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Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment

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Learning Area: Religious and Ethics Education

Religion > LEVEL 7

Learning Area Outcome: I am able to understand and value the notion of human community and the diverse ways it expresses itself, and to see this as a source of richness. (Strand: Religious Language)

Subject Focus: Community life, relationships and roles in communities of faith

1] I can discuss the particular characteristics of community life, faith communities and religious groups, reflect and write on these, enabling me to celebrate God’s love and care for others.

Learning Area Outcome: I can understand how religious and secular cultures and belief systems sustain different ways of life and can co-exist harmoniously in societies like that in Malta, where moral and cultural differences are respected and valued. (Strand: Religious Language)

Subject Focus: Religion and Society

1] I can describe the meaning of ecology, write about the contribution of the Catholic Church to this issue, whilst valuing and respecting ecology in my life, in society and globally. 

Learning Area Outcome: I am aware of the basic tenents, rituals and narratives of the major belief systems. (Strand: Religious Language)

Subject Focus: Major World Religions - Selected Study

1] I can explain how Christians/Catholics, Jews and Muslims practise their beliefs, and how these differ from my faith practice. 

Learning Area Outcome: I can learn about and from my own experience of the world, as well as from the beliefs, practices and traditions of others. (Strand: Religious Language)

Subject Focus: Beliefs, Traditions, Practices - World Religions, selected study.

1] I can name and describe two rituals associated with Christianity/Catholicism, Judaism and Islam and reflect upon and write on how these relate to the lives of people nowadays for instance: Christian rituals: Baptism, Holy Communion; Jewish rituals: prayer and observing Kosher eating practices; Islamic  rituals: prayer (Salat) and alms giving (Zakat).

Learning Area Outcome: I can learn about and from my own experience of the world, and from the beliefs, practices and traditions of others. (Strand: Religious Language)

Subject Focus: Respect and conviviality

1] I can examine cases where during phases of great conflict and suffering, persons of faith displayed extraordinary compassion to humanity for instance: Irena Sendler or Franz Jagerstatter or Saint Charles Lwanga.

Learning Area Outcome: I have a positive sense of myself, which I nurture through self-care and self-mastery, and of my connectedness with God, others, the natural environment (animal and material) (Strand: Spiritual Dimension)

Subject Focus: Connectedness with myself, others and God 

1] I can express various opinions, even divergent ones, without losing my connectedness with others. 
2] I can reflect on positive and negative events that occurred during the day, and speak with God honestly by writing a journal.
3] I can describe the meaning of liturgy in simple language and express, in various ways, how it is a means of connectedness with God and others, because it is a community event. 
4] I can identify situations of wonder and mystery in my life.
5] I can acknowledge the presence of the Sacred in everyday life.

Learning Area Outcome: I can formulate and express questions that are fundamental to human experience and endeavour to find an answer. (Strand: Spiritual Dimension)

Subject Focus: Challenging aspects in human experience

1] I can identify cases of human suffering caused by human injustice.

Learning Area Outcome: I can relate critically to the Word of God and acknowledge its practical implications for human experience. (Strand: Word of God and Living the Gospel)

Subject Focus: Word of God - The Bible 

1] I can explain the structure of books as classified in the Holy Scripture.
2] I can explore through Genesis 1 and 2, the gift of life and reflect upon the dignity of the human person.
3] I can explain and show God’s love for me in various ways.

Learning Area Outcome: I can reflect and act on situations both personal as well as those belonging to the community, in a critical manner, in the light of Tradition and the Biblical message. (Strand; Word of God and living the Gospel).

Subject Focus: Challenges in the light of Catholic Tradition and the Biblical message

1] I can explore through Jesus’ teachings, and miracles, His role as a Teacher and Healer, reflecting upon how these can influence my life and the lives of others. 
2] I can write about the meaning of the life, passion, death and resurrection of Jesus for the early Christian Communities and for communities nowadays
3] I can explore spiritual healing through the power of the sacraments and understand how these enable me to show mercy, forgiveness, kindness, compassion and justice. 
4] I can write about the Christian meaning of a sacrament, reflect and discuss how the practice of sacraments enables us to connect with each other in various ways. 

Learning Area Outcome: I acknowledge the rich plurality of experiences and expressions shown by individuals as well as communities in their commitment to living the Gospel. (Strand: Word of God and Christian/Catholic belief)

Subject Focus: Choosing role models

1] I can explore how St Clare of Assisi lived the Christian virtues of courage and poverty.
2] I can explore the lives of various saints and of people of good faith and through them, I can learn how to grow in justice, honesty and forgiveness for instance: Justice: Rosa Parks, or Bartolome de las Casas; Honesty: Margaret Pole; or St Bartolomeo the Apostle; Forgiveness: St John Paul II, or St Rita.

Learning Area Outcome: I am able to understand contemporary moral language and its central concepts and metaphors, including those of rights, virtues, duties, obligations, autonomy, self-regarding and other-regarding acts, side-effects, and consequences. (Strand: Education  to the Virtues)

Subject Focus: Understanding moral language

1] I can explain the meaning of moral action resulting from free choice and personal and collective responsibility.

Learning Area Outcome: I can collaborate with others in the construction of a shared and mutually enriching vision of life. (Strand: Education to the  virtues)

Subject Focus: Maturing in education through the virtues

1] I can explore the meaning and implications of the need for personal morality, based on the acquisition of moral virtues through good practice, following good examples and good family upbringing. 
2] I can explore the meaning of freedom as God’s gift as well as the moral implications of liberty. 
3] I can explain the meaning of moral failure and sin, together with the need to be forgiven and to forgive, i.e., the restoration of relationships with God and neighbour.

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