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Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment

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Learning Area: Religious and Ethics Education

Religion > LEVEL 6

Learning Area Outcome: I am able to understand and value the notion of human community and the diverse ways it expresses itself, and to see this as a source of richness. (Strand: Religious Language)

Subject Focus: Community life, relationships and roles in communities of faith

1] I can discuss the vital relationship between the responsibility of individuals and that of their community whilst noting how this enables me to foster a mature sense of responsibility.  

Learning Area Outcome: I can understand how religious and secular cultures and belief systems sustain different ways of life and can co-exist harmoniously in societies like that in Malta, where moral and cultural differences are respected and valued. (Strand: Religious Language)

Subject Focus: Religion and Society

1] I can describe how the faith of Catholic individuals, as well as of communities, has led them to contribute to Maltese society up to this date for instance Adelaide Cini, Madre Margherita De Brincat, Alfons Marija Galea and Mons. Mikiel Azzopardi.

Learning Area Outcome: I am aware of the basic tenents, rituals and narratives of the major belief systems. (Strand: Religious Language)

Subject Focus: Major World Religions - Selected Study

1] I can be aware that Jews and Muslims believe in one God.

Learning Area Outcome: I can learn about and from my own experience of the world, as well as from the beliefs, practices and traditions of others. (Strand: Religious Language)

Subject Focus: Beliefs, Traditions, Practices - World Religions, selected study.

1] I can name two religious festivals within Christianity/ Catholicism, Judaism and Islam; reflect upon and discuss their significance to their followers and the need to respect each other’s different ways of expressing religious beliefs for instance: Christian festivals: Christmas and Easter; Jewish festivals: Yom Kippur and Pescha; Islamic festivals: d-al-Ftir, and Fitrana.

Learning Area Outcome: I have a positive sense of myself, which I nurture through self-care and self-mastery, and of my connectedness with God, others, the natural environment (animal and material) (Strand: Spiritual Dimension)

Subject Focus: Connectedness with myself, others and God 

1] I can identify two weaknesses in my character and propose ways of amending them with God’s help, through the Sacraments and prayer, and through a good relationship with others. 
2] I can express my sharing attitude with others in various ways, including people of different nationalities, cultures and creeds.
3] I can describe how Franciscan spirituality enables me to connect and respect the ecology system especially through the Franciscan approach to creation.

Learning Area Outcome: I can formulate and express questions that are fundamental to human experience and endeavour to find an answer. (Strand: Spiritual Dimension)

Subject Focus: Challenging aspects in human experience

1] I can articulate questions about the purpose of life.

Learning Area Outcome: I can relate critically to the Word of God and acknowledge its practical implications for human experience. (Strand: Word of God and Living the Gospel)

Subject Focus: Word of God - The Bible 

1] I can elicit the notion of human faithfulness and God’s care from the stories of Noah or Abraham or Ruth. 
2] I can explain how the Bible shows God’s love for me in various ways. 
3] I can assess how the image of 'Jesus the Good Shepherd' applies to my life. 

Learning Area Outcome: I can reflect and act on situations both personal as well as those belonging to the community, in a critical manner, in the light of Tradition and the Biblical message. (Strand; Word of God and living the Gospel).

Subject Focus: Challenges in the light of Catholic Tradition and the Biblical message

1] I can talk about the historical and geographical context into which Jesus was born.  
2] I can explain the meaning of a parable, reflect on the values, attitudes and behaviour of kindness, love, compassion, mercy, forgiveness and respect towards authority as found in the parables of Jesus. 
3] I can write about the Lord’s prayer and its personal significance for me. 
4] I can state the seven Sacraments, reflecting upon the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Reconciliation, and of how their role can affect my life and that of others. 

Learning Area Outcome: I acknowledge the rich plurality of experiences and expressions shown by individuals as well as communities in their commitment to living the Gospel. (Strand: Word of God and Christian/Catholic belief)

Subject Focus: Choosing role models

1] I can research the lives of two martyred saints, one from early Christianity and another from later periods and explore how their commitment to the faith in difficult times challenges my own for instance from early Christianity: St Justin or St Agnes; and from later periods: Karolina Kozka or St Charles Lwanga.
2] I can use discussions to develop my own thinking, using words to explore, clarify and confirm ideas.

Learning Area Outcome: I am able to understand contemporary moral language and its central concepts and metaphors, including those of rights, virtues, duties, obligations, autonomy, self-regarding and other-regarding acts, side-effects, and consequences. (Strand: Education  to the Virtues)

Subject Focus: Understanding moral language

1] I can explore the connection between an action and a consequence, rights and responsibilities, duties and obligations.

Learning Area Outcome: I can collaborate with others in the construction of a shared and mutually enriching vision of life. (Strand: Education to the  virtues)

Subject Focus: Maturing in education through the virtues

1] I can appreciate the dutiful importance of transforming and developing selfish traits into charitable ones.
2] I can discover that being sensitive and considerate towards others is an essential step towards moral growth.

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