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Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment

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Learning Area: Languages

Maltese > LEVEL 9

Subject Focus: Speech

1] I can speak with confidence, adapt and change the course of my speech, increase or decrease the volume of my voice, articulate and pronounce the words well according to the context and the aim of the communication, for example when I give a speech or presentation. 
2] I can speak for a duration of time that's appropriate to the context, in different styles and registers, in a confident, clear and appropriate manner in formal/informal and social occasions, such as when I have to present information during a school, work or local council meeting.
3] I can submit requests and pose questions accurately to acquire detailed information such as when I ask for information about new subjects and processes that necessitate a considerable amount of detail, for example when I submit a job application and the documents/forms that I send.
4] I can use a wide range of lexicon and complex syntactic structures to communicate scientific, mathematical and literary concepts while I can adapt the level of formality of the language and the speech style according to the audience and the context. 
5] I can build my speech in a structured way by using special markings that help listeners follow my line of thought such as the use of key words, emphasis with tonalities and non-verbal gestures and the rest.
6] I can present my information, research and ideas in an environment where the listeners are invited to and feel comfortable asking me to clarify any points so that they can understand better.
7] I can speak by using texts in different registers of the Maltese language, including about sections of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Social Studies, History, Religion, Information Technology, Home Economics, Art, Physical Education, Technological Design, Personal Development Studies, Drama, Expressive Arts and vocational subjects.
8] I can speak about people or organisations that have helped or contributed in various ways to the fact that today Maltese is a national and official language of our country.  
9] After conducting research, I can speak about Maltese culture in the context of Mediterranean and other European cultures.
10] I can give my contribution so that the discussion can progress as desired, where at the end of it solutions are found, decisions are taken and proposals are agreed and accepted by all, for example in discussions about serious and conflicting subjects that still require action, like agreement on the cleaning of the common areas in your block; proposals about the compulsary age of education; establishment of a policy about inclusion of people with a drug/drink problem in the local sports club.
11] I can make useful and timely interventions and contributions to unblock a discussion that's not going anywhere and is going to fail.
12] In a discussion, I can adapt my contribution according to the needs of the audience, the context, the aim and the situation, depending on the different subjects and environments I am in, for example when I discuss with my family, at school or with my friends.
13] I can make sure my contribution in a discussion is related to the subject being discussed, the nature of the group that's doing the discussion, the level of urgency in what is being talked about and other factors, for example when I take part in a variety of discussions with different subjects and in different environments like in a band club, in a parish centre and in a football club. 
14] I can use the correct phrases to enter and intervene in a discussion and change the subject without domineering.
15] I can adapt my contributions in a discussion by considering the content, the time available and the level of detail that are suitable to different circumstances.
16] I can support my opinions and arguments with solid, valid and convincing points, with strong evidence to be able to convince the others and not by forcing them to accept my views. INTERPERSONAL
17]  I can use various strategies to reinforce my arguments such as suitable language and gestures that inspire trust and cooperation among the speakers so that they can truly express their different views without any fear and in a constructive way.
18] With my speech, I can show respect towards the other speakers when we discuss current themes that provoke strong debates because of the diverse and conflicting opinions there might be, where I remain productive and calm without losing myself in the heat of the argument. 
19] I can discuss themes of a linguistic nature in the context of the Maltese language, past and present, such as to what extent Maltese words can be kept pure without interference from foreign words, Maltese identity in the European and global reality that's becoming multilingual in a shrinking world that's advancing technologically every day, the future linguistic needs for the world of work and studies.
20] I can discuss, analyse and appreciate the different dialects of Maltese that we use among ourselves in everyday speech. These dialects enrich the Maltese language to make it better able to serve us as a native tongue.

Subject Focus: Listening in everyday life, use of grammar and literature

1] I can grasp specific points and details as well as more complex idiomatic expressions in a dialogue, conversation, interview, formal discussion, autobiographical story or discussion and so on.  
2] I can distinguish between one tone and another, understand sarcasm and irony, and notice their immediate effect on the listeners.
3] I can understand what I'm being told when I'm addressed in figurative language.
4] I can listen attentively to and understand factual and fictional pieces, such as speeches, documentaries, reports with figures, data and statistics; I can answer direct, inferential and open questions about them, both orally and in writing; I can evaluate and form my own judgement about them, by comparing them to my own experiences.
5] I can recognise the genre of speech I am hearing, I can draw the facts and opinions and evaluate them according to the time, the place and the social context in which they were said.
6] I can listen to and understand texts in different registers of the Maltese language, such as those of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Social Studies, History, Religion, Information Technology, Home Economics, Art, Physical Education, Technological Design, Personal Development Studies, Drama, Expressive Arts and vocational subjects.
7] I can understand the purposely chosen vocabulary in instructions used in situations that I don't come across in everyday life.
8] I can understand directions about places that I'm familiar or not familiar with, use my auditory memory, formulate some questions to ask for more details about what I am hearing and give the directions again in my own words.
9] I can listen to and follow the content and understand what notices and warnings are meant for, whether they're communicated orally or through the media, even those I don't come across in everyday life.
10] I can listen to, follow and understand a series of different reports, discussions and news; I can give facts and details after interpreting and evaluating what I have listened to, including the indirect messages that they're sending out, such as in a television feature or interview.
11] I can follow, understand, draw and memorise important details while I evaluate and interpret in my own words adverts in different genres, that I'm not familiar with their subject.

Subject Focus: Reading 

1] While reading fictional, factual, narrative, descriptive, explanatory and argumentative texts I identify and understand the stories and/or the main aspects and can tell them apart from secondary and trivial stories/aspects. 
2] While reading a text, I recognise whether I need to read the story, theme or argument in a literal way, or if I need to read between the lines, see implicit messages, and, if necessary, research the subject from other sources. 
3] I recognise that a large number of texts serve different functions and are not written for one purpose only, therefore I need to look at the texts that I read from different perspectives; form an opinion about the texts that I read, express it and discuss it; recognise if and whether the writer is being objective or not; recognise the explicit and implicit messages; put myself in the author's place and imagine how I would behave or express myself; choose between different tones, for example literal, ironic, didactic, or sarcastic, and so on.
4] I recognise and decide when I only need to read the main points or when I also need to read the secondary and the not-so-important points, and recognise and decide when I need to know all the details and/or ideas, or if I can cope with just basic or elementary information.
5] When I read argumentative texts or ones that express a view or opinion, for example, social or political texts, I recognise that these texts are presenting a specific point of view that is not necessarily impartial, objective or well-researched; therefore I have to weigh out the arguments, check whether they're backed by evidence or research and form an opinion about the text from research that I conduct and not just from the text itself.
6] I read and understand texts in different registers of the Maltese language, for example those used in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Social Studies, History, Religion, Information Technology, Home Economics, Art, Physical Education, Technological Design, Personal Development Studies, Drama, Expressive Arts and vocational subjects.
7] As a reader with a certain amount of experience, I recognise different registers of language and different ways of presenting facts, thoughts and feelings; therefore from the language used in the writing and from its presentation, I recognise what the aim of the writing was, for example, whether it's an entertaining, informative, narrative, argumentative, explanatory, didactic, fictional or factual text and so on; in that way I can apply what I read to my everyday life.
8] While I read I use different ways of reading depending on the reason why I'm reading, the time available, my reading speed and my grasp of the language, for example skimming through a text to get the gist or a general impression; scan it to identify specific information; or read it in-depth to understand every word and not miss any detail or idea and so on.
9] I can do a summary of what I read depending on why I read it, my interests and my needs. 
10] I can properly use dictionaries, thesauri, glossaries and encyclopedias, both printed or digital, to search for words I don't know the meaning of, for example technical words in different registers, by searching in alphabetical order, the consonantal root or morphemic stem, form of the verb or noun, etymology, and so on; by recognising the prefixes and suffixes and removing them from the words to be able to look up their meaning; by following the abbreviations and helpful information given in these texts, and by considering all other information that's provided in texts of this sort.

Subject Focus: Writing 

1] I can write reports of between 70 and 100 words about true stories and events, as well as other hypothetical ones.
2] I can write notices of between 70 and 100 words that feature slogans that are related to them.
3] I can write emails and formal postal letters of between 70 and 100 words.
4] I can write fictional stories, for example ones with a historical or maritime setting, thrillers and so on, of between 300 and 350 words that feature characters, stories, places and settings.
5] I can write texts about current themes of between 300 and 350 words after I've researched them.
6] I can write argumentative pieces of between 300 and 350 words based on pre-researched information and give my views and personal position about them.
7] I can write pieces that expose certain themes of between 300 and 350 words based on pre-researched information and I can give my personal views and position about them.
8] I make sure I write or type my pieces in Maltese that is free of mistakes in syntax, morphology and grammar, spelling and punctuation, and I present them in a clear and neat way. 
9] I use modern technological means to present my writings in Maltese fonts, for example when I write an email, present a project and so on.

Subject Focus:  Literature

1] Through speech and/or writing, I can reflect, analyse, judge and pass literary comments about texts which have been studied already and also others that I've never seen before, while supporting my speech and/or writing with quotations and/or references from the same texts.
2] Through speech or writing, I can assess with a critical eye the similarities and/or differences between a number of texts in different genres, whether they've been studied before or not, compare their ideas or arguments, and consider the audience and social and historical context in which they were written.
3] I can follow and understand songs in Maltese in different styles and genres, understand their figurative language, notice the characteristics that constitute this figurative language and interpret its effect on myself and on the environment that surrounds me while I extract quotes that strike me when I hear them.

4] I can distinguish and understand tones, voices, rhythms and gestures (such as happy, sad, nostalgic, mysterious, ironic, sarcastic, hyperbolic and so on) of a variety of literary texts and I appreciate the effect they have on the context of the text and on myself.
5] I can recognise and understand how literary texts use models of sound like alliteration, meter (regular and/or free verse), onomatopoeia, elision, rhyme (couplet/alternate/internal/free verse) and tone, and I appreciate the effect they have in the context of the text and on myself.
6] I can recognise and understand how literary texts use figurative language such as metaphors (recognition of the central one), personification, synecdoche, similes, and rhetoric models such as repetition, anaphora, apostrophe, hyperbole, irony, rhetorical questions and sarcasm; and I appreciate the effect they have in the context of the text and on myself.
7] I can recognise and understand how literary texts use structural aspects like asyndeton, polysyndeton, caesura, enjambment, indentation, parallelism, stanza, a specific register and I appreciate the effect they have in the context of the text and on myself.
8] When I write or talk about literary texts, I use references and quotations from them to reinforce my reflections, analysis, opinion and/or judgements in relation to them.
9] I can talk and/or write about a literary text by using the appropriate terminology related to form, structure and content, and how this tool is used by the poet/author to achieve the desired effects and I can judge whether these have been achieved or not.
10] I can analyse orally and/or in writing the development of the characters, the story, the audience, the motive, the setting, the style and theme of the literary texts and give my personal interpretation of them after I've considered the other interpretations.
11] I can take notes of things that I consider necessary and central to use as a basis on which to build my analysis of the literary text, both orally and in writing.
12] I can classify literary texts according to universal themes like love, the environment, identity and so on.

Subject Focus: The Language

The consonants:
1] I know when liquid consonants m/l can stand without a vowel such as in 'iġmla', 'jilmħu', 'rahomlha', 'tahomlha'.
2] I know how liquid consonants can stand between 2 consonants if one of them is '' or 'h' such as 'ehmżu', 'agħrfu', 'negħlbu', 'fehmti'.
The vowels:
3] I know when I have to introduce the consonant j/w when there is the vowel i/u in front of another vowel such as in the word 'duwa', 'zija'.
The article:
4] I know that some proper foreign names that necessitate the euphonic vowel at the front still need to keep the capital letter while the euphonic vowel is written as a small letter. These could be names of products, brands or scientific names such as 'l-iSprite', 'l-iStegosaurus' and so on.
5] I know that the article assimilates and is written according to Maltese phonetics when it happens to be in front of a noun that's spelled in the original foreign language such as 'il-Choir Laudate Dei', 'ix-Ship Building', 'is-CID' and so on.
The participles
6] When writing sentences, I can use well the adverbs that show achievement and doubt such as 'tajjeb', 'għandu mnejn' and so on.
The morphemic stem:
7] I know that certain foreign words that had the same morphemic stem in the original language, in Maltese these can have different morphemic stems depending on their phonetic, such as in 'magna/makkinarju'; 'inkwadra/inkwatru/kwadrat'; 'prietka/predikatur' and so on.
8] I know that some verbs that have filtered into the Maltese language, especially those deriving from English, are constructed by doubling the first consonant of the morphemic stem and adding the 'j' in front of the suffix indicating the tense such as 'nipparkjaw', 'iffilmjajt' and 'nipprintjaw'.
Forms of the semitic verb:
9] I know how verbs are created in the 7/8th, 9th and 10th form, and I appreciate the different semantic meanings that can be derived such as 'il-pulizija qabad lill-ħalliel li nqabad jisraq'; 'Huma laqgħu lil sħabhom l-ajruport u wara ltaqgħu mal-familja kollha d-dar'; 'Il-kap tal-iskola stieden lill-istudenti biex jipparteċipaw aktar'.
The participle:
10] Depending on the different functions, I know how to construct and use the past and present participles of semitic and foreign verbs such as 'Ir-rieqed jinsab rieqed fl-għar'; 'Max ir-rieqed'; 'Kristu msallab, l-imsallab/il-mislub'.
The composite tenses:
11] I know how to use the composite tenses in the imperfect with the use of words like 'qiegħed', 'kont', 'inkun', for example 'qiegħed naqra', 'kont naqra', 'tkun taqra'.
The nouns:
12] I know how to create nouns indicating place, time, tools and groupings when they derive from semitic verbs with the preformative 'm' (the mimate noun) such as 'mitħna', 'mqass', 'Milied', 'mixtla', as well as others deriving from foreign words, especially from Romance languages such as 'ġelaterija', 'pizzerija', 'piraterija', 'librerija', 'pastizzerija', 'stamperija' and so on.
13] I know how abstract verbs are derived from nouns, verbs or adjectives deriving from semitic as well as foreign languages such as 'abjad-bjuda'; 'sabiħ-sbuħija'; 'immaġni-immaġinazzjoni'; 'jobgħod-mibegħda'; 'spjega-spjegazzjoni'; 'ikkonsulta-konsultazzjoni', 'iġġudika-aġġudikazzjoni'; 'perfett-perfezzjoni' and so on.
Noun quantities:
14] I know there are some nouns that can have the plural of their plural such as 'tarf-truf-trufijiet'; 'darba-drabi-drabijiet'; 'elf-eluf-elufijiet' and so on.
15] I know there are some prefixes that never join the word such as 'Aġent President' and 'viċi sindku' and so on, while others are joined because we got used to them, such as 'primadonna' and so on.

16] I know how to write and join a prefix to another prefix at the beginning of words such as 'bużbużnannu', 'pitpitgħada', 'postanti-Moderniżmu' and so on.

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