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Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment

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Learning Area: Languages

English > LEVEL 9

Subject Focus: Listening and speaking

1] I can ask and understand detailed questions. I can respond with supplementary questions and evaluate the response.

2] I can conduct conversations which have complex implications to observe the need to be polite, sensitive and tactful. 
3] I can communicate my thoughts and emotions through a wide variety of media e.g the telephone, and web interaction, using an appropriate tone and style.

4] I can use language in a way that is highly persuasive with the intention of influencing emotions or actions.

5] I can ask others about themselves and their views, and evaluate their responses according to how they relate to my own views.

6] I can defend my point of view against reasonable questioning.
7] I can communicate effectively in unfamiliar situations using a variety of media.
8] I can adapt my use of language to various media, observing the emerging etiquette and grammar of new media.

9] I can listen to a conversation, presentation or dramatic performance and summarise the overt messageas well as the sub-text of motivation and bias.

10] I can engage in a debate and identify where there is common ground, as well as the main issues of any disagreement.  
11] I can respond to and speak about hypothetical situtations.
12] I can follow descriptions which are complex in terms of linguistic, thematic and lexical content.
13] I can discuss values, attitudes and assumptions conveyed through language use and choice in spoken texts dealing with challenging themes and issues.
I can, with ease of speech, produce patterns of English with minimal interference from L1.
15] I can research information through a variety of media e.g. telephone, and use this to produce a concise summary for formal presentation to an informed audience.

16] I can describe complex personal experiences, reactions, dreams, hopes and ambitions.
17] I can explain and give reasons for actions, plans or intentions fluently and accurately.
 I can provide quite complex directions e.g. how to get from A to D.
19] I can relay information that I have obtained and add brief related comments e.g. from an announcement or that other speakers have given me.
20] I can make suggestions in a discussion by being fluent and accurate.
21] I can follow a debate which is complex in terms of linguistic, thematic and lexical content.

Subject Focus: Language awareness and production

1] I can construct more complex sentences.
2] I can understand the need for consistency in tense, voice, mood, person, and number e.g. the shift from past to present, active to passive, indicative to imperative.
3] I understand the need for the accurate use of tense and number. 
4] I can understand and use language which expresses hypothetical situations and possibilities e.g. modals and conditionals.
5] I can report, in speech or writing, what others have said or written .
6] I can understand how words behave together e.g. collocations, false friends and use these patterns in context of specific situations.
7] I can make use of affixes e.g. -ful, -ness to change grammatical class e.g. help- helpful; kind-kindness.
8] I can correctly make use of the past and present tenses as well as refer to the future when speaking and writing.
9] I can make use of the gerund e.g. smoking as a verb, noun and adjective.
10] I can identify the difference between tense and aspect.

11] I can accurately narrate events/stories, describe persons/objects/scenes, express arguments for and against, and formulate opinions at a level of complexity which is age-appropriate.
12] I can produce various forms of discourse e.g. creative , technical and scientific.

Subject Focus: Reading

1] I can understand how language is used persuasively. 
2] I can read for different purposes across a very wide range of genres e.g. to find out new information, for enjoyment, to learn new things.
3] I can identify and comment upon the cultural content of a text.
4] I can evaluate the ability of writers to achieve their effects through the use of linguistic, structural, stylistic, and presentation devices.
5] I can detect bias in a piece of writing.
6] I can distinguish between complex scientific and technical writing. 
7] I can read complex texts across a wider range of genres for different purposes e.g to find out new information, for enjoyment, to learn new things.

Subject Focus: Writing

1] I can use a very wide range of complex sentence structures correctly with appropriate punctuation.
2] I can write for a particular purpose.
3] I can convey complex ideas in writing.

4] I can convey information using diagrams within my writing.
5] I can produce texts in different genres e.g. narrative, descriptive, discursive.
6] I can write different types of sentences accurately, arranging these to make meaning clear as well as showing the relationship between paragraphs.
7] I can produce complex scientific and technical pieces of writing.

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