Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Languages
Maltese as a Foreign Language > LEVEL 10
Subject Focus: Writing
1] I can write in more detail whilst strengthening opinions by adding secondary points, reasons and relevant examples.
2] I can systematically develop an opinion in writing where I emphasise important points whilst presenting additional relevant details.
3] I can write descriptions of complex subjects clearly and in detail.
4] I can write independently and without constantly consulting a dictionary.

2] I can systematically develop an opinion in writing where I emphasise important points whilst presenting additional relevant details.

3] I can write descriptions of complex subjects clearly and in detail.

4] I can write independently and without constantly consulting a dictionary.

Subject Focus: Reading
1] I can read and understand any type of correspondence sometimes using a good, updated dictionary.
2] I can understand in detail long and complex instructions on new equipment or procedures that go beyond the subjects I am familiar with as long as I reread the difficult parts.

2] I can understand in detail long and complex instructions on new equipment or procedures that go beyond the subjects I am familiar with as long as I reread the difficult parts.

Subject Focus: Listening
1] I can follow animated discussions between native speakers e.g. debates, a member of an audience.
2] I can understand well enough to follow a long discussion on abstract and complex subjects beyond what I am familiar with, although sometimes I may have to confirm some details especially if the accent is not a familiar one.
3] I can recognise a wide range of informal and idiomatic expressions and understand changes in style.
4] I can follow a long speech even when it is not clearly structured and when the relation between ideas are implied and not explicit.
5] I can follow lessons, discussions and other debates relatively easily.
6] I can gather specific information from programmes of inferior quality both in terms of information/content as well as the broadcast.
7] I can understand complex and technical information e.g. instructions on how to operate equipment and details on products and services I am familiar with.
8] I can understand recorded audio material that includes some words in Maltese dialect, whilst I can identify fine details including the attitudes of and the implicit relationships between the speakers.
9] I can follow films that include a considerable amount of language that is dialectical and idiomatic.

2] I can understand well enough to follow a long discussion on abstract and complex subjects beyond what I am familiar with, although sometimes I may have to confirm some details especially if the accent is not a familiar one.
3] I can recognise a wide range of informal and idiomatic expressions and understand changes in style.

4] I can follow a long speech even when it is not clearly structured and when the relation between ideas are implied and not explicit.
5] I can follow lessons, discussions and other debates relatively easily.
6] I can gather specific information from programmes of inferior quality both in terms of information/content as well as the broadcast.

7] I can understand complex and technical information e.g. instructions on how to operate equipment and details on products and services I am familiar with.

8] I can understand recorded audio material that includes some words in Maltese dialect, whilst I can identify fine details including the attitudes of and the implicit relationships between the speakers.

9] I can follow films that include a considerable amount of language that is dialectical and idiomatic.

Subject Focus: Speaking
1] I can express myself fluently and spontaneously without needing to think about what expressions to use.
2] I can use the language effectively and in a flexible manner for social and professional purposes.
3] I can structure ideas and opinions with precision and convey them clearly to others.
4] I can present detailed descriptions of complex subjects by incorporating secondary themes and developing particular points, whilst finishing with appropriate conclusions.
2] I can use the language effectively and in a flexible manner for social and professional purposes.

3] I can structure ideas and opinions with precision and convey them clearly to others.

4] I can present detailed descriptions of complex subjects by incorporating secondary themes and developing particular points, whilst finishing with appropriate conclusions.