Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Science and Technology
Core Science > LEVEL 7
Learning Area Outcome: Learners can demonstrate achievement of Outcomes in many different ways; for example by talking about a topic, answering questions orally, drawing relevant diagrams, showing understanding through role-play, creating a presentation or by any other appropriate method or combination of methods. The terms “describe” or “explain” in Outcomes do not necessarily require a written description or explanation.
Subject Focus: What do scientists do?
The terms 'Science' and 'Core Science' refer to the same subject, which will start from Level 5 and continue up to Level 10.
1] I can formulate simple scientific questions which I can investigate in practice.
2] I can investigate a scientific topic from a book or provided resource.
3] I can use scientific knowledge to predict the outcome of an experiment and give a possible explanation.
4] I can identify the variables in a given investigation and carry it out with limited teacher guidance.
5] I can create a table of results and use it to present my observations.
6] I can write a simple scientific report of my experiment.
7] I can recall and follow important laboratory safety rules.
8] I can identify relationships between two properties measured in an investigation.
9] I can discuss and give scientific explanations of some common phenomena or situations.
10] I can build simple models to explain abstract ideas.
11] I can discuss an experiment with my group.
12] I can name some scientists, including contemporary and local ones, and describe their work.
13] I can link natural and man-made phenomena to relevant branches of science.
14] I can discuss how studying different branches of science can lead to specific jobs.
15] I can choose the equipment I need for an experiment.
16] I can choose appropriate measuring instruments to make accurate measurements of a range of quantities.
17] I can light and use a Bunsen burner safely.
18] I can work on a scientific investigation in a team, assuming a designated role.
19] I can interpret hazard symbols on chemicals and suggest safety procedures.
1] I can formulate simple scientific questions which I can investigate in practice.
2] I can investigate a scientific topic from a book or provided resource.

3] I can use scientific knowledge to predict the outcome of an experiment and give a possible explanation.
4] I can identify the variables in a given investigation and carry it out with limited teacher guidance.
5] I can create a table of results and use it to present my observations.
6] I can write a simple scientific report of my experiment.
7] I can recall and follow important laboratory safety rules.
8] I can identify relationships between two properties measured in an investigation.
9] I can discuss and give scientific explanations of some common phenomena or situations.

10] I can build simple models to explain abstract ideas.
11] I can discuss an experiment with my group.
12] I can name some scientists, including contemporary and local ones, and describe their work.
13] I can link natural and man-made phenomena to relevant branches of science.

14] I can discuss how studying different branches of science can lead to specific jobs.
15] I can choose the equipment I need for an experiment.
16] I can choose appropriate measuring instruments to make accurate measurements of a range of quantities.

17] I can light and use a Bunsen burner safely.
18] I can work on a scientific investigation in a team, assuming a designated role.

19] I can interpret hazard symbols on chemicals and suggest safety procedures.
Subject Focus: How do we stay alive?
1] I can use a key to identify and classify animals.
2] I can describe the characteristics of living and non-living things.
3] I can name and give examples of some groups of invertebrates.
4] I can use examples to explain what is meant by labelling animals as consumers and plants as producers.
5] I can construct a food chain.
6] I can interpret food webs.
7] I can describe how a flowering plant reproduces.
8] I can use a key to identify and classify a range of locally occurring plants.
9] I can describe, draw and label typical animal and plant cells.
10] I can use a microscope to distinguish between plant and animal cells.
11] I can name and describe the function of the main human organs.
12] I can describe how reproduction occurs in mammals.
13] I can label the diagram of the male and female reproductive systems, and explain how a sperm fertilises an egg.
14] I can describe how animals obtain their energy.
15] I can discuss a range of local, national, and global environmental problems.
2] I can describe the characteristics of living and non-living things.
3] I can name and give examples of some groups of invertebrates.
4] I can use examples to explain what is meant by labelling animals as consumers and plants as producers.
5] I can construct a food chain.
6] I can interpret food webs.
7] I can describe how a flowering plant reproduces.
8] I can use a key to identify and classify a range of locally occurring plants.
9] I can describe, draw and label typical animal and plant cells.
10] I can use a microscope to distinguish between plant and animal cells.
11] I can name and describe the function of the main human organs.
12] I can describe how reproduction occurs in mammals.
13] I can label the diagram of the male and female reproductive systems, and explain how a sperm fertilises an egg.
14] I can describe how animals obtain their energy.
15] I can discuss a range of local, national, and global environmental problems.

Subject Focus: How do we keep fit and healthy?
1] I can develop food plans for people with different dietary needs.
2] I can label a diagram to show how the heart pumps blood around the body.
3] I can apply my understanding of a balanced diet to suggest improvements to what I eat.
4] I can explain how sports and exercise can improve overall health.
5] I can differentiate between microbes which are harmful and others which are useful to the human body.
6] I can explain how the body fights disease.
7] I can discuss the importance of vaccines to prevent the spread of diseases.
8] I can explain why it is important to conserve natural habitats.
9] I can describe how decomposition returns chemicals into the soil for other organisms to use.
2] I can label a diagram to show how the heart pumps blood around the body.
3] I can apply my understanding of a balanced diet to suggest improvements to what I eat.

4] I can explain how sports and exercise can improve overall health.
5] I can differentiate between microbes which are harmful and others which are useful to the human body.
6] I can explain how the body fights disease.
7] I can discuss the importance of vaccines to prevent the spread of diseases.

8] I can explain why it is important to conserve natural habitats.
9] I can describe how decomposition returns chemicals into the soil for other organisms to use.
Subject Focus: How do our senses help us gather information?
1] I can investigate how particular animals, e.g. bats, rely on one of their senses more than on the others.
2] I can label the main parts of the ear.
3] I can find out about the importance of sounds in our lives and those of some animals.
4] I can show that sound travels in all directions and that it makes the material through which it passes vibrate.
5] I can interpret information about decibel levels.
6] I can evaluate the harmful effects of noise pollution and the need for ear protection.
7] I can investigate what happens when light strikes different materials.
8] I can show how light can be bent when passing from one medium to a different medium.
9] I can label the main parts of the eye on a diagram, and explain the function of these parts.
10] I can investigate whether some animals have a better sense of smell than human beings.
11] I can give examples of how the senses of smell and taste can protect us from dangers.
2] I can label the main parts of the ear.
3] I can find out about the importance of sounds in our lives and those of some animals.
4] I can show that sound travels in all directions and that it makes the material through which it passes vibrate.

5] I can interpret information about decibel levels.

6] I can evaluate the harmful effects of noise pollution and the need for ear protection.
7] I can investigate what happens when light strikes different materials.

8] I can show how light can be bent when passing from one medium to a different medium.
9] I can label the main parts of the eye on a diagram, and explain the function of these parts.
10] I can investigate whether some animals have a better sense of smell than human beings.
11] I can give examples of how the senses of smell and taste can protect us from dangers.
Subject Focus: What is Energy?
1] I can explain and describe how energy flows through a food chain.
2] I can describe how plants produce food by photosynthesis in their leaves.
3] I can investigate how the energy value of different foods is measured.
4] I am able to compare the energy values of different foods from labels and relate this to body needs, depending on activity and lifestyle.
5] I can explain how fossil fuels were formed.
6] I can investigate features that would make a building more energy efficient.
7] I can classify resources as finite or renewable.
8] I can build up basic series and parallel circuits, and draw circuit diagrams.
9] I can investigate which materials conduct electricity and which materials don't.
10] I can describe the purpose of an electrical cell.
11] I can explain simply how a coal, oil or gas-fired power station produces electricity.
12] I can identify alternative ways of producing electricity.
13] I can apply my understanding of the difference between high and low voltage electricity to describe how to use each safely.
14] I can use diagrams to show how energy is transferred and transformed in different situations.
15] I can identify the form of energy input, and useful and non-useful output in some common household devices.
2] I can describe how plants produce food by photosynthesis in their leaves.
3] I can investigate how the energy value of different foods is measured.
4] I am able to compare the energy values of different foods from labels and relate this to body needs, depending on activity and lifestyle.

5] I can explain how fossil fuels were formed.
6] I can investigate features that would make a building more energy efficient.
7] I can classify resources as finite or renewable.
8] I can build up basic series and parallel circuits, and draw circuit diagrams.
9] I can investigate which materials conduct electricity and which materials don't.

10] I can describe the purpose of an electrical cell.
11] I can explain simply how a coal, oil or gas-fired power station produces electricity.
12] I can identify alternative ways of producing electricity.
13] I can apply my understanding of the difference between high and low voltage electricity to describe how to use each safely.

14] I can use diagrams to show how energy is transferred and transformed in different situations.
15] I can identify the form of energy input, and useful and non-useful output in some common household devices.
Subject Focus: What are things made of?
1] I can describe and demonstrate how particles move in solids, liquids and gases.
2] I can discuss the importance of evaporation and condensation in the water cycle.
3] I can explain the difference between mass and volume.
4] I can investigate some specific physical properties; e.g. strength, hardness, thermal insulation and magnetism of different types of materials.
5] I can discuss and demonstrate how the properties of certain materials change when treated in certain ways, including heating or freezing.
6] I can investigate the factors that affect the time it takes for something to dissolve.
7] I can identify examples of mixtures used in everyday life.
8] I can separate mixtures by sieving, filtration, distillation, with a magnet, and by evaporation.
9] I can make some materials react with air by heating them.
10] I can show that the materials formed in a reaction have different properties from the original materials.
11] I can use indicators to classify some common laboratory chemical as acids or alkalis.
12] I can name some common elements and find out their chemical symbols.
13] I can explain that compounds are chemicals made of two or more elements joined together.
14] I can use the periodic chart to decide whether a substance is an element or a compound.
2] I can discuss the importance of evaporation and condensation in the water cycle.
3] I can explain the difference between mass and volume.
4] I can investigate some specific physical properties; e.g. strength, hardness, thermal insulation and magnetism of different types of materials.
5] I can discuss and demonstrate how the properties of certain materials change when treated in certain ways, including heating or freezing.
6] I can investigate the factors that affect the time it takes for something to dissolve.
7] I can identify examples of mixtures used in everyday life.
8] I can separate mixtures by sieving, filtration, distillation, with a magnet, and by evaporation.
9] I can make some materials react with air by heating them.
10] I can show that the materials formed in a reaction have different properties from the original materials.
11] I can use indicators to classify some common laboratory chemical as acids or alkalis.
12] I can name some common elements and find out their chemical symbols.
13] I can explain that compounds are chemicals made of two or more elements joined together.
14] I can use the periodic chart to decide whether a substance is an element or a compound.
Subject Focus: How does planet Earth support life?
1] I can describe examples of how natural disasters or human actions can upset the balance of the environment.
2] I can investigate how habitats in Malta have changed over time, and how animals which used to live on Malta and no longer do exist only as fossils.
3] I can present information on the importance of the conservation of habitats and species in Malta and the wider world.
4] I can carry out simple tasks during a fieldwork activity.
5] I can find out about the importance of soil organisms, and their role in soil formation and the soil environment.
6] I can record and identify a range of plants in my local area.
7] I can identify some indigenous and endemic species.
8] I can investigate the types of agribusiness that take place in Malta and their importance.
9] I can show that sea water contains dissolved salts.
10] I can describe the production of potable water locally.
11] I can explain how increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is causing climate change as a result of the greenhouse effect.
12] I can explain how different habitats change with the seasons, and how such changes affect plants and animals.
13] I can collect data from measurements of temperature, wind speed, rainfall and wind direction.

2] I can investigate how habitats in Malta have changed over time, and how animals which used to live on Malta and no longer do exist only as fossils.
3] I can present information on the importance of the conservation of habitats and species in Malta and the wider world.

4] I can carry out simple tasks during a fieldwork activity.
5] I can find out about the importance of soil organisms, and their role in soil formation and the soil environment.
6] I can record and identify a range of plants in my local area.
7] I can identify some indigenous and endemic species.
8] I can investigate the types of agribusiness that take place in Malta and their importance.

9] I can show that sea water contains dissolved salts.
10] I can describe the production of potable water locally.
11] I can explain how increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is causing climate change as a result of the greenhouse effect.

12] I can explain how different habitats change with the seasons, and how such changes affect plants and animals.
13] I can collect data from measurements of temperature, wind speed, rainfall and wind direction.

Subject Focus: How do things move?
1] I can show that the bigger the force, the greater the effect on the speed or shape of an object.
2] I can discuss how scientific theories develop and change over time.
3] I can show that some items float in water and some in air, and explain why these objects float.
4] I can describe some benefits and some problems caused by friction.
5] I can give examples of sports where acceleration is important.
6] I can draw simple diagrams to show forces.
7] I can investigate how different fabrics are suited for different purposes.
8] I can describe how joints in our bodies work, and research how to keep bones and joints healthy.
9] I can investigate the protective function of safety gear.
2] I can discuss how scientific theories develop and change over time.

3] I can show that some items float in water and some in air, and explain why these objects float.
4] I can describe some benefits and some problems caused by friction.
5] I can give examples of sports where acceleration is important.
6] I can draw simple diagrams to show forces.
7] I can investigate how different fabrics are suited for different purposes.
8] I can describe how joints in our bodies work, and research how to keep bones and joints healthy.
9] I can investigate the protective function of safety gear.

Subject Focus: What is there out in Space?
1] I can observe and record the phases of the moon.
2] I can describe the motion of the moon around the Earth.
3] I can describe and demonstrate what is happening when there is a solar or lunar eclipse.
4] I can explain why the moon appears to change shape through its various phases.
5] I can describe the location of our solar system in the context of our galaxy.
6] I can find out about the purposes of artificial satellites in orbit round the Earth.
7] I can investigate why objects and astronauts become weightless in space.

2] I can describe the motion of the moon around the Earth.
3] I can describe and demonstrate what is happening when there is a solar or lunar eclipse.
4] I can explain why the moon appears to change shape through its various phases.

5] I can describe the location of our solar system in the context of our galaxy.
6] I can find out about the purposes of artificial satellites in orbit round the Earth.
7] I can investigate why objects and astronauts become weightless in space.
Subject Focus: What do Forensic Scientists do?
1] I can work with a group to present a crime scene story.
2] I can make notes about evidence observed at a crime scene.
3] I can gather fingerprint evidence.
4] I can use matching techniques to identify suspects.
5] I can identify different types of teeth and explain how form is related to function. I can compare tooth and hair samples and explain the type of evidence these can provide.
6] I can use chromatography to identify matching inks or dyes.
2] I can make notes about evidence observed at a crime scene.

3] I can gather fingerprint evidence.
4] I can use matching techniques to identify suspects.
5] I can identify different types of teeth and explain how form is related to function. I can compare tooth and hair samples and explain the type of evidence these can provide.
6] I can use chromatography to identify matching inks or dyes.