Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Religious and Ethics Education
Religion > LEVEL 5
Learning Area Outcome: I am able to understand and value the notion of human community and the diverse ways it expresses itself, and to see this as a source of richness. (Strand: Religious Language)
Subject Focus: Community life, relationships and roles in communities of faith
1] I can describe the meaning and relevance of a social community life, of a faith community and religious group and reflect upon the key values I need to develop in order to live harmoniously within such a community.

Learning Area Outcome: I can understand how religious and secular cultures and belief systems sustain different ways of life and can co-exist harmoniously in societies like that in Malta, where moral and cultural differences are respected and valued. (Strand: Religious Language)
Subject Focus: Religion and Society
1] I can reflect upon and describe the importance of respecting and valuing diversity in the way in which various celebrations and feasts are customarily celebrated among various Christian groups and Catholics in Malta.

Learning Area Outcome: I am aware of the basic tenents, rituals and narratives of the major belief systems. (Strand: Religious Language)
Subject Focus: Major World Religions - Selected Study
1] I can identify which religious group makes use of the Bible, the Torah and the Quran.
2] I can name the places of worship of the Christians/Catholics, of Jewish and Muslim faith communities and develop respect for their significance.

2] I can name the places of worship of the Christians/Catholics, of Jewish and Muslim faith communities and develop respect for their significance.

Learning Area Outcome: I can learn about and from my own experience of the world, as well as from the beliefs, practices and traditions of others. (Strand: Religious Language)
Subject Focus: Beliefs, Traditions, Practices - World Religions, selected study.
1] I can describe the meaning of a symbol, identify and name Christian/Catholic, Jewish and Muslim symbols, explaining their importance to their followers for instance: Christian symbols: the alpha and omega, the cross and the crucifix, and bread and wine or ashes (Ash Wednesday); Jewish symbols: Menorah, Star of David and the Tallit; Muslim symbols: The Kaaba, the Mosque, and the colour green.

Learning Area Outcome: I have a positive sense of myself, which I nurture through self-care and self-mastery, and of my connectedness with God, others, the natural environment (animal and material) (Strand: Spiritual Dimension)
Subject Focus: Connectedness with myself, others and God
1] I can practice silence for short periods and thus develop in me: the value and attitude of listening, of respect and connectedness to myself, others and God.
2] I can write short prayers, praying for myself and others, whilst acknowledging that when I pray, I am speaking with God.
3] I can observe the richness of creation around me and reflect upon this as tokens of God’s goodness and love towards me and others.
4] I can mindfully attend to and describe what is happening within me and around me.

2] I can write short prayers, praying for myself and others, whilst acknowledging that when I pray, I am speaking with God.

3] I can observe the richness of creation around me and reflect upon this as tokens of God’s goodness and love towards me and others.

4] I can mindfully attend to and describe what is happening within me and around me.

Learning Area Outcome: I can formulate and express questions that are fundamental to human experience and endeavour to find an answer. (Strand: Spiritual Dimension)
Subject Focus: Challenging aspects in human experience
1] I can express questions about God.
2] I can identify instances of beauty; for instance: in objects, places, sounds and persons.

2] I can identify instances of beauty; for instance: in objects, places, sounds and persons.

Learning Area Outcome: I can relate critically to the Word of God and acknowledge its practical implications for human experience. (Strand: Word of God and Living the Gospel)
Subject Focus: Word of God - The Bible
1] I can show respect and esteem for the dignity of the Bible as the written Word of God.
2] I can search and use the Holy Scripture (Children’s Bible).
3] I can explore Genesis 1 and 2 and reflect upon God the Creator and His creation as a gift to me and to humanity.
4] I can name the four evangelists, their symbols and meaning.
5] I can relate to the image of the Good Shepherd as found in Psalm 23 and in the Gospels.

2] I can search and use the Holy Scripture (Children’s Bible).

3] I can explore Genesis 1 and 2 and reflect upon God the Creator and His creation as a gift to me and to humanity.

4] I can name the four evangelists, their symbols and meaning.

5] I can relate to the image of the Good Shepherd as found in Psalm 23 and in the Gospels.

Learning Area Outcome: I can reflect and act on situations both personal as well as those belonging to the community, in a critical manner, in the light of Tradition and the Biblical message. (Strand; Word of God and living the Gospel).
Subject Focus: Challenges in the light of Catholic Tradition and the Biblical message
1] I can retell the episode from the Gospels when Jesus taught the apostles the 'Our Father' and reflect upon the fact that we are one family, Children of God the Father.
2] I can retell the Christmas story and reflect on both the personal significance and that for humanity as a whole, of the birth of Jesus, Son of God and Mary.

2] I can retell the Christmas story and reflect on both the personal significance and that for humanity as a whole, of the birth of Jesus, Son of God and Mary.

Learning Area Outcome: I acknowledge the rich plurality of experiences and expressions shown by individuals as well as communities in their commitment to living the Gospel. (Strand: Word of God and Christian/Catholic belief)
Subject Focus: Choosing role models
1] I can explore the life of St Domenico Savio and St Martin de Porres or Blessed Teresa of Calcutta and discover their love for Jesus, and for their neighbour, especially the poor and the sick.

Learning Area Outcome: I am able to understand contemporary moral language and its central concepts and metaphors, including those of rights, virtues, duties, obligations, autonomy, self-regarding and other-regarding acts, side-effects, and consequences. (Strand: Education to the Virtues)
Subject Focus: Understanding moral language
1] I can explain the need for relationships/friendship and the connection between relationships and forgiveness.

Learning Area Outcome: I can collaborate with others in the construction of a shared and mutually enriching vision of life. (Strand: Education to the virtues)
Subject Focus: Maturing in education through the virtues
1] I can discover various ways how to share with others.