Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Religious and Ethics Education
Ethics > LEVEL 10
Learning Area Outcome: I can learn about, and from, my own experience of the world and from the beliefs, practices and traditions of others.
Subject Focus: Learning about, and from our own, experience of the world, and from the beliefs, practices and traditions of others.
1] I can demonstrate how reflective action is influenced by different religious faiths.

Learning Area Outcome: I can understand how religious and secular cultures and belief systems sustain different ways of life, and can co-exist harmoniously in societies such as the Maltese society, where moral and cultural difference is respected and valued.
Subject Focus: Religious and Secular Cultures and Belief Systems
1] I can demonstrate an understanding of the impact of various world religions on peace, social justice, solidarity and respect for the sacredness and dignity of human life, in relation to contemporary issues and events.
2] I can apply ethical theories to the analysis of life and death issues.

2] I can apply ethical theories to the analysis of life and death issues.
Learning Area Outcome: I am aware of the basic tenets, rituals and narratives of the major belief systems.
Subject Focus: The Three Monotheistic Religions
1] I can address problems in my daily life, and tackle contemporary social problems by applying the teachings of the religions, as well as the ethical theories that I have studied.

Learning Area Outcome: I am able to understand and value the notion of a human community, and the diverse ways it expresses itself in, and to see this as a source of richness.
Subject Focus: The Human Community
1] I can give examples of dilemmas related to issues of solidarilty and welfare rights.
2] I can evaluate the contribution of people who are considered to be different, towards the Maltese community. The word 'different' here applies to gender, ethnicity, religion, race, ability and sexuality .
2] I can evaluate the contribution of people who are considered to be different, towards the Maltese community. The word 'different' here applies to gender, ethnicity, religion, race, ability and sexuality .
Learning Area Outcome: I have a positive sense of myself which I nurture through self-care and self-mastery, and of my connectedness with others, with the natural environment (animal and material), and, if I am a believer, with an Ultimate reality.
Subject Focus: Fostering a positive sense of ourselves
1] I can summarise how taking care of myself is related to taking care of others.
2] I can assess actions which do not respect the life of human and non-human beings.
3] I can evaluate the notions of intrinsic and instrumental value, and relate them to ethical theories.

2] I can assess actions which do not respect the life of human and non-human beings.
3] I can evaluate the notions of intrinsic and instrumental value, and relate them to ethical theories.
Learning Area Outcome: I can formulate and express questions that are fundamental to human experience and endeavour to find an answer.
Subject Focus: Questions that are fundamental to Human Experience
1] I can apply the principles of justice when reflecting about my own life, and about the lives of others.
2] I can discuss the pros and cons of ethical theories such as Kantianism and Utilitarianism, among others.
3] I can apply my knowledge of different religions and humanist philosophies to examine life and death issues.
4] I can evaluate arguments related to life and death issues.
5] I can critically reflect on issues about violence and pacifism.

2] I can discuss the pros and cons of ethical theories such as Kantianism and Utilitarianism, among others.
3] I can apply my knowledge of different religions and humanist philosophies to examine life and death issues.

4] I can evaluate arguments related to life and death issues.
5] I can critically reflect on issues about violence and pacifism.
Learning Area Outcome: I am able to understand contemporary moral language and its central concepts and metaphors, including those of rights, virtues, duties, obligations, autonomy, self-regarding and other-regarding acts, side-effects, and consequences.
Subject Focus: Contemporary Moral Language and its Central Concepts and Metaphors
1] I can give examples of dilemmas where the right to life is in conflict with other human rights.
Learning Area Outcome: I am able to reflect on that language critically but with due respect for those with different beliefs and a different moral outlook
Subject Focus: Respect for others
1] I can reach conclusions after considering various arguments in a discussion.
2] I can give examples of moral dilemmas related to the right to self-defence.
2] I can give examples of moral dilemmas related to the right to self-defence.
Learning Area Outcome: I can contribute meaningfully and reflectively to moral debate even on fundamental and contentious questions, duly respecting the right of others to think and argue differently.
Subject Focus: Engaging in Moral Debate
1] I can reflect critically on moral issues and keep a detailed journal of these reflections. This journal shows that I can identify and frame key ethical dilemmas, and I can consider the consequences of the various perspectives.
2] I can take information from class discussions, class activities and my own reading, and apply it appropriately when writing arguments on moral and ethical issues.
3] I can evaluate different moral positions taken by religious and humanist philosophies when addressing life and death questions.

2] I can take information from class discussions, class activities and my own reading, and apply it appropriately when writing arguments on moral and ethical issues.

3] I can evaluate different moral positions taken by religious and humanist philosophies when addressing life and death questions.
Learning Area Outcome: I am willing to give the other voice provided that that voice is not the voice of gratuitous insensitivity and irrational hate aimed against others, to seek compromise instead of confrontation where possible, and to respect disagreement where this is the case.
Subject Focus: Giving Others a Voice
1] I can appreciate the diversity in different religions and cultures.
2] I can demonstrate a positive attitude towards people having different religions, and respect for their beliefs.

2] I can demonstrate a positive attitude towards people having different religions, and respect for their beliefs.

Learning Area Outcome: I can collaborate with others in the construction of a shared and mutually enriching vision of life.
Subject Focus: Collaborating with others in the construction of a shared and mutually enriching vision of life
1] I can apply ethical theories to the analysis of personal and social issues.
2] I can identify situations which require the prioritising of values and virtues.
2] I can identify situations which require the prioritising of values and virtues.
Learning Area Outcome: I am committed to be fair and just towards myself and others, to live a reflective life subject to my moral and other values, and mindful of my obligations towards others who form my society and community and towards other beings who form the world community, human and non-human (or animal), of which I am also an active and responsible member.
Subject Focus: Justice and Fairness
1] I can demonstrate an awareness of the complexities involved in making moral decisions.
2] I can demonstrate open-mindedness, consistency and tolerance when discussing, and writing, about ethical issues.
3] I can apply critical thinking skills to the making of reasoned, and responsible, moral decisions through discussions of various ethical issues.
2] I can demonstrate open-mindedness, consistency and tolerance when discussing, and writing, about ethical issues.

3] I can apply critical thinking skills to the making of reasoned, and responsible, moral decisions through discussions of various ethical issues.