Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Science and Technology
Core Science > LEVEL 5
Learning Area Outcome: Learners can demonstrate achievement of Outcomes in many different ways; for example by talking about a topic, answering questions orally, drawing relevant diagrams, showing understanding through role-play, creating a presentation or by any other appropriate method or combination of methods. The terms “describe” or “explain” in Outcomes do not necessarily require a written description or explanation.
Subject Focus: What do scientists do?
1] I can ask questions about the world around me.
2] I can find out about a simple scientific idea.
3] I can make a prediction about a situatiion from a limited number of options.
4] I can carry out a simple practical investigation to identify relationships with the help of the teacher.
5] I can record observations in a simple format.
6] I can make simple direct conclusions from my direct observations.
7] I can describe what I did and what happended by talking about it or by drawing a diagram.
8] I can observe and describe aspects of the natural and technological world.
9] I can identify some science occupations.
10] I can name and use some items of basic scientific equipment.
11] I can use simple measuring devices.
12] I can follow written or verbal instructions related to keeping safe.
13] I can work on an experiment in a group under adult supervision.
2] I can find out about a simple scientific idea.
3] I can make a prediction about a situatiion from a limited number of options.
4] I can carry out a simple practical investigation to identify relationships with the help of the teacher.
5] I can record observations in a simple format.
6] I can make simple direct conclusions from my direct observations.
7] I can describe what I did and what happended by talking about it or by drawing a diagram.
8] I can observe and describe aspects of the natural and technological world.
9] I can identify some science occupations.
10] I can name and use some items of basic scientific equipment.
11] I can use simple measuring devices.
12] I can follow written or verbal instructions related to keeping safe.
13] I can work on an experiment in a group under adult supervision.
Subject Focus: How do we stay alive?
1] I can identify some characteristics of a living thing (movement, respiration, sensitivity, growth, reproduction, excretion, nutrition).
2] I can group animals in different ways according to their characteristics (e.g. farm/wild, with wings/ no legs, fur/feathers etc.)
3] I can identify common animals that live on land, in water or can fly.
4] I can name and describe the purpose of the basic parts of a plant.
5] I can put different stages in the life of a flowering plant in order.
2] I can group animals in different ways according to their characteristics (e.g. farm/wild, with wings/ no legs, fur/feathers etc.)
3] I can identify common animals that live on land, in water or can fly.
4] I can name and describe the purpose of the basic parts of a plant.
5] I can put different stages in the life of a flowering plant in order.
Subject Focus: How do we keep fit and healthy?
1] I can identify healthy and unhealthy food.
2] I can demonstrate some things I should do to keep myself healthy.
3] I can construct a food plate using pictures of common foodstuffs.
4] I can design my own food plate made up of a balance of different food types.
5] I can demostrate basic proper hygiene while cooking and keeping food safe.
2] I can demonstrate some things I should do to keep myself healthy.
3] I can construct a food plate using pictures of common foodstuffs.
4] I can design my own food plate made up of a balance of different food types.
5] I can demostrate basic proper hygiene while cooking and keeping food safe.
Subject Focus: How do our senses help us gather information?
1] I can name the five senses and can match each sense to its sense organ.
2] I can identify parts of the body that are directly and indirectly involved in tasting.
3] I can identify familiar substances by way of smell.
4] I can use my sense of touch to determine how hot or cold something is.
5] I can identify different sound in my everyday life (including soft/loud sounds).
6] I can classify light sources as natural or artificial.
7] I can explore and create optical illusions.
8] I can demonstrate how sounds are made.
9] I can make different sounds using everyday objects and musical instruments.
10] I can give examples of how we use our five senses to gather information about the world around us.
11] I can discuss the importance of light in everyday life, and what happens when there is no light (including day/night patterns).
12] I can relate to past and present inventions of artificial light e.g. fire, candle, oil lamps, gaslight, electric light.
13] I can explain how shadows are formed and investigate the factors that affect shadow shape and size.
2] I can identify parts of the body that are directly and indirectly involved in tasting.
3] I can identify familiar substances by way of smell.
4] I can use my sense of touch to determine how hot or cold something is.
5] I can identify different sound in my everyday life (including soft/loud sounds).
6] I can classify light sources as natural or artificial.
7] I can explore and create optical illusions.
8] I can demonstrate how sounds are made.
9] I can make different sounds using everyday objects and musical instruments.
10] I can give examples of how we use our five senses to gather information about the world around us.
11] I can discuss the importance of light in everyday life, and what happens when there is no light (including day/night patterns).
12] I can relate to past and present inventions of artificial light e.g. fire, candle, oil lamps, gaslight, electric light.
13] I can explain how shadows are formed and investigate the factors that affect shadow shape and size.
Subject Focus: What is Energy?
1] I can describe how our bodies produce heat (e.g. shivering, hairs on our bodies standing on end) and how we can keep warm (by eating, wearing adequate clothing) or cool (by sweating).
2] I can describe the role of electricity in everyday life.
3] I can describe what life was like before electricity.
4] I can identify ways of limiting energy use at home and school.
5] I can build a simple electric circuit and show that all parts need to connected.
6] I can explain that the sun is the primary source of energy.
7] I can explain how animals obtain their nutrition by consuming plants/ or other animals.
8] I can describe in simple terms how a plant obtains energy.
9] I can draw and label a simple food chain.
10] I can investigate which materials are conductors of electricity and which are insulators.
2] I can describe the role of electricity in everyday life.
3] I can describe what life was like before electricity.
4] I can identify ways of limiting energy use at home and school.
5] I can build a simple electric circuit and show that all parts need to connected.
6] I can explain that the sun is the primary source of energy.
7] I can explain how animals obtain their nutrition by consuming plants/ or other animals.
8] I can describe in simple terms how a plant obtains energy.
9] I can draw and label a simple food chain.
10] I can investigate which materials are conductors of electricity and which are insulators.
Subject Focus: What are things made of?
1] I can describe some common properties of common materials.
2] I can identify purposes for whch some common matrials are used.
3] I can contrast several different materials by describing their most important properties (e.g. transparent/opaque, flexible/rigid, hard/soft etc.)
4] I can describe examples of materials which are best-suited to particular uses.
5] I can find out about scientists who were responsible for discoveries on uses of material e.g. Margaret Knight (paper bag), Mary Anderson (windshield wipers), Maria Beasley (life raft).
6] I can demonstrate how different materials can be mixed together to form mixtures.
7] I can observe chemical reactions and record the results.
8] I can classify materials as natural or man-made.
2] I can identify purposes for whch some common matrials are used.
3] I can contrast several different materials by describing their most important properties (e.g. transparent/opaque, flexible/rigid, hard/soft etc.)
4] I can describe examples of materials which are best-suited to particular uses.
5] I can find out about scientists who were responsible for discoveries on uses of material e.g. Margaret Knight (paper bag), Mary Anderson (windshield wipers), Maria Beasley (life raft).
6] I can demonstrate how different materials can be mixed together to form mixtures.
7] I can observe chemical reactions and record the results.
8] I can classify materials as natural or man-made.
Subject Focus: How does planet Earth support life?
1] I can identify water, air, rocks, soil and life forms as the constituents of our planet.
2] I can recognise and discuss the importance of saving water.
3] I can explain the importance of the 4Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle and repair.
4] I can talk about the various weather conditions we experience in Malta throughout the year.
5] I am able to distinguish between the four seasons with regards to weather conditions.
6] I can demonstrate that like poles of a magnet repel and unlike poles attract.
7] I can observe and record changes in the weather.
8] I can interpret basic weather charts and the symbols used.
9] I can explain how plants and animals share the major habitat and which kinds live in which sort of habitat in Malta.
10] I can recognise some common plants which grow in my local area.
11] I can identify and classify a range of plants in my local area by carrying out fieldwork.
2] I can recognise and discuss the importance of saving water.
3] I can explain the importance of the 4Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle and repair.
4] I can talk about the various weather conditions we experience in Malta throughout the year.
5] I am able to distinguish between the four seasons with regards to weather conditions.
6] I can demonstrate that like poles of a magnet repel and unlike poles attract.
7] I can observe and record changes in the weather.
8] I can interpret basic weather charts and the symbols used.
9] I can explain how plants and animals share the major habitat and which kinds live in which sort of habitat in Malta.
10] I can recognise some common plants which grow in my local area.
11] I can identify and classify a range of plants in my local area by carrying out fieldwork.
Subject Focus: How do things move?
1] I can investigate how simple machines work and give everyday examples.
2] I can find out about scientsts who made discoveries related to how things move e.g. Leonardo da Vinci etc.
3] I can explain what force is and give examples of different types of forces.
4] I can demonstrate that friction is a force that opposes the movement of one surface over another.
5] I can demonstrate situation in which friction produces heat.
6] I can give examples of when friction is useful and when it is not.
2] I can find out about scientsts who made discoveries related to how things move e.g. Leonardo da Vinci etc.
3] I can explain what force is and give examples of different types of forces.
4] I can demonstrate that friction is a force that opposes the movement of one surface over another.
5] I can demonstrate situation in which friction produces heat.
6] I can give examples of when friction is useful and when it is not.
Subject Focus: What is there out in Space?
1] I can describe what a star is and identify the Sun as the nearest star to Earth.
2] I can describe that the Sun is a source of light and heat.
3] I can explain that the moon is a rock without air and water.
4] I can find out about the first moon landing.
5] I can name the planets of our solar system.
6] I can research characteristics of each planet (including if they have moons or not).
7] I can describe the movement of the planets around the sun.
8] I can find out about scientists who made discoveries related to space e.g. Nicolaus Copernicus (model of the solar system).
2] I can describe that the Sun is a source of light and heat.
3] I can explain that the moon is a rock without air and water.
4] I can find out about the first moon landing.
5] I can name the planets of our solar system.
6] I can research characteristics of each planet (including if they have moons or not).
7] I can describe the movement of the planets around the sun.
8] I can find out about scientists who made discoveries related to space e.g. Nicolaus Copernicus (model of the solar system).