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Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment

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Learning Area: Visual and Performing Arts

Art > LEVEL 7

Learning Area Outcome: I value my background and everyday experiences as sources of inspiration and can relate the visual arts to my immediate environment; ​I am able to draw on my curiosity, imagination and divergent thinking processes to pose questions and explore ideas, spaces, materials and technologies; I can apply skills and dispositions such as goal setting, working independently and collaboratively, showing initiative, experimentation and adaptability

Subject Focus: Encouraging the personal and collaborative responses of the learner: promoting curiosity, exploration, experimentation and invention.

1] I can carefully observe and record details directly and from secondary sources, which have personal relevance in my local environment.
2] I can investigate, observe and gather data information about my environment.
3] I can demonstrate self-motivation and interest in representing what I see, feel, experience and imagine.
4] I am motivated to participate, with assistance, in the organisation of a group exhibition outside the classroom.
5] I can give examples of significant individual responses to the environment, in the work of professional artists and designers.
6] I can use colour to create naturalistic, expressive or symbolic outcomes.
7] I can take some creative risks when exploring, experimenting and responding to ideas, such as advertising.
8] I can respond to music through spontaneous mark-making or  painting.
9] I can listen to my group members and accept that they may have different viewpoints and abilities.
10] I am confident in discussing my views with others.
11] I can take creative ideas suggested by my peers and turn them into collaborative artworks.
12] I can manage goals and time.
13] I can respond to poetry or music in visual art terms.
14] I can describe different aspects of art and craft.

Learning Area Outcome: I understand how to employ basic ethical decision-making when reflecting on my own and others’ art works and when creating art works that involve the intellectual and cultural property rights of others; I can interpret a variety of artistic forms, recognising and evaluating traditional, historical and contemporary works and identifying possible meanings; I understand the role of the visual arts in fostering lifelong learning. I am also aware of professional arts companies, galleries, museums, cultural organisations and creative adults, in Malta and the wider world, and their role in achieving such learning.

Subject Focus: Interpreting and Evaluating Art.

1] I can research information about artists or designers, and their work, from a variety of sources.
2] When talking and writing about my own work and that of others, I can use art terms to describe it.
3] When talking and writing about my own work and that of others I can interpret its purpose or meaning.
4] I can draw upon my knowledge of the context and purposes of art and design to evaluate my work.
5] I can make a personal evaluation of my own designs and those of others.
6] I can compare and contrast different art works with identical subject matter or compositions.
7] I can communicate my response to art in written and/or visual forms.
8] I can make links with other disciplines, such as Science and Social Studies.
9] I can identify artistic genres like still life, landscape and so on.

Learning Area Outcome: I can interpret, communicate and present ideas, problems and arguments in a number of visual modes; ​I can apply my understanding of the properties of media and of techniques to specific tasks and purposes that will benefit user groups and audiences.

Subject Focus: Demonstrating understanding of Materials, Techniques, Skills, Media and Aesthetic Qualities.

1] I can observe, record and investigate first hand experiences using drawing and other media, such as paints and clay. PERSONAL LEARNING
2] With support, I can use and select from a range of media, materials, tools and processes in 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional art. 
3] I can demonstrate evidence of experimentation and personal choice when using media.
4] I can demonstrate some understanding of the qualities of different media and their suitability for different purposes. 
5] I can demonstrate understanding of the visual elements, such as line, texture and pattern.
6] I can demonstrate and discuss the developments in my work as I gain new techniques, skills and confidence with 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional media.
7] I can compose elements on a 2- Dimensional surface to indicate space, such as linear and aerial perspective. 

Learning Area Outcome: I understand the capacity of visual arts to address moral, ethical, social and political issues relevant to Malta and the wider world. I appreciate that the arts can be challenging and provide a space for addressing social difference as well as facilitating social and cultural cohesion; ​I understand that imaginative activity can be harnessed to produce outcomes that contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of Malta and the wider world; I know how to learn and update my knowledge of the arts.

Subject Focus: Art in Context.

1. I can explain the relationship between art, craft and design in some different historical and geographic contexts, such as Asian, Australian, European, American and African.
2. I can identify art produced during a specific historical time and discuss its particular features such as visual elements.
3. I can talk about and I am motivated to express an environmental or social issue.
4.  I can discuss the ways in which a number of different cultures have influenced each other in the production of art and design.
5.  I can demonstrate my knowledge of the relationship between the arts

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