Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Education for Democracy
Social Studies > LEVEL 8
Learning Area Outcome: I am a critical thinker and can enquire through different sources of information in order to reach well informed, rational, justified and ethical conclusions in an ongoing self-reflective process that includes re-evaluation of my own views.
Subject Focus: The Self within Society (Social Studies General)
1] I can list select past and present socio-economic, cultural events, contexts and related historical figures/movements are significantly connected to how my self and that of others have/are developed/ing and manifest/ed themselves including colonisation, the Industrial Revolution, EU Accession, national feasts giving a sense of pride, identity, independence, freedom, respect, citizenship, contribution to society; Karl Marx and the effect of the self within different economic and/or social classes.
2] I can explain the distinction between select types of identity that may comprise a self: national, local, community, gender, religious, clas, global.

2] I can explain the distinction between select types of identity that may comprise a self: national, local, community, gender, religious, clas, global.
Learning Area Outcome: I am a critical thinker and can enquire through different sources of information in order to reach well-informed, rational, justified and ethical conclusions in an on-going self-reflective process that includes re-evaluation of my own views.
Subject Focus: The Self within Society (Social Studies Option)
1] I can carry out basic research about select historical figures to analyse how their identities affected their works and society.
2] I can appraise the works and impact of influential historical figures in terms of positive and/or negative outcomes including Martin Luther King's ethnic identity and life values, which framed his work and later developments in the sphere of civil rights.

2] I can appraise the works and impact of influential historical figures in terms of positive and/or negative outcomes including Martin Luther King's ethnic identity and life values, which framed his work and later developments in the sphere of civil rights.
Learning Area Outcome: I am able to work creatively and cooperatively within my school and local community to improve the lives of others.
Subject Focus: Populations, Development and Environments (Social Studies General)
1] I can explain select past and present natural, socio-economic, cultural events and contexts and related historical movements which are significantly connected to how populations have/are developed/ing including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948; the role of the citizens in the Arab Spring uprisings in 2011.
2] I can explain sustainable development.
3] I can identify examples of un/sustainable development in my local, national and international contexts.
4] I can list examples of un/sustaninable development in my local, national and international contexts.
5] I can suggest examples of un/sustaninable development in my local, national and international contexts including the transformation of waste to a resource in Sant' Antnin Waste Treatment Plant, Marsaskala.

2] I can explain sustainable development.
3] I can identify examples of un/sustainable development in my local, national and international contexts.

4] I can list examples of un/sustaninable development in my local, national and international contexts.

5] I can suggest examples of un/sustaninable development in my local, national and international contexts including the transformation of waste to a resource in Sant' Antnin Waste Treatment Plant, Marsaskala.

Learning Area Outcome: I am able to work creatively and cooperatively within my school and local community to improve the lives of others.
Subject Focus: Populations, Development and Environments (Social Studies Option)
1] I can carry out basic research about how particular populations and my local, national and international contexts have/are developed/ing.
2] I can appraise the impact of such developments on society in terms of positive and negative outcomes including the effects of different outcomes of aging populations and sustainable development.

2] I can appraise the impact of such developments on society in terms of positive and negative outcomes including the effects of different outcomes of aging populations and sustainable development.

Learning Area Outcome: I reflect upon and explore my Maltese identity and the relationships between diversity and identity in Malta, Europe and the world.
Subject Focus: Social Groups and Social Institutions (Social Studies General)
1] I can list select, past and present, natural, socio-economic and cultural events and contexts and related historical movements that are significantly connected to how social groups and social institutions that form part of my local, national and international contexts have/are developed/ing including the impact of the Industrial Revolution on the economy; the role of female suffragate movements on todays' increased presence of females in authority and decision-making positions e.g. Former President Agatha Barbara, President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher; the impact of the Cold War on media technological development;
the role of Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela on race discrimination law in the United States and South Africa, respectively.
the role of Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela on race discrimination law in the United States and South Africa, respectively.
Learning Area Outcome: I reflect upon and explore my Maltese identity and the relationships between diversity and identity in Malta, Europe and the world.
Subject Focus: Social Groups and Social Institutions (Social Studies Option)
1] I can carry out basic research about select local, national and international social groups and institutions.
2] I can appraise the impact of such social groups and institutions on society and outline positive and negative outcomes.
2] I can appraise the impact of such social groups and institutions on society and outline positive and negative outcomes.
Learning Area Outcome: I can identify the political processes of participation, representation, campaigning for change and decision-making and I know how to take part in these democratic processes in my school, including the Students’ Council and everyday life. I explore and evaluate local and global social, economic, political and environmental issues of both the past and the present.
Subject Focus: Power and Politics (Social Studies General)
1] I can list select power structures and politics that shaped past and present natural, socio-economic, cultural events and contexts and related historical movements that form part of my local, national and international contexts including Martin Luther King, the struggle against discrimination, increased rights for minorities; and environmental interest groups and non-governmental organisations and direct/participatory democracy including campaigning, petitioning, referenda.
2] I can distinguish between power structures and dynamics of government e.g. the parliament and a general election; power structures and dynamics of governance e.g. Local Councils and by-laws of the legislative, administrative and judiciary sectors.
2] I can distinguish between power structures and dynamics of government e.g. the parliament and a general election; power structures and dynamics of governance e.g. Local Councils and by-laws of the legislative, administrative and judiciary sectors.
Learning Area Outcome: I can identify the basic political processes of participation, representation, campaigning for change and decision-making and I know how to take part in these democratic processes in my school, including the Students’ Council and everyday life.
Subject Focus: Power and Politics (Social Studies Option)
1] I can carry out basic research about power and political structures that form part of my local, national and international contexts.
2] I can appraise the impact of power and political structures on society including positive and negative outcomes of different types/modes of governments on citizenship; freedom of expression within democratic vs. totalitarian governments; representation within bi-party and multi-party democratic governments.
2] I can appraise the impact of power and political structures on society including positive and negative outcomes of different types/modes of governments on citizenship; freedom of expression within democratic vs. totalitarian governments; representation within bi-party and multi-party democratic governments.
Learning Area Outcome: I reflect upon and explore my Maltese identity and the relationships between diversity and identity in Malta, Europe and the world.
Subject Focus: Globalisation and Global Connections (Social Studies General)
1] I can show how my life and the life of select social groups and the local, national and international community are affected by globalisation and global connections including the effect of McDonaldisation in today's society making services and products available all over the world; the use of robots e.g. ATMs, internet banking and vending machines; availability of certain foods in Malta including Chinese, Indian, Mexican, etc.
2] I can explain strengths and weaknesses entailed in the connections that objects and aspects that feature in my everyday life have within the broader community, society and global context including the effect of McDonaldisation in today's society making services and products available all over the world; by the use of robots e.g. ATMs, internet banking and vending machines; carbon footprint implied in product importation.

2] I can explain strengths and weaknesses entailed in the connections that objects and aspects that feature in my everyday life have within the broader community, society and global context including the effect of McDonaldisation in today's society making services and products available all over the world; by the use of robots e.g. ATMs, internet banking and vending machines; carbon footprint implied in product importation.

Learning Area Outcome: I reflect upon and explore my Maltese identity and the relationships between diversity and identity in Malta, Europe and the world.
Subject Focus: Globalisation and Global Connections (Social Studies Option)
1] I can research information about local and international factories and mother companies in terms of the global connections implied in their operations including ways they produce, consume, employ and dispose of waste.
2] I can analyse the impact of globalisation and global connections by differentiating between the impact on social groups, populations and geographic areas in local, national and international contexts vis a vis how the international community and Malta react to major disasters e.g. Nepal 2015 earthquake; migration as a human response to local/regional problems; financial crises; non-human crises with human repercussions of European countries including different reactions from other countries; governments vis-à-vis population factions.
2] I can analyse the impact of globalisation and global connections by differentiating between the impact on social groups, populations and geographic areas in local, national and international contexts vis a vis how the international community and Malta react to major disasters e.g. Nepal 2015 earthquake; migration as a human response to local/regional problems; financial crises; non-human crises with human repercussions of European countries including different reactions from other countries; governments vis-à-vis population factions.
Learning Area Outcome: I undertake to empathise and keep an open mind in situations of disagreement, controversy and conflict whilst acknowledging my convictions and biases e.g. political, cultural, religious, economic, sexual, gender, age. I understand how learning about the humanities can enrich my experience and understanding of the world and how it can be of value throughout my life.
Subject Focus: Culture (Social Studies General)
1] I can list select cultural aspects of the local, national and international community that are/were shaped by past and present natural, socio-economic, cultural events and contexts and related historical movements including natural phenomenon and cultural aspects: the 2004 tsunami in Thailand negatively affected the country's economy; income generated by the tourism industry.
2] I can give examples of global connection, namely colonisation and mass media, which influenced cultural events including the introduction of Carnival celebrations in Malta by the Order of St John; the use of statues during patron saints' feasts; fashion trends.

2] I can give examples of global connection, namely colonisation and mass media, which influenced cultural events including the introduction of Carnival celebrations in Malta by the Order of St John; the use of statues during patron saints' feasts; fashion trends.

Learning Area Outcome: I undertake to empathise and keep an open mind in situations of disagreement, controversy and conflict whilst acknowledging my convictions and biases e.g. political, cultural, religious, economic, sexual, gender, age.
Subject Focus: Culture (Social Studies Option)
1] I can carry out basic research about particular/select cultural aspects that form part of my local, national and international contexts.
2] I can appraise the impact of such cultural aspects on society including pop music, role-models, language-use, fashion and entertainment.

2] I can appraise the impact of such cultural aspects on society including pop music, role-models, language-use, fashion and entertainment.

Learning Area Outcome: I understand that democratic values as enshrined in the Constitution of Malta and international documents are vulnerable to different hostile threats. As a result, I undertake to protect democracy as a legacy for future generations by promoting and supporting such values where and when they are threatened. I explore and evaluate similarity and difference and change and continuity in both the past and the present.
Subject Focus: Social Change (Social Studies General)
1] I can explain select socio-economic, cultural aspects and related movements that are/were forces of social change including the influence of Mahatma Gandhi on India's struggle for independence; the influence of Nelson Mandela in South Africa.
2] I can explain changes in the world of work and its sectors including agriculture, fishery, manufacturing, services, research and development and the effect of the Industrial Revolution.
2] I can explain changes in the world of work and its sectors including agriculture, fishery, manufacturing, services, research and development and the effect of the Industrial Revolution.
Learning Area Outcome: I explore and evaluate similarity and difference and change and continuity in both the past and the present.
Subject Focus: Social Change (Social Studies Option)
1] I can analyse the impact of select aspects of social change by distinguishing the impact that these have on different social groups that form part of the local, national and international community including the impact of online purchasing on the environment, economy and industry of Malta and another foreign country; the impact on the Maltese family and society by the introduction of new family laws in Malta e.g. Divorce Law (2012), same-sex civil union (2014), etc.
Learning Area Outcome: I can list and explain my inalienable human rights and how these are circumscribed by the rights of others.
Subject Focus: Crime, Deviance and Social Control (Social Studies General)
1] I can explain select socio-economic and cultural contexts and related movements that influence/d crime, deviance and social control including the Nazi Party imposing a curfew on different minorities during World War II; the Maltese Department of Civil Protection discouraging commuting in cases of extreme weather.
2] I can analyse how crime, deviance and social control can be classified in different ways, by past and present societies.
3] I can explain that what is illegal/deviant/socially controlled today may not be so forever and vice-versa including how divorce is legal in all countries except for the Phillippines and Vatican City.
2] I can analyse how crime, deviance and social control can be classified in different ways, by past and present societies.
3] I can explain that what is illegal/deviant/socially controlled today may not be so forever and vice-versa including how divorce is legal in all countries except for the Phillippines and Vatican City.
Learning Area Outcome: I can list and explain my inalienable human rights and how these are circumscribed by the rights of others.
Subject Focus: Crime, Deviance and Social Control (Social Studies Option)
1] I can analyse the impact of select laws, regulations and norms by differentiating between the impact that these have on different social groups, populations and geographic areas that form part of the local, national and international community including difficulties encountered by some European Union member-states in reaching EU2020 targets.