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Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment

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Learning Area: Visual and Performing Arts

Drama > LEVEL 6

Learning Area Outcome: I can devise scripted and improvised scenes, exploring real and imaginary narratives using drama skills and theatre conventions to engage an audience.

Subject Focus: Making Drama  

1] I can use a selection of simple theatre conventions, such as still and moving images, captions and improvisation to explore situations and devise short scenes for different purposes.
2] I can plan for improvised dialogue and use the dialogue in existing texts to create short scenes, choosing vocabulary and movement to match the person, place and time required by the story or situation.
3] I can arrive at a basic interpretation of situations and problems and plan and shape a sequence of events in a scene, based on who, when, where and what happened.
4] I can select or create, symbolic props and costumes, appropriate to a character or scene.
5] I can identify the key dramatic aspects e.g. conflict, turning points, and characters, in simple scripts.

Learning Area Outcome: I can experiment with movement, expression, voice and language and use theatre arts technology to create tension, mood and atmosphere and I can adapt and sustain different roles, to enter into the fictional world of drama.

Subject Focus: Performing Drama 

1] I can use theatre conventions to create atmosphere and perform short rehearsed scenes devised from improvisation and from scripts for my classmates and others.
2] I can experiment with facial expression, gesture, movement and props to express mood, emotion, age and character traits, in short improvised and rehearsed scenes, responding to others in role.
3] I can use props, costume signifiers and sound-effects appropriate to a character or scene, to enhance dramatic effect.

Learning Area Outcome: I can analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of the technical aspects of structure, meaning and impact of performance and I can give and receive constructive comments, on my own and others’ work.

Subject Focus: Reflecting on Drama

1] I can discuss my drama work and that of others, showing understanding of how meaning and emotion were experienced personally and make links to real-life situations and events. 
2] I can identify and explain how characters in a drama can be portrayed in ways that are believable to the actor and the audience.
3] I can recognise and point at some strengths and weaknesses in a piece of drama and can identify some conventions and technical elements that might be areas for improvement.

Learning Area Outcome: ​I can collaborate, share ideas and respond to others, in and out of role, to support and develop actions, ideas or emotions to communicate with an audience.

Subject Focus: Working Together in Drama 

1] I can actively listen, take turns, share ideas and opinions, ask and answer questions, when preparing or discussing scenes as part of a group.

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