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Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment

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Learning Area: Languages

English > LEVEL 8

Subject Focus: Listening and speaking

1] I can prepare presentations on a variety of topics, adjusting the presentation to the nature of the audience.

2] I can contribute to joint presentations or performances in a style that is appropriate to the event.
3] I can assess the likely impact of texts of different genres e.g. a literary, journalistic or scientific piece, on the audience.

4] I can detect and report on bias in the reporting of others.

5] I can create a complex and logical case around an issue of social importance e.g. global warming.
6] I can adapt my spoken style to all familiar situations, observing the appropriate use of register and vocabulary.
7] I can use language in a variety of persuasive forms e.g. rhetorical questions.

8] I can listen to a range of formal presentations and summarise their content fluently and accurately.

9] I can acknowledge a well-made point and adjust my views in consequence.

10] I can follow narratives including those which do not follow a chronological sequence.
11] I can follow a range of audio-visual text e.g. advertisements, weather forecasts, short news clips and public announcements.
12] I can follow texts that include wide range of vocabulary
and language structure e.g. documentaries and bulletins.

13] I can recognise the attitude of a speaker and comment on it.
14] I can describe simple personal experiences, reactions, dreams, hopes, and ambitions.
 15] I can explain and give reasons for actions, plans or intentions fluently.
 16] I can relay information that I have obtained e.g from an announcement or that other speakers have given me.
17] I can make suggestions in a discussion.
18] I can distinguish between asking questions in a formal and in an informal context.
19] I can 
understand and produce clusters of words in continuous speech intelligibly.

Subject Focus: Language awareness and production

1] I can use the full range of punctuation marks.
2] I can construct complex sentences.

3] I can use and explain spelling rules. I am aware of well-known exceptions to these rules.

4] I can use the passive voice accurately and can apply it to appropriate contexts e.g. report writing in science subjects.
5] I can understand and use language which expresses hypothetical situations and possibilities e.g. modals and conditionals.
6] I can report, both in speech and in writing, what others have said or written,
7] I can understand how most words behave together e.g. collocations, false friends and use these patterns in context of specific situations.
8] I can make use of affixes e.g. -ness, -ly, -ful, -un, -dis, to build new words.
9] I can make use of link words to sum up and to compare and contrast ideas.
10] I can distinguish between compound and complex sentences, and I can use them accurately to achieve some stylistic variety in my writing.

11] I can narrate events/stories, describe persons/objects/scenes, and accurately express simple arguments for and against in writing.

Subject Focus: Reading

1] I can read through a long text and summarise the main points.
2] I can understand how language is being used to create a particular mood or feeling.
3] I can show how a story is constructed, describing plot, character and action.
4] I can compare and contrast ideas from different texts.
5] I can infer meanings suggested in a text.
6] I can make informed assumptions about a book or other long work from its title and introductory material.

7] I can read more complex texts across a wider range of genres for different purposes e.g. to find out new information, for enjoyment, to learn new things.
8] I can understand connotation.
9] I can distinguish between contemporary and non-contemporary writing.
10] I can retrieve information from a range of sources.
11] I can identify the main theme of a text.
12] I can identify and comment upon the writer's use of language and structure in a text.
13] I can read with understanding articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems.
14] I can distinguish between various forms of discourse e.g. creative, technical and scientific.
15] I can distinguish between scientific and technical writing.

Subject Focus: Writing

1] I can use a wide range of complex sentence structures.
2] I can edit and revise my own writing.
3] I can write in an appropriate way with the right tone as well as make use of words to create a particular mood or feeling.
4] I can write a longer text organised in a series of paragraphs.

5] I can write appropriately and with a purpose for an audience.
6] I can write using the appropriate register.
7] I can produce texts in different genres.
8] I can order and link my sentences and paragraphs in a way that makes sense.
9] I can produce scientific and technical pieces of writing.

Subject Focus: English Literature in time and place

1] I can, with guidance, engage with and respond orally to a wide range of literary texts such as poetry, prose and drama, written for adults and young people in English e.g. simpler narrative texts which deal with less complex issues.
2] I can, with support, understand and appreciate how literary texts reflect on life and ideas in different contexts and on how people respond to these.

3] I am aware that and can discuss how literary texts show how different people react differently to life and what it presents.  

4] I can show my understanding of characters by putting myself in their shoes e.g. by participating in role plays or writing diary entries from their perspective.
5] I can engage with literary texts which deal with aesthetic, personal, emotional, social, moral and political issues. I can answer questions and write short paragraphs about these issues as they appear in the literary texts I study.
6] I can understand how literature presents different points of view on aesthetic, personal, emotional, social, moral and political issues. I can answer questions and write short paragraphs about these issues as presented in the literary texts I study.
7] I am aware that literature can help me develop the ability to keep an open mind. I can allow literature to help me become more creative, innovative and critical e.g. by writing a diary entry from the point of view of a character; by taking part in discussions and role plays about the subject.
8] Through my reading of texts from different cultures, I can understand how literature portrays different ways of living and being. I can read texts from different cultures which are appropriate for my age and language abilities.

9] Through my reading of texts from or about different contexts, I can see where the ideas and expectations of the writer’s time have influenced his/her writing.
10] I am able to use online resources to find out more about English literature.
11] I can, with support, read selected texts from past centuries, negotiating changes in vocabulary, vocabulary use and sentence structure. 
12] I can explain that plays, poems and novels are written for different sorts of audience and that different practices in reading, performing and listening are sometimes required. Therefore, I can read novels silently; I can recognise the aural quality of poetry; and the dramatic nature of play scripts.  

13] I can respond to a literary text I have read, a drama performance or poetry presentation I have observed, by expressing my opinions in a clear manner.
14] I can reply aloud and in writing to questions that show I have an understanding of different layers of meaning and how these meanings are conveyed about a literary text I have read, a drama performance or poetry presentation I have observed.

Subject Focus: Awareness of literary genres and devices   ​

1] I can recognise the voice and viewpoint of the narrator in the texts I read and can begin to differentiate between the voices of author, narrator and characters. 
2] I recognise characterisation in literary texts and can comment on the development of these characters as the story/plot/poem unfolds.
3] I understand how character, plot, setting, themes and imagery all come together to make up a literary text.
4] I can, with guidance, apply knowledge learnt in new and creative ways e.g. by writing my own poems, play scripts, or short stories
5] I am aware of the differences between prose, poetry and drama. I can describe the differences between these three types of literary texts.
6] I can identify a range of literary devices e.g. imagery, personfication, poetic sound devices and poetic forms e.g sonnet and can explain the literary effects and functions of these devices.  
7] I can, with support, interpret the meaning, theme, structure of poems and other pieces of literary texts.
8] I am aware of the different types of imagery such as visual and aural, and can understand the effectiveness of such imagery. I can find examples of each type and comment on their function.
9] I am aware of the sounds of poetry e.g. rhyme, rhythm, alliteration and assonance. I can find examples of these devices and comment on their effectiveness. 
10] I can tell others how a literary text makes me feel. I can give my opinion about it as a piece of text and decide whether I would recommend it to others or not and give reasons for this.

Subject Focus: Writing about English Literature

1] I can write paragraphs and short essays about different aspects of the literary texts I have studied e.g. poetic form and structure, characterisation, theme and plot. 
2] I can answer questions, such as those which ask about structure and literary devices, set for both studied and unseen literary texts.
3] I can, with guidance, answer both higher-order and lower-order questions, including those which ask for my analysis of unseen prose, drama and poetry texts. 
4] I can, with guidance, answer questions which ask for my synthesis and interpretation of ideas about unseen prose and poetry texts. I can include my own personal reaction/s to the text, deciding whether to recommend it to others or not.
5] I can write a short paragraph expressing my views and opinions about an unseen prose, drama or poetry text, giving reasons for these views and opinions.
6] I can write essay-length critical appreciations of the set literary text/s based on the question or title given. I am able to write an answer which is direct and to the point using the correct terminology. I am aware that I should avoid simply giving a summary of the literary text/s.
7] I can write about setting, plot, character, theme of set literary text/s, always referring back to the set question/title.
8] I can provide my personal views of the set literary text/s in my writing, justifying my statements.
9] I can refer closely to the set literary texts by using evidence, such as quotations, paraphrase and commentary, to support my writing about them. I can present these quotations using proper established conventions. 

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