Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Visual and Performing Arts
Drama > LEVEL 5
Learning Area Outcome: I can devise scripted and improvised scenes, exploring real and imaginary narratives using drama skills and theatre conventions to engage an audience.
Subject Focus: Making Drama
1] I can use simple theatre conventions, such as still and moving images and improvisation to plan and depict simple scenes.
2] I can react to questions and dialogue, prompted by the Teacher-in-Role and in role-playing, with a partner or small group.
3] I can explore problems in imagined situations, out of stories from real contexts and short texts, to interpret them and plan short simple scenes.
4] I can select simple props and role signifiers, to enhance meaning during a short scene.
5] I can identify dramatic aspects, such as conflict, turning points and characters, in well-known stories and events.
2] I can react to questions and dialogue, prompted by the Teacher-in-Role and in role-playing, with a partner or small group.
3] I can explore problems in imagined situations, out of stories from real contexts and short texts, to interpret them and plan short simple scenes.
4] I can select simple props and role signifiers, to enhance meaning during a short scene.

5] I can identify dramatic aspects, such as conflict, turning points and characters, in well-known stories and events.
Learning Area Outcome: I can experiment with movement, expression, voice and language and use theatre arts technology to create tension, mood and atmosphere and I can adapt and sustain different roles, to enter into the fictional world of drama.
Subject Focus: Performing Drama
1] I can use theatre conventions, such as still and moving images and simple improvised dialogue, to perform simple scenes for my classmates and others.
2] I can take part as a character in improvised role-play and “living-through” drama scenes, led by the Teacher-in-Role and in small groups.
3] I can use simple props and sounds, in a short performance, to create mood and atmosphere.

2] I can take part as a character in improvised role-play and “living-through” drama scenes, led by the Teacher-in-Role and in small groups.

3] I can use simple props and sounds, in a short performance, to create mood and atmosphere.

Learning Area Outcome: I can analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of the technical aspects of structure, meaning and impact of performance and I can give and receive constructive comments, on my own and others’ work.
Subject Focus: Reflecting on Drama
1] I can express my thoughts and feelings about a performance I have seen or participated in, by asking and answering simple questions about the meaning of the scene or story, to which I can relate experiences in my own life.
2] I can explain in simple terms both in-role and out-of-role, as well as how and why, a character has reacted to a situation or problem.
3] I can suggest and explain, in simple terms, what elements and conventions made a performance I saw or heard successful.
2] I can explain in simple terms both in-role and out-of-role, as well as how and why, a character has reacted to a situation or problem.

3] I can suggest and explain, in simple terms, what elements and conventions made a performance I saw or heard successful.

Learning Area Outcome: I can collaborate, share ideas and respond to others, in and out of role, to support and develop actions, ideas or emotions to communicate with an audience.
Subject Focus: Working Together in Drama
1] I can discuss ideas with others to decide on roles and responsibilities when planning and participating in simple scenes.