Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Visual and Performing Arts
Music > LEVEL 5
Learning Area Outcome: I understand the capacity of visual and performing arts to address moral, ethical, social and political issues relevant to Malta and the wider world. I appreciate that the arts can be challenging and provide a space for addressing social differences as well as facilitating social and cultural cohesion.
Subject Focus: Music in context
1] I understand that music is used for different purposes.
2] I can describe some different uses of music and explain the relationship between music and the context.
3] I can point out some aspects of music that indicate when it was written and/or what it was written for.
4] I understand that music was composed using the resources available at the time which enables me to place music in its historical context.
2] I can describe some different uses of music and explain the relationship between music and the context.

3] I can point out some aspects of music that indicate when it was written and/or what it was written for.
4] I understand that music was composed using the resources available at the time which enables me to place music in its historical context.
Learning Area Outcome: I am able to draw on my curiosity, imagination and divergent thinking processes to pose questions and explore ideas, spaces, materials and technologies.
Subject Focus: Responding to music
1] I can respond to music through free movement.
2] I can imitate tempo and dynamics with my movement.
3] I can identify how different moods are created in music and am able to give examples which refer to instruments, tempo and dynamics.
4] I can respond to music through drawing/painting and explain how it relates to the music that I heard.
5] I can respond to music through physical and vocal responses: when I clap/tap with music; when I find my pulse; I can select instruments, vocalisations or body percussion that can recreate effects and moods to explain how these are related to the music that I heard.
6] I can respond to music through facial expressions, drama and/or actions.
7] I can use music to inspire a story and explain how it has inspired the story.
2] I can imitate tempo and dynamics with my movement.
3] I can identify how different moods are created in music and am able to give examples which refer to instruments, tempo and dynamics.
4] I can respond to music through drawing/painting and explain how it relates to the music that I heard.

5] I can respond to music through physical and vocal responses: when I clap/tap with music; when I find my pulse; I can select instruments, vocalisations or body percussion that can recreate effects and moods to explain how these are related to the music that I heard.

6] I can respond to music through facial expressions, drama and/or actions.
7] I can use music to inspire a story and explain how it has inspired the story.

Learning Area Outcome: I understand how to employ basic ethical decision-making, when reflecting on my own and others' art works and when creating art works that involve the intellectual and cultural property rights of others; I can analyse a variety of artistic forms, recognising traditional, historical and contemporary works and identifying possible meanings.
Subject Focus: Evaluating music
1] I can evaluate with guidance my own performance as part of the rehearsal process for a performance.
2] I can evaluate certain aspects of my own work.
3] I can evaluate why I think a piece of music makes me feel a certain way, using my own responses to music.
4] I can associate instruments used and simple musical structures to describe the 'story' of the music or the general feel of the piece.

2] I can evaluate certain aspects of my own work.

3] I can evaluate why I think a piece of music makes me feel a certain way, using my own responses to music.

4] I can associate instruments used and simple musical structures to describe the 'story' of the music or the general feel of the piece.

Learning Area Outcome: I can analyse, intepret and present ideas, problems and arguments in a number of visual and performative ways suited to a range of audiences.
Subject Focus: Performing
1] I can perform, both vocally and using instruments, simple phrases by ear and from notations.
2] I am able to perform simple phrases confidently both on my own and within a group.
3] I am able to perform simple melodic and rhythmic accompaniments for/with others.
4] I understand the importance of rehearsal and can contribute to the rehearsal process.
5] I can make constructive generic comments about my own performance in order to contribute to the rehearsal process.
6] I can present my work successfully through performance.
7] I can research and demonstrate the different types of performances and that a performance needs to be suitable for the given context and audience.
2] I am able to perform simple phrases confidently both on my own and within a group.
3] I am able to perform simple melodic and rhythmic accompaniments for/with others.
4] I understand the importance of rehearsal and can contribute to the rehearsal process.
5] I can make constructive generic comments about my own performance in order to contribute to the rehearsal process.

6] I can present my work successfully through performance.
7] I can research and demonstrate the different types of performances and that a performance needs to be suitable for the given context and audience.
Learning Area Outcome: I can interpret a variety of artistic forms, recognising and evaluating traditional, historical and contemporary works and identifying possible meanings.
Subject Focus: Improvising
1] I can improvise phrases based on the pentatonic scale.
2] I can research and demonstrate that improvisation is an exploration of music in its own right.
3] I can improvise on my own and as part of a group.
4] I can improvise sound effects for a story.
5] I can improvise using a range of different sounds taken from the natural environment and manipulate different materials that I find to create new sounds.
2] I can research and demonstrate that improvisation is an exploration of music in its own right.
3] I can improvise on my own and as part of a group.

4] I can improvise sound effects for a story.
5] I can improvise using a range of different sounds taken from the natural environment and manipulate different materials that I find to create new sounds.

Learning Area Outcome: I can apply my understanding of the properties and techniques of media to specific tasks and purposes that will benefit user groups and audiences.
Subject Focus: Using my voice
1] I can sing simple songs with confidence from memory and text.
2] I can demonstrate knowledge of the necessity to breathe correctly in order to sing.
3] I can warm up my voice and understand why I need to do this.
2] I can demonstrate knowledge of the necessity to breathe correctly in order to sing.
3] I can warm up my voice and understand why I need to do this.

Learning Area Outcome: I can interpret, communicate and present ideas, problems and arguments in a number of visual and performative modes, recognising the pluralism of audience.
Subject Focus: Playing instruments
1] I can play simple pieces of music on my own and as part of a group.
2] I can play a range of tuned and untuned percussion instruments.
3] I can play 'my' instrument 'sensitively' when playing with others.
4] I can read/interpret notations and also play by ear.
5] I can explore and experiment with different instruments and understand the different ways that they can be played to produce different effects and to create different moods.
2] I can play a range of tuned and untuned percussion instruments.
3] I can play 'my' instrument 'sensitively' when playing with others.
4] I can read/interpret notations and also play by ear.
5] I can explore and experiment with different instruments and understand the different ways that they can be played to produce different effects and to create different moods.

Learning Area Outcome: I know how to learn and update my knowledge of the arts.
Subject Focus: Using technology – Promoting Digital Literacy
1] I can use technology to record my performance which can be formal or informal presentations of work in progress.
2] I can evaluate my work, listening back to recordings that I have made.
2] I can evaluate my work, listening back to recordings that I have made.

Learning Area Outcome: I can apply my understanding of the properties and techniques of media to specific tasks and purposes that will benefit user groups and audiences.
Subject Focus: Notation
1] I can notate simple melodic and rhythmic compositions using my own developed notation.
2] I can notate simple melodic and rhythmic phrases using conventional staff notation.
3] I can perform simple music written using conventional staff notation.
4] I can perform my own compositions while reading my own graphic notation.
5] I can perform others' compositions while reading their own graphic notation.
6] I can use appropriate vocabulary when describing and discussing notation.
7] I understand that notation represents sounds in different ways, often giving information on a number of different musical elements including duration, pitch and dynamics and demonstrate this through developing my own graphic notation of music which I create and music that I have listened to.
8] I can gradually 'compose' using simple conventional notation.

2] I can notate simple melodic and rhythmic phrases using conventional staff notation.
3] I can perform simple music written using conventional staff notation.
4] I can perform my own compositions while reading my own graphic notation.

5] I can perform others' compositions while reading their own graphic notation.
6] I can use appropriate vocabulary when describing and discussing notation.

7] I understand that notation represents sounds in different ways, often giving information on a number of different musical elements including duration, pitch and dynamics and demonstrate this through developing my own graphic notation of music which I create and music that I have listened to.
8] I can gradually 'compose' using simple conventional notation.
Learning Area Outcome: I understand that imaginative activity can be harnessed to produce outcomes for the culture, creativity and wealth of Malta and the wider world; I am aware of professional arts companies, galleries, museums, cultural organisations and creative adults in Malta and the wider world and understand their role in fostering lifelong learning in the arts.
Subject Focus: Communication, participation and interaction in performances and presentations
1] I can research and contrast between sounds and use the results to create 'sound pictures' inspired by environmental features of the local area.
2] I can listen to and discuss, one or more musical works, composed for special occasions such as the local festa, a community festival/event or Christmas.
3] I can listen attentively and actively and, respond to several pieces of recorded or live music that are performed by musicians from the local community.
4] I can perform and present a formal/informal performance for varied audiences, be part of an audience for other people's performances/presentations and share opinions about these.

2] I can listen to and discuss, one or more musical works, composed for special occasions such as the local festa, a community festival/event or Christmas.

3] I can listen attentively and actively and, respond to several pieces of recorded or live music that are performed by musicians from the local community.
4] I can perform and present a formal/informal performance for varied audiences, be part of an audience for other people's performances/presentations and share opinions about these.
Learning Area Outcome: I know how to learn and update my knowledge of the arts.
Subject Focus: Developing, widening and harnessing of knowledge in music
1] I can listen to a range of songs, popular instrumental music and music from various cultures.
2] I can classify instruments according to their sound and timbre and group them in the families to which they belong.
3] I can search for and read brief biographical profiles of some composers and listen to their representative works.
2] I can classify instruments according to their sound and timbre and group them in the families to which they belong.
3] I can search for and read brief biographical profiles of some composers and listen to their representative works.