Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Languages
English > LEVEL 5
Subject Focus: Listening and speaking
1] I can listen attentively to text read aloud and demonstrate understanding by responding to questions about the content of the text and by making some inferences.
2] I can understand audio-visual texts across a range of genres, identifying the main idea and specific information.
3] I can recite/narrate/perform poems, songs, play scripts, and stories using the correct intonation which will help demonstrate an understanding of the author's intent.
4] I can suggest some ideas of my own in the same style as the original story, poem or song in a discussion.
5] I can make use of language to make relatively plausible predictions and describe characters, scenes, objects, and pictures, as well as respond to questions about an oral text.
6] I can respond to a story or poem read aloud and comment on the characters and events.
7] I can order my ideas and describe them effectively as I contribute to discussions supported by the teacher.
8] I can convey my own experiences, likes and dislikes fluently and accurately with some allowance to self-correct in the process.
9] I can use appropriate language and specific vocabulary fluently to suit different purposes when interacting with others.
10] I can listen to others, letting them put forward their point of view and take turns in a discussion and/or conversation.
11] I can, in my own words, retell a story, poem or song, ordering the main events in the correct order.
12] I can retell a story, poem or song ordering the main events in the correct order.
13] I can ask questions and make simple contributions in a discussion.
14] I can listen carefully and follow a sequence of simple instructions.
15] I can convey a simple message accurately.
16] I can understand spoken language at a level higher than my own.
17] I can give clear instructions to guide an activity.
2] I can understand audio-visual texts across a range of genres, identifying the main idea and specific information.
3] I can recite/narrate/perform poems, songs, play scripts, and stories using the correct intonation which will help demonstrate an understanding of the author's intent.

4] I can suggest some ideas of my own in the same style as the original story, poem or song in a discussion.

5] I can make use of language to make relatively plausible predictions and describe characters, scenes, objects, and pictures, as well as respond to questions about an oral text.
6] I can respond to a story or poem read aloud and comment on the characters and events.
7] I can order my ideas and describe them effectively as I contribute to discussions supported by the teacher.

8] I can convey my own experiences, likes and dislikes fluently and accurately with some allowance to self-correct in the process.
9] I can use appropriate language and specific vocabulary fluently to suit different purposes when interacting with others.

10] I can listen to others, letting them put forward their point of view and take turns in a discussion and/or conversation.

11] I can, in my own words, retell a story, poem or song, ordering the main events in the correct order.

12] I can retell a story, poem or song ordering the main events in the correct order.
13] I can ask questions and make simple contributions in a discussion.

14] I can listen carefully and follow a sequence of simple instructions.
15] I can convey a simple message accurately.
16] I can understand spoken language at a level higher than my own.
17] I can give clear instructions to guide an activity.
Subject Focus: Language awareness and production
1] I can continue simple and compound sentence patterns showing an awareness of language structure.
2] I can use the correct word order when writing and speaking.
3] I can write and speak about present and past events adopting simple linguistic forms e.g. using simple present and past tenses, using simple and compound sentences.
4] I can write for a stated purpose, using grammar and sentence starters to suit my needs.
5] I can write and speak effectively for a range of purposes.
6] I can narrate events adopting simple linguistic forms e.g. using simple present and past tenses, using simple and compound sentences.
7] I can describe persons and objects adopting simple linguistic forms e.g. using simple present and past tenses, using simple and compound sentences.
8] I can, at an elementary level, use the language necessary to show time, place and movement in a sentence e.g. prepositions of time, place and movement.

2] I can use the correct word order when writing and speaking.

3] I can write and speak about present and past events adopting simple linguistic forms e.g. using simple present and past tenses, using simple and compound sentences.

4] I can write for a stated purpose, using grammar and sentence starters to suit my needs.

5] I can write and speak effectively for a range of purposes.
6] I can narrate events adopting simple linguistic forms e.g. using simple present and past tenses, using simple and compound sentences.
7] I can describe persons and objects adopting simple linguistic forms e.g. using simple present and past tenses, using simple and compound sentences.
8] I can, at an elementary level, use the language necessary to show time, place and movement in a sentence e.g. prepositions of time, place and movement.
Subject Focus: Reading
1] I can read aloud clearly and with some confidence as well as express clear diction.
2] I can read silently on my own and demonstrate understanding e.g. by answering comprehension questions.
3] I can read and understand a wide range of age-appropriate texts across genres, independently and in groups.
4] I can read and understand age-appropriate texts online across genres as well as understand the different parts of the text e.g. headings and subheadings, and the way hyperlinks work.
5] I can use a range of strategies to aid comprehension and find the required information in the text.
6] I can express my opinions about a story at my own reading level, giving clear reasons why I like or dislike the text.
7] I can make informed assumptions about a book or other long work from its title.
8] I can read across genres for different purpose e.g. to find out new information, for enjoyment, to learn new things.
9] I can understand the basics of text organisation.
2] I can read silently on my own and demonstrate understanding e.g. by answering comprehension questions.
3] I can read and understand a wide range of age-appropriate texts across genres, independently and in groups.
4] I can read and understand age-appropriate texts online across genres as well as understand the different parts of the text e.g. headings and subheadings, and the way hyperlinks work.
5] I can use a range of strategies to aid comprehension and find the required information in the text.

6] I can express my opinions about a story at my own reading level, giving clear reasons why I like or dislike the text.

7] I can make informed assumptions about a book or other long work from its title.

8] I can read across genres for different purpose e.g. to find out new information, for enjoyment, to learn new things.
9] I can understand the basics of text organisation.
Subject Focus: English Literature in the Early and Middle Years
1] I can learn and recite simple poems with the help of prompts.
2] I can read and listen to literary texts such as poetry, prose and drama being performed or read aloud. I can show my understanding of these texts by answering simple questions about some aspects e.g. events and character behaviour.
3] I can respond to simple poems, stories and drama by speaking and writing briefly about how I feel about the literary texts and about the events and characters in these texts.
4] I can identify the use of simple literary devices e.g. stanzas, similes, onomatopoeia and rhyming words.
5] I can participate in simple activities e.g. role-play and dialogue based on poems and stories I have read or listened to.
6] I can, at an elementary level, show my personal response to the literary text I encounter e.g. by drawing or using crafts inspired by the text, and keeping a simple journal with my thoughts.
7] I can respond to a play by participating in its performance and understand the meaning of dramatic devices e.g. acts scenes and stage directions.
2] I can read and listen to literary texts such as poetry, prose and drama being performed or read aloud. I can show my understanding of these texts by answering simple questions about some aspects e.g. events and character behaviour.
3] I can respond to simple poems, stories and drama by speaking and writing briefly about how I feel about the literary texts and about the events and characters in these texts.
4] I can identify the use of simple literary devices e.g. stanzas, similes, onomatopoeia and rhyming words.
5] I can participate in simple activities e.g. role-play and dialogue based on poems and stories I have read or listened to.
6] I can, at an elementary level, show my personal response to the literary text I encounter e.g. by drawing or using crafts inspired by the text, and keeping a simple journal with my thoughts.
7] I can respond to a play by participating in its performance and understand the meaning of dramatic devices e.g. acts scenes and stage directions.
Subject Focus: Writing
1] I can write well-formed letters that are legible.
2] I can, at an elementary level, use appropriate format and features of presentation to convey the purpose of a text.
3] I can control the basic formation of letters and join letters to write in cursive.
4] I can edit and revise my written work and with support.
5] I can write simple sentences in response to a range of texts.
6] I can use words to achieve particular effects in my writing. I can make use of some vocabulary that sets specific moods and depicts particular scenes.
7] I can express my opinions in writing on a range of topics.
8] I can participate in writing for a range of purposes and write in some genres.
9] I can write a paragraph appropriately for an audience and with a purpose.
10] I can make up a story and write it down in a way that makes it interesting.
11] I can add detail and interest to basic sentence structures in a variety of ways.
12] I can, with support, make a text more interesting or more relevant to me by changing the vocabulary.
13] I can, with support, use various strategies to spell correctly.
14] I can use resources to help me plan my written work and present it accurately.
15] I can, with support, organise my ideas into clear, cohesive and coherent paragraphs.
16] I can write simple instructions to explain the steps of a process e.g. how to make a cold drink.

2] I can, at an elementary level, use appropriate format and features of presentation to convey the purpose of a text.
3] I can control the basic formation of letters and join letters to write in cursive.
4] I can edit and revise my written work and with support.
5] I can write simple sentences in response to a range of texts.

6] I can use words to achieve particular effects in my writing. I can make use of some vocabulary that sets specific moods and depicts particular scenes.

7] I can express my opinions in writing on a range of topics.

8] I can participate in writing for a range of purposes and write in some genres.

9] I can write a paragraph appropriately for an audience and with a purpose.
10] I can make up a story and write it down in a way that makes it interesting.
11] I can add detail and interest to basic sentence structures in a variety of ways.

12] I can, with support, make a text more interesting or more relevant to me by changing the vocabulary.
13] I can, with support, use various strategies to spell correctly.
14] I can use resources to help me plan my written work and present it accurately.
15] I can, with support, organise my ideas into clear, cohesive and coherent paragraphs.

16] I can write simple instructions to explain the steps of a process e.g. how to make a cold drink.