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Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment

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Learning Area: Languages

Maltese > LEVEL 10

Subject Focus: Speech

1] I can use a wide range of lexicon and complex syntactic structures to communicate and expose scientific, mathematical, philosophical and existentialist and abstract concepts while I adapt the level of formality of the language and the speech style to the audience and the context. 
2] After conducting research, I can speak about how Maltese culture is being kept alive by those who emigrated to faraway lands such as Australia, Canada and other places in Europe.
3]  I can lead a discussion by giving everyone a chance to feel comfortable to express themselves, I can control the rhythm and the range of arguments, I can summarise the points that were agreed or disagreed upon and lead the discussion to a suitable conclusion.
4] I can discuss, support and stick to my position in front of others with good arguments and evidence without disrespecting others.
5] I can encourage participants in a discussion to analyse the suggested proposals submitted to the discussion.
6] I can speak by exploring and expanding on other people's contributions and develop my opinions according to these. 

Subject Focus: Listening in everyday life, use of grammar and literature

.1] I can grasp specific points, secondary details and points, as well as what's being implied, and assess the idiomatic expressions and the figurative language when someone is speaking to me or to someone else.        
2] I can make a distinction between one tone and another, understand sarcasm, sardonicism and irony, the immediate effect that these tones have and the reasons why they're being used.
3] I can recognise the genre of the speech that I hear and evaluate in terms of stylistic, lexical and narrative factors, and according to how much interest it instils in the listeners.
4] I can understand the instructions by following the logical order in which they were given while understanding the purposely-chosen vocabulary and expressions for the instruction.
5] I can listen to, follow and understand the content, aims and consequences of notices and warnings conveyed orally or through other media, even those I don't come across in my everyday life.
6] I can understand different directions and, while using auditory memory, I take note of the details to form a clear mental picture and be able to direct other people.
7] I can listen attentively and understand factual and fictional pieces, including speeches, documentaries, reports with figures, data and statistics; I can answer direct, inferential and open questions about them both orally and in writing; I can evaluate and form my own judgement while I remain impartial.

Subject Focus: Reading 

1] While I read fictional or factual texts (narrative, descriptive, explanatory, sentimental, argumentative, comedic, dramatic and so on) I can identify, understand, ponder, analyse and judge the stories and/or main aspects and secondary or trivial ones and tell them apart depending on what I need.
2] When I'm reading a text, both when I take its story, theme or argument literally, as well as when I read between the lines and search for implicit messages, I can distinguish between the aim of the author when writing the text and the text itself, that can be interpreted independently of the author.
3] I can read, understand and reflect on different styles and genres of writing (poems, prose, plays, essays, etc) by, among other things, analysing the form of these texts I'm reading and by studying a range of figures of sound and speech, and metric, for example, rhyme, alliteration, onomatopoeia, rhythm, refrain, repetitions (anaphora, epizeuxis, etc); different metaphors, personifications, similes, hyperboles, rhetoric questions, apostrophes, pathetic fallacy, euphemisms, climaxes; different types of verses and forms of poetry, and so on.
4] While I'm reading I keep in mind the function/s of the text and the purpose/s it was written for by reflecting on it from different perspectives, forming an opinion about it, expressing and discussing it; I recognise whether the author is objective or not and why; I recognise its explicit and implicit messages; I put myself in the authors' shoes and imagine how I'd behave or express myself if I were in their place; I choose between different kinds of speech, for example literal, critical, ironic, allegoric, sarcastic, sardonic, didactic, emphatic and so on.
5] I recognise that a text can have a superficial level, but also a subtle, deeper and hidden level/s, therefore I pay attention to whenever I need to know all the details and/or ideas of a text, or else I can just skim over the basic and elementary information.
6] When I read argumentative texts or ones which express a view or opinion, for example social, political and philosophical texts, I can differentiate between facts and opinions or rumours, thus recognising whether the author is being impartial and/or objective, or else prejudiced and/or subjective.
7] I assess every text I read with a critical eye, which means that I compare it to other texts, even with opposite views; compare its ideas or arguments with other thoughts, even if they're the contrary; consider different views about it; consider the audience it was written for, the social, historical and cultural context; reflect on the content of the text and what has been left out on purpose and so on.   
8] As a skilled reader, I recognise and appreciate different registers of a language and the various ways of presenting facts, thoughts and feelings, therefore from the language used in writing and from its presentation, I recognise the aim of the writing, for example whether it's written as an entertaining, informative, descriptive, narrative, argumentative, explanatory, didactic, fictional or factual text and so on; in that way I can apply what I read to my life, for my own benefit and that of others.
9] While reading, I make the best use of the different ways of reading depending on the reason I'm reading, the time I have available, my reading speed and my grasp of the language, for example skimming through a text to get the gist or a general impression; scanning it to identify specific information; or read it in-depth to understand every word and not miss any detail or idea and so on.
10] I can give a summary of what I have read depending on the audience and the aim of the summary, which means mentioning its main points, events or thoughts, paying attention to what to include and what to leave out, consider the best way in which to present the text by being faithful to it without passing any judgement about it.  
11] While reading, I use my knowledge of Maltese grammar, morphology, syntax and semantics, for example the forms for verbs and nouns, the passive and active participles, the voices, the different forms of adjectives, pronouns, adverbs, gender and quantity agreements in nouns and adjectives, syntactic agreement between subject and verb, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and homophones and so on, to understand everything that I'm reading, reflect on it, interpret it and form an opinion about it.
12] While reading I pay attention to and use all punctuation marks, not only to read properly, for example to read out loud, but also to understand what I'm reading, reflect on it and interpret it.
13] As a skilled reader I recognise when I can predict the meaning of a word whose meaning I don't know from my knowledge of the language and the context in which it presents itself, and when necessary, I can look it up in a dictionary, thesaurus, glossary or other reference books; I understand that a word's meaning can change from one place to another, with the passing of time and might have a different meaning to the foreign word it is derived from; and I recognise that words in different contexts like metaphors, proverbs, idioms and other expressions, might have figurative meaning that goes beyond their literal meaning.

Subject Focus: Writing 

1] I can write speeches of between 300 and 350 words about current themes.

Subject Focus:  Literature

1] I can use carefully chosen terms about meter and prosody to compare, assess and comment about a range of Maltese and international literary texts.
2] I can talk about recurrent archetypal models and figures in main literary texts and how these go through developments depending on the years and the literary movement.
3] I recognise that a text can have different meanings and interpretations and I can support them with researched evidence from the same text and also from different ones.
4] I can identify with certain particular texts which I feel are part of my personal, social, cultural and national identity.
5] I can appreciate, take part in, assess and comment on plays that are put up in theatres about different subjects such as historical, realistic and contemporary ones.
6] I recognise the stylistic and thematic differences there might be between literary texts from different times such as early times, Romanticism, Modernism, Realism, Postmodernism and so on.
7] I can read and appreciate seminal texts from foreign literature, translated works or works in their original language, and I recognise that Maltese works might have been inspired, influenced, have similarities or differences when compared to these works.
8] I can evaluate with a critical eye orally and/or in writing any similarities and/or differences between a number of texts in different genres, whether they've been studied before or not, compare their ideas or arguments, wiegh different views about them, consider the audience and the social, historical and cultural context they were written for.   

Subject Focus: The Language

The article:
1] The word 'wieħed/waħda' can have the euphonic vowel and article when they show a specific amount such as 'għaxar ewro il-wieħed', 'tliet sigħat il-waħda'

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