Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Education for Democracy
Social Studies > LEVEL 7
Learning Area Outcome: I am a critical thinker and can enquire through different sources of information in order to reach well informed, rational, justified and ethical conclusions in an ongoing self-reflective process that includes re-evaluation of my own views.
Subject Focus: The Self within Society (Social Studies General)
1] I can define these keywords: the self, society, and socialization.
2] I can state the connection between aspects of my self-identity and that of others.
3] I can identify aspects of self-identity which distinguish the self from the general trend within a particular social environment.
4] I can explain in a general way the social environment influencing the self being examined.
5] I can identify what is a social being.
6] I can demonstrate the relevance of the self as a unique person and distinguish between different levels of identity - personal, social, local, national and global.
7] I can differentiate between sex and gender.
8] I can discuss the issues of gender and racial equality.
9] I can identify situations of gender and racial discrimination.
10] I can understand that people coming from different races should have similar rights and opportunities.
11] I can explain socialisation (primary and secondary socialisation).
12] I can explain the main agents of socialisation:
13] I can explain the difference between different types of agents of socialisation and how these affect social development in different stages of life.
14] I can understand that the learning of norms and values that each agent of socialisation imparts, affects life, character, health and social development and can bring people to collaborate and work closer together.
15] I can understand the connection between self/identities and the process of socialisation.
2] I can state the connection between aspects of my self-identity and that of others.
3] I can identify aspects of self-identity which distinguish the self from the general trend within a particular social environment.
- Skin colour
- Spoken languages
- Gender
- Social
- Religion
- Upbringing in Malta and other societies.
4] I can explain in a general way the social environment influencing the self being examined.
5] I can identify what is a social being.

6] I can demonstrate the relevance of the self as a unique person and distinguish between different levels of identity - personal, social, local, national and global.
7] I can differentiate between sex and gender.
- Diversity and other gender identities.
8] I can discuss the issues of gender and racial equality.
9] I can identify situations of gender and racial discrimination.
10] I can understand that people coming from different races should have similar rights and opportunities.

11] I can explain socialisation (primary and secondary socialisation).
12] I can explain the main agents of socialisation:
- Family
- Peer group
- Education
- Media
- Sports
- Religion
13] I can explain the difference between different types of agents of socialisation and how these affect social development in different stages of life.
14] I can understand that the learning of norms and values that each agent of socialisation imparts, affects life, character, health and social development and can bring people to collaborate and work closer together.
15] I can understand the connection between self/identities and the process of socialisation.
Learning Area Outcome: I am able to work creatively and cooperatively within my school and local community to improve the lives of others.
Subject Focus: Populations, Development and Environments (Social Studies General)
1] I can define population and its impact on the development and environment of a country.
2] I can understand that population increase effects the development of a country.
3] I can understand some of the changes in development that lead to consumerism.
5] I can apply my knowledge on production and consumption to real life situations and analyse the three main stages that form the chain of production.
6] I can state connections between availability and price of products/services; demand and supply.
7. I can discuss the difference between goods and services and how these can be used responsibly.
8] I can see the importance of buying fair trade products.
9] I can differentiate between wants and needs.
10] I can differentiate between different types of consumers and how this affects consumerism.
12] I can explain the relationship between consumption and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
13] I can discuss how students can manage their own resources.
Target setting, budgeting and management of own resources to reach their goals.
2] I can understand that population increase effects the development of a country.
3] I can understand some of the changes in development that lead to consumerism.
- Social development
- Economic development
- Environmental development
5] I can apply my knowledge on production and consumption to real life situations and analyse the three main stages that form the chain of production.
6] I can state connections between availability and price of products/services; demand and supply.
7. I can discuss the difference between goods and services and how these can be used responsibly.
8] I can see the importance of buying fair trade products.
9] I can differentiate between wants and needs.
- Responsible consumers can contribute actively towards the protection of their own environment when acquiring different products or services
10] I can differentiate between different types of consumers and how this affects consumerism.
- Impulse buyers
- Seasonal buyers
- Bargain seekers
- Brand buyers
12] I can explain the relationship between consumption and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
13] I can discuss how students can manage their own resources.
Target setting, budgeting and management of own resources to reach their goals.
Learning Area Outcome: I reflect upon and explore my Maltese identity and the relationships between diversity and identity in Malta, Europe and the world.
Subject Focus: Social Groups and Social Institutions (Social Studies General)
1] I can explain the difference between social groups and social institutions.
2] I can explain and discuss the main types of social groups (for example, the family, the peer group, pressure groups, groups within the village/town, groups at national and international levels).
3] I can explain social institutions:
4] I can analyse different social groups and how these evolve due to different lifestyles, working conditions, media influence and other external influences.
5] I can explain the dynamics of local, national and international social groups.
6] I can demonstrate that to work in a group the members need to show flexibility, different communication skills, knowledge and attitudes.
7] I can explain civic values such as those of co-operation, equality, solidarity and inclusion through social groups and institutions.
8] I can discuss how different civic values and responsibilities within various groups and institutions can lead to the deterioration or wellbeing of society.
9] I can explain and identify my role in different groups and situations, while respecting the role of others.
10] I can understand the importance of being part of social groups.
11] I can explain the different roles, duties and rights within social groups.
2] I can explain and discuss the main types of social groups (for example, the family, the peer group, pressure groups, groups within the village/town, groups at national and international levels).
3] I can explain social institutions:
- the family – nuclear, extended, symmetrical, reconstituted, same sex, single parent
- religion – social aspects of religion
- Sports – social benefits of sports
- Education – formal, non-formal, informal
- Politics – parliament, Office of the Prime minister, Courts of Justice
4] I can analyse different social groups and how these evolve due to different lifestyles, working conditions, media influence and other external influences.
5] I can explain the dynamics of local, national and international social groups.
6] I can demonstrate that to work in a group the members need to show flexibility, different communication skills, knowledge and attitudes.
7] I can explain civic values such as those of co-operation, equality, solidarity and inclusion through social groups and institutions.
8] I can discuss how different civic values and responsibilities within various groups and institutions can lead to the deterioration or wellbeing of society.
9] I can explain and identify my role in different groups and situations, while respecting the role of others.
10] I can understand the importance of being part of social groups.
11] I can explain the different roles, duties and rights within social groups.
Learning Area Outcome: I can identify the political processes of participation, representation, campaigning for change and decision-making and I know how to take part in these democratic processes in my school, including the Students’ Council and everyday life. I explore and evaluate local and global social, economic, political and environmental issues of both the past and the present.
Subject Focus: Power and Politics (Social Studies General)
1] I can define power and politics.
2] I can explain the main characteristics of democracy.
3] I can explain strengths and weaknesses in the dynamics of power structures that form part of my local, national and international contexts.
4] I can engage in simple political action and use democratic processes in order to solve particular issues.
5] I can explain why in society it is important for people to respect each other.
6] I can explain why in society it is important for people to be equal and live freely.
7] I can recognise that a democratic environment prevails outside the school and their village/town environment
Democratic environment in the family, at school and in their neighbourhood is positive and healthy.
8] I can explain why fundamental human rights are important.
2] I can explain the main characteristics of democracy.
- The main characteristics of democracy that treats all citizens equal and provides them with a set of equal rights and opportunities.
- Pluralism and tolerance are crucial in a democratic society.
- Dictatorship as another form of government.
- The advantages and disadvantages of democracy and other political systems in the world.
3] I can explain strengths and weaknesses in the dynamics of power structures that form part of my local, national and international contexts.
- Local Councils
- National Government
- International Governance – European Union
4] I can engage in simple political action and use democratic processes in order to solve particular issues.
- Democratically campaigning for a candidate/ running as candidate, to be democratically elected;
- Voting for a class prefect/decision/representative on the school council or similar
- Political action when the voice of a voting minority is not reflected in the decisions taken or election.
5] I can explain why in society it is important for people to respect each other.
- Democracy in terms of mutual respect and apply theoretical knowledge to real life situations.
6] I can explain why in society it is important for people to be equal and live freely.
- Freedom and equality as fundamental values without which a democratic society cannot exist
- Freedom and equality are a right and responsibility at the same time.
7] I can recognise that a democratic environment prevails outside the school and their village/town environment
Democratic environment in the family, at school and in their neighbourhood is positive and healthy.
8] I can explain why fundamental human rights are important.
- Be able to mention one basic human right and describe its relevance and importance to the person
- Importance of fundamental human rights and real life situations in the context of developed and non-developed countries
- The importance of democracy in relation to basic human rights vis a vis civic values and responsibilities.
Learning Area Outcome: I reflect upon and explore my Maltese identity and the relationships between diversity and identity in Malta, Europe and the world.
Subject Focus: Globalisation and Global Connections (Social Studies General)
1] I can define the term globalisation.
2] I can explain global connection/s.
3] I can make global connections through the use of social media.
4] I can identify objects and aspects that feature in my everyday life that bear connections to the broader community, society and global context including travelling and the places where products and services that I consume are produced.
5] I can discuss how globalisation affects the self, society, social groups, social institutions and culture.
2] I can explain global connection/s.
3] I can make global connections through the use of social media.
4] I can identify objects and aspects that feature in my everyday life that bear connections to the broader community, society and global context including travelling and the places where products and services that I consume are produced.
5] I can discuss how globalisation affects the self, society, social groups, social institutions and culture.

Learning Area Outcome: I undertake to empathise and keep an open mind in situations of disagreement, controversy and conflict whilst acknowledging my convictions and biases e.g. political, cultural, religious, economic, sexual, gender, age. I understand how learning about the humanities can enrich my experience and understanding of the world and how it can be of value throughout my life.
Subject Focus: Culture (Social Studies General)
1] I can explain the meaning of culture.
2] I can identify the main aspects of culture:
3] I can state connections between given cultural aspects and values, with particular reference to the Maltese society.
4] I can understand the importance of culture as a means of providing personal and national identity, and cohesion within society.
5] I can explain how culture is changing through media, tourism and immigration.
6] I can explain multiculturalism, with reference to Maltese society.
7] I can discuss about other cultural identities by communicating with students in my class/school who were born/not born in Malta and have different roots.
8] I can understand the importance of showing respect and tolerance towards other cultures.
2] I can identify the main aspects of culture:
- Language
- Customs and traditions
- Technology
- Values and norms
- Beliefs
3] I can state connections between given cultural aspects and values, with particular reference to the Maltese society.
4] I can understand the importance of culture as a means of providing personal and national identity, and cohesion within society.
5] I can explain how culture is changing through media, tourism and immigration.
6] I can explain multiculturalism, with reference to Maltese society.
7] I can discuss about other cultural identities by communicating with students in my class/school who were born/not born in Malta and have different roots.
8] I can understand the importance of showing respect and tolerance towards other cultures.
Learning Area Outcome: I understand that democratic values as enshrined in the Constitution of Malta and international documents are vulnerable to different hostile threats. As a result, I undertake to protect democracy as a legacy for future generations by promoting and supporting such values where and when they are threatened. I explore and evaluate similarity and difference and change and continuity in both the past and the present.
Subject Focus: Social Change (Social Studies General)
1] I can define the term Social Change.
2] I can differentiate between evolutionary and revolutionary social change.
3] I can list different ways to show how social change affects my immediate and broader community and myself.
5] I can identify, explain and discuss different types of family models and how the family has changed through time.
6] I can describe the characteristics of my family and the role of its members and realize that my family is different from that of my own parents’ and grand-parents’.
7. I can describe how the nature of work changed over time from manual labour to today’s style which is more based on technology.
2] I can differentiate between evolutionary and revolutionary social change.
3] I can list different ways to show how social change affects my immediate and broader community and myself.
- Information technology allows family members to stay in touch with relatives and friends living abroad and sometimes replaces face-to-face communication, even if there is no need to.
- The organisation of the neighbourhood has changed over time from one that was religion based to one that is more civil and democratic.
- Families nowadays have a different lifestyle from a family that used to live in Malta more than forty years ago
- The way we use our leisure time.
5] I can identify, explain and discuss different types of family models and how the family has changed through time.
- Students will investigate and analyse the different types of family models that exist in contemporary society, how these have changed over time and how each of them has contributed to a different way of living.
6] I can describe the characteristics of my family and the role of its members and realize that my family is different from that of my own parents’ and grand-parents’.
7. I can describe how the nature of work changed over time from manual labour to today’s style which is more based on technology.
Learning Area Outcome: I can list and explain my inalienable human rights and how these are circumscribed by the rights of others.
Subject Focus: Crime, Deviance and Social Control (Social Studies General)
1] I can explain the terms crime, deviance and social control.
2] I can differentiate Deviance is not always a crime real life situations
Breaking of laws and norms.
- Socialisation as a form of self-discipline and primary social control are both important for the social development
- Different social groups (family, the class, the peer group and different youth groups and organisations) contribute to their character formation
- Rewards and punishments (sanctions) are important to regulate one’s behaviour and improve one’s character.
2] I can differentiate Deviance is not always a crime real life situations
Breaking of laws and norms.