot.
5] I can discuss with others the clothes we like to wear and what we wear for particular occasions/times of year/weather conditions using complex sentences including, 'Wenn es warm ist, trage ich gerne…'
6] I can understand texts in mostly familiar language about other people’s clothes preferences and what they wear.
7] I can write a short text describing what I like and do not like to wear, using 'weil, wenn and da'.
8] On my own or in collaboration with others, I can describe what a person is wearing and can come up with a catalogue/brochure in German, promoting the latest fashion, making use of adjectives related to clothing, shopping and qualifiers e.g. Dieser lange schwarze Rock ist aus Baumwolle und kommt in Größe S, M, L, XL und kostet nur...
9] I can understand, as well as produce, an invitation and/or a flyer for a social event e.g. I can create an invitation in German for a special event being held at school such as Schulfest.
2] I can talk about souvenirs/presents I have bought for myself and others and ask others about presents/souvenirs that they have bought, making correct use of the indirect object, the direct object and the perfect tense e.g. Ich habe meiner Freundin einen Schal gekauft.
3] I can differentiate between the accusative and dative cases e.g. Ich hole meinem Vater die Zeitung.
4] I can discuss prices and sizes using the language of negotiation e.g. Haben Sie…? Ich möchte... and consolidating the use of qualifiers e.g. zu, sehr, ein bisschen, viel and use adjectives related to shopping e.g. teuer, billig, im (Sonder)angebot.
5] I can discuss with others the clothes we like to wear and what we wear for particular occasions/times of year/weather conditions using complex sentences including, 'Wenn es warm ist, trage ich gerne…'

6] I can understand texts in mostly familiar language about other people’s clothes preferences and what they wear.
7] I can write a short text describing what I like and do not like to wear, using 'weil, wenn and da'.
8] On my own or in collaboration with others, I can describe what a person is wearing and can come up with a catalogue/brochure in German, promoting the latest fashion, making use of adjectives related to clothing, shopping and qualifiers e.g. Dieser lange schwarze Rock ist aus Baumwolle und kommt in Größe S, M, L, XL und kostet nur...

9] I can understand, as well as produce, an invitation and/or a flyer for a social event e.g. I can create an invitation in German for a special event being held at school such as Schulfest.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Healthy Living
1] I can say if I am unwell and what is wrong with me, using 'Es tut mir weh, Mein Kopf tut weh, Ich habe Halsschmerzen, die Grippe, Ich fühle mich nicht wohl'.
2] I can ask others about how they feel, in detail, using expressions for visits to the doctor and illness vocabulary and expressions e.g. Was ist los?, Wo liegt das Problem? Es tut mir leid.
3] I can make an appointment with a doctor using 'Ich möchte/will einen Termin bei…machen' showing consolidation of calendar dates and times.
4] I can talk about an illness/ how I was feeling last week e.g. Ich hatte Magenschmerzen, denn ich habe zu viel Schokolade gegessen.
5] I can say what I do to keep fit and understand others talking about the theme and use vocabulary related to sports and free time activities, adverbs and adjectives of time e.g. Ich trainiere täglich, oft, selten.
6] I can demonstrate care/respect for others by making suggestions and giving orders/advice to others with regards to a healthy lifestyle, making use of the imperative e.g. Iss mehr Obst! Treib Sport! Du solltest kein Fastfood essen!
7] I can discuss healthy eating using 'Ich esse gesund, Es gibt Zucker darin, Das ist zu fettig'.
8] I can discuss smoking and other unhealthy practices e.g. Ich rauche nicht, Rauchen ist sehr ungesund.
9] I can understand texts in mostly familiar language relating to fitness and teenage health issues.
10] I can write a text to inform others about the importance of being healthy and what I do to stay healthy.
11] I can collaborate with others to produce a healthy food menu and present it to the class in German.
2] I can ask others about how they feel, in detail, using expressions for visits to the doctor and illness vocabulary and expressions e.g. Was ist los?, Wo liegt das Problem? Es tut mir leid.
3] I can make an appointment with a doctor using 'Ich möchte/will einen Termin bei…machen' showing consolidation of calendar dates and times.

4] I can talk about an illness/ how I was feeling last week e.g. Ich hatte Magenschmerzen, denn ich habe zu viel Schokolade gegessen.
5] I can say what I do to keep fit and understand others talking about the theme and use vocabulary related to sports and free time activities, adverbs and adjectives of time e.g. Ich trainiere täglich, oft, selten.
6] I can demonstrate care/respect for others by making suggestions and giving orders/advice to others with regards to a healthy lifestyle, making use of the imperative e.g. Iss mehr Obst! Treib Sport! Du solltest kein Fastfood essen!

7] I can discuss healthy eating using 'Ich esse gesund, Es gibt Zucker darin, Das ist zu fettig'.

8] I can discuss smoking and other unhealthy practices e.g. Ich rauche nicht, Rauchen ist sehr ungesund.

9] I can understand texts in mostly familiar language relating to fitness and teenage health issues.

10] I can write a text to inform others about the importance of being healthy and what I do to stay healthy.

11] I can collaborate with others to produce a healthy food menu and present it to the class in German.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Technology
1] I can talk about technology that I use in my daily life and ask others about the technology they use, consolidating vocabulary related to technology.
2] I can talk about the use of internet using phrases such as 'im Internet surfen, online sein, ins Internet gehen, etw. ins Internet stellen'.
3] I know how to use an online German-English dictionary.
4] I am able to use technology, such as sending e-mails in simple German, to communicate with other learners of German or with native German speakers and appreciate their different cultures, perspectives and opinions.
2] I can talk about the use of internet using phrases such as 'im Internet surfen, online sein, ins Internet gehen, etw. ins Internet stellen'.
3] I know how to use an online German-English dictionary.

4] I am able to use technology, such as sending e-mails in simple German, to communicate with other learners of German or with native German speakers and appreciate their different cultures, perspectives and opinions.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Food and Drink
1] I can order food and drink in a café or restaurant using ordering language, such as ‘Ich möchte... bestellen’; Ich hätte gern...' showing the use of polite language and appropriate register.
2] I can understand a basic menu in German.
3] I can talk about food and drink that is particular to my country and ask others about speciality foods of their country.
4] I can work on my own or in a group to produce a menu in German and present it to the other learners in class.
5] I can describe particular meals for special occasions such as for Christmas, New Year and Oktoberfest.
6] I can read and understand short texts, passages/brochures in the target language on topics related to restaurant services e.g. through adverts and menus.
7] I can understand and explain a German recipe showing consolidation of language related to food and the use of the imperative in phrases such as 'Misch alles zusammen!, Koch die Kartoffeln!'
8] In collaboration with others, I can research a typical regional speciality of an area of Germany or a German-speaking country and prepare a short presentation in German, or maybe even try the recipe in the school's kitchen and/or organise a German food day at school.

2] I can understand a basic menu in German.
3] I can talk about food and drink that is particular to my country and ask others about speciality foods of their country.

4] I can work on my own or in a group to produce a menu in German and present it to the other learners in class.

5] I can describe particular meals for special occasions such as for Christmas, New Year and Oktoberfest.
6] I can read and understand short texts, passages/brochures in the target language on topics related to restaurant services e.g. through adverts and menus.
7] I can understand and explain a German recipe showing consolidation of language related to food and the use of the imperative in phrases such as 'Misch alles zusammen!, Koch die Kartoffeln!'
8] In collaboration with others, I can research a typical regional speciality of an area of Germany or a German-speaking country and prepare a short presentation in German, or maybe even try the recipe in the school's kitchen and/or organise a German food day at school.