Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Religious and Ethics Education
Ethics > LEVEL 9
Learning Area Outcome: I can learn about, and from, my own experience of the world and from the beliefs, practices and traditions of others.
Subject Focus: Learning about, and from our own, experience of the world, and from the beliefs, practices and traditions of others.
1] I can compare and reflect on different values, such as the value of life.

Learning Area Outcome: I can understand how religious and secular cultures and belief systems sustain different ways of life, and can co-exist harmoniously in societies such as the Maltese society, where moral and cultural difference is respected and valued.
Subject Focus: Religious and Secular Cultures and Belief Systems
1] I can explain that moral difference is the fruit of cultural and religious differences.
2] I can articulate the different interpretations of the sanctity of a life doctrine.
3] I can discuss the positions, for and against the sanctity of life doctrine, and discuss it in light of life and death issues.
2] I can articulate the different interpretations of the sanctity of a life doctrine.

3] I can discuss the positions, for and against the sanctity of life doctrine, and discuss it in light of life and death issues.
Learning Area Outcome: I am aware of the basic tenets, rituals and narratives of the major belief systems.
Subject Focus: The Three Monotheistic Religions
1] I can discuss how the three monotheistic religions deal with life and death issues.
Learning Area Outcome: I am able to understand and value the notion of a human community, and the diverse ways it expresses itself in, and to see this as a source of richness.
Subject Focus: The Human Community
1] I can explain how recognising the dignity of people contributes to respectful human relations within a community.
2] I can assess how gender differences are treated within the Maltese society.
2] I can assess how gender differences are treated within the Maltese society.
Learning Area Outcome: I have a positive sense of myself which I nurture through self-care and self-mastery, and of my connectedness with others, with the natural environment (animal and material), and, if I am a believer, with an Ultimate reality.
Subject Focus: Fostering a positive sense of ourselves
1] I can examine what makes life valuable.
2] I can argue about the right to life of human and non human beings.
3] I can explore, to greater depth, the distinction between intrinsic and instrumental value.
4] I can evaluate the arguments in favour and against capital punishment.
2] I can argue about the right to life of human and non human beings.
3] I can explore, to greater depth, the distinction between intrinsic and instrumental value.
4] I can evaluate the arguments in favour and against capital punishment.
Learning Area Outcome: I can formulate and express questions that are fundamental to human experience and endeavour to find an answer.
Subject Focus: Questions that are fundamental to Human Experience
1] I can discuss whether self-defence is morally just.
2] I can build an argument on whether numbers count in life and death situations.
3] I can explore the claim on 'the right to die' with reference to acts of suicide, both self inflicted and assisted suicide.
4] I can argue about the idea of whether death also has value.
5] I can discuss whether people are free to decide about their own life and death, and those of others.
6] I can explore the question of violence and pacifism, and the different positions taken on their use.
2] I can build an argument on whether numbers count in life and death situations.
3] I can explore the claim on 'the right to die' with reference to acts of suicide, both self inflicted and assisted suicide.
4] I can argue about the idea of whether death also has value.
5] I can discuss whether people are free to decide about their own life and death, and those of others.
6] I can explore the question of violence and pacifism, and the different positions taken on their use.
Learning Area Outcome: I am able to understand contemporary moral language and its central concepts and metaphors, including those of rights, virtues, duties, obligations, autonomy, self-regarding and other-regarding acts, side-effects, and consequences.
Subject Focus: Contemporary Moral Language and its Central Concepts and Metaphors
1] I can recognise, reflect upon and discuss the notion of the right to life.
2] I can explore moral issues that concern the prevention and termination of life, namely contraception, abortion and euthanasia.
2] I can explore moral issues that concern the prevention and termination of life, namely contraception, abortion and euthanasia.
Learning Area Outcome: I am able to reflect on that language critically but with due respect for those with different beliefs and a different moral outlook
Subject Focus: Respect for others
1] I can evaluate a discussion, for example discussions about the value of life, or the subject of death.
2] I can examine the right of self-defence. Related to this, a basic discussion on the use of violence is highly relevant, distinguishing between an aggressive use of violence and the use of violence in self- defence. Different positions (pacifist, realist and moderate) can be considered. Also the issue of bullying can be raised here, as an example of unprovoked mental or physical violence which cannot be tolerated.
2] I can examine the right of self-defence. Related to this, a basic discussion on the use of violence is highly relevant, distinguishing between an aggressive use of violence and the use of violence in self- defence. Different positions (pacifist, realist and moderate) can be considered. Also the issue of bullying can be raised here, as an example of unprovoked mental or physical violence which cannot be tolerated.
Learning Area Outcome: I can contribute meaningfully and reflectively to moral debate even on fundamental and contentious questions, duly respecting the right of others to think and argue differently.
Subject Focus: Engaging in Moral Debate
1] I can evaluate and reflect upon the general moral issues of the value of life through writing, e.g. journal keeping.
A particular case study that may be useful in reflecting on the value of life is that of the Gozo twins.
2] I can write my own argument on selected topics or issues.
For example, about whether one has the right to decide whether one should live or die, and who has this right.
3] I can distinguish between the claims of “All life is sacred”, “All human life is sacred” and “All innocent human life is sacred.” These statements may be discussed with reference to actions such as self-defence, capital punishment, assisted suicide, abortion and euthanasia.
A particular case study that may be useful in reflecting on the value of life is that of the Gozo twins.

2] I can write my own argument on selected topics or issues.
For example, about whether one has the right to decide whether one should live or die, and who has this right.

3] I can distinguish between the claims of “All life is sacred”, “All human life is sacred” and “All innocent human life is sacred.” These statements may be discussed with reference to actions such as self-defence, capital punishment, assisted suicide, abortion and euthanasia.
Learning Area Outcome: I am willing to give the other voice provided that that voice is not the voice of gratuitous insensitivity and irrational hate aimed against others, to seek compromise instead of confrontation where possible, and to respect disagreement where this is the case.
Subject Focus: Giving Others a Voice
1] I can argue that moral difference is often due to cultural and religious differences and must be understood in this way for the sake of tolerance.
2] I can show open-mindedness in my discussions about controversial issues.

2] I can show open-mindedness in my discussions about controversial issues.

Learning Area Outcome: I can collaborate with others in the construction of a shared and mutually enriching vision of life.
Subject Focus: Collaborating with others in the construction of a shared and mutually enriching vision of life
1] I can recognise that respect for others means that one should never use human beings as means, but as ends.
Learning Area Outcome: I am committed to be fair and just towards myself and others, to live a reflective life subject to my moral and other values, and mindful of my obligations towards others who form my society and community and towards other beings who form the world community, human and non-human (or animal), of which I am also an active and responsible member.
Subject Focus: Justice and Fairness
1] I can discuss the practice of capital punishment.
2] I can distinguish between the pacifist and the sceptical realist’s stance on self-defence.
3] I can employ the principle of proportionality in cases of the use of violence.
2] I can distinguish between the pacifist and the sceptical realist’s stance on self-defence.
3] I can employ the principle of proportionality in cases of the use of violence.