Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Languages
Maltese > LEVEL 7
Subject Focus: Speech in everyday life, use of grammar and literature.
1] I can speak fluently and use good idiomatic expressions, with natural ease in every context I am speaking in.
2] I can use a number of registers depending on the formality of the situation and the relationship between the speakers, and I can switch registers according to the context I am in and the audience.
3] I can orally express the necessary level of detail in what I say and can always keep to the subject when I'm describing, explaining and telling a story, after I recognise and consider the context, situation and audience.
4] I understand that in conversation, apart from facts I can also include my opinions and feelings that can be part of the descriptions, explanations and stories, but always taking into consideration my context, situation and audience.
5] I can do requests and pose my questions to acquire information that I'm not familiar with by using formal, educated and polite language by using the appropriate registers in the different contexts.
6] In my speech, I work strategies to clarify what I have heard and confirm that I understood well when I speak on media such as the telephone, Skype, television and radio, or when I answer a phone call from a person I don't know, I ask for the film schedule, make an appointment with someone I don't know and the rest.
7] I can do oral presentations with the help of technological means, drama, songs and expressive arts, about specific subjects that I didn't choose after I would have looked into them and researched them.
8] I can explain and reinforce with examples the way Maltese lexicon has formed and is still forming in a number of specific sectors of our lives because of its contact with foreign languages due to political, religious, economical and technological realities and more.
9] I can speak in the different registers of the Maltese language, including about subjects such as Mathematics, Science, Geography, Social Studies, History, Religion, Information Technology, Home Economics, Art, Physical Education, Technological Design, Drama and Expressive Arts.
10] I can predict the start and/or the core and/or the end of a text that I have heard, give it a different angle and explain why I gave it that angle.
11] I can explain why figures of speech and figures of sound, like alliteration, rhyme, onomatopoeia, personification, metaphor and similes are used in different texts, including literary ones, and I can create similar examples in my speech.
12] I can talk about the development of the plot, the main and secondary characters and the setting of this same plot by putting myself in the shoes of a character/s and talk about what I would feel/say/do if I were in the same situation.
13] I can talk about the structure of a literary text by discussing the tone/s used by the writer, the lexicon and idiom used, and speculate about the reasons why I think these might have been used and give my opinion about whether the desired effects have been achieved or not.
14] I can compare similar or different aspects of the same theme as it emerges in two different texts of the same genre, for example, a romantic poem and a modern one, both about love.
15] I can give a relevant contribution to a discussion by intervening in the right moment and using hand gestures and/or eye contact, with words or phrases that help me tie my contribution to those of others.
16] I respect the democratic rules of the productive discussion where I give everyone a chance to speak in equal measure and when it's their turn.
17] I can discuss with my friends the cultural diversity that we have in Malta nowadays because of many reasons such as the influx of foreigners as tourists/migrants; the effects of social media and means of communication so that while recognising the effects of these cultures on our country and the Maltese culture, together with my friends I identify what can be done to strengthen that which gives us our identity.
18] I can discuss with my friends linguistic/semantic/syntactic/lexical variations of speech in aspects of everyday life that we use ourselves or that we know are used in different areas of the Maltese islands.
2] I can use a number of registers depending on the formality of the situation and the relationship between the speakers, and I can switch registers according to the context I am in and the audience.

3] I can orally express the necessary level of detail in what I say and can always keep to the subject when I'm describing, explaining and telling a story, after I recognise and consider the context, situation and audience.

4] I understand that in conversation, apart from facts I can also include my opinions and feelings that can be part of the descriptions, explanations and stories, but always taking into consideration my context, situation and audience.

5] I can do requests and pose my questions to acquire information that I'm not familiar with by using formal, educated and polite language by using the appropriate registers in the different contexts.

6] In my speech, I work strategies to clarify what I have heard and confirm that I understood well when I speak on media such as the telephone, Skype, television and radio, or when I answer a phone call from a person I don't know, I ask for the film schedule, make an appointment with someone I don't know and the rest.

7] I can do oral presentations with the help of technological means, drama, songs and expressive arts, about specific subjects that I didn't choose after I would have looked into them and researched them.

8] I can explain and reinforce with examples the way Maltese lexicon has formed and is still forming in a number of specific sectors of our lives because of its contact with foreign languages due to political, religious, economical and technological realities and more.

9] I can speak in the different registers of the Maltese language, including about subjects such as Mathematics, Science, Geography, Social Studies, History, Religion, Information Technology, Home Economics, Art, Physical Education, Technological Design, Drama and Expressive Arts.
10] I can predict the start and/or the core and/or the end of a text that I have heard, give it a different angle and explain why I gave it that angle.
11] I can explain why figures of speech and figures of sound, like alliteration, rhyme, onomatopoeia, personification, metaphor and similes are used in different texts, including literary ones, and I can create similar examples in my speech.
12] I can talk about the development of the plot, the main and secondary characters and the setting of this same plot by putting myself in the shoes of a character/s and talk about what I would feel/say/do if I were in the same situation.

13] I can talk about the structure of a literary text by discussing the tone/s used by the writer, the lexicon and idiom used, and speculate about the reasons why I think these might have been used and give my opinion about whether the desired effects have been achieved or not.
14] I can compare similar or different aspects of the same theme as it emerges in two different texts of the same genre, for example, a romantic poem and a modern one, both about love.
15] I can give a relevant contribution to a discussion by intervening in the right moment and using hand gestures and/or eye contact, with words or phrases that help me tie my contribution to those of others.

16] I respect the democratic rules of the productive discussion where I give everyone a chance to speak in equal measure and when it's their turn.

17] I can discuss with my friends the cultural diversity that we have in Malta nowadays because of many reasons such as the influx of foreigners as tourists/migrants; the effects of social media and means of communication so that while recognising the effects of these cultures on our country and the Maltese culture, together with my friends I identify what can be done to strengthen that which gives us our identity.

18] I can discuss with my friends linguistic/semantic/syntactic/lexical variations of speech in aspects of everyday life that we use ourselves or that we know are used in different areas of the Maltese islands.

Subject Focus: Listening in everyday life, use of grammar and literature.
1] I can understand and answer different kinds of questions that are addressed to me about a range of subjects, in different contexts and situations.
2] I can draw specific points and details as well as expressions while someone is talking to me or to others, such as in an informal conversation, presentation, explanation, interview, short autobiographical story, discussion, and so on.
3] I can recognise different tones, voices and gestures used in everyday life in the telling of stories, reading of poems, plays, news, formal and informal speeches, such as an ironic or sarcastic tone.
4] I can recognise the genre of the text that I hear, even if communicated through technological means, for example a report, article, information piece, and so on; I can draw and recognise their main aim and argument and the principal information.

5] I can listen attentively and understand factual and fictional pieces; I can answer direct, inferential or open questions, both orally and by writing about them, and I can compare them to my own experiences.
6] I can understand and follow the order or sequence of instructions related to contexts of everyday life, such as those I hear on the media that use vocabulary suitable to the situation such as recipe instructions, or instructions on how to work an electronic appliance.
7] I can listen to, follow and understand notices and warnings that I come across in everyday life and in the society around me, including those aimed at the general public on the media, such as notices about closed roads or cuts in electricity supply and so on.
8] I can understand directions to places that I may or may not be familiar with, by using my auditory memory to remember important details.
9] I can listen to, follow and understand information pieces, reports and news about subjects that I know or that I have never heard of, while I can draw details to pass them on in a shortened form to other people, such as a report about an accident, a report with some statistics, a weather report, the sports news, interesting news from other countries, and so on.
10] I can follow a discussion in concentration so that I can grasp its main points and use them for different purposes, such as sharing my ideas with others, design a task, solve a problem, clarify any points over which there's a lack of agreement or divergent opinions, and so on.
11] I can follow and understand adverts while I draw and memorise important details from them, such as an advert for a concert to be held in Malta, an advert about a new product on the market or an advert for a new car or digital game.
12] I can listen to a literary text and recognise the plot, the setting and the main characteristics of the principal and secondary characters, follow a direct dialogue between two characters or more, and recognise similes, adjectives and other characteristics of the language such as figures of sound and speech, tone and how these affect the story.
13] I can listen to and follow songs while experiencing the thoughts and feelings they evoke.
14] While listening to factual texts, I can use strategies to help me understand better what I have listened to and I can talk or write and elaborate on them, such as note-taking, choosing words which are central, short phrases and so on.
15] I can understand what is being said when I'm spoken to in different registers of the Maltese language, such as about sections of Mathematics, Science, Geography, Social Studies, History, Religion, Information Technology, Home Economics, Art, Physical Education, Technological Design, Personal Development Studies, Drama and Expressive Arts.
2] I can draw specific points and details as well as expressions while someone is talking to me or to others, such as in an informal conversation, presentation, explanation, interview, short autobiographical story, discussion, and so on.

3] I can recognise different tones, voices and gestures used in everyday life in the telling of stories, reading of poems, plays, news, formal and informal speeches, such as an ironic or sarcastic tone.
4] I can recognise the genre of the text that I hear, even if communicated through technological means, for example a report, article, information piece, and so on; I can draw and recognise their main aim and argument and the principal information.


5] I can listen attentively and understand factual and fictional pieces; I can answer direct, inferential or open questions, both orally and by writing about them, and I can compare them to my own experiences.
6] I can understand and follow the order or sequence of instructions related to contexts of everyday life, such as those I hear on the media that use vocabulary suitable to the situation such as recipe instructions, or instructions on how to work an electronic appliance.

7] I can listen to, follow and understand notices and warnings that I come across in everyday life and in the society around me, including those aimed at the general public on the media, such as notices about closed roads or cuts in electricity supply and so on.

8] I can understand directions to places that I may or may not be familiar with, by using my auditory memory to remember important details.
9] I can listen to, follow and understand information pieces, reports and news about subjects that I know or that I have never heard of, while I can draw details to pass them on in a shortened form to other people, such as a report about an accident, a report with some statistics, a weather report, the sports news, interesting news from other countries, and so on.

10] I can follow a discussion in concentration so that I can grasp its main points and use them for different purposes, such as sharing my ideas with others, design a task, solve a problem, clarify any points over which there's a lack of agreement or divergent opinions, and so on.
11] I can follow and understand adverts while I draw and memorise important details from them, such as an advert for a concert to be held in Malta, an advert about a new product on the market or an advert for a new car or digital game.
12] I can listen to a literary text and recognise the plot, the setting and the main characteristics of the principal and secondary characters, follow a direct dialogue between two characters or more, and recognise similes, adjectives and other characteristics of the language such as figures of sound and speech, tone and how these affect the story.
13] I can listen to and follow songs while experiencing the thoughts and feelings they evoke.

14] While listening to factual texts, I can use strategies to help me understand better what I have listened to and I can talk or write and elaborate on them, such as note-taking, choosing words which are central, short phrases and so on.
15] I can understand what is being said when I'm spoken to in different registers of the Maltese language, such as about sections of Mathematics, Science, Geography, Social Studies, History, Religion, Information Technology, Home Economics, Art, Physical Education, Technological Design, Personal Development Studies, Drama and Expressive Arts.
Subject Focus: Reading in everyday life, use of grammar and literature.
1] I can read in a way that makes sense, with a clear voice, fluent rhythm and with confidence, and understand writings in different genres by many authors. I can read to myself, alone, in silence, for pleasure, in front of others, with others and so on, for example recipes, poems, short stories, plays, newspapers, magazines, horror stories, funny stories, fictitious or real stories, autobiographies and so on.
2] I recognise that authors use different styles and forms of writing such as the use of rhyme, rhythm, personification, metaphors, hyperbole and other figures of sound and speech in poetry; an introduction, body and conclusion in an essay; a plot and sub-plot, setting and characters in a story; different voices in the stories and so on.
3] I can understand the texts I read, ponder them, form an opinion about them and express it, can answer direct and inferential questions about them, recognise whether the writing is fictional or realistic, extract the messages the author wants to convey, even the implicit ones, and how these affect the readers; compare what I read with my own experiences and those of others, reflect about the context and time in which it was written and so on.
4] I can choose what writings to read according to my tastes and the information I need by reading the title, sub-title, table of content, chapters, page numbers, sections, images or pictures, captions, the front and back covers, indexes, preface, the message on the cover and the bibliography; whenever I go to search for books at the library or look for information in an encyclopedia or on websites and so on.
5] From narrative, descriptive, light argumentative and factual I can extract not only the main points but also the secondary ones by following the thought-process or the path of the story/stories or the thematic development and choose between the most important words, phrases and sentences and those that aren't.
6] I can look for information about a number of subjects from different sources according to what I need and to my tastes, such as from books, encyclopedias, reference books, newspapers, magazines, leaflets, the internet, biographies and autobiographies, history books and so on.
7] I recognise that different genres of writing have different functions and use different registers, for example adverts want to sell, factual books want to teach, popular novels want to be entertaining, comedic short stories want to make people laugh, newspapers want to inform and so on.
8] I recognise that in instructions, directions, prescriptions and so on, writers make use of the imperative and of words that show direction, like adverbs, for example in texts like recipes, lists of regulations, applications, manuals, digital games, informative maps and so on.
9] I can deduce the meaning of difficult words and expressions that I don't know through the sense of the sentences/paragraph/s, and/or from the context by, among other things, comparing these words to other words, for example words with their matrix verb (mamma) and their consonantal root (għerq), nouns deriving from other other nouns like the mimated nouns, diminutives/augmentitives, and the rest like 'ġnejna' (small garden) from 'ġnien' (garden); trejqa (path) from 'triq' (street); 'banketta' (stool)/'bankun' (large bench) from 'bank' (bench); 'furkettun' (fork hoe) from 'furketta' (fork); 'paletta' (small shovel) from 'pala' (shovel).
10] I can read and understand a text by extracting only the information I need by reading some words, phrases and sentences only, or words and pictures only, and so on, for example when I'm looking for a specific time or destination in a schedule, information about a single subject in an encyclopedia, a single piece of news from among many in a website and so on.
11] While I'm reading I can identify the verbs and recognise the tense (the imperative and the indicative) and the aspects that are being used so that I can understand better what I am reading.
12] I can read with a loud voice and in a correct, lively and expressive way, with intonations and voice modulations that match what is dictated by the punctuation of the text I'm reading so that any listener will understand well the thoughts and message the text intends to convey.
13] I can use dictionaries and thesauri well to look up the words I don't know the meaning of, I don't know how to write, pronounce or read, in other words by using the alphabetical order, the consonantal root (għerq) or morphemic stem (zokk morfemiku), the matrix verb (mamma) or the main form of the word, the etymology and so on.
14] I can read in different registers of the Maltese language, including about subjects such as Mathematics, Science, Geography, Social Studies, History, Religion, Information Technology, Home Economics, Art, Physical Education, Technological Design, Personal Development Studies, Drama and Expressive Arts.
15] From reading, I can differentiate the main ideas from the secondary ones and speak about them or put them in writing in a short form or in points.

2] I recognise that authors use different styles and forms of writing such as the use of rhyme, rhythm, personification, metaphors, hyperbole and other figures of sound and speech in poetry; an introduction, body and conclusion in an essay; a plot and sub-plot, setting and characters in a story; different voices in the stories and so on.
3] I can understand the texts I read, ponder them, form an opinion about them and express it, can answer direct and inferential questions about them, recognise whether the writing is fictional or realistic, extract the messages the author wants to convey, even the implicit ones, and how these affect the readers; compare what I read with my own experiences and those of others, reflect about the context and time in which it was written and so on.

4] I can choose what writings to read according to my tastes and the information I need by reading the title, sub-title, table of content, chapters, page numbers, sections, images or pictures, captions, the front and back covers, indexes, preface, the message on the cover and the bibliography; whenever I go to search for books at the library or look for information in an encyclopedia or on websites and so on.

5] From narrative, descriptive, light argumentative and factual I can extract not only the main points but also the secondary ones by following the thought-process or the path of the story/stories or the thematic development and choose between the most important words, phrases and sentences and those that aren't.

6] I can look for information about a number of subjects from different sources according to what I need and to my tastes, such as from books, encyclopedias, reference books, newspapers, magazines, leaflets, the internet, biographies and autobiographies, history books and so on.

7] I recognise that different genres of writing have different functions and use different registers, for example adverts want to sell, factual books want to teach, popular novels want to be entertaining, comedic short stories want to make people laugh, newspapers want to inform and so on.
8] I recognise that in instructions, directions, prescriptions and so on, writers make use of the imperative and of words that show direction, like adverbs, for example in texts like recipes, lists of regulations, applications, manuals, digital games, informative maps and so on.
9] I can deduce the meaning of difficult words and expressions that I don't know through the sense of the sentences/paragraph/s, and/or from the context by, among other things, comparing these words to other words, for example words with their matrix verb (mamma) and their consonantal root (għerq), nouns deriving from other other nouns like the mimated nouns, diminutives/augmentitives, and the rest like 'ġnejna' (small garden) from 'ġnien' (garden); trejqa (path) from 'triq' (street); 'banketta' (stool)/'bankun' (large bench) from 'bank' (bench); 'furkettun' (fork hoe) from 'furketta' (fork); 'paletta' (small shovel) from 'pala' (shovel).

10] I can read and understand a text by extracting only the information I need by reading some words, phrases and sentences only, or words and pictures only, and so on, for example when I'm looking for a specific time or destination in a schedule, information about a single subject in an encyclopedia, a single piece of news from among many in a website and so on.

11] While I'm reading I can identify the verbs and recognise the tense (the imperative and the indicative) and the aspects that are being used so that I can understand better what I am reading.

12] I can read with a loud voice and in a correct, lively and expressive way, with intonations and voice modulations that match what is dictated by the punctuation of the text I'm reading so that any listener will understand well the thoughts and message the text intends to convey.

13] I can use dictionaries and thesauri well to look up the words I don't know the meaning of, I don't know how to write, pronounce or read, in other words by using the alphabetical order, the consonantal root (għerq) or morphemic stem (zokk morfemiku), the matrix verb (mamma) or the main form of the word, the etymology and so on.

14] I can read in different registers of the Maltese language, including about subjects such as Mathematics, Science, Geography, Social Studies, History, Religion, Information Technology, Home Economics, Art, Physical Education, Technological Design, Personal Development Studies, Drama and Expressive Arts.
15] From reading, I can differentiate the main ideas from the secondary ones and speak about them or put them in writing in a short form or in points.

Subject Focus: Writing in everyday life, use of grammar and literature.
1] I can find good models of different writings to expand my vocabulary, expression and the idiomatic use of my writings depending on what I'm aiming for and the audiences I have in mind.
2] I think about how to plan and organise my ideas in a logical way and/or in sequence, when, among other things, I craft a web of thoughts, conceptual maps, lists and so on, and from these I draw up a draft for my writings according to the aims and audience of my writings.
3] I can take notes while I'm researching or listening to a discussion and expand on them to be able to use them later in my work, including through technological and digital means.
4] I can divide my writings in paragraphs of different sizes depending on the style required by the genre I'm writing in and tie them together for continuity, logic and coherence.
5] I can write concise captions for photos and pictures related to stories and events from the world of music, sports, culture, cinema, and so on.
6] I can create slogans about factual themes and connect pictures and photos that go well with them.
7] I can keep an inventory of objects located in places like my classroom, my room, a shop and so on.
8] I can write fictional stories, for example fictional, science fiction, magic, horror stories and so on of between 200 and 250 words that feature characters, stories, places and settings.
9] I can write factual pieces, including compositions, articles and reports, about a variety of themes with information and news from the worlds of science and technology of between 200 and 250 words after I've looked them up and conducted research about them.
10] I can write argumentative pieces where I explain the pros and cons of a position, opinion and so on of between 200 and 250 words based on researched information.
11] I write my day's events in a diary and express personal opinions, judgements and reflections about some of them.
12] I can write poems and rhymes in different genres and forms for pleasure, about themes that strike me and which feature simple figures of speech and sound.
13] I am careful at writing and typing my pieces in Maltese free of mistakes in syntax, morphology and grammar, spelling and punctuation, and I present them in a clear and neat way.
14] I can use modern technological means to present my writings in Maltese fonts, for example when I write an email, present a project and so on.
15] I can write processes, warnings and directions in different contexts.
16] I can draft a number of questions in writing, and if necessary their answers as well, to use them for various purposes during an interview, for example to gather information, biographical data, opinions and so on.
17] I can write texts in different registers of the Maltese language, including about subjects like Mathematics, Science, Geography, Social Studies, History, Religion, Information Technology, Home Economics, Art, Physical Education and Technological Design, Personal Development Studies and Expressive Arts.
18] I can compare texts and literary excerpts of the same genre (poetry or prose) and find common elements and/or differences in their characterisation, setting and story.
19] I can write a film/play/book review that I have watched or read and give my views about the artistic production, the story, the characters and so on.
2] I think about how to plan and organise my ideas in a logical way and/or in sequence, when, among other things, I craft a web of thoughts, conceptual maps, lists and so on, and from these I draw up a draft for my writings according to the aims and audience of my writings.

3] I can take notes while I'm researching or listening to a discussion and expand on them to be able to use them later in my work, including through technological and digital means.

4] I can divide my writings in paragraphs of different sizes depending on the style required by the genre I'm writing in and tie them together for continuity, logic and coherence.

5] I can write concise captions for photos and pictures related to stories and events from the world of music, sports, culture, cinema, and so on.

6] I can create slogans about factual themes and connect pictures and photos that go well with them.

7] I can keep an inventory of objects located in places like my classroom, my room, a shop and so on.

8] I can write fictional stories, for example fictional, science fiction, magic, horror stories and so on of between 200 and 250 words that feature characters, stories, places and settings.
9] I can write factual pieces, including compositions, articles and reports, about a variety of themes with information and news from the worlds of science and technology of between 200 and 250 words after I've looked them up and conducted research about them.

10] I can write argumentative pieces where I explain the pros and cons of a position, opinion and so on of between 200 and 250 words based on researched information.

11] I write my day's events in a diary and express personal opinions, judgements and reflections about some of them.
12] I can write poems and rhymes in different genres and forms for pleasure, about themes that strike me and which feature simple figures of speech and sound.

13] I am careful at writing and typing my pieces in Maltese free of mistakes in syntax, morphology and grammar, spelling and punctuation, and I present them in a clear and neat way.

14] I can use modern technological means to present my writings in Maltese fonts, for example when I write an email, present a project and so on.

15] I can write processes, warnings and directions in different contexts.

16] I can draft a number of questions in writing, and if necessary their answers as well, to use them for various purposes during an interview, for example to gather information, biographical data, opinions and so on.

17] I can write texts in different registers of the Maltese language, including about subjects like Mathematics, Science, Geography, Social Studies, History, Religion, Information Technology, Home Economics, Art, Physical Education and Technological Design, Personal Development Studies and Expressive Arts.
18] I can compare texts and literary excerpts of the same genre (poetry or prose) and find common elements and/or differences in their characterisation, setting and story.
19] I can write a film/play/book review that I have watched or read and give my views about the artistic production, the story, the characters and so on.