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Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment

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Learning Area: Science and Technology

Core Science > LEVEL 9

Learning Area Outcome: Learners can demonstrate achievement of Outcomes in many different ways; for example by talking about a topic, answering questions orally, drawing relevant diagrams, showing understanding through role-play, creating a presentation or by any other appropriate method or combination of methods. The terms “describe” or “explain” in Outcomes do not necessarily require a written description or explanation.

Subject Focus: What do scientists do? 

1] I can plan and investigate a complex scientific concept or topic using a range of resources.
2] I can develop my own questions or hypotheses for testing, and plan a fair test in which several variables are controlled.
3] I can make refinements to improve techniques and reduce sources of error.
4] I can describe the relationship between variables in terms of scientific concepts, and indicate whether the data is sufficient to support the conclusion drawn.
5] I can write a scientific report, which includes clear descriptions and explanations, using appropriate scientific terminology.
6] I can critique scientific models for their effectiveness to explain scientific ideas.
7] I can investigate how scientists arrive at conclusions.
8] I can discuss positive and negative effects of science on quality of life.
9] I can evaluate the ethical nature of some scientific occupations.
10] I can learn how to use sophisticated scientific apparatus.
11] I can collect and record data systematically using repeated trials for consistency.
12] I can formulate a risk assessment report linked to an investigation and suggest safety procedures.
13] I can assume a leadership role during a scientific investigation.

Subject Focus: How do we stay alive?

1] I can construct a simple key to identify animals in the main animal phyla and classes.
2] I can present information on the negative effect of pesticides on pollinating insects.
3] I can explain how features are inherited from a parent type and how new varieties of plants are produced.
4] I can construct a simple key to identify common local endemic plants species.
5] I can describe the structure and function of some specialised animal cells for particular functions, such as transport, movement and sensitivity.
6] I can defend the benefits of organ transplants.
7] I can describe the processes of complete and incomplete metamorphosis.
8] I can discuss the implications of becoming a parent.
9] I can evaluate information related to contraception and in-vitro fertilisation.
10] I can discuss and critique the relevance of Charles Darwin’s work.

Subject Focus: How do we keep fit and healthy?

1] I can justify, using examples, why blood transfusions are sometimes necessary. 
2] I can discuss the benefits of eating local produce and organic food.
3] I can investigate how sporting activities affect breathing patterns.
4] I can make choices regarding sporting activities that are beneficial for myself.
5] I can explain how sexually transmitted diseases, known as STDs, can be avoided.
6] I can investigate how new pandemics have affected the modern world.
7] I can describe how allergic reactions can be treated.
8] I can discuss common atmospheric pollutants, their sources and implications.
9] I can explain decomposition of organic and inorganic materials, and the need for waste management.
10] I can explain the advantages of sewage treatment. 
11] I can give examples of how modern technologies can monitor health and be used to diagnose illnesses.

Subject Focus: ​How do our senses help us gather information?

1] I can investigate how sound can be reflected, and describe examples of how this can be useful or problematic.
2] I can investigate how the microphone and the stethoscope detect sounds.
3] I can build a simple telescope using lenses. 
4] I can find out how coloured images are created on a TV or computer screen.

Subject Focus: What is Energy?

1] I can critically evaluate the economic and environmental benefits of using energy-efficient appliances in the home.
2] I can investigate the relationship between the difference in temperature between an object and its surroundings, and the rate at which heat energy is transferred.
3] I can discuss the advantages and disadvantages of rechargeable batteries.
4] I can investigate the effects of electric fields on positive and negative charges.
5] I can explain the need to link the supply of electricity to demand.
6] I can interpret scientific claims about energy sources and their impact on the environment.
7] I can model or illustrate how houses, schools and work places are electrically wired.
8] I can use a circuit to investigate the relationship between voltage, current and resistance.
9] I can describe how semiconductors differ from ordinary conductors, and how and why they are used.

Subject Focus: What are things made of?

1] I can investigate how volume, temperature and pressure are related for a gas.
2] I can demonstrate through simple investigations how the density of a material depends on its mass and volume.
3] I can talk about the development of new materials.
4] I can research the properties and uses of important alloys. 
5] I can investigate the use of catalysts in reactions.
6] I can research and write a report about chemicals which are used in everyday life .
7] I can investigate the causes and implications of acid rain.
8] I can investigate how water can be split into its constituent elements.
9] I can explain the nature of radioactivity.

Subject Focus: How does planet Earth support life?

1] I can investigate how landscapes can change due to natural causes, including flooding, volcanoes and earthquakes.
2] I can investigate how various materials which are normally discarded can be recycled.
3] I can discuss the threats alien plant species pose.
4] I can explain how knowledge of plant biology has helped inform agricultural practice.
5] I can discuss issues related to water conservation on a national and international level.
6] I can discuss ways of slowing down or reducing the impact of climate change.
7] I can present information about how seasons and the life cycles of plants and animals are interrelated.
8] I am able to explain how the use of chemicals has caused depletion of the ozone layer.

Subject Focus: How do things move?

1] I can investigate how acceleration is related to unbalanced force on an object.
2] I can explain the forces acting on the structure of a bridge.
3] I can explain the difference and relationship between mass and weight.
4] I can describe the role of Galileo, Newton and Einstein in developing our understanding of gravity.
5] I can investigate how to build the best parachute.
6] I can describe the motion of a roller-coaster in terms of the forces acting and conservation of energy.

Subject Focus: What is there out in Space?

1] I can explain why detecting the presence of water on another planet is important.
2] I can explain why light years are used as an astronomical unit of distance measurement.
3] I can describe and demonstrate the magnetism of the Earth.
4] I can explain why scientists believe that the universe is billions of years old.
5] I can research the materials used for space suits to allow astronauts to survive outside their spacecraft.
6] I can explain how gravity keeps planets in orbit around the sun.

Subject Focus: What do Forensic Scientists do?

1] I can reconstruct a crime by combining several types of evidence.
2] I can explain how DNA evidence can be used to solve crimes.
3] I can explain how evidence can be obtained from burnt material.
4] I can extract DNA from plant material.

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