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Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment

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Learning Area: Languages

Italian > LEVEL 7

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section

Subject Focus: Hello

1] I can identify the basic difference between 'tu'  and 'Lei' to speak to friends, teachers and people I do not know.
2] I can use polite language and address people appropriately.  Tu sei bravo Signore/a, Lei e` molto gentile.
3] I can greet people appropriately. 'Ciao, come stai?', 'Salve come sta?', 'Sto bene/male'. 'E tu? E lei?' Scusami, Mi Scusi'.
4] I can use the verb stare in phrases.
5] I can ask how the weather is like. Com'e` il tempo oggi?
6] I can talk about the seasons and the weather using simple phrases in the present tense. In estate fa caldo. In primavera fa bel tempo ma tira vento. In inverno nevica e fa brutto tempo. In autunno piove e fa freddo.
7] I can say whether Ifeel cold/hot. Ho caldo/freddo.
8] I can recite, recognise and write numbers up to 100.
9] I can understand, read and recite ordinal numbers primo/a/i/e, secondo/a/i/e, terzo/a/i/e ... up to 20.
10] In collaboration with others, I can present a topic using basic Italian phrases.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section

Subject Focus: The Calendar

1] I can express likes, dislikes or preferences. 'Mi piace la matematica / Non mi piace il film. Il mio animale preferito e` il gatto'.
2] I can understand short texts about other people's likes and dislikes.
3] I can describe a person/pet physically. Lui e` un ragazzo carino. Lei e` una ragazza carina. Lui ha gli occhi verdi. Lei ha i capelli corti. Marta e` molto simpatica. Il mio cane ha il pelo corto.
4] I can make comparisons related to physical and personality characteristics. Gianni e` pui alto di Luca. Maria e` meno calma di Sandra. Rita e` interlligente come Sara.
5] I can read and listen to simple texts, to find information about people, their families, friends and pets.
6] I can write a short description of my family, showing my understanding of adjectives, position, agreement and comparison.
7] I can write/say more complex sentences. Mi piace mio zio perche` e` simpatico.
8] I can use the prepostions (preposizioni articolate).
9] I can locate objects verbally and in short written texts. Dov'e` il telefonino? Il telefonino e` nel cassetto. Dov'e` il gatto? Il gatto e` sull'albero.
10] I can use the present continuous (stare+gerundio) Il papa` sta cucinando e la mamma sta leggendo.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section

Subject Focus: About Me

1] I can read and tell the time in hours, half hours, quarter hours and minutes.
2] I can ask someone the time using phrases 'Che ora e`? / Che ore sone?'
3] I can read and use the 24 hr clock, as used in Italy, 'A che ora inizia il film? Inizia alle 17.00'.
4] I can use expressions related to time including 'A presto, a tra poco, a piu` tardi, a domani, all settimana prossima.
5] I can talk about my school routine and ask others using vocabulary related to time and times of day 'due volte alla settimana/al giorno' A che ora hai la lezione di matematica. Alle 10:00 ho lezione di matematica. A che ora e` la pausa? La pausa e` dalle 11:00 alle 11:30.
6] I can talk about my daily routine.
7] I can ask others about their routine.
8] I can understand a time table (orario scolastico/orario dei treni/dell'autobus/ orario dei negozi).
9] I can use the relexive verbs related to my daily routine in the present tense.
10] I can talk about the main meals according to the time of the day. Colazione, merenda, pranzo, spuntino, cena.
11] I can write, accept and refuse an invitation.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section

Subject Focus: School

1] I can use and understand vocabulary related to food and drink.
Latte, formaggio, yoghurt, burro
Prosciutto, salame, salsiccia
Pane, panino, cornetto
Acqua, succo di frutta
Olio, aceto, sale, pepe 
Caffe`, te`, cioccolata (calda), zucchero
Verdure, frutta.

2] I can use the indefinite article in the plural.  Compro dei panini. Ordino delle salsicce. Mangio degli spaghetti. Prendo degli antipasti.
3] I can use and understand vocabulary related to a simple menu at a restaurant, antipasto, primo, secondo, contorno, dolce. Antipasti - salumi e formaggio/prosciutto e melone, Prim - pasta/zuppe, Secondi - carne/pesce/pollo, Contorno - patate/insalate/verdure, Dolci - gelato, tiramisu`.
4] I can place an order related to food at restaurants using simple phrases. Cosa vuoi/prendi? Cosa vuole/prende/desidera? Una pizza margherita per favore.
5] I can ask for the menu/the bill. 'Il menu` per favore. Il conto per favore. Lascio la mancia. Ecco il resto.
6] I can identify and name different food/drinks outlets, pasticceria, macelleria, salumeria, panetteria, bar, trattoria, gelateria, pizzeria, negozio di frutta e verdura.
7] I can order food and drink in an outlet. Vorrei un cappuccino. Potrei avere un cornetto.
8] I can ask for food and drink items in a supermarket/grocery, using vocabulary related to quantities 'un etto di', 'una bottiglia di', due confezioni di', 'tre lattine di', 'una scatola', 'un litro di un chilo di'.
9] I can discuss what I eat throughout my day using adverbs of time and routine.
'normalmente, ogni giorno/ mattina / sera, tutti i giorni, pranzo, a mezzogiorno, a colazione.'
10] I can describe meals using phrases 'E` buono/delizioso, e` troppo salato.
11] I can write a short text describing what I like and do not like to eat and drink and explain why.
12] I can understand an Italian recipe written with the use of imperatives and/or infinitive verbs.
13] I can use the verbs bere and mangiare.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section

Subject Focus: Family, Pets and Friends

1] I can ask and understand questions about the price of specific items. Vorrei una Ferrari, per favore. Quanto costa? Costa troppo. Posso avere uno sconto?

2] I can use and understand vocabulary related to different types of shops. Centro commerciale, negozio, supermercato, farmacia, edicola, cartoleria, libreria.
3] I can use and understand vocabulary related to discounts. Un affare, a buon pezzo, sconto, saldi, in offerta, occasioni, risparmi.
4] I can use and understand vocabulary related to clothingPantaloni, vestito/abito, camicia, maglione, giacca, gonna, impermeabile tuta (sportiva). Costume da bagno, maglietta pantaloncini. Cintura, cravatta, orologio, cappello, berretto. Scarpe, sandali, stivali.
5] I can talk about what people wear according to the occasion/time of year/weather conditions. Per un matrimonio metto un vestito lungo/una camicia e una cravatta.
6] I can talk about different jobs and professions related to shops, commessa, cassiere, cameriere, barista, cuoco, pizzaiolo, macellaio, salumiere, pasticciere, gelataio, panettiere, farmacista, parrucchiere/barbieri. 
7] I can use and understand vocabulary related to buying and paying. 'Bianca, Carta di credito, pagare in contanti, assegno, spiccioli, monete, denaro, bancomat, la cassa'.
8] I can use the verbs dovere, potere, dire, dare. Devo provare questa maglietta. Puo` usare il camerino a destra. Il cassiere da` il resto. La signora dice la verita`.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section

Subject Focus: My home

1] I can use and understand vocabulary related to community services poliziotto, carabiniere, infermiere, medico, vigile urbano/del fuoco, sindaco, postino, operatore ecologico, spazzino.
2] I can use vocabulary related to buildings and landmarks in a town/cityla chiesa, la piazza, il monumento, la fontana, l'ospedale, il parco, il cinema, il teatro, il centro storico, l'ufficio postale, il bar, il cinema, il ristorante, la palestra, il museo, il parcheggio, la scuola, la biblioteca, il municipio, la stazione della polizia, lo stadio/il campo da calcio, la fermata, il semaforo, le strisce pedonali.
3] I can describe my city/town and ask others about theirs.
4] I can provide simple directions to specific shops/locations in my area.
5] I can ask, understand and give directions to places in a town or elsewhere Per andare/al/alla/allo/all', Dov'e`? Sai dove si trova? Vorrei andare. La prima strada a sinistra. Conosco un ristorante italiano in centro.
6] I can use the present tense of verbs such as prendere, venire, aspettare, sapere, conoscere.
7] I can use and understand vocabulary related to most common means of transport. Macchina/automobile, motocicletta, bicicletta, autobus, pulmino, treno, tram, metro, aeroplano, elicottero, traghetto, nave da crociera, barca, catamarano.
8] I can say which means of transport I need to use to travel prendere l'aereo, viaggiare in treno, andara in macchina, venire a piedi.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section

Subject Focus: Leisure Time


Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section

Subject Focus: Travel and Holidays


Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section

Subject Focus: Healthy Living


Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section

Subject Focus: Media and Technology


Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section

Subject Focus: The Road to Italy


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