Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Science and Technology
Science > LEVEL 5
Learning Area Outcome: Learners can demonstrate achievement of Outcomes in many different ways; for example by talking about a topic, answering questions orally, drawing relevant diagrams, showing understanding through role-play, creating a presentation or by any other appropriate method or combination of methods. The terms “describe” or “explain” in Outcomes do not necessarily require a written description or explanation.
Subject Focus: What do scientists do?
The terms 'Science' and 'Core Science' refer to the same subject, which will start from Level 5 and continue up to Level 10.
1] I can ask questions about the world around me.
2] I can find out about a simple scientific idea.
3] I can make a prediction about a situation from a limited number of options.
4] I can carry out a simple practical investigation to identify relationships with the help of the teacher.
5] I can record observations in a simple format.
6] I can make simple direct conclusions from my direct observations.
7] I can describe what I did and what happened by talking about it or by drawing a diagram.
8] I can observe and describe aspects of the natural and technological world.
9] I can identify some science occupations.
10] I can name and use some items of basic scientific equipment.
11] I can use simple measuring devices.
12] I can follow written or verbal instructions related to keeping safe.
13] I can work on an experiment in a group under adult supervision.
1] I can ask questions about the world around me.

2] I can find out about a simple scientific idea.
3] I can make a prediction about a situation from a limited number of options.
4] I can carry out a simple practical investigation to identify relationships with the help of the teacher.

5] I can record observations in a simple format.
6] I can make simple direct conclusions from my direct observations.
7] I can describe what I did and what happened by talking about it or by drawing a diagram.
8] I can observe and describe aspects of the natural and technological world.
9] I can identify some science occupations.
10] I can name and use some items of basic scientific equipment.
11] I can use simple measuring devices.

12] I can follow written or verbal instructions related to keeping safe.
13] I can work on an experiment in a group under adult supervision.

Subject Focus: How do we stay alive?
1] I can identify some characteristics of a living thing.
2] I can group animals in different ways.
3] I can identify common vertebrate and invertebrate animals that live on land, in water or can fly.
4] I can classify plants as living things, and can describe some of the things that plants do.
5] I can interpret a simple food chain.
6] I can care for a growing plant, ensuring it gets all the elements needed for growth.
7] I can name and describe the purpose of the main parts of a plant.
8] I can identify some common plants in my local environment.
9] I can describe the main stages of human growth and development.
10] I can explain that animals are born, grow, develop, reproduce, and die.
11] I can recognise plants that are important to human beings for various purposes.
12] I can put the different stages in the life of a flowering plant in order.
2] I can group animals in different ways.
3] I can identify common vertebrate and invertebrate animals that live on land, in water or can fly.
4] I can classify plants as living things, and can describe some of the things that plants do.
5] I can interpret a simple food chain.
6] I can care for a growing plant, ensuring it gets all the elements needed for growth.

7] I can name and describe the purpose of the main parts of a plant.
8] I can identify some common plants in my local environment.
9] I can describe the main stages of human growth and development.
10] I can explain that animals are born, grow, develop, reproduce, and die.
11] I can recognise plants that are important to human beings for various purposes.

12] I can put the different stages in the life of a flowering plant in order.
Subject Focus: How do we keep fit and healthy?
1] I can develop my own food plan made up of a balance of different food types.
2] I can construct a food pyramid using pictures of common foodstuffs.
3] I can, through role play exercises, demonstrate some things I should do to keep myself healthy.
4] I can demonstrate how proper hygiene, cooking and preserving keeps food safe.
5] I can create a poster about some of the ways that humans pollute their environment.

2] I can construct a food pyramid using pictures of common foodstuffs.
3] I can, through role play exercises, demonstrate some things I should do to keep myself healthy.

4] I can demonstrate how proper hygiene, cooking and preserving keeps food safe.
5] I can create a poster about some of the ways that humans pollute their environment.

Subject Focus: How do our senses help us gather information?
1] I can name the five senses and can match each sense to its sense organ.
2] I can identify different sounds in my everyday life.
3] I can see and feel the vibrations that sounds make.
4] I can make different sounds using everyday objects and musical instruments.
5] I can discuss the importance of light in everyday life, and what happens when there is no light.
6] I can classify light sources as natural or artificial.
7] I can demonstrate that light travels in straight lines.
8] I can recognise and name colours, and experiment with colour mixing of paints.
9] I can explain when and how eyes need to be protected.
10] I can identify parts of the body that are directly and indirectly involved in tasting.
11] I can identify familiar substances by way of smell.
12] I can use my sense of touch to determine how hot or cold something is.
2] I can identify different sounds in my everyday life.
3] I can see and feel the vibrations that sounds make.
4] I can make different sounds using everyday objects and musical instruments.

5] I can discuss the importance of light in everyday life, and what happens when there is no light.

6] I can classify light sources as natural or artificial.
7] I can demonstrate that light travels in straight lines.
8] I can recognise and name colours, and experiment with colour mixing of paints.
9] I can explain when and how eyes need to be protected.

10] I can identify parts of the body that are directly and indirectly involved in tasting.
11] I can identify familiar substances by way of smell.
12] I can use my sense of touch to determine how hot or cold something is.
Subject Focus: What is energy?
1] I can explain that the sun is the primary source of energy.
2] I can explain how animals obtain their nutrition by consuming plants and/or other animals.
3] I can describe how our bodies produce heat, and how we can keep warm or cool.
4] I can draw and label a simple food chain.
5] I can identify energy-saving devices and explain their importance in our daily lives.
6] I can identify ways of limiting energy use at home and school.
7] I can describe the role of electricity in everyday life.
8] I can describe the role of power stations in producing electricity.
9] I can describe safety procedures when using electrical appliances.
10] I can build a simple electric circuit and show that all parts need to be connected.
11] I can investigate which materials are conductors of electricity and which are insulators.
2] I can explain how animals obtain their nutrition by consuming plants and/or other animals.
3] I can describe how our bodies produce heat, and how we can keep warm or cool.
4] I can draw and label a simple food chain.
5] I can identify energy-saving devices and explain their importance in our daily lives.
6] I can identify ways of limiting energy use at home and school.

7] I can describe the role of electricity in everyday life.
8] I can describe the role of power stations in producing electricity.
9] I can describe safety procedures when using electrical appliances.

10] I can build a simple electric circuit and show that all parts need to be connected.
11] I can investigate which materials are conductors of electricity and which are insulators.

Subject Focus: What are things made of?
1] I can sort things according to the different materials they are made of.
2] I can classify matter as solid, liquid or gas.
3] I can demonstrate how water can be a solid, a liquid or a gas.
4] I can describe some properties of common materials.
5] I can identify purposes for which some common materials are used.
6] I can make a solution by dissolving a substance in water.
7] I can demonstrate how different materials can be mixed together to form mixtures.

2] I can classify matter as solid, liquid or gas.
3] I can demonstrate how water can be a solid, a liquid or a gas.
4] I can describe some properties of common materials.

5] I can identify purposes for which some common materials are used.
6] I can make a solution by dissolving a substance in water.
7] I can demonstrate how different materials can be mixed together to form mixtures.

Subject Focus: How does planet Earth support life?
1] I can identify water, air, rocks soil and life forms as the constituents of our planet.
2] I can identify some different habitats which can be found on land.
3] I can give examples of organisms which live in different habitats on land.
4] I can investigate the components of soil.
5] I can recognise some common plants which grow in my local area.
6] I can identify which plants are grown in Malta for food and when is the best time to grow them.
7] I can recognise and discuss the importance of saving water.
8] I can identify some common examples of sea life.
9] I can talk about the various weather conditions we experience in Malta throughout the year.
10] I can observe and record changes in the weather.
11] I can investigate gravity by doing simple experiments with different objects.
12] I can demonstrate that like poles of a magnet repel and unlike poles attract.
2] I can identify some different habitats which can be found on land.

3] I can give examples of organisms which live in different habitats on land.
4] I can investigate the components of soil.
5] I can recognise some common plants which grow in my local area.
6] I can identify which plants are grown in Malta for food and when is the best time to grow them.
7] I can recognise and discuss the importance of saving water.

8] I can identify some common examples of sea life.
9] I can talk about the various weather conditions we experience in Malta throughout the year.
10] I can observe and record changes in the weather.
11] I can investigate gravity by doing simple experiments with different objects.

12] I can demonstrate that like poles of a magnet repel and unlike poles attract.
Subject Focus: How do things move?
1] I can show that pushes and pulls are forces.
2] I can demonstrate the effect of gravity as a force which pulls things to the earth.
3] I can find out about Isaac Newton and his gravitational theories.
4] I can show that air resistance exerts an upward push that can slow a falling object.
5] I can demonstrate that friction is a force that opposes the movement of one surface over another.
6] I can identify some simple machines, which make it easier to do work.
7] I can give examples of sports where speed is important.
8] I can explain that our skeleton is made up of bones and that joints and muscles help us move.
9] I can explain that our skeleton and that of other animals support, protect and help movement.
2] I can demonstrate the effect of gravity as a force which pulls things to the earth.
3] I can find out about Isaac Newton and his gravitational theories.

4] I can show that air resistance exerts an upward push that can slow a falling object.
5] I can demonstrate that friction is a force that opposes the movement of one surface over another.
6] I can identify some simple machines, which make it easier to do work.
7] I can give examples of sports where speed is important.

8] I can explain that our skeleton is made up of bones and that joints and muscles help us move.
9] I can explain that our skeleton and that of other animals support, protect and help movement.
Subject Focus: What is there out in Space?
1] I can draw diagrams to compare the sun, the Earth and the moon.
2] I can name the planets of our solar system.
3] I can describe what a star is and identify the Sun as the nearest star to Earth.
4] I can explain why sound does not travel in space, and how astronauts communicate in space.

2] I can name the planets of our solar system.
3] I can describe what a star is and identify the Sun as the nearest star to Earth.
4] I can explain why sound does not travel in space, and how astronauts communicate in space.