Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Health and Physical Education
Personal, Social And Career Development > LEVEL 5
Subject Focus: Developing my personal identity and intrapersonal awareness
1] I can express positive things about myself and others.
2] I am aware of how learners possess different abilities, qualities, characteristics and talents e.g. friendliness, sensitivity, communication skills, humour, artistic qualities, sportive qualities, talented in the performing arts, telented in academia.
3] I can recognise ideas about what is good and bad, right and wrong, just and unjust.
4] I can recognise what I am good at, from what others tell me e.g. feedback from parents, teachers and peers.
5] I know of some things I am good at and can express positive qualities about myself.
6] I can recognise the importance of learning about and being involved in different events and situations.
7] I can recognise the importance of learning about my local context, my national context and the global context e.g. different cultures, religions, hobbies, occupations.
8] I am starting to value the importance and joy of learning.
9] I can recognise what I am good at from what others tell me e.g. the importance of receiving feedback from others and being able to distinguish between positive feedback and harmful feedback.
10] I am starting to recognise some of my weaknesses and how to cope with them.
11] I am developing an understanding of the diifferent responsibilities and boundaries of different roles e.g. different types of responsibilities of parents, teachers, head of school, the police, nurse, doctor.
12] I know about my responsibility as a student, sibling, daughter/son.
13] I know that it is acceptable to make mistakes.
14] I can set targets for myself.
15] I can use core vocabulary to express myself and my personal goals and targets.
16] I recognise the importance of and belief in fairness and equity for all.

2] I am aware of how learners possess different abilities, qualities, characteristics and talents e.g. friendliness, sensitivity, communication skills, humour, artistic qualities, sportive qualities, talented in the performing arts, telented in academia.

3] I can recognise ideas about what is good and bad, right and wrong, just and unjust.
4] I can recognise what I am good at, from what others tell me e.g. feedback from parents, teachers and peers.

5] I know of some things I am good at and can express positive qualities about myself.
6] I can recognise the importance of learning about and being involved in different events and situations.

7] I can recognise the importance of learning about my local context, my national context and the global context e.g. different cultures, religions, hobbies, occupations.

8] I am starting to value the importance and joy of learning.

9] I can recognise what I am good at from what others tell me e.g. the importance of receiving feedback from others and being able to distinguish between positive feedback and harmful feedback.

10] I am starting to recognise some of my weaknesses and how to cope with them.

11] I am developing an understanding of the diifferent responsibilities and boundaries of different roles e.g. different types of responsibilities of parents, teachers, head of school, the police, nurse, doctor.
12] I know about my responsibility as a student, sibling, daughter/son.
13] I know that it is acceptable to make mistakes.

14] I can set targets for myself.

15] I can use core vocabulary to express myself and my personal goals and targets.

16] I recognise the importance of and belief in fairness and equity for all.

Subject Focus: Developing healthy and respectful relationships
1] I can introduce myself to other children.
2] I know the name of the teacher and of other children in the class and some of the things they value.
3] I can wait for my turn to talk when I am in a group.
4] I can listen to what others in the group are saying and respond effectively.
5] I know and can talk about some rules of team work.
6] I can demonstrate what to do if someone breaks the rules.
7] I can recognise the value of working together.
8] I can voice my opinion sensitively and courteously e.g. say sorry, please and thank you.
9] I can explain that people have things in common but that every individual is unique.
10] I can recognise the importance of and respect others’ needs, feelings and opinions.
11] I can recognise ways in which my own choices and behaviour affect others e.g. the things I do or say could hurt other people.
12] I can show the importance of respect by listening to what other people say.
13] I can evaluate the importance of caring for others.
14] I can discuss the importance of taking care of other people’s possessions.
15] I can show the importance of giving and receiving compliments to/from my teachers, parents/carers and friends.
16] I know the value of being a friend and having friends.
17] I can make new friends; I am learning ways to cope with losing friends.
18] I can recognise worth in others and say why someone is special to me.
19] I know that different types of family have common features and functions.
20] I am starting to understand the nature of conflict and conflicting/complex situations.
21] I am learning how to deal with conflict, positively and respectfully.
22] I can explain what is meant by bullying and what to do if I experience or see bullying.
23] I can explain that there is a difference between accidental and purposeful hurting.
24] I can communicate an opinion as to why bullying is unacceptable.
25] I can describe similarities and differences between people e.g. gender, appearance, abilities, families, cultural backgrounds.

2] I know the name of the teacher and of other children in the class and some of the things they value.

3] I can wait for my turn to talk when I am in a group.

4] I can listen to what others in the group are saying and respond effectively.

5] I know and can talk about some rules of team work.

6] I can demonstrate what to do if someone breaks the rules.
7] I can recognise the value of working together.

8] I can voice my opinion sensitively and courteously e.g. say sorry, please and thank you.

9] I can explain that people have things in common but that every individual is unique.

10] I can recognise the importance of and respect others’ needs, feelings and opinions.

11] I can recognise ways in which my own choices and behaviour affect others e.g. the things I do or say could hurt other people.

12] I can show the importance of respect by listening to what other people say.

13] I can evaluate the importance of caring for others.

14] I can discuss the importance of taking care of other people’s possessions.

15] I can show the importance of giving and receiving compliments to/from my teachers, parents/carers and friends.

16] I know the value of being a friend and having friends.
17] I can make new friends; I am learning ways to cope with losing friends.
18] I can recognise worth in others and say why someone is special to me.
19] I know that different types of family have common features and functions.

20] I am starting to understand the nature of conflict and conflicting/complex situations.

21] I am learning how to deal with conflict, positively and respectfully.

22] I can explain what is meant by bullying and what to do if I experience or see bullying.
23] I can explain that there is a difference between accidental and purposeful hurting.
24] I can communicate an opinion as to why bullying is unacceptable.
25] I can describe similarities and differences between people e.g. gender, appearance, abilities, families, cultural backgrounds.

Subject Focus: Understanding myself as I am growing up
1] I can recognise and name different feelings.
2] I can recognise and name different feelings, including those associated with change e.g. new family member, new friend, losing a friend.
3] I can start to manage my feelings positively and effectively.
4] I can recognise and respond to a variety of emotions in myself and others e.g. jealousy, anger, excitement.
5] I can tell others about things that are important to me.
6] I can point to and name a range of parts of my body.
7] I can discuss expectations of how girls and boys are to behave and can challenge these expectations.
8] I can talk about the life cycle of animals and plants.
9] I can let others know what I like and dislike about the way people treat me.
10] I know that I can decide who has access to my body.
11] I can demonstrate how to wash one's hands.
12] I understand the need for and can maintain personal hygiene e.g. washing, teeth cleaning, toilet routines.
2] I can recognise and name different feelings, including those associated with change e.g. new family member, new friend, losing a friend.
3] I can start to manage my feelings positively and effectively.
4] I can recognise and respond to a variety of emotions in myself and others e.g. jealousy, anger, excitement.
5] I can tell others about things that are important to me.
6] I can point to and name a range of parts of my body.
7] I can discuss expectations of how girls and boys are to behave and can challenge these expectations.

8] I can talk about the life cycle of animals and plants.
9] I can let others know what I like and dislike about the way people treat me.

10] I know that I can decide who has access to my body.
11] I can demonstrate how to wash one's hands.
12] I understand the need for and can maintain personal hygiene e.g. washing, teeth cleaning, toilet routines.
Subject Focus: Health, safety and wellbeing
1] I can make simple choices which affect my health and wellbeing e.g. between food, activities, free time.
2] I know what is meant by a healthy diet.
3] I can describe the types of food that make up a healthy meal.
4] I know the food preferences and diets of children in different cultures/countries.
5] I can show others what I do to keep myself physically healthy.
6] I want to be healthy and clean e.g. I know why it is important to take care of myself and be safe in what I do.
7] I can describe how using simple and safe routines can reduce the transmission of illnesses.
8] I can understand how being asked to do tasks can create anxiety and/or help me acquire self worth e.g. facilitated (which enhances ones self-esteem) or debilitating (which provokes anxiety and weakens ones self-esteem) stress.
9] I can ask for help from adults.
10] I know which teacher I need to go to if I have problems.
11] I know the importance of time management and have basic skills on how to use my time appropriately.
12] I know who to go to if I am hurt physically or emotionally.
13] I know the people who look after me, and their different roles and responsibilities.
14] I understand what is meant by the term ‘risk’ and can describe a risky situation.
15] I can describe how someone might feel if they have a problem.
16] I can say ‘no’ when subjected to pressure.
17] I can say ‘no’ when something feels wrong.
18] I know that all medicines are drugs but not all drugs are medicines.
19] I am aware of the dangers that I might encounter when going on unknown and unfamiliar websites.
20] I know about the risks of sharing personal information online e.g. communicating whilst playing games.
21] I know how to limit my time when making use of various devices.

22] I can follow simple safety rules and instructions.
23] I can describe different sorts of ‘risks’ at home, at school and outside.
24] I know basic emergency procedure and where to get help in different situations e.g. support line: 179, emergency: 112.
2] I know what is meant by a healthy diet.
3] I can describe the types of food that make up a healthy meal.
4] I know the food preferences and diets of children in different cultures/countries.

5] I can show others what I do to keep myself physically healthy.

6] I want to be healthy and clean e.g. I know why it is important to take care of myself and be safe in what I do.
7] I can describe how using simple and safe routines can reduce the transmission of illnesses.
8] I can understand how being asked to do tasks can create anxiety and/or help me acquire self worth e.g. facilitated (which enhances ones self-esteem) or debilitating (which provokes anxiety and weakens ones self-esteem) stress.
9] I can ask for help from adults.
10] I know which teacher I need to go to if I have problems.
11] I know the importance of time management and have basic skills on how to use my time appropriately.

12] I know who to go to if I am hurt physically or emotionally.
13] I know the people who look after me, and their different roles and responsibilities.
14] I understand what is meant by the term ‘risk’ and can describe a risky situation.
15] I can describe how someone might feel if they have a problem.

16] I can say ‘no’ when subjected to pressure.

17] I can say ‘no’ when something feels wrong.
18] I know that all medicines are drugs but not all drugs are medicines.
19] I am aware of the dangers that I might encounter when going on unknown and unfamiliar websites.

20] I know about the risks of sharing personal information online e.g. communicating whilst playing games.

21] I know how to limit my time when making use of various devices.

22] I can follow simple safety rules and instructions.
23] I can describe different sorts of ‘risks’ at home, at school and outside.
24] I know basic emergency procedure and where to get help in different situations e.g. support line: 179, emergency: 112.
Subject Focus: Citizenship
1] I can listen to the teacher and to a friend and I can hold the attention of a listener.
2] I can agree on a set of rules for the group/classroom.
3] I can recognise and make safe choices based on right and wrong/good or bad.
4] I know and can describe the choices open to me and I can talk about some basic skill of appropriate decision making e.g. in food, games, activities, free time, home work.
5] I can talk about what children’s rights are and what they can help children do e.g. the right for protection and care, which includes: the basic needs for food, education and health care; equal protection of the child's civil rights; and freedom from discrimination on the basis of the child's race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, disability, colour, ethnicity and other characteristics.
6] I can clearly explain what is meant by abusive behaviour and can differentiate between abuse and discipline e.g. identifying signs of physical, emotional and sexual abuse as opposed to positive discipline.
7] I can describe a few things that people have in common and a few ways in which they are different.
8] I can talk about and empathise with people who have unmet needs.
9] I can describe things I like and dislike about my local community.
10] I can name people in charge in school and what they do.
11] I can mention things that can be done when someone breaks the rules.
12] I can explain how I can contribute to my local community.
13] I can illustrate how I can work together with a group/class on a project about a social or environmental issue.
14] I can observe my surroundings and can give suggestions on how I might help to improve them e.g. I can identify what actions can be taken at school, at home.
15] I can recognise the impact of my actions on others and the environment and I can identify things that people do which can harm as well as help the environment.
16] I value natural resources and can discuss why they are limited.
17] I can explain the meaning of the term 'media' and can give examples of different types of media.
18] I can illustrate how media is an integral part of our daily life.
19] I can recognise the influence of media on our daily life.
20] I can start to recognise, analyse and interpret media messages.
21] I can mention some basic ways of how I can manage my pocket money effectively.
22] I can talk about the basic ways of saving money.
23] I can describe what I spend and save each week or month.
24] I can help to care for pets and plants.
25] I can talk about how to take care of different pets and animals.
26] I can talk about the different groups and subgroups to which I belong e.g. from global to national and local to family, friends, different activities, school, classroom.
2] I can agree on a set of rules for the group/classroom.
3] I can recognise and make safe choices based on right and wrong/good or bad.
4] I know and can describe the choices open to me and I can talk about some basic skill of appropriate decision making e.g. in food, games, activities, free time, home work.
5] I can talk about what children’s rights are and what they can help children do e.g. the right for protection and care, which includes: the basic needs for food, education and health care; equal protection of the child's civil rights; and freedom from discrimination on the basis of the child's race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, disability, colour, ethnicity and other characteristics.
6] I can clearly explain what is meant by abusive behaviour and can differentiate between abuse and discipline e.g. identifying signs of physical, emotional and sexual abuse as opposed to positive discipline.
7] I can describe a few things that people have in common and a few ways in which they are different.

8] I can talk about and empathise with people who have unmet needs.
9] I can describe things I like and dislike about my local community.
10] I can name people in charge in school and what they do.
11] I can mention things that can be done when someone breaks the rules.
12] I can explain how I can contribute to my local community.
13] I can illustrate how I can work together with a group/class on a project about a social or environmental issue.

14] I can observe my surroundings and can give suggestions on how I might help to improve them e.g. I can identify what actions can be taken at school, at home.
15] I can recognise the impact of my actions on others and the environment and I can identify things that people do which can harm as well as help the environment.

16] I value natural resources and can discuss why they are limited.

17] I can explain the meaning of the term 'media' and can give examples of different types of media.
18] I can illustrate how media is an integral part of our daily life.
19] I can recognise the influence of media on our daily life.
20] I can start to recognise, analyse and interpret media messages.
21] I can mention some basic ways of how I can manage my pocket money effectively.

22] I can talk about the basic ways of saving money.
23] I can describe what I spend and save each week or month.
24] I can help to care for pets and plants.

25] I can talk about how to take care of different pets and animals.
26] I can talk about the different groups and subgroups to which I belong e.g. from global to national and local to family, friends, different activities, school, classroom.

Subject Focus: Career Planning and Exploration
1] I can explain how my contribution in the home is important for the family.
2] I can name the different jobs found in my community.
3] I can discuss and explain the importance of the different jobs found in my community.
4] I can demonstrate the meaning of the terms 'rights', 'duties' and 'responsibilities'.
5] I can discuss stereotypical and non stereotypical roles within the family.
2] I can name the different jobs found in my community.
3] I can discuss and explain the importance of the different jobs found in my community.
4] I can demonstrate the meaning of the terms 'rights', 'duties' and 'responsibilities'.
5] I can discuss stereotypical and non stereotypical roles within the family.
Subject Focus: Closure
1] I can talk about issues and topics that I enjoyed and found useful in PSCD and can discuss why they were of value to me.
2] I can talk about what I would like to cover next year in PSCD and share this with others.
3] I can discuss and describe ways in which I can help myself to do my best and help others do their best too.

2] I can talk about what I would like to cover next year in PSCD and share this with others.

3] I can discuss and describe ways in which I can help myself to do my best and help others do their best too.