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Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment

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Learning Area: Health and Physical Education

Personal, Social And Career Development > LEVEL 8

Subject Focus: Developing my personal identity and intrapersonal awareness​

1] I can recognise the importance of resilience, perseverance and determination e.g. the importance of perseverance in overcoming difficulties and challenges in life.
2] I can confidently demonstrate the importance of achievement on self-esteem and how one’s perception of self can influence one's life choices.
3] I am able to think imaginatively and laterally to solve problems on my own and in collaboration with others.
4] I can communicate my ideas and present my opinions effectively e.g. through informed discussions, appropriate knowledge and information and decision-making processes.
5] I can enjoy public recognition of my acheivement and I am pleased when I succeed at new, different and difficult tasks.
6] I can present myself confidently on different occasions e.g. responding with increasing confidence to new situations and different people.
7] I can manage time and learning effectively e.g. appreciating the need for proper time management, assessing present time management skills and developing ways of managing time better.
8] I can recognise the importance of learning and am motivated to develop and improve.
9] I am able to apply my knowledge and understanding in different contexts. 
10] I can gain access to information independently and use my value judgement in assessing information appropriately.
11] I can discuss various topics and/or themes in a group.
12] I understand the value of and feel competent in managing my own learning. 
13] I am aware of my preferred way of learning and can use this to plan my own learning. 
14] I can evaluate and act on my new learning experiences in relation to my choice of subject and my dreams and aspirations. 
15] I can recognise and manage positive and negative feedback e.g. knowing the difference between constructive and destructive feedback and being able to manage negative feedback appropriately.
16] I can assess personal strengths and set realistic targets. 
17] I can recognise the importance of managing goals and time efficiently.  
18] I can describe and make use of the necessary skills to manage a task through to completion in the required time frame. 
19] I want to get the best out of school life and can explain how this is possible e.g. I know different ways of how school life can be interesting, fun and challenging.

Subject Focus: Developing healthy and respectful relationships 

1] I can introduce myself to my co-students and teachers and share with them some of my values, interests, likes and dislikes; I can recall information about their interests and concerns.
2] I can describe different ways of effectively communicating with others.
3] I can explain why respect is important in social situations and provide examples of respectful communication.
4] I can appreciate the importance of ground rules for effective group functioning and can contribute to a set of ground rules for the group e.g. to listen attentively and respectfully when a group member is talking, not to interrupt, being non-judgemental, accepting each other’s values and points of view.
5] I can discuss how to build on the strengths of others and can provide examples of this.
6] I can explain how my actions can have an effect on what other people do, think and feel and that other people affect what I do, think and feel.
7] I can follow the ideas of others and comment on their views.
8] I can negotiate and contribute to making decisions as part of a productive group. 
9] I can follow group discussions and collaboration and summarise what is being said or done.
10] I can apply personal strengths to group and individual tasks.
11] I can show concern for and defend others by challenging prejudice and discrimination.
12] I can perceive myself through other people’s eyes
13] I can recogonise the value of differences in people’s opinions, beliefs, cultures. 
14] I can give and receive support and am able to seek and be open to guidance and support from peers and adults.
15] I can ask others what they see as their own strengths and I can ask others what they value about me.
16] I can interpret how feeling good about myself affects my relationships.
17] I can explain what is meant by meaningful relationships and discuss their importance to myself and others.
18] I can explain how meaningful relationships are built over time and are informed by one’s values and expectations.
19] I can describe the features of caring, non-caring and harmful relationships.
20] I can identify strengths and areas for development in a range of different relationships.
21] I can provide examples of how intimate relationships can start and end at different times in people’s lives.
22] I can explain what I mean by love and can recall what others mean when they use this term.
23] I can talk to others about the people I love and give reasons why I love them.
24] I can appraise different ways of loving and the importance of love in relationships.
25] I can demonstrate the importance of tolerance and respect for others.
26] I can explain how having a baby changes one's life and carries with it great responsibillity.
27] I can make and keep friends of the same and opposite sexes e.g. skills needed for maintaining same and opposite sex friendships.
28] I can talk about the pressures that are placed on relationships and the changing nature of relationships with friends and family.
29] I can show the importance of and can make positive statements to friends and family members.
30] I can evaluate personal feelings about people who are different and can demonstrate how to live in harmony with myself, others and the natural world at a range of levels from the local to the global.
31] I can talk about the uniqueness of my family and put myself into parents' or guardians' shoes.
32] I can explain how marriage and other stable relationships support children as they grow.
33] I can mention factors which contribute to the quality of family life.
34] I can describe and explore ways in which people could solve conflicts or disagreement without resorting to outbursts or unacceptable actions.
35] I can resolve conflicts without anyone losing face e.g. at home, at school, with friends and with adults.
36] I can debate and support my argument without being judgemental and whilst still being empathic towards others.
37] I can discuss the unacceptability of bullying and peer pressure.
38] I appreciate and recognise that similarities and differences between people are the result of many factors.
39] I can recognise what prejudice and discrimination mean, and their effects on different cultures, gender, sexualities, disability and age.
40] I can identify and talk about injustices and inequalities.
41] I can discuss how stereotypical messages can influence one’s perceptions about others.
42] I can identify and provide examples of overt and covert sexism and can identify ways to challenge it.

Subject Focus: Understanding myself as I am growing up

1] I know different ways of coping with difficult emotions, fears and worries.
2] I can describe how anger and other difficult emotions can be expressed in harmful ways e.g. aggressiveness, drug abuse, hurting others and being abusive.
3] I can describe appropriate and inappropriate ways of expressing positive emotions e.g. happiness, joy, excitement.
4] I can recognise and manage strong feelings in different situations, including loss and change.
5] I can discuss a few ways in which I have changed emotionally, intellectually, physically and socially over the past years.
6] I can discuss and describe how I feel and what I think about my own and others’ sexual orientations.
7] I can describe what makes me feel safe and recall what others have said about what makes them safe e.g. I can talk with others about what people consider to be appropriate touching and harmful touching.
8] I can discuss at what age young people may be ready for sexual activity and I can talk about the relationship between sexual activity, respect and responsibility.
9] I can explain why respect and responsibility are important when making decisions about sexual behaviour.
10] I can describe what is meant by sexual experimentation, readiness and the risks involved.
11] I can recognise and describe the importance of the different aspects of sexual health.
12] I can explain how my own and others’ values can have an impact on how I present and communicate my sexuality.
13] I can talk about different ways of being sexual that are responsible and do not harm me or others.
14] I know that there is a range of sexual lifestyles.
15] I can describe different ways of being sexual and discuss and identify the consequences of different sexual expressions.
16] I know there is no such thing as totally safe sex e.g. I know that when safer sex is mentioned it implies trying to cut down the risks to the minimum level possible but there is always some risk involved.
17] I can identify different kinds of STIs and describe how to protect myself and others against STIs e.g. how to put on a condom.
18] I can explain the ABCD model.
19] I can define the effectiveness and reliability of each contraceptive with regard to preventing pregnancy and STIs.
20] I can describe where I and/or others could go for help if I/they have concerns about STIs e.g. I can name agencies or people who can help when I or others need help with sex-related issues - Genitourinary (GU) Clinic at Mater Dei Hospital and at the University of Malta.
21] I can discuss the importance of personal hygiene and regular physical check-ups to keep myself and others healthy.

Subject Focus: Health, safety and wellbeing

1] I know the possible effects of lifestyle on physical and mental health.
2] I am concerned for friends’ and others’ wellbeing as well as my own.
3] I can explain what is meant by healthy lifestyle e.g. what sort of foods can help me be well physically and mentally, what happens to my mind and body when I do physical exercise, how to deal effectively with pressure and stress (alcohol, self-harm).
4] I know the importance of mental and physical well-being and can discuss different ways of preventing mental and physical illnesses.
5] I can recognise the initial signs and symptoms of stress in myself and others, and have strategies for preventing and reducing it.
6] I can compare different stressful situations and indicate the ones which myself and others might find most stressful.
7] I know how to find information related to health e.g. leisure facilities, fitness centres, health clinics.
8] I know who to go to if I am hurt physically or emotionally.
9] I know how to seek help and support from agencies outside school e.g. local and national organisations which offer help and support.
10] I can demonstrate ways of resisting pressure which threatens my safety and can assess potential risks in relation to abusive relationships, alcohol, smoking and illegal drugs, sexual behaviour.
11] I can describe a range of legal and illegal drugs.
12] I understand and can describe why and how a range of legal and illegal drugs are used recreationally.
13] I know the facts and laws about illegal substances and the dangers of misusing prescribed drugs.
14] I can counter and challenge unwanted pressure.
15] I can mention both the positive and negative aspects of the internet e.g. research, news, entertainment, addictions.
16] I can describe what is meant by ‘digital footprint’ and how personal information on social media can be searched for, copied and passed on.
17] I can explain what ‘sexting’ is and when it is inappropriate and identify alternative forms of communicating personal information.
18] I can explain my responsibilities when using digital media to keep myself and others safe from harm.
19] I can follow instructions and administer simple emergency aid procedures.
20] I can talk about harm reduction techniques to reduce the risk of STIs, teen pregnancy and drug related difficulties.
21] I can recognise alternatives and long and short term consequences when making decisions.
22] I am aware of how the media influences attitudes towards health and health behaviour.

Subject Focus: Citizenship

1] I can resolve problems/conflicts democratically through discussions, using approaches to decision-making and reaching consensus.
2] I can empathise with and express opinions that are not my own. 
3] I am able to listen to, summarise and add to an argument during class or group discussion.
4] I am able to detect bias and omission in others’ arguments.
5] I can perceive what independence, interdependence, rights and responsibilities mean and what value they have to me.
6] I can discuss and explain the difference between my own wants and needs, as well as those of others living in different contexts.
7] I can discuss the main laws which affect my family and I and understand the consequences of breaking the law e.g. the impact it has on myself and the community at large.
8] I am informed about and can discuss the different aspects of the law which effect my age group e.g. part-time jobs, misuse of the internet, alcohol abuse, drugs, sexual abuse.
9] I know the importance of and can mention different voluntary and community groups both in my town and on a national level; I know what they do and their impact on society; I also know about the physical and mental benefits of voluntary work.
10] I can participate in group activities for the local environment or community and I can argue constructively about the concept of fairness and justice through the school rules and sanctions.
11] I can argue about the different aspects of democracy and can relate it to how decisions are made in school and in government.
12] I can differentiate between local councils and central government, what they do and how they are linked to each other.
13] I know that every individual in the community has a right and a duty to vote in elections e.g. voting enables individuals to take part in decision-making both during elections, at local and national level, and in organisations i.e. the importance of willingly playing a full role as a citizen in the electoral process.
14] I can discuss how I can make decisions about use of scarce resources; evaluate information about priorities for spending: personal, community-based, environmental.
15] I can express rational arguments after having researched social, moral and environmental issues.
16] I am able to assess my own lifestyle and my contribution to sustainability.
17] I can illustrate why we have a duty to contribute to sustaining the environment locally and on a global level.
18] I can demonstrate the implications of unsustainable development on the local and global environment and on future generations.
19] I can recognise when choices are affected by the media and other influences.
20] I can consider and provide examples of products that are advertised to appeal to different people.
21] I can illustrate and give examples of how media messages affect attitudes and can cause inequality of opportunity.
22] I can discuss how advertising influences supply and demand.
23] I am aware of and can explain the values which guide me in my spending decisions.
24] I can describe what I spend and save each week or month, when buying products.
25] I can recognise and describe what influences me to spend money on myself and on others.
26] I can describe what is meant by being financially responsible and provide examples of someone being financially irresponsible e.g. the paying or otherwise of taxes.
27] I know the positive impact human activity has on plants, animals and the environment and I can value the aesthetic qualities of my surroundings.
28]  I can discuss the role of the EU, the Commonwealth and the UN and their relevance to my life e.g. the UN's 'Rights of the Child'.  

Subject Focus: Career Planning and Exploration

1] I can recognise and describe my own preconceptions about who does certain jobs.
2] I can talk about the range of knowledge, skills and personal qualities required for the different types of jobs/professions.
3] I can research information independently, especially in relation to career plans.
4] I can talk about the broad job categories, aptitudes and basic qualifications needed for different career paths.
5] I can provide examples of workplace challenges and discuss how these might be addressed ethically.
6] I can describe how jobs and work patterns change and know some of the factors which affect this.
7] I can find out and report on how one’s biases and prejudices can reduce job/career opportunities both for oneself and for other people.
8] I can critically evaluate and report on ways to challenge stereotypical thinking with regard to what jobs people do as well as their progression within jobs.
9] I can discuss and explain my likes, dislikes and aspirations.
10] I can demonstrate that I am prepared for career exposure experiences or work place visits.
11] I can reflect on and critically evaluate and analyse my work place experiences.
12] I can demonstrate that I am aware of different modes of study e.g. full time, part time, on the job training, study leave.
13] I can identify what I need to do for an audience to consider my presentation as effective.
14] I can explain the importance of presenting my capabilities to different audiences by use of CVs and letters.
15] I can describe how a covering letter and CV might be tailored to inform others.
16] I can prepare a CV and covering letter that enables classmates to summarise my capabilities to others.
17] I can identify what is expected from me when attending an interveiw.
18] I can demonstrate to others how not to and how best to conduct oneself during an interview.

Subject Focus: Closure 

1] I can identify issues and topics that I particularly valued in PSCD and summarise why they were of value to me.
2] I can discuss and identify my own strengths and areas for development with regards to PSCD.
3] I can reflect on the issues and topics covered during PSCD and identify challenges and responsibilities in relation to a number of these issues and topics.
4] I can identify what I have learned in relation to PSCD over the last year and I can identify what I would like to cover next year in PSCD and share this with others.
5] I can discuss and describe ways in which I can help myself to do my best and help others do their best too.

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