Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Languages
Italian > LEVEL 10
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Hello
1] I can respond appropriately and accurately within a variety of social situations when meeting others with clear application of polite of address, such as the appropriate use of ‘Lei,’ with correct verb ending.
2] I can introduce others and relay their name, age, address to others in a confident manner.
3] I can use adequate vocabulary and structures related to various topics showing correct use of present, past and tenses with a measure of confidence and fluency.
4] I show that I am confident when I speak in Italian and I can use the correct sentence structure.

2] I can introduce others and relay their name, age, address to others in a confident manner.

3] I can use adequate vocabulary and structures related to various topics showing correct use of present, past and tenses with a measure of confidence and fluency.

4] I show that I am confident when I speak in Italian and I can use the correct sentence structure.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: About Me
1] I can collaborate with others to research the life of a well known Italian writer/painter/historical character showing the ability to understand and appreciate art, literature, culture and historical events.
2] I can read a more complexbiography about a well-known Italian person and summarise the important information in a text, understanding and appreciating different cultures and histories around the world.
3] I can listen to and understand when others give more complex personal details about themselves or someone else.
4] I can write an article or essay about animals in danger of extinction.
5] I can create a brochure in collaboration with others about the needs and care of animals.
6] I can read complex texts about injustice to others or cruelty to animals.
7] I can express opinions, showing agreement/disagreement using vocabularysuch as ‘Non è giusto, è crudele, è sbagliato, non è assolutamente accettabile, è una follia, è brutto’.
8] I can discuss what I can do to help others using expressionssuch as 'Rispettare e difendere i diritti, manifestare, una campagna contro bullismo razzismo, essere un volontario, fare del volontariato'.
9] I can read more complex texts which describe the different types of families in Italy.
10] I can listen to others' opinions showing different ideas and perspectives on family and give my own perspective.

2] I can read a more complexbiography about a well-known Italian person and summarise the important information in a text, understanding and appreciating different cultures and histories around the world.

3] I can listen to and understand when others give more complex personal details about themselves or someone else.

4] I can write an article or essay about animals in danger of extinction.

5] I can create a brochure in collaboration with others about the needs and care of animals.

6] I can read complex texts about injustice to others or cruelty to animals.

7] I can express opinions, showing agreement/disagreement using vocabularysuch as ‘Non è giusto, è crudele, è sbagliato, non è assolutamente accettabile, è una follia, è brutto’.

8] I can discuss what I can do to help others using expressionssuch as 'Rispettare e difendere i diritti, manifestare, una campagna contro bullismo razzismo, essere un volontario, fare del volontariato'.

9] I can read more complex texts which describe the different types of families in Italy.

10] I can listen to others' opinions showing different ideas and perspectives on family and give my own perspective.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: School
1] I can write an article where I give my opinion about more complex environmental issues.
2] I can use vocabulary and expressions related to the environment in contexte.g. L’energia nucleare/solare, la coltura biologica, la siccità, riciclabile, cambiamento climatico, gli alimenti geneticamente modificati.
3] I can understand texts about environmental issues in my country and in other countries.
4] I can explain in detail what I do to protect the environment and ask others what they do.

2] I can use vocabulary and expressions related to the environment in contexte.g. L’energia nucleare/solare, la coltura biologica, la siccità, riciclabile, cambiamento climatico, gli alimenti geneticamente modificati.

3] I can understand texts about environmental issues in my country and in other countries.

4] I can explain in detail what I do to protect the environment and ask others what they do.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Family, Pets and Friends
1] I can write articles in Italian with others for a school magazine.
2] I can read detailed articles and news about different types of schools.

2] I can read detailed articles and news about different types of schools.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: My home
1] I can compare today’s eating habits to those in the past especially with reference to food waste.
2] I can prepare a menu in Italian, taking into consideration special dietary requirements, and present it to the class.
3] I can write complaints about topics related to hotel and restaurant services.
4] I can read texts about people's different lifestyles and eating habits according to their sociocultural context and socioeconomic

2] I can prepare a menu in Italian, taking into consideration special dietary requirements, and present it to the class.

3] I can write complaints about topics related to hotel and restaurant services.

4] I can read texts about people's different lifestyles and eating habits according to their sociocultural context and socioeconomic

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Work
1] I can confidently discuss part-time work with others.
2] I can discuss pocket money and spending habits with others.
3] I can confidently use 'pronomi diretti, indiretti e combinati' e.g. lo/la/li/lewith the present and past tenses.
4] I can talk about gainful employment and the problems associated with unemployment or 'precariato'.
5] I can confidently say what subjects I need to study for my career and understand the importance of lifelong learning, showing I am developing a future-oriented perspective. I can use vocabularysuch as ‘In futuro, più tardi, dopo, un giorno, in seguito’, ‘Studiare, fare un corso/ un corso di formazione…'
6] I can use the conditional mood confidentlye.g. Vorrei essere, diventare, lavorerei per/come…’
7] I can use expressionssuch as ‘è necessario + infinito, è necessario che…’with certain verbs in the subjunctive mood,such as ‘È necessario che io vada (all’università/ all’estero); ‘È necessario che io studi…’
8] I can talk about the different qualities and qualifications I need to pursue my chosen future career and write a brief curriculum vitae.
9] I can understand texts about issues related to different types of career choices and unemployment.
10] I can show increasing sophistication in language use, such as the use of complex sentences, wider use of connectors and increasing accuracy.

2] I can discuss pocket money and spending habits with others.

3] I can confidently use 'pronomi diretti, indiretti e combinati' e.g. lo/la/li/lewith the present and past tenses.
4] I can talk about gainful employment and the problems associated with unemployment or 'precariato'.

5] I can confidently say what subjects I need to study for my career and understand the importance of lifelong learning, showing I am developing a future-oriented perspective. I can use vocabularysuch as ‘In futuro, più tardi, dopo, un giorno, in seguito’, ‘Studiare, fare un corso/ un corso di formazione…'

6] I can use the conditional mood confidentlye.g. Vorrei essere, diventare, lavorerei per/come…’
7] I can use expressionssuch as ‘è necessario + infinito, è necessario che…’with certain verbs in the subjunctive mood,such as ‘È necessario che io vada (all’università/ all’estero); ‘È necessario che io studi…’
8] I can talk about the different qualities and qualifications I need to pursue my chosen future career and write a brief curriculum vitae.
9] I can understand texts about issues related to different types of career choices and unemployment.

10] I can show increasing sophistication in language use, such as the use of complex sentences, wider use of connectors and increasing accuracy.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Leisure Time
1] I can write a detailed review about a video game, or film, analysing the information and expressing my own opinion.
2] I can read complex articles about ways of enjoying oneself during free time andstaying safe by keeping away from drugs, not drink driving etc.
3] I can discuss and give my viewpoint about a range of leisure interests showing respect towards different points of view and opinions.
4] I can arrange a meeting with one or more persons showing use of complex languagee.g. Se andassimo..., Che ne pensi di..., A mio avviso/secondo me/c’è da dire, voglio dire... etc.
5] I can describe a recent social occasion using language in the perfect and imperfect tense, and connectors related to time,e.g. dopo, poi, di seguito, allora, in questo momento, durante il giorno, / nel pomeriggio/ alla sera and Come è stato? Cosa è successo? Com’è andata?
6] I can ask and provide information about someone else’s preference for an activity or social event, using 'discorso indiretto' and the language forms used to make an argument and/or to negotiate, using connectorssuch as 'Tuttavia, comunque, in nessun caso’.

2] I can read complex articles about ways of enjoying oneself during free time andstaying safe by keeping away from drugs, not drink driving etc.

3] I can discuss and give my viewpoint about a range of leisure interests showing respect towards different points of view and opinions.

4] I can arrange a meeting with one or more persons showing use of complex languagee.g. Se andassimo..., Che ne pensi di..., A mio avviso/secondo me/c’è da dire, voglio dire... etc.
5] I can describe a recent social occasion using language in the perfect and imperfect tense, and connectors related to time,e.g. dopo, poi, di seguito, allora, in questo momento, durante il giorno, / nel pomeriggio/ alla sera and Come è stato? Cosa è successo? Com’è andata?
6] I can ask and provide information about someone else’s preference for an activity or social event, using 'discorso indiretto' and the language forms used to make an argument and/or to negotiate, using connectorssuch as 'Tuttavia, comunque, in nessun caso’.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Travel and Holidays
1] I can discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different places to live and work using sophisticated connectors and complex expressions,such as ‘Devo ammettere/devo dire/accettare che…'

2] I can understand more challenging texts about living and/or working abroad and the implications of choosing to live in a different cultural/linguistic environment using more advanced vocabulary related to worksuch as ‘Lo stipendio medio, l’affitto, il costo della vita, le spese giornaliere.’
3] I can talk about a past holiday and understand others when they talk about past holidaysshowing I can identify when to use the perfect and imperfect tenses.
4] I can discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different types of travel, presenting my ideas in a clear manner using complex language related to personal opinions and feelings.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Healthy Living
1] I can say if I am unwell using more complex vocabulary and expressionssuch as ‘mi gira la testa’, ‘mi manca il respiro...'
2] I can ask others about how they feel in detail using expressions for visits to the doctor or dentist and vocabulary and expressions,such as ‘Che cos’hai? Dove ti fa male?, Credo che... 'Da quanto tempo ti fa male?’
3] I can make an appointment with a doctor or dentist engaging in a detailed discussion about my condition.
4] I can discuss healthy eating using phrasessuch as ‘Chi…/ che…/quale…'; ‘Ho letto che...Ho capito che...Mi hanno detto che... apparentemente’.

5] I can discuss smoking and other unhealthy practices confidently using negatives and the conditional mood,such as‘Non fumerei mai, non potrei mai fumare/bere alcolici/drogarmi. Gli effetti negativi sulla salute potrebbero essere …’.

6] I can write an article or report to inform others about the importance of being healthy and what I do to stay healthy using complex sentences and accurate and creative use of language, giving and justifying my opinions and ideas.

7] I can read more advanced texts and summarise information about 'healthy habits'.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Media and Technology
1] I can recognise Italian ‘text speak’such as ‘Qlk, qlk1, tvb, cmq, C6, grz, xche’ demonstrating the ability to communicate using digital devices.
2] I can write an article or report for the school magazine using some technical vocabulary about how to use technology responsibly.
3] I can write confidently and persuasively about technology and its use in everyday life, using complex sentence structures and the appropriate register and language according to the situation and audience.
4] I can read and understand more challenging texts about technology and its use in daily life and social media.
5] I can explain and give my personal opinion about social media, using the language of argument /negotiation and the appropriate tenses as well as expressions such as ‘I mezzi di comunicazione sociali’; ‘Quello che…/ciò che…'; Quello che è pericoloso nei mezzi di comunicazione sociali’…; and more sophisticated connectors, including:'Tuttavia, comunque, in nessun caso’

2] I can write an article or report for the school magazine using some technical vocabulary about how to use technology responsibly.

3] I can write confidently and persuasively about technology and its use in everyday life, using complex sentence structures and the appropriate register and language according to the situation and audience.

4] I can read and understand more challenging texts about technology and its use in daily life and social media.
5] I can explain and give my personal opinion about social media, using the language of argument /negotiation and the appropriate tenses as well as expressions such as ‘I mezzi di comunicazione sociali’; ‘Quello che…/ciò che…'; Quello che è pericoloso nei mezzi di comunicazione sociali’…; and more sophisticated connectors, including:'Tuttavia, comunque, in nessun caso’

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: The Road to Italy
1] I can write about Italy, its history and its culture in some detail, showing knowledge of the relevance of contacts and ties between Italy and Malta.